Add new profile saver options: save without jit & profile AOT code

The hotness for system server code is increased in AOT-ed code. The flow
does not call into JIT and as such notifications are not triggered.
Instead of relying on the JIT system, make use of a simple back off
strategy to save the profile.

Starts the profile saver even if the oat file is speed compiled.

Test: m test-art-host
      boot a device with system server profiling enabled.
Bug: 73313191

(cherry picked from commit b3d1eeed7426570f61a0b0d4be1a2987200311f6)

Merged-In: I4819fdc7b76189027d6e1dc8d049c589deff6d47
Change-Id: I4819fdc7b76189027d6e1dc8d049c589deff6d47
4 files changed