GC clean up.

Greater use of directories and namespaces.
Fix bugs that cause verify options to fail.
Address numerous other issues:

GC barrier wait occurring holding locks:
GC barrier waits occur when we wait for threads to run the check point function
on themselves. This is happening with the heap bitmap and mutator lock held
meaning that a thread that tries to take either lock exclusively will block
waiting on a thread that is waiting. If this thread is the thread we're waiting
to run the check point then the VM will deadlock.
This deadlock occurred unnoticed as the call to check for wait safety was
removed in: https://googleplex-android-review.googlesource.com/#/c/249423/1.

Existing timing log states when a split ends but not when it begins. This isn't
good for systrace, in the context of GC it means that races between mutators
and the GC are hard to discover what phase the GC is in, we know what phase it
just finished and derive but that's not ideal.

Support for only 1 discontinuous space:
Code special cases continuous and large object space, rather than assuming we
can have a collection of both.

Sorted atomic stacks:
Used to improve verification performance. Simplify their use and add extra

Simplify mod-union table abstractions.

Reduce use of std::strings and their associated overhead in hot code.

Make time units of fields explicit.

Reduce confusion that IsAllocSpace is really IsDlMallocSpace.

Make GetTotalMemory (exposed via System) equal to the footprint (as in Dalvik)
rather than the max memory footprint.

Change-Id: Ie87067140fa4499b15edab691fe6565d79599812
diff --git a/src/gc/collector/mark_sweep.cc b/src/gc/collector/mark_sweep.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d54fec6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/collector/mark_sweep.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,1544 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "mark_sweep.h"
+#include <functional>
+#include <numeric>
+#include <climits>
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/macros.h"
+#include "base/mutex-inl.h"
+#include "base/timing_logger.h"
+#include "gc/accounting/card_table-inl.h"
+#include "gc/accounting/heap_bitmap.h"
+#include "gc/accounting/space_bitmap-inl.h"
+#include "gc/heap.h"
+#include "gc/space/image_space.h"
+#include "gc/space/large_object_space.h"
+#include "gc/space/space-inl.h"
+#include "indirect_reference_table.h"
+#include "intern_table.h"
+#include "jni_internal.h"
+#include "monitor.h"
+#include "mark_sweep-inl.h"
+#include "mirror/class-inl.h"
+#include "mirror/class_loader.h"
+#include "mirror/dex_cache.h"
+#include "mirror/field.h"
+#include "mirror/field-inl.h"
+#include "mirror/object-inl.h"
+#include "mirror/object_array.h"
+#include "mirror/object_array-inl.h"
+#include "runtime.h"
+#include "thread-inl.h"
+#include "thread_list.h"
+#include "verifier/method_verifier.h"
+using namespace art::mirror;
+namespace art {
+namespace gc {
+namespace collector {
+// Performance options.
+static const bool kParallelMarkStack = true;
+static const bool kDisableFinger = kParallelMarkStack;
+static const bool kUseMarkStackPrefetch = true;
+// Profiling and information flags.
+static const bool kCountClassesMarked = false;
+static const bool kProfileLargeObjects = false;
+static const bool kMeasureOverhead = false;
+static const bool kCountTasks = false;
+static const bool kCountJavaLangRefs = false;
+class SetFingerVisitor {
+ public:
+  SetFingerVisitor(MarkSweep* const mark_sweep) : mark_sweep_(mark_sweep) {
+  }
+  void operator ()(void* finger) const {
+    mark_sweep_->SetFinger(reinterpret_cast<Object*>(finger));
+  }
+ private:
+  MarkSweep* const mark_sweep_;
+void MarkSweep::ImmuneSpace(space::ContinuousSpace* space) {
+  // Bind live to mark bitmap if necessary.
+  if (space->GetLiveBitmap() != space->GetMarkBitmap()) {
+    BindLiveToMarkBitmap(space);
+  }
+  // Add the space to the immune region.
+  if (immune_begin_ == NULL) {
+    DCHECK(immune_end_ == NULL);
+    SetImmuneRange(reinterpret_cast<Object*>(space->Begin()),
+                   reinterpret_cast<Object*>(space->End()));
+  } else {
+    const std::vector<space::ContinuousSpace*>& spaces = GetHeap()->GetContinuousSpaces();
+    const space::ContinuousSpace* prev_space = NULL;
+    // Find out if the previous space is immune.
+    // TODO: C++0x
+    typedef std::vector<space::ContinuousSpace*>::const_iterator It;
+    for (It it = spaces.begin(), end = spaces.end(); it != end; ++it) {
+      if (*it == space) {
+        break;
+      }
+      prev_space = *it;
+    }
+    // If previous space was immune, then extend the immune region. Relies on continuous spaces
+    // being sorted by Heap::AddContinuousSpace.
+    if (prev_space != NULL &&
+        immune_begin_ <= reinterpret_cast<Object*>(prev_space->Begin()) &&
+        immune_end_ >= reinterpret_cast<Object*>(prev_space->End())) {
+      immune_begin_ = std::min(reinterpret_cast<Object*>(space->Begin()), immune_begin_);
+      immune_end_ = std::max(reinterpret_cast<Object*>(space->End()), immune_end_);
+    }
+  }
+void MarkSweep::BindBitmaps() {
+  const std::vector<space::ContinuousSpace*>& spaces = GetHeap()->GetContinuousSpaces();
+  WriterMutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), *Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_);
+  // Mark all of the spaces we never collect as immune.
+  typedef std::vector<space::ContinuousSpace*>::const_iterator It;
+  for (It it = spaces.begin(), end = spaces.end(); it != end; ++it) {
+    space::ContinuousSpace* space = *it;
+    if (space->GetGcRetentionPolicy() == space::kGcRetentionPolicyNeverCollect) {
+      ImmuneSpace(space);
+    }
+  }
+MarkSweep::MarkSweep(Heap* heap, bool is_concurrent, const std::string& name_prefix)
+    : GarbageCollector(heap,
+                       name_prefix + (name_prefix.empty() ? "" : " ") +
+                       (is_concurrent ? "concurrent mark sweep": "mark sweep")),
+      current_mark_bitmap_(NULL),
+      java_lang_Class_(NULL),
+      mark_stack_(NULL),
+      finger_(NULL),
+      immune_begin_(NULL),
+      immune_end_(NULL),
+      soft_reference_list_(NULL),
+      weak_reference_list_(NULL),
+      finalizer_reference_list_(NULL),
+      phantom_reference_list_(NULL),
+      cleared_reference_list_(NULL),
+      gc_barrier_(new Barrier(0)),
+      large_object_lock_("mark sweep large object lock", kMarkSweepLargeObjectLock),
+      mark_stack_expand_lock_("mark sweep mark stack expand lock"),
+      is_concurrent_(is_concurrent),
+      clear_soft_references_(false) {
+void MarkSweep::InitializePhase() {
+  timings_.Reset();
+  timings_.StartSplit("InitializePhase");
+  mark_stack_ = GetHeap()->mark_stack_.get();
+  DCHECK(mark_stack_ != NULL);
+  finger_ = NULL;
+  SetImmuneRange(NULL, NULL);
+  soft_reference_list_ = NULL;
+  weak_reference_list_ = NULL;
+  finalizer_reference_list_ = NULL;
+  phantom_reference_list_ = NULL;
+  cleared_reference_list_ = NULL;
+  freed_bytes_ = 0;
+  freed_objects_ = 0;
+  class_count_ = 0;
+  array_count_ = 0;
+  other_count_ = 0;
+  large_object_test_ = 0;
+  large_object_mark_ = 0;
+  classes_marked_ = 0;
+  overhead_time_ = 0;
+  work_chunks_created_ = 0;
+  work_chunks_deleted_ = 0;
+  reference_count_ = 0;
+  java_lang_Class_ = Class::GetJavaLangClass();
+  CHECK(java_lang_Class_ != NULL);
+  FindDefaultMarkBitmap();
+  // Do any pre GC verification.
+  heap_->PreGcVerification(this);
+void MarkSweep::ProcessReferences(Thread* self) {
+  timings_.NewSplit("ProcessReferences");
+  WriterMutexLock mu(self, *Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_);
+  ProcessReferences(&soft_reference_list_, clear_soft_references_, &weak_reference_list_,
+                    &finalizer_reference_list_, &phantom_reference_list_);
+bool MarkSweep::HandleDirtyObjectsPhase() {
+  Thread* self = Thread::Current();
+  accounting::ObjectStack* allocation_stack = GetHeap()->allocation_stack_.get();
+  Locks::mutator_lock_->AssertExclusiveHeld(self);
+  {
+    timings_.NewSplit("ReMarkRoots");
+    WriterMutexLock mu(self, *Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_);
+    // Re-mark root set.
+    ReMarkRoots();
+    // Scan dirty objects, this is only required if we are not doing concurrent GC.
+    RecursiveMarkDirtyObjects(accounting::CardTable::kCardDirty);
+  }
+  ProcessReferences(self);
+  // Only need to do this if we have the card mark verification on, and only during concurrent GC.
+  if (GetHeap()->verify_missing_card_marks_) {
+    WriterMutexLock mu(self, *Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_);
+    // This second sweep makes sure that we don't have any objects in the live stack which point to
+    // freed objects. These cause problems since their references may be previously freed objects.
+    SweepArray(allocation_stack, false);
+  } else {
+    timings_.NewSplit("UnMarkAllocStack");
+    WriterMutexLock mu(self, *Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_);
+    // The allocation stack contains things allocated since the start of the GC. These may have been
+    // marked during this GC meaning they won't be eligible for reclaiming in the next sticky GC.
+    // Remove these objects from the mark bitmaps so that they will be eligible for sticky
+    // collection.
+    heap_->UnMarkAllocStack(GetHeap()->alloc_space_->GetMarkBitmap(),
+                            GetHeap()->large_object_space_->GetMarkObjects(),
+                            allocation_stack);
+  }
+  return true;
+bool MarkSweep::IsConcurrent() const {
+  return is_concurrent_;
+void MarkSweep::MarkingPhase() {
+  Heap* heap = GetHeap();
+  Thread* self = Thread::Current();
+  timings_.NewSplit("BindBitmaps");
+  BindBitmaps();
+  FindDefaultMarkBitmap();
+  // Process dirty cards and add dirty cards to mod union tables.
+  heap->ProcessCards(timings_);
+  // Need to do this before the checkpoint since we don't want any threads to add references to
+  // the live stack during the recursive mark.
+  timings_.NewSplit("SwapStacks");
+  heap->SwapStacks();
+  WriterMutexLock mu(self, *Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_);
+  if (Locks::mutator_lock_->IsExclusiveHeld(self)) {
+    // If we exclusively hold the mutator lock, all threads must be suspended.
+    timings_.NewSplit("MarkRoots");
+    MarkRoots();
+  } else {
+    timings_.NewSplit("MarkRootsCheckpoint");
+    MarkRootsCheckpoint(self);
+    timings_.NewSplit("MarkNonThreadRoots");
+    MarkNonThreadRoots();
+  }
+  timings_.NewSplit("MarkConcurrentRoots");
+  MarkConcurrentRoots();
+  heap->UpdateAndMarkModUnion(this, timings_, GetGcType());
+  MarkReachableObjects();
+void MarkSweep::MarkReachableObjects() {
+  // Mark everything allocated since the last as GC live so that we can sweep concurrently,
+  // knowing that new allocations won't be marked as live.
+  timings_.NewSplit("MarkStackAsLive");
+  accounting::ObjectStack* live_stack = heap_->GetLiveStack();
+  heap_->MarkAllocStack(heap_->alloc_space_->GetLiveBitmap(),
+                       heap_->large_object_space_->GetLiveObjects(),
+                       live_stack);
+  live_stack->Reset();
+  // Recursively mark all the non-image bits set in the mark bitmap.
+  RecursiveMark();
+  DisableFinger();
+void MarkSweep::ReclaimPhase() {
+  Thread* self = Thread::Current();
+  if (!IsConcurrent()) {
+    ProcessReferences(self);
+  }
+  // Before freeing anything, lets verify the heap.
+  if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+    ReaderMutexLock mu(self, *Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_);
+    VerifyImageRoots();
+  }
+  heap_->PreSweepingGcVerification(this);
+  {
+    WriterMutexLock mu(self, *Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_);
+    // Reclaim unmarked objects.
+    Sweep(false);
+    // Swap the live and mark bitmaps for each space which we modified space. This is an
+    // optimization that enables us to not clear live bits inside of the sweep. Only swaps unbound
+    // bitmaps.
+    timings_.NewSplit("SwapBitmaps");
+    SwapBitmaps();
+    // Unbind the live and mark bitmaps.
+    UnBindBitmaps();
+  }
+void MarkSweep::SetImmuneRange(Object* begin, Object* end) {
+  immune_begin_ = begin;
+  immune_end_ = end;
+void MarkSweep::FindDefaultMarkBitmap() {
+  const std::vector<space::ContinuousSpace*>& spaces = GetHeap()->GetContinuousSpaces();
+  // TODO: C++0x
+  typedef std::vector<space::ContinuousSpace*>::const_iterator It;
+  for (It it = spaces.begin(), end = spaces.end(); it != end; ++it) {
+    space::ContinuousSpace* space = *it;
+    if (space->GetGcRetentionPolicy() == space::kGcRetentionPolicyAlwaysCollect) {
+      current_mark_bitmap_ = (*it)->GetMarkBitmap();
+      CHECK(current_mark_bitmap_ != NULL);
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  GetHeap()->DumpSpaces();
+  LOG(FATAL) << "Could not find a default mark bitmap";
+void MarkSweep::ExpandMarkStack() {
+  // Rare case, no need to have Thread::Current be a parameter.
+  MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), mark_stack_expand_lock_);
+  if (UNLIKELY(mark_stack_->Size() < mark_stack_->Capacity())) {
+    // Someone else acquired the lock and expanded the mark stack before us.
+    return;
+  }
+  std::vector<Object*> temp;
+  temp.insert(temp.begin(), mark_stack_->Begin(), mark_stack_->End());
+  mark_stack_->Resize(mark_stack_->Capacity() * 2);
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < temp.size(); ++i) {
+    mark_stack_->PushBack(temp[i]);
+  }
+inline void MarkSweep::MarkObjectNonNullParallel(const Object* obj, bool check_finger) {
+  DCHECK(obj != NULL);
+  if (MarkObjectParallel(obj)) {
+    if (kDisableFinger || (check_finger && obj < finger_)) {
+      while (UNLIKELY(!mark_stack_->AtomicPushBack(const_cast<Object*>(obj)))) {
+        // Only reason a push can fail is that the mark stack is full.
+        ExpandMarkStack();
+      }
+    }
+  }
+inline void MarkSweep::MarkObjectNonNull(const Object* obj, bool check_finger) {
+  DCHECK(obj != NULL);
+  if (obj >= immune_begin_ && obj < immune_end_) {
+    DCHECK(IsMarked(obj));
+    return;
+  }
+  // Try to take advantage of locality of references within a space, failing this find the space
+  // the hard way.
+  accounting::SpaceBitmap* object_bitmap = current_mark_bitmap_;
+  if (UNLIKELY(!object_bitmap->HasAddress(obj))) {
+    accounting::SpaceBitmap* new_bitmap = heap_->GetMarkBitmap()->GetContinuousSpaceBitmap(obj);
+    if (LIKELY(new_bitmap != NULL)) {
+      object_bitmap = new_bitmap;
+    } else {
+      MarkLargeObject(obj);
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  // This object was not previously marked.
+  if (!object_bitmap->Test(obj)) {
+    object_bitmap->Set(obj);
+    if (kDisableFinger || (check_finger && obj < finger_)) {
+      // Do we need to expand the mark stack?
+      if (UNLIKELY(mark_stack_->Size() >= mark_stack_->Capacity())) {
+        ExpandMarkStack();
+      }
+      // The object must be pushed on to the mark stack.
+      mark_stack_->PushBack(const_cast<Object*>(obj));
+    }
+  }
+// Rare case, probably not worth inlining since it will increase instruction cache miss rate.
+bool MarkSweep::MarkLargeObject(const Object* obj) {
+  // TODO: support >1 discontinuous space.
+  space::LargeObjectSpace* large_object_space = GetHeap()->GetLargeObjectsSpace();
+  accounting::SpaceSetMap* large_objects = large_object_space->GetMarkObjects();
+  if (kProfileLargeObjects) {
+    ++large_object_test_;
+  }
+  if (UNLIKELY(!large_objects->Test(obj))) {
+    // TODO: mark may be called holding the JNI global references lock, Contains will hold the
+    // large object space lock causing a lock level violation. Bug: 9414652;
+    if (!kDebugLocking && !large_object_space->Contains(obj)) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << "Tried to mark " << obj << " not contained by any spaces";
+      LOG(ERROR) << "Attempting see if it's a bad root";
+      VerifyRoots();
+      LOG(FATAL) << "Can't mark bad root";
+    }
+    if (kProfileLargeObjects) {
+      ++large_object_mark_;
+    }
+    large_objects->Set(obj);
+    // Don't need to check finger since large objects never have any object references.
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+inline bool MarkSweep::MarkObjectParallel(const Object* obj) {
+  DCHECK(obj != NULL);
+  if (obj >= immune_begin_ && obj < immune_end_) {
+    DCHECK(IsMarked(obj));
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Try to take advantage of locality of references within a space, failing this find the space
+  // the hard way.
+  accounting::SpaceBitmap* object_bitmap = current_mark_bitmap_;
+  if (UNLIKELY(!object_bitmap->HasAddress(obj))) {
+    accounting::SpaceBitmap* new_bitmap = heap_->GetMarkBitmap()->GetContinuousSpaceBitmap(obj);
+    if (new_bitmap != NULL) {
+      object_bitmap = new_bitmap;
+    } else {
+      // TODO: Remove the Thread::Current here?
+      // TODO: Convert this to some kind of atomic marking?
+      MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), large_object_lock_);
+      return MarkLargeObject(obj);
+    }
+  }
+  // Return true if the object was not previously marked.
+  return !object_bitmap->AtomicTestAndSet(obj);
+// Used to mark objects when recursing.  Recursion is done by moving
+// the finger across the bitmaps in address order and marking child
+// objects.  Any newly-marked objects whose addresses are lower than
+// the finger won't be visited by the bitmap scan, so those objects
+// need to be added to the mark stack.
+void MarkSweep::MarkObject(const Object* obj) {
+  if (obj != NULL) {
+    MarkObjectNonNull(obj, true);
+  }
+void MarkSweep::MarkRoot(const Object* obj) {
+  if (obj != NULL) {
+    MarkObjectNonNull(obj, false);
+  }
+void MarkSweep::MarkRootParallelCallback(const Object* root, void* arg) {
+  DCHECK(root != NULL);
+  DCHECK(arg != NULL);
+  MarkSweep* mark_sweep = reinterpret_cast<MarkSweep*>(arg);
+  mark_sweep->MarkObjectNonNullParallel(root, false);
+void MarkSweep::MarkObjectCallback(const Object* root, void* arg) {
+  DCHECK(root != NULL);
+  DCHECK(arg != NULL);
+  MarkSweep* mark_sweep = reinterpret_cast<MarkSweep*>(arg);
+  mark_sweep->MarkObjectNonNull(root, false);
+void MarkSweep::ReMarkObjectVisitor(const Object* root, void* arg) {
+  DCHECK(root != NULL);
+  DCHECK(arg != NULL);
+  MarkSweep* mark_sweep = reinterpret_cast<MarkSweep*>(arg);
+  mark_sweep->MarkObjectNonNull(root, true);
+void MarkSweep::VerifyRootCallback(const Object* root, void* arg, size_t vreg,
+                                   const StackVisitor* visitor) {
+  reinterpret_cast<MarkSweep*>(arg)->VerifyRoot(root, vreg, visitor);
+void MarkSweep::VerifyRoot(const Object* root, size_t vreg, const StackVisitor* visitor) {
+  // See if the root is on any space bitmap.
+  if (GetHeap()->GetLiveBitmap()->GetContinuousSpaceBitmap(root) == NULL) {
+    space::LargeObjectSpace* large_object_space = GetHeap()->GetLargeObjectsSpace();
+    if (!large_object_space->Contains(root)) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << "Found invalid root: " << root;
+      if (visitor != NULL) {
+        LOG(ERROR) << visitor->DescribeLocation() << " in VReg: " << vreg;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void MarkSweep::VerifyRoots() {
+  Runtime::Current()->GetThreadList()->VerifyRoots(VerifyRootCallback, this);
+// Marks all objects in the root set.
+void MarkSweep::MarkRoots() {
+  Runtime::Current()->VisitNonConcurrentRoots(MarkObjectCallback, this);
+void MarkSweep::MarkNonThreadRoots() {
+  Runtime::Current()->VisitNonThreadRoots(MarkObjectCallback, this);
+void MarkSweep::MarkConcurrentRoots() {
+  // Visit all runtime roots and clear dirty flags.
+  Runtime::Current()->VisitConcurrentRoots(MarkObjectCallback, this, false, true);
+class CheckObjectVisitor {
+ public:
+  CheckObjectVisitor(MarkSweep* const mark_sweep)
+      : mark_sweep_(mark_sweep) {
+  }
+  void operator ()(const Object* obj, const Object* ref, MemberOffset offset, bool is_static) const
+    if (kDebugLocking) {
+      Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_->AssertSharedHeld(Thread::Current());
+    }
+    mark_sweep_->CheckReference(obj, ref, offset, is_static);
+  }
+ private:
+  MarkSweep* const mark_sweep_;
+void MarkSweep::CheckObject(const Object* obj) {
+  DCHECK(obj != NULL);
+  CheckObjectVisitor visitor(this);
+  VisitObjectReferences(obj, visitor);
+void MarkSweep::VerifyImageRootVisitor(Object* root, void* arg) {
+  DCHECK(root != NULL);
+  DCHECK(arg != NULL);
+  MarkSweep* mark_sweep = reinterpret_cast<MarkSweep*>(arg);
+  DCHECK(mark_sweep->heap_->GetMarkBitmap()->Test(root));
+  mark_sweep->CheckObject(root);
+void MarkSweep::BindLiveToMarkBitmap(space::ContinuousSpace* space) {
+  CHECK(space->IsDlMallocSpace());
+  space::DlMallocSpace* alloc_space = space->AsDlMallocSpace();
+  accounting::SpaceBitmap* live_bitmap = space->GetLiveBitmap();
+  accounting::SpaceBitmap* mark_bitmap = alloc_space->mark_bitmap_.release();
+  GetHeap()->GetMarkBitmap()->ReplaceBitmap(mark_bitmap, live_bitmap);
+  alloc_space->temp_bitmap_.reset(mark_bitmap);
+  alloc_space->mark_bitmap_.reset(live_bitmap);
+class ScanObjectVisitor {
+ public:
+  ScanObjectVisitor(MarkSweep* const mark_sweep) : mark_sweep_(mark_sweep) {
+  }
+  // TODO: Fixme when anotatalysis works with visitors.
+  void operator ()(const Object* obj) const NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
+    if (kDebugLocking) {
+      Locks::mutator_lock_->AssertSharedHeld(Thread::Current());
+      Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_->AssertExclusiveHeld(Thread::Current());
+    }
+    mark_sweep_->ScanObject(obj);
+  }
+ private:
+  MarkSweep* const mark_sweep_;
+void MarkSweep::ScanGrayObjects(byte minimum_age) {
+  accounting::CardTable* card_table = GetHeap()->GetCardTable();
+  const std::vector<space::ContinuousSpace*>& spaces = GetHeap()->GetContinuousSpaces();
+  ScanObjectVisitor visitor(this);
+  SetFingerVisitor finger_visitor(this);
+  // TODO: C++0x
+  typedef std::vector<space::ContinuousSpace*>::const_iterator It;
+  for (It it = spaces.begin(), space_end = spaces.end(); it != space_end; ++it) {
+    space::ContinuousSpace* space = *it;
+    switch (space->GetGcRetentionPolicy()) {
+      case space::kGcRetentionPolicyNeverCollect:
+        timings_.NewSplit("ScanGrayImageSpaceObjects");
+        break;
+      case space::kGcRetentionPolicyFullCollect:
+        timings_.NewSplit("ScanGrayZygoteSpaceObjects");
+        break;
+      case space::kGcRetentionPolicyAlwaysCollect:
+        timings_.NewSplit("ScanGrayAllocSpaceObjects");
+        break;
+    }
+    byte* begin = space->Begin();
+    byte* end = space->End();
+    // Image spaces are handled properly since live == marked for them.
+    accounting::SpaceBitmap* mark_bitmap = space->GetMarkBitmap();
+    card_table->Scan(mark_bitmap, begin, end, visitor, finger_visitor, minimum_age);
+  }
+class CheckBitmapVisitor {
+ public:
+  CheckBitmapVisitor(MarkSweep* mark_sweep) : mark_sweep_(mark_sweep) {
+  }
+  void operator ()(const Object* obj) const NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
+    if (kDebugLocking) {
+      Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_->AssertSharedHeld(Thread::Current());
+    }
+    DCHECK(obj != NULL);
+    mark_sweep_->CheckObject(obj);
+  }
+ private:
+  MarkSweep* mark_sweep_;
+void MarkSweep::VerifyImageRoots() {
+  // Verify roots ensures that all the references inside the image space point
+  // objects which are either in the image space or marked objects in the alloc
+  // space
+  CheckBitmapVisitor visitor(this);
+  const std::vector<space::ContinuousSpace*>& spaces = GetHeap()->GetContinuousSpaces();
+  // TODO: C++0x
+  typedef std::vector<space::ContinuousSpace*>::const_iterator It;
+  for (It it = spaces.begin(), end = spaces.end(); it != end; ++it) {
+    if ((*it)->IsImageSpace()) {
+      space::ImageSpace* space = (*it)->AsImageSpace();
+      uintptr_t begin = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(space->Begin());
+      uintptr_t end = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(space->End());
+      accounting::SpaceBitmap* live_bitmap = space->GetLiveBitmap();
+      DCHECK(live_bitmap != NULL);
+      live_bitmap->VisitMarkedRange(begin, end, visitor, VoidFunctor());
+    }
+  }
+// Populates the mark stack based on the set of marked objects and
+// recursively marks until the mark stack is emptied.
+void MarkSweep::RecursiveMark() {
+  timings_.NewSplit("RecursiveMark");
+  // RecursiveMark will build the lists of known instances of the Reference classes.
+  // See DelayReferenceReferent for details.
+  CHECK(soft_reference_list_ == NULL);
+  CHECK(weak_reference_list_ == NULL);
+  CHECK(finalizer_reference_list_ == NULL);
+  CHECK(phantom_reference_list_ == NULL);
+  CHECK(cleared_reference_list_ == NULL);
+  const bool partial = GetGcType() == kGcTypePartial;
+  SetFingerVisitor set_finger_visitor(this);
+  ScanObjectVisitor scan_visitor(this);
+  if (!kDisableFinger) {
+    finger_ = NULL;
+    const std::vector<space::ContinuousSpace*>& spaces = GetHeap()->GetContinuousSpaces();
+    // TODO: C++0x
+    typedef std::vector<space::ContinuousSpace*>::const_iterator It;
+    for (It it = spaces.begin(), end = spaces.end(); it != end; ++it) {
+      space::ContinuousSpace* space = *it;
+      if ((space->GetGcRetentionPolicy() == space::kGcRetentionPolicyAlwaysCollect) ||
+          (!partial && space->GetGcRetentionPolicy() == space::kGcRetentionPolicyFullCollect)) {
+        current_mark_bitmap_ = space->GetMarkBitmap();
+        if (current_mark_bitmap_ == NULL) {
+          GetHeap()->DumpSpaces();
+          LOG(FATAL) << "invalid bitmap";
+        }
+        // This function does not handle heap end increasing, so we must use the space end.
+        uintptr_t begin = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(space->Begin());
+        uintptr_t end = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(space->End());
+        current_mark_bitmap_->VisitMarkedRange(begin, end, scan_visitor, set_finger_visitor);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  DisableFinger();
+  timings_.NewSplit("ProcessMarkStack");
+  ProcessMarkStack();
+bool MarkSweep::IsMarkedCallback(const Object* object, void* arg) {
+  return
+      reinterpret_cast<MarkSweep*>(arg)->IsMarked(object) ||
+      !reinterpret_cast<MarkSweep*>(arg)->GetHeap()->GetLiveBitmap()->Test(object);
+void MarkSweep::RecursiveMarkDirtyObjects(byte minimum_age) {
+  ScanGrayObjects(minimum_age);
+  timings_.NewSplit("ProcessMarkStack");
+  ProcessMarkStack();
+void MarkSweep::ReMarkRoots() {
+  Runtime::Current()->VisitRoots(ReMarkObjectVisitor, this, true, true);
+void MarkSweep::SweepJniWeakGlobals(IsMarkedTester is_marked, void* arg) {
+  JavaVMExt* vm = Runtime::Current()->GetJavaVM();
+  MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), vm->weak_globals_lock);
+  IndirectReferenceTable* table = &vm->weak_globals;
+  typedef IndirectReferenceTable::iterator It;  // TODO: C++0x auto
+  for (It it = table->begin(), end = table->end(); it != end; ++it) {
+    const Object** entry = *it;
+    if (!is_marked(*entry, arg)) {
+      *entry = kClearedJniWeakGlobal;
+    }
+  }
+struct ArrayMarkedCheck {
+  accounting::ObjectStack* live_stack;
+  MarkSweep* mark_sweep;
+// Either marked or not live.
+bool MarkSweep::IsMarkedArrayCallback(const Object* object, void* arg) {
+  ArrayMarkedCheck* array_check = reinterpret_cast<ArrayMarkedCheck*>(arg);
+  if (array_check->mark_sweep->IsMarked(object)) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  accounting::ObjectStack* live_stack = array_check->live_stack;
+  return std::find(live_stack->Begin(), live_stack->End(), object) == live_stack->End();
+void MarkSweep::SweepSystemWeaksArray(accounting::ObjectStack* allocations) {
+  Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
+  // The callbacks check
+  // !is_marked where is_marked is the callback but we want
+  // !IsMarked && IsLive
+  // So compute !(!IsMarked && IsLive) which is equal to (IsMarked || !IsLive).
+  // Or for swapped (IsLive || !IsMarked).
+  ArrayMarkedCheck visitor;
+  visitor.live_stack = allocations;
+  visitor.mark_sweep = this;
+  runtime->GetInternTable()->SweepInternTableWeaks(IsMarkedArrayCallback, &visitor);
+  runtime->GetMonitorList()->SweepMonitorList(IsMarkedArrayCallback, &visitor);
+  SweepJniWeakGlobals(IsMarkedArrayCallback, &visitor);
+void MarkSweep::SweepSystemWeaks() {
+  Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
+  // The callbacks check
+  // !is_marked where is_marked is the callback but we want
+  // !IsMarked && IsLive
+  // So compute !(!IsMarked && IsLive) which is equal to (IsMarked || !IsLive).
+  // Or for swapped (IsLive || !IsMarked).
+  runtime->GetInternTable()->SweepInternTableWeaks(IsMarkedCallback, this);
+  runtime->GetMonitorList()->SweepMonitorList(IsMarkedCallback, this);
+  SweepJniWeakGlobals(IsMarkedCallback, this);
+bool MarkSweep::VerifyIsLiveCallback(const Object* obj, void* arg) {
+  reinterpret_cast<MarkSweep*>(arg)->VerifyIsLive(obj);
+  // We don't actually want to sweep the object, so lets return "marked"
+  return true;
+void MarkSweep::VerifyIsLive(const Object* obj) {
+  Heap* heap = GetHeap();
+  if (!heap->GetLiveBitmap()->Test(obj)) {
+    space::LargeObjectSpace* large_object_space = GetHeap()->GetLargeObjectsSpace();
+    if (!large_object_space->GetLiveObjects()->Test(obj)) {
+      if (std::find(heap->allocation_stack_->Begin(), heap->allocation_stack_->End(), obj) ==
+          heap->allocation_stack_->End()) {
+        // Object not found!
+        heap->DumpSpaces();
+        LOG(FATAL) << "Found dead object " << obj;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void MarkSweep::VerifySystemWeaks() {
+  Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
+  // Verify system weaks, uses a special IsMarked callback which always returns true.
+  runtime->GetInternTable()->SweepInternTableWeaks(VerifyIsLiveCallback, this);
+  runtime->GetMonitorList()->SweepMonitorList(VerifyIsLiveCallback, this);
+  JavaVMExt* vm = runtime->GetJavaVM();
+  MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), vm->weak_globals_lock);
+  IndirectReferenceTable* table = &vm->weak_globals;
+  typedef IndirectReferenceTable::iterator It;  // TODO: C++0x auto
+  for (It it = table->begin(), end = table->end(); it != end; ++it) {
+    const Object** entry = *it;
+    VerifyIsLive(*entry);
+  }
+struct SweepCallbackContext {
+  MarkSweep* mark_sweep;
+  space::AllocSpace* space;
+  Thread* self;
+class CheckpointMarkThreadRoots : public Closure {
+ public:
+  CheckpointMarkThreadRoots(MarkSweep* mark_sweep) : mark_sweep_(mark_sweep) {
+  }
+  virtual void Run(Thread* thread) NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
+    // Note: self is not necessarily equal to thread since thread may be suspended.
+    Thread* self = Thread::Current();
+    CHECK(thread == self || thread->IsSuspended() || thread->GetState() == kWaitingPerformingGc)
+        << thread->GetState() << " thread " << thread << " self " << self;
+    thread->VisitRoots(MarkSweep::MarkRootParallelCallback, mark_sweep_);
+    mark_sweep_->GetBarrier().Pass(self);
+  }
+ private:
+  MarkSweep* mark_sweep_;
+void MarkSweep::MarkRootsCheckpoint(Thread* self) {
+  CheckpointMarkThreadRoots check_point(this);
+  ThreadList* thread_list = Runtime::Current()->GetThreadList();
+  // Request the check point is run on all threads returning a count of the threads that must
+  // run through the barrier including self.
+  size_t barrier_count = thread_list->RunCheckpoint(&check_point);
+  // Release locks then wait for all mutator threads to pass the barrier.
+  // TODO: optimize to not release locks when there are no threads to wait for.
+  Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_->ExclusiveUnlock(self);
+  Locks::mutator_lock_->SharedUnlock(self);
+  ThreadState old_state = self->SetState(kWaitingForCheckPointsToRun);
+  CHECK_EQ(old_state, kWaitingPerformingGc);
+  gc_barrier_->Increment(self, barrier_count);
+  self->SetState(kWaitingPerformingGc);
+  Locks::mutator_lock_->SharedLock(self);
+  Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_->ExclusiveLock(self);
+void MarkSweep::SweepCallback(size_t num_ptrs, Object** ptrs, void* arg) {
+  SweepCallbackContext* context = static_cast<SweepCallbackContext*>(arg);
+  MarkSweep* mark_sweep = context->mark_sweep;
+  Heap* heap = mark_sweep->GetHeap();
+  space::AllocSpace* space = context->space;
+  Thread* self = context->self;
+  Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_->AssertExclusiveHeld(self);
+  // Use a bulk free, that merges consecutive objects before freeing or free per object?
+  // Documentation suggests better free performance with merging, but this may be at the expensive
+  // of allocation.
+  size_t freed_objects = num_ptrs;
+  // AllocSpace::FreeList clears the value in ptrs, so perform after clearing the live bit
+  size_t freed_bytes = space->FreeList(self, num_ptrs, ptrs);
+  heap->RecordFree(freed_objects, freed_bytes);
+  mark_sweep->freed_objects_ += freed_objects;
+  mark_sweep->freed_bytes_ += freed_bytes;
+void MarkSweep::ZygoteSweepCallback(size_t num_ptrs, Object** ptrs, void* arg) {
+  SweepCallbackContext* context = static_cast<SweepCallbackContext*>(arg);
+  Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_->AssertExclusiveHeld(context->self);
+  Heap* heap = context->mark_sweep->GetHeap();
+  // We don't free any actual memory to avoid dirtying the shared zygote pages.
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_ptrs; ++i) {
+    Object* obj = static_cast<Object*>(ptrs[i]);
+    heap->GetLiveBitmap()->Clear(obj);
+    heap->GetCardTable()->MarkCard(obj);
+  }
+void MarkSweep::SweepArray(accounting::ObjectStack* allocations, bool swap_bitmaps) {
+  size_t freed_bytes = 0;
+  space::DlMallocSpace* space = heap_->GetAllocSpace();
+  // If we don't swap bitmaps then newly allocated Weaks go into the live bitmap but not mark
+  // bitmap, resulting in occasional frees of Weaks which are still in use.
+  timings_.NewSplit("SweepSystemWeaks");
+  SweepSystemWeaksArray(allocations);
+  timings_.NewSplit("Process allocation stack");
+  // Newly allocated objects MUST be in the alloc space and those are the only objects which we are
+  // going to free.
+  accounting::SpaceBitmap* live_bitmap = space->GetLiveBitmap();
+  accounting::SpaceBitmap* mark_bitmap = space->GetMarkBitmap();
+  space::LargeObjectSpace* large_object_space = GetHeap()->GetLargeObjectsSpace();
+  accounting::SpaceSetMap* large_live_objects = large_object_space->GetLiveObjects();
+  accounting::SpaceSetMap* large_mark_objects = large_object_space->GetMarkObjects();
+  if (swap_bitmaps) {
+    std::swap(live_bitmap, mark_bitmap);
+    std::swap(large_live_objects, large_mark_objects);
+  }
+  size_t freed_large_objects = 0;
+  size_t count = allocations->Size();
+  Object** objects = const_cast<Object**>(allocations->Begin());
+  Object** out = objects;
+  // Empty the allocation stack.
+  Thread* self = Thread::Current();
+  for (size_t i = 0;i < count;++i) {
+    Object* obj = objects[i];
+    // There should only be objects in the AllocSpace/LargeObjectSpace in the allocation stack.
+    if (LIKELY(mark_bitmap->HasAddress(obj))) {
+      if (!mark_bitmap->Test(obj)) {
+        // Don't bother un-marking since we clear the mark bitmap anyways.
+        *(out++) = obj;
+      }
+    } else if (!large_mark_objects->Test(obj)) {
+      ++freed_large_objects;
+      freed_bytes += large_object_space->Free(self, obj);
+    }
+  }
+  CHECK_EQ(count, allocations->Size());
+  timings_.NewSplit("FreeList");
+  size_t freed_objects = out - objects;
+  freed_bytes += space->FreeList(self, freed_objects, objects);
+  VLOG(heap) << "Freed " << freed_objects << "/" << count
+             << " objects with size " << PrettySize(freed_bytes);
+  heap_->RecordFree(freed_objects + freed_large_objects, freed_bytes);
+  freed_objects_ += freed_objects;
+  freed_bytes_ += freed_bytes;
+  timings_.NewSplit("ResetStack");
+  allocations->Reset();
+void MarkSweep::Sweep(bool swap_bitmaps) {
+  DCHECK(mark_stack_->IsEmpty());
+  // If we don't swap bitmaps then newly allocated Weaks go into the live bitmap but not mark
+  // bitmap, resulting in occasional frees of Weaks which are still in use.
+  timings_.NewSplit("SweepSystemWeaks");
+  SweepSystemWeaks();
+  const bool partial = (GetGcType() == kGcTypePartial);
+  SweepCallbackContext scc;
+  scc.mark_sweep = this;
+  scc.self = Thread::Current();
+  const std::vector<space::ContinuousSpace*>& spaces = GetHeap()->GetContinuousSpaces();
+  // TODO: C++0x
+  typedef std::vector<space::ContinuousSpace*>::const_iterator It;
+  for (It it = spaces.begin(), end = spaces.end(); it != end; ++it) {
+    space::ContinuousSpace* space = *it;
+    // We always sweep always collect spaces.
+    bool sweep_space = (space->GetGcRetentionPolicy() == space::kGcRetentionPolicyAlwaysCollect);
+    if (!partial && !sweep_space) {
+      // We sweep full collect spaces when the GC isn't a partial GC (ie its full).
+      sweep_space = (space->GetGcRetentionPolicy() == space::kGcRetentionPolicyFullCollect);
+    }
+    if (sweep_space) {
+      uintptr_t begin = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(space->Begin());
+      uintptr_t end = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(space->End());
+      scc.space = space->AsDlMallocSpace();
+      accounting::SpaceBitmap* live_bitmap = space->GetLiveBitmap();
+      accounting::SpaceBitmap* mark_bitmap = space->GetMarkBitmap();
+      if (swap_bitmaps) {
+        std::swap(live_bitmap, mark_bitmap);
+      }
+      if (!space->IsZygoteSpace()) {
+        timings_.NewSplit("SweepAllocSpace");
+        // Bitmaps are pre-swapped for optimization which enables sweeping with the heap unlocked.
+        accounting::SpaceBitmap::SweepWalk(*live_bitmap, *mark_bitmap, begin, end,
+                                           &SweepCallback, reinterpret_cast<void*>(&scc));
+      } else {
+        timings_.NewSplit("SweepZygote");
+        // Zygote sweep takes care of dirtying cards and clearing live bits, does not free actual
+        // memory.
+        accounting::SpaceBitmap::SweepWalk(*live_bitmap, *mark_bitmap, begin, end,
+                                           &ZygoteSweepCallback, reinterpret_cast<void*>(&scc));
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  timings_.NewSplit("SweepLargeObjects");
+  SweepLargeObjects(swap_bitmaps);
+void MarkSweep::SweepLargeObjects(bool swap_bitmaps) {
+  // Sweep large objects
+  space::LargeObjectSpace* large_object_space = GetHeap()->GetLargeObjectsSpace();
+  accounting::SpaceSetMap* large_live_objects = large_object_space->GetLiveObjects();
+  accounting::SpaceSetMap* large_mark_objects = large_object_space->GetMarkObjects();
+  if (swap_bitmaps) {
+    std::swap(large_live_objects, large_mark_objects);
+  }
+  accounting::SpaceSetMap::Objects& live_objects = large_live_objects->GetObjects();
+  // O(n*log(n)) but hopefully there are not too many large objects.
+  size_t freed_objects = 0;
+  size_t freed_bytes = 0;
+  Thread* self = Thread::Current();
+  // TODO: C++0x
+  typedef accounting::SpaceSetMap::Objects::iterator It;
+  for (It it = live_objects.begin(), end = live_objects.end(); it != end; ++it) {
+    if (!large_mark_objects->Test(*it)) {
+      freed_bytes += large_object_space->Free(self, const_cast<Object*>(*it));
+      ++freed_objects;
+    }
+  }
+  freed_objects_ += freed_objects;
+  freed_bytes_ += freed_bytes;
+  GetHeap()->RecordFree(freed_objects, freed_bytes);
+void MarkSweep::CheckReference(const Object* obj, const Object* ref, MemberOffset offset, bool is_static) {
+  const std::vector<space::ContinuousSpace*>& spaces = GetHeap()->GetContinuousSpaces();
+  // TODO: C++0x
+  typedef std::vector<space::ContinuousSpace*>::const_iterator It;
+  for (It it = spaces.begin(), end = spaces.end(); it != end; ++it) {
+    space::ContinuousSpace* space = *it;
+    if (space->IsDlMallocSpace() && space->Contains(ref)) {
+      DCHECK(IsMarked(obj));
+      bool is_marked = IsMarked(ref);
+      if (!is_marked) {
+        LOG(INFO) << *space;
+        LOG(WARNING) << (is_static ? "Static ref'" : "Instance ref'") << PrettyTypeOf(ref)
+                     << "' (" << reinterpret_cast<const void*>(ref) << ") in '" << PrettyTypeOf(obj)
+                     << "' (" << reinterpret_cast<const void*>(obj) << ") at offset "
+                     << reinterpret_cast<void*>(offset.Int32Value()) << " wasn't marked";
+        const Class* klass = is_static ? obj->AsClass() : obj->GetClass();
+        DCHECK(klass != NULL);
+        const ObjectArray<Field>* fields = is_static ? klass->GetSFields() : klass->GetIFields();
+        DCHECK(fields != NULL);
+        bool found = false;
+        for (int32_t i = 0; i < fields->GetLength(); ++i) {
+          const Field* cur = fields->Get(i);
+          if (cur->GetOffset().Int32Value() == offset.Int32Value()) {
+            LOG(WARNING) << "Field referencing the alloc space was " << PrettyField(cur);
+            found = true;
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+        if (!found) {
+          LOG(WARNING) << "Could not find field in object alloc space with offset " << offset.Int32Value();
+        }
+        bool obj_marked = heap_->GetCardTable()->IsDirty(obj);
+        if (!obj_marked) {
+          LOG(WARNING) << "Object '" << PrettyTypeOf(obj) << "' "
+                       << "(" << reinterpret_cast<const void*>(obj) << ") contains references to "
+                       << "the alloc space, but wasn't card marked";
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    break;
+  }
+// Process the "referent" field in a java.lang.ref.Reference.  If the
+// referent has not yet been marked, put it on the appropriate list in
+// the gcHeap for later processing.
+void MarkSweep::DelayReferenceReferent(Object* obj) {
+  DCHECK(obj != NULL);
+  Class* klass = obj->GetClass();
+  DCHECK(klass != NULL);
+  DCHECK(klass->IsReferenceClass());
+  Object* pending = obj->GetFieldObject<Object*>(heap_->GetReferencePendingNextOffset(), false);
+  Object* referent = heap_->GetReferenceReferent(obj);
+  if (kCountJavaLangRefs) {
+    ++reference_count_;
+  }
+  if (pending == NULL && referent != NULL && !IsMarked(referent)) {
+    Object** list = NULL;
+    if (klass->IsSoftReferenceClass()) {
+      list = &soft_reference_list_;
+    } else if (klass->IsWeakReferenceClass()) {
+      list = &weak_reference_list_;
+    } else if (klass->IsFinalizerReferenceClass()) {
+      list = &finalizer_reference_list_;
+    } else if (klass->IsPhantomReferenceClass()) {
+      list = &phantom_reference_list_;
+    }
+    DCHECK(list != NULL) << PrettyClass(klass) << " " << std::hex << klass->GetAccessFlags();
+    // TODO: One lock per list?
+    heap_->EnqueuePendingReference(obj, list);
+  }
+void MarkSweep::ScanRoot(const Object* obj) {
+  ScanObject(obj);
+class MarkObjectVisitor {
+ public:
+  MarkObjectVisitor(MarkSweep* const mark_sweep) : mark_sweep_(mark_sweep) {
+  }
+  // TODO: Fixme when anotatalysis works with visitors.
+  void operator ()(const Object* /* obj */, const Object* ref, const MemberOffset& /* offset */,
+                   bool /* is_static */) const
+    if (kDebugLocking) {
+      Locks::mutator_lock_->AssertSharedHeld(Thread::Current());
+      Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_->AssertExclusiveHeld(Thread::Current());
+    }
+    mark_sweep_->MarkObject(ref);
+  }
+ private:
+  MarkSweep* const mark_sweep_;
+// Scans an object reference.  Determines the type of the reference
+// and dispatches to a specialized scanning routine.
+void MarkSweep::ScanObject(const Object* obj) {
+  MarkObjectVisitor visitor(this);
+  ScanObjectVisit(obj, visitor);
+class MarkStackChunk : public Task {
+ public:
+  MarkStackChunk(ThreadPool* thread_pool, MarkSweep* mark_sweep, Object** begin, Object** end)
+      : mark_sweep_(mark_sweep),
+        thread_pool_(thread_pool),
+        index_(0),
+        length_(0),
+        output_(NULL) {
+    length_ = end - begin;
+    if (begin != end) {
+      // Cost not significant since we only do this for the initial set of mark stack chunks.
+      memcpy(data_, begin, length_ * sizeof(*begin));
+    }
+    if (kCountTasks) {
+      ++mark_sweep_->work_chunks_created_;
+    }
+  }
+  ~MarkStackChunk() {
+    DCHECK(output_ == NULL || output_->length_ == 0);
+    DCHECK_GE(index_, length_);
+    delete output_;
+    if (kCountTasks) {
+      ++mark_sweep_->work_chunks_deleted_;
+    }
+  }
+  MarkSweep* const mark_sweep_;
+  ThreadPool* const thread_pool_;
+  static const size_t max_size = 1 * KB;
+  // Index of which object we are scanning. Only needs to be atomic if we are doing work stealing.
+  size_t index_;
+  // Input / output mark stack. We add newly marked references to data_ until length reaches
+  // max_size. This is an optimization so that less tasks are created.
+  // TODO: Investigate using a bounded buffer FIFO.
+  Object* data_[max_size];
+  // How many elements in data_ we need to scan.
+  size_t length_;
+  // Output block, newly marked references get added to the ouput block so that another thread can
+  // scan them.
+  MarkStackChunk* output_;
+  class MarkObjectParallelVisitor {
+   public:
+    MarkObjectParallelVisitor(MarkStackChunk* chunk_task) : chunk_task_(chunk_task) {
+    }
+    void operator ()(const Object* /* obj */, const Object* ref,
+                     const MemberOffset& /* offset */, bool /* is_static */) const {
+      if (ref != NULL && chunk_task_->mark_sweep_->MarkObjectParallel(ref)) {
+        chunk_task_->MarkStackPush(ref);
+      }
+    }
+   private:
+    MarkStackChunk* const chunk_task_;
+  };
+  // Push an object into the block.
+  // Don't need to use atomic ++ since we only one thread is writing to an output block at any
+  // given time.
+  void Push(Object* obj) {
+    CHECK(obj != NULL);
+    data_[length_++] = obj;
+  }
+  void MarkStackPush(const Object* obj) {
+    if (static_cast<size_t>(length_) < max_size) {
+      Push(const_cast<Object*>(obj));
+    } else {
+      // Internal (thread-local) buffer is full, push to a new buffer instead.
+      if (UNLIKELY(output_ == NULL)) {
+        AllocateOutputChunk();
+      } else if (UNLIKELY(static_cast<size_t>(output_->length_) == max_size)) {
+        // Output block is full, queue it up for processing and obtain a new block.
+        EnqueueOutput();
+        AllocateOutputChunk();
+      }
+      output_->Push(const_cast<Object*>(obj));
+    }
+  }
+  void ScanObject(Object* obj) {
+    mark_sweep_->ScanObjectVisit(obj, MarkObjectParallelVisitor(this));
+  }
+  void EnqueueOutput() {
+    if (output_ != NULL) {
+      uint64_t start = 0;
+      if (kMeasureOverhead) {
+        start = NanoTime();
+      }
+      thread_pool_->AddTask(Thread::Current(), output_);
+      output_ = NULL;
+      if (kMeasureOverhead) {
+        mark_sweep_->overhead_time_ += NanoTime() - start;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  void AllocateOutputChunk() {
+    uint64_t start = 0;
+    if (kMeasureOverhead) {
+      start = NanoTime();
+    }
+    output_ = new MarkStackChunk(thread_pool_, mark_sweep_, NULL, NULL);
+    if (kMeasureOverhead) {
+      mark_sweep_->overhead_time_ += NanoTime() - start;
+    }
+  }
+  void Finalize() {
+    EnqueueOutput();
+    delete this;
+  }
+  // Scans all of the objects
+  virtual void Run(Thread* self) {
+    size_t index;
+    while ((index = index_++) < length_) {
+      if (kUseMarkStackPrefetch) {
+        static const size_t prefetch_look_ahead = 1;
+        __builtin_prefetch(data_[std::min(index + prefetch_look_ahead, length_ - 1)]);
+      }
+      Object* obj = data_[index];
+      DCHECK(obj != NULL);
+      ScanObject(obj);
+    }
+  }
+void MarkSweep::ProcessMarkStackParallel() {
+  CHECK(kDisableFinger) << "parallel mark stack processing cannot work when finger is enabled";
+  Thread* self = Thread::Current();
+  ThreadPool* thread_pool = GetHeap()->GetThreadPool();
+  // Split the current mark stack up into work tasks.
+  const size_t num_threads = thread_pool->GetThreadCount();
+  const size_t stack_size = mark_stack_->Size();
+  const size_t chunk_size =
+      std::min((stack_size + num_threads - 1) / num_threads,
+               static_cast<size_t>(MarkStackChunk::max_size));
+  size_t index = 0;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_threads || index < stack_size; ++i) {
+    Object** begin = &mark_stack_->Begin()[std::min(stack_size, index)];
+    Object** end = &mark_stack_->Begin()[std::min(stack_size, index + chunk_size)];
+    index += chunk_size;
+    thread_pool->AddTask(self, new MarkStackChunk(thread_pool, this, begin, end));
+  }
+  thread_pool->StartWorkers(self);
+  thread_pool->Wait(self, true, true);
+  mark_stack_->Reset();
+  //LOG(INFO) << "Idle wait time " << PrettyDuration(thread_pool->GetWaitTime());
+  CHECK_EQ(work_chunks_created_, work_chunks_deleted_) << " some of the work chunks were leaked";
+// Scan anything that's on the mark stack.
+void MarkSweep::ProcessMarkStack() {
+  ThreadPool* thread_pool = GetHeap()->GetThreadPool();
+  if (kParallelMarkStack && thread_pool != NULL && thread_pool->GetThreadCount() > 0) {
+    ProcessMarkStackParallel();
+    return;
+  }
+  if (kUseMarkStackPrefetch) {
+    const size_t fifo_size = 4;
+    const size_t fifo_mask = fifo_size - 1;
+    const Object* fifo[fifo_size];
+    for (size_t i = 0;i < fifo_size;++i) {
+      fifo[i] = NULL;
+    }
+    size_t fifo_pos = 0;
+    size_t fifo_count = 0;
+    for (;;) {
+      const Object* obj = fifo[fifo_pos & fifo_mask];
+      if (obj != NULL) {
+        ScanObject(obj);
+        fifo[fifo_pos & fifo_mask] = NULL;
+        --fifo_count;
+      }
+      if (!mark_stack_->IsEmpty()) {
+        const Object* obj = mark_stack_->PopBack();
+        DCHECK(obj != NULL);
+        fifo[fifo_pos & fifo_mask] = obj;
+        __builtin_prefetch(obj);
+        fifo_count++;
+      }
+      fifo_pos++;
+      if (!fifo_count) {
+        CHECK(mark_stack_->IsEmpty()) << mark_stack_->Size();
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  } else {
+    while (!mark_stack_->IsEmpty()) {
+      const Object* obj = mark_stack_->PopBack();
+      DCHECK(obj != NULL);
+      ScanObject(obj);
+    }
+  }
+// Walks the reference list marking any references subject to the
+// reference clearing policy.  References with a black referent are
+// removed from the list.  References with white referents biased
+// toward saving are blackened and also removed from the list.
+void MarkSweep::PreserveSomeSoftReferences(Object** list) {
+  DCHECK(list != NULL);
+  Object* clear = NULL;
+  size_t counter = 0;
+  DCHECK(mark_stack_->IsEmpty());
+  while (*list != NULL) {
+    Object* ref = heap_->DequeuePendingReference(list);
+    Object* referent = heap_->GetReferenceReferent(ref);
+    if (referent == NULL) {
+      // Referent was cleared by the user during marking.
+      continue;
+    }
+    bool is_marked = IsMarked(referent);
+    if (!is_marked && ((++counter) & 1)) {
+      // Referent is white and biased toward saving, mark it.
+      MarkObject(referent);
+      is_marked = true;
+    }
+    if (!is_marked) {
+      // Referent is white, queue it for clearing.
+      heap_->EnqueuePendingReference(ref, &clear);
+    }
+  }
+  *list = clear;
+  // Restart the mark with the newly black references added to the
+  // root set.
+  ProcessMarkStack();
+inline bool MarkSweep::IsMarked(const Object* object) const
+    SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_) {
+  if (object >= immune_begin_ && object < immune_end_) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  DCHECK(current_mark_bitmap_ != NULL);
+  if (current_mark_bitmap_->HasAddress(object)) {
+    return current_mark_bitmap_->Test(object);
+  }
+  return heap_->GetMarkBitmap()->Test(object);
+// Unlink the reference list clearing references objects with white
+// referents.  Cleared references registered to a reference queue are
+// scheduled for appending by the heap worker thread.
+void MarkSweep::ClearWhiteReferences(Object** list) {
+  DCHECK(list != NULL);
+  while (*list != NULL) {
+    Object* ref = heap_->DequeuePendingReference(list);
+    Object* referent = heap_->GetReferenceReferent(ref);
+    if (referent != NULL && !IsMarked(referent)) {
+      // Referent is white, clear it.
+      heap_->ClearReferenceReferent(ref);
+      if (heap_->IsEnqueuable(ref)) {
+        heap_->EnqueueReference(ref, &cleared_reference_list_);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  DCHECK(*list == NULL);
+// Enqueues finalizer references with white referents.  White
+// referents are blackened, moved to the zombie field, and the
+// referent field is cleared.
+void MarkSweep::EnqueueFinalizerReferences(Object** list) {
+  DCHECK(list != NULL);
+  MemberOffset zombie_offset = heap_->GetFinalizerReferenceZombieOffset();
+  bool has_enqueued = false;
+  while (*list != NULL) {
+    Object* ref = heap_->DequeuePendingReference(list);
+    Object* referent = heap_->GetReferenceReferent(ref);
+    if (referent != NULL && !IsMarked(referent)) {
+      MarkObject(referent);
+      // If the referent is non-null the reference must queuable.
+      DCHECK(heap_->IsEnqueuable(ref));
+      ref->SetFieldObject(zombie_offset, referent, false);
+      heap_->ClearReferenceReferent(ref);
+      heap_->EnqueueReference(ref, &cleared_reference_list_);
+      has_enqueued = true;
+    }
+  }
+  if (has_enqueued) {
+    ProcessMarkStack();
+  }
+  DCHECK(*list == NULL);
+// Process reference class instances and schedule finalizations.
+void MarkSweep::ProcessReferences(Object** soft_references, bool clear_soft,
+                                  Object** weak_references,
+                                  Object** finalizer_references,
+                                  Object** phantom_references) {
+  DCHECK(soft_references != NULL);
+  DCHECK(weak_references != NULL);
+  DCHECK(finalizer_references != NULL);
+  DCHECK(phantom_references != NULL);
+  // Unless we are in the zygote or required to clear soft references
+  // with white references, preserve some white referents.
+  if (!clear_soft && !Runtime::Current()->IsZygote()) {
+    PreserveSomeSoftReferences(soft_references);
+  }
+  // Clear all remaining soft and weak references with white
+  // referents.
+  ClearWhiteReferences(soft_references);
+  ClearWhiteReferences(weak_references);
+  // Preserve all white objects with finalize methods and schedule
+  // them for finalization.
+  EnqueueFinalizerReferences(finalizer_references);
+  // Clear all f-reachable soft and weak references with white
+  // referents.
+  ClearWhiteReferences(soft_references);
+  ClearWhiteReferences(weak_references);
+  // Clear all phantom references with white referents.
+  ClearWhiteReferences(phantom_references);
+  // At this point all reference lists should be empty.
+  DCHECK(*soft_references == NULL);
+  DCHECK(*weak_references == NULL);
+  DCHECK(*finalizer_references == NULL);
+  DCHECK(*phantom_references == NULL);
+void MarkSweep::UnBindBitmaps() {
+  const std::vector<space::ContinuousSpace*>& spaces = GetHeap()->GetContinuousSpaces();
+  // TODO: C++0x
+  typedef std::vector<space::ContinuousSpace*>::const_iterator It;
+  for (It it = spaces.begin(), end = spaces.end(); it != end; ++it) {
+    space::ContinuousSpace* space = *it;
+    if (space->IsDlMallocSpace()) {
+      space::DlMallocSpace* alloc_space = space->AsDlMallocSpace();
+      if (alloc_space->temp_bitmap_.get() != NULL) {
+        // At this point, the temp_bitmap holds our old mark bitmap.
+        accounting::SpaceBitmap* new_bitmap = alloc_space->temp_bitmap_.release();
+        GetHeap()->GetMarkBitmap()->ReplaceBitmap(alloc_space->mark_bitmap_.get(), new_bitmap);
+        CHECK_EQ(alloc_space->mark_bitmap_.release(), alloc_space->live_bitmap_.get());
+        alloc_space->mark_bitmap_.reset(new_bitmap);
+        DCHECK(alloc_space->temp_bitmap_.get() == NULL);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void MarkSweep::FinishPhase() {
+  // Can't enqueue referneces if we hold the mutator lock.
+  Object* cleared_references = GetClearedReferences();
+  Heap* heap = GetHeap();
+  heap->EnqueueClearedReferences(&cleared_references);
+  heap->PostGcVerification(this);
+  timings_.NewSplit("GrowForUtilization");
+  heap->GrowForUtilization(GetDurationNs());
+  timings_.NewSplit("RequestHeapTrim");
+  heap->RequestHeapTrim();
+  // Update the cumulative statistics
+  total_time_ns_ += GetDurationNs();
+  total_paused_time_ns_ += std::accumulate(GetPauseTimes().begin(), GetPauseTimes().end(), 0,
+                                           std::plus<uint64_t>());
+  total_freed_objects_ += GetFreedObjects();
+  total_freed_bytes_ += GetFreedBytes();
+  // Ensure that the mark stack is empty.
+  CHECK(mark_stack_->IsEmpty());
+  if (kCountScannedTypes) {
+    VLOG(gc) << "MarkSweep scanned classes=" << class_count_ << " arrays=" << array_count_
+             << " other=" << other_count_;
+  }
+  if (kCountTasks) {
+    VLOG(gc) << "Total number of work chunks allocated: " << work_chunks_created_;
+  }
+  if (kMeasureOverhead) {
+    VLOG(gc) << "Overhead time " << PrettyDuration(overhead_time_);
+  }
+  if (kProfileLargeObjects) {
+    VLOG(gc) << "Large objects tested " << large_object_test_ << " marked " << large_object_mark_;
+  }
+  if (kCountClassesMarked) {
+    VLOG(gc) << "Classes marked " << classes_marked_;
+  }
+  if (kCountJavaLangRefs) {
+    VLOG(gc) << "References scanned " << reference_count_;
+  }
+  // Update the cumulative loggers.
+  cumulative_timings_.Start();
+  cumulative_timings_.AddNewLogger(timings_);
+  cumulative_timings_.End();
+  // Clear all of the spaces' mark bitmaps.
+  const std::vector<space::ContinuousSpace*>& spaces = GetHeap()->GetContinuousSpaces();
+  // TODO: C++0x
+  typedef std::vector<space::ContinuousSpace*>::const_iterator It;
+  for (It it = spaces.begin(), end = spaces.end(); it != end; ++it) {
+    space::ContinuousSpace* space = *it;
+    if (space->GetGcRetentionPolicy() != space::kGcRetentionPolicyNeverCollect) {
+      space->GetMarkBitmap()->Clear();
+    }
+  }
+  mark_stack_->Reset();
+  // Reset the marked large objects.
+  space::LargeObjectSpace* large_objects = GetHeap()->GetLargeObjectsSpace();
+  large_objects->GetMarkObjects()->Clear();
+}  // namespace collector
+}  // namespace gc
+}  // namespace art