Improve CC handling for immune objects

Currently we reduce ram for immune objects by racing agianst the
mutators to try and finish processing them before the mutators
change many objects to gray. However there is still a window of time
where the mutator can dirty immune pages by changing the lock words
to gray. These pages remain dirty for the lifetime of the app.

This CL changes uses the FlipCallback pause to gray all of the
immune objects that have a dirty card. Once these objects are all
gray we don't to gray any more objects in the immune spaces since
these objects are the only ones that may reference non immune

Also only scan objects that are gray when scanning immune spaces to
reduce scanning time.

System wide PSS after boot on N9, before:
61668 kB: .art mmap
11249 kB: .Zygote

36013 kB: .art mmap
12251 kB: .Zygote

Results are better than demonstrated since there are more apps
running after.

Maps PSS / Private Dirty, before:
.art mmap     3703     3116
  .Zygote      577      480

.art mmap     1655     1092
  .Zygote      476      392

System server before:
.art mmap     4453     3956
  .Zygote      849      780

.art mmap     2326     1748
  .Zygote      640      564

ScanImmuneSpaces takes 669.434ms GC time
Scores: 718, 761, 753 average 744
GC time: 4.2s, 4.35s, 4.3s average 4.28s

ScanImmuneSpaces takes 138.328ms GC time
Scores: 731, 730, 704 average 722
GC time: 3.92s, 3.83s, 3.85s average 3.87s

Additional GC pause time is 285us on Maps on N9.
TODO: Reduce this pause time.

Test: N9 booting, test-art-host, EAAC all run with CC

Bug: 29516968
Bug: 12687968

Change-Id: I584b10d017547b321f33eb23fb5d64372af6f69c
diff --git a/runtime/gc/collector/ b/runtime/gc/collector/
index d2d2f23..d413a50 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/collector/
+++ b/runtime/gc/collector/
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 #include "base/systrace.h"
 #include "debugger.h"
 #include "gc/accounting/heap_bitmap-inl.h"
+#include "gc/accounting/mod_union_table-inl.h"
 #include "gc/accounting/space_bitmap-inl.h"
 #include "gc/reference_processor.h"
 #include "gc/space/image_space.h"
@@ -40,6 +41,12 @@
 namespace collector {
 static constexpr size_t kDefaultGcMarkStackSize = 2 * MB;
+// If kGrayDirtyImmuneObjects is true then we gray dirty objects in the GC pause to prevent dirty
+// pages.
+static constexpr bool kGrayDirtyImmuneObjects = true;
+// If kFilterModUnionCards then we attempt to filter cards that don't need to be dirty in the mod
+// union table. Disabled since it does not seem to help the pause much.
+static constexpr bool kFilterModUnionCards = kIsDebugBuild;
 ConcurrentCopying::ConcurrentCopying(Heap* heap,
                                      const std::string& name_prefix,
@@ -315,12 +322,87 @@
       TimingLogger::ScopedTiming split2("(Paused)VisitTransactionRoots", cc->GetTimings());
+    if (kUseBakerReadBarrier && kGrayDirtyImmuneObjects) {
+      cc->GrayAllDirtyImmuneObjects();
+      if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+        // Check that all non-gray immune objects only refernce immune objects.
+        cc->VerifyGrayImmuneObjects();
+      }
+    }
   ConcurrentCopying* const concurrent_copying_;
+class ConcurrentCopying::VerifyGrayImmuneObjectsVisitor {
+ public:
+  explicit VerifyGrayImmuneObjectsVisitor(ConcurrentCopying* collector)
+      : collector_(collector) {}
+  void operator()(mirror::Object* obj, MemberOffset offset, bool /* is_static */)
+      const ALWAYS_INLINE SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_)
+      SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_) {
+    CheckReference(obj->GetFieldObject<mirror::Object, kVerifyNone, kWithoutReadBarrier>(offset),
+                   obj, offset);
+  }
+  void operator()(mirror::Class* klass, mirror::Reference* ref) const
+      SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) ALWAYS_INLINE {
+    CHECK(klass->IsTypeOfReferenceClass());
+    CheckReference(ref->GetReferent<kWithoutReadBarrier>(),
+                   ref,
+                   mirror::Reference::ReferentOffset());
+  }
+  void VisitRootIfNonNull(mirror::CompressedReference<mirror::Object>* root) const
+      SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+    if (!root->IsNull()) {
+      VisitRoot(root);
+    }
+  }
+  void VisitRoot(mirror::CompressedReference<mirror::Object>* root) const
+      SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+    CheckReference(root->AsMirrorPtr(), nullptr, MemberOffset(0));
+  }
+ private:
+  ConcurrentCopying* const collector_;
+  void CheckReference(mirror::Object* ref, mirror::Object* holder, MemberOffset offset) const
+      SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+    if (ref != nullptr) {
+      CHECK(collector_->immune_spaces_.ContainsObject(ref))
+          << "Non gray object references non immune object "<< ref << " " << PrettyTypeOf(ref)
+          << " in holder " << holder << " " << PrettyTypeOf(holder) << " offset="
+          << offset.Uint32Value();
+    }
+  }
+void ConcurrentCopying::VerifyGrayImmuneObjects() {
+  TimingLogger::ScopedTiming split(__FUNCTION__, GetTimings());
+  for (auto& space : immune_spaces_.GetSpaces()) {
+    DCHECK(space->IsImageSpace() || space->IsZygoteSpace());
+    accounting::ContinuousSpaceBitmap* live_bitmap = space->GetLiveBitmap();
+    VerifyGrayImmuneObjectsVisitor visitor(this);
+    live_bitmap->VisitMarkedRange(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(space->Begin()),
+                                  reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(space->Limit()),
+                                  [&visitor](mirror::Object* obj)
+        SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+      // If an object is not gray, it should only have references to things in the immune spaces.
+      if (obj->GetReadBarrierPointer() != ReadBarrier::GrayPtr()) {
+        obj->VisitReferences</*kVisitNativeRoots*/true,
+                             kDefaultVerifyFlags,
+                             kWithoutReadBarrier>(visitor, visitor);
+      }
+    });
+  }
 // Switch threads that from from-space to to-space refs. Forward/mark the thread roots.
 void ConcurrentCopying::FlipThreadRoots() {
   TimingLogger::ScopedTiming split("FlipThreadRoots", GetTimings());
@@ -350,6 +432,52 @@
+class ConcurrentCopying::GrayImmuneObjectVisitor {
+ public:
+  explicit GrayImmuneObjectVisitor() {}
+  ALWAYS_INLINE void operator()(mirror::Object* obj) const SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+    if (kUseBakerReadBarrier) {
+      if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+        Locks::mutator_lock_->AssertExclusiveHeld(Thread::Current());
+      }
+      obj->SetReadBarrierPointer(ReadBarrier::GrayPtr());
+    }
+  }
+  static void Callback(mirror::Object* obj, void* arg) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+    reinterpret_cast<GrayImmuneObjectVisitor*>(arg)->operator()(obj);
+  }
+void ConcurrentCopying::GrayAllDirtyImmuneObjects() {
+  TimingLogger::ScopedTiming split(__FUNCTION__, GetTimings());
+  gc::Heap* const heap = Runtime::Current()->GetHeap();
+  accounting::CardTable* const card_table = heap->GetCardTable();
+  WriterMutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), *Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_);
+  for (space::ContinuousSpace* space : immune_spaces_.GetSpaces()) {
+    DCHECK(space->IsImageSpace() || space->IsZygoteSpace());
+    GrayImmuneObjectVisitor visitor;
+    accounting::ModUnionTable* table = heap->FindModUnionTableFromSpace(space);
+    // Mark all the objects on dirty cards since these may point to objects in other space.
+    // Once these are marked, the GC will eventually clear them later.
+    // Table is non null for boot image and zygote spaces. It is only null for application image
+    // spaces.
+    if (table != nullptr) {
+      // TODO: Add preclean outside the pause.
+      table->ClearCards();
+      table->VisitObjects(GrayImmuneObjectVisitor::Callback, &visitor);
+    } else {
+      // TODO: Consider having a mark bitmap for app image spaces and avoid scanning during the
+      // pause because app image spaces are all dirty pages anyways.
+      card_table->Scan<false>(space->GetMarkBitmap(), space->Begin(), space->End(), visitor);
+    }
+  }
+  // Since all of the objects that may point to other spaces are marked, we can avoid all the read
+  // barriers in the immune spaces.
+  updated_all_immune_objects_.StoreRelaxed(true);
 void ConcurrentCopying::SwapStacks() {
@@ -393,7 +521,17 @@
       : collector_(cc) {}
   void operator()(mirror::Object* obj) const SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
-    collector_->ScanImmuneObject(obj);
+    if (kUseBakerReadBarrier && kGrayDirtyImmuneObjects) {
+      if (obj->GetReadBarrierPointer() == ReadBarrier::GrayPtr()) {
+        collector_->ScanImmuneObject(obj);
+        // Done scanning the object, go back to white.
+        bool success = obj->AtomicSetReadBarrierPointer(ReadBarrier::GrayPtr(),
+                                                        ReadBarrier::WhitePtr());
+        CHECK(success);
+      }
+    } else {
+      collector_->ScanImmuneObject(obj);
+    }
@@ -415,13 +553,16 @@
   if (kUseBakerReadBarrier) {
     gc_grays_immune_objects_ = false;
-  for (auto& space : immune_spaces_.GetSpaces()) {
-    DCHECK(space->IsImageSpace() || space->IsZygoteSpace());
-    accounting::ContinuousSpaceBitmap* live_bitmap = space->GetLiveBitmap();
-    ImmuneSpaceScanObjVisitor visitor(this);
-    live_bitmap->VisitMarkedRange(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(space->Begin()),
-                                  reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(space->Limit()),
-                                  visitor);
+  {
+    TimingLogger::ScopedTiming split2("ScanImmuneSpaces", GetTimings());
+    for (auto& space : immune_spaces_.GetSpaces()) {
+      DCHECK(space->IsImageSpace() || space->IsZygoteSpace());
+      accounting::ContinuousSpaceBitmap* live_bitmap = space->GetLiveBitmap();
+      ImmuneSpaceScanObjVisitor visitor(this);
+      live_bitmap->VisitMarkedRange(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(space->Begin()),
+                                    reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(space->Limit()),
+                                    visitor);
+    }
   if (kUseBakerReadBarrier) {
     // This release fence makes the field updates in the above loop visible before allowing mutator
@@ -2052,8 +2193,23 @@
     ReaderMutexLock mu(self, *Locks::mutator_lock_);
-    WriterMutexLock mu2(self, *Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_);
-    heap_->ClearMarkedObjects();
+    {
+      WriterMutexLock mu2(self, *Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_);
+      heap_->ClearMarkedObjects();
+    }
+    if (kUseBakerReadBarrier && kFilterModUnionCards) {
+      TimingLogger::ScopedTiming split("FilterModUnionCards", GetTimings());
+      ReaderMutexLock mu2(self, *Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_);
+      gc::Heap* const heap = Runtime::Current()->GetHeap();
+      for (space::ContinuousSpace* space : immune_spaces_.GetSpaces()) {
+        DCHECK(space->IsImageSpace() || space->IsZygoteSpace());
+        accounting::ModUnionTable* table = heap->FindModUnionTableFromSpace(space);
+        // Filter out cards that don't need to be set.
+        if (table != nullptr) {
+          table->FilterCards();
+        }
+      }
+    }
   if (measure_read_barrier_slow_path_) {
     MutexLock mu(self, rb_slow_path_histogram_lock_);