Add libicuuc, libicui18n, libandroidicu, libpac to APEX

libandroidicu: Provides the stable C interface for other Android
components, except Apps. It's a stub of a subset of libicuuc and

libpac: It uses ICU4C C++ API, but has a stable C interface for
  libjni_pacprocessor. Thus, it should be moved into APEX.

Bug: 120659668
Bug: 121269980
Test: m droid
Test: art/build/apex/
Change-Id: I902c39b104a1678a046262e42efef07a60ee6558
diff --git a/build/apex/Android.bp b/build/apex/Android.bp
index 735755f..64542da 100644
--- a/build/apex/Android.bp
+++ b/build/apex/Android.bp
@@ -105,11 +105,20 @@
 // Native libraries that support the core Java libraries.
 libcore_native_shared_libs = [
+    "libandroidicu",
+    "libexpat",
+    "libicui18n",
+    "libicuuc",
-    "libexpat",
-    "libziparchive"
+    "libziparchive",
+libcore_native_device_only_shared_libs = libcore_native_shared_libs + [
+    // TODO(b/122876336): Remove once it's migrated to Webview.
+    // libpac is used by frameworks, not by ART host.
+    "libpac",
 // Temporary library includes for b/123591866 as all libraries are moved into the main art-apex.
@@ -146,7 +155,7 @@
     java_libs: libcore_java_libs,
     native_shared_libs: art_runtime_base_native_shared_libs
         + bionic_native_shared_libs
-        + libcore_native_shared_libs,
+        + libcore_native_device_only_shared_libs,
     multilib: {
         both: {
             // TODO: Add logic to create a `dalvikvm` symlink to `dalvikvm32` or `dalvikvm64`
@@ -177,7 +186,7 @@
     native_shared_libs: art_runtime_base_native_shared_libs
         + art_runtime_debug_native_shared_libs
         + bionic_native_shared_libs
-        + libcore_native_shared_libs
+        + libcore_native_device_only_shared_libs
         + libcore_debug_native_shared_libs,
     multilib: {
         both: {