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JavaFuzz is a tool for generating random Java programs with the objective of fuzz testing the ART infrastructure. Each randomly generated Java program can be run under various modes of execution, such as using the interpreter, using the optimizing compiler, using an external reference implementation, or using various target architectures. Any difference between the outputs (divergence) may indicate a bug in one of the execution modes.

JavaFuzz can be combined with dexfuzz to get multi-layered fuzz testing.

How to run JavaFuzz

javafuzz [-s seed] [-d expr-depth] [-l stmt-length]
         [-i if-nest] [-n loop-nest]


-s : defines a deterministic random seed
     (randomized using time by default)
-d : defines a fuzzing depth for expressions
     (higher values yield deeper expressions)
-l : defines a fuzzing length for statement lists
     (higher values yield longer statement sequences)
-i : defines a fuzzing nest for if/switch statements
     (higher values yield deeper nested conditionals)
-n : defines a fuzzing nest for for/while/do-while loops
     (higher values yield deeper nested loops)

The current version of JavaFuzz sends all output to stdout, and uses a fixed testing class named Test. So a typical test run looks as follows.

javafuzz >
jack -cp ${JACK_CLASSPATH} --output-dex .
art -classpath classes.dex Test

How to start the JavaFuzz tests
                      [--mode1=MODE] [--mode2=MODE]


--num_tests : number of tests to run (10000 by default)
--device    : target device serial number (passed to adb -s)
--mode1     : m1
--mode2     : m2, with m1 != m2, and values one of
  ri   = reference implementation on host (default for m1)
  hint = Art interpreter on host
  hopt = Art optimizing on host (default for m2)
  tint = Art interpreter on target
  topt = Art optimizing on target


Although test suites are extremely useful to validate the correctness of a system and to ensure that no regressions occur, any test suite is necessarily finite in size and scope. Tests typically focus on validating particular features by means of code sequences most programmers would expect. Regression tests often use slightly less idiomatic code sequences, since they reflect problems that were not anticipated originally, but occurred “in the field”. Still, any test suite leaves the developer wondering whether undetected bugs and flaws still linger in the system.

Over the years, fuzz testing has gained popularity as a testing technique for discovering such lingering bugs, including bugs that can bring down a system in an unexpected way. Fuzzing refers to feeding a large amount of random data as input to a system in an attempt to find bugs or make it crash. Generation- based fuzz testing constructs random, but properly formatted input data. Mutation-based fuzz testing applies small random changes to existing inputs in order to detect shortcomings in a system. Profile-guided or coverage-guided fuzzing adds a direction to the way these random changes are applied. Multi- layered approaches generate random inputs that are subsequently mutated at various stages of execution.

The randomness of fuzz testing implies that the size and scope of testing is no longer bounded. Every new run can potentially discover bugs and crashes that were hereto undetected.