Fixing structure of native frame for Generic JNI

This changes the layout of the callee-save frame used in generic
JNI to be consistent with the JNI compiler, that is, the SIRT is
inline (above the method reference). Now the location of the
"this" object is consistent.

Change-Id: Ibad0882680712cb640b4c70ada0229ef7cf4e62c
diff --git a/compiler/common_compiler_test.h b/compiler/common_compiler_test.h
index def7b68..d28b0fe 100644
--- a/compiler/common_compiler_test.h
+++ b/compiler/common_compiler_test.h
@@ -219,8 +219,15 @@
       } else {
         const void* method_code = GetQuickGenericJniTrampoline();
         mirror::ArtMethod* callee_save_method = runtime_->GetCalleeSaveMethod(Runtime::kRefsAndArgs);
+        // Compute Sirt size, as Sirt goes into frame
+        MethodHelper mh(method);
+        uint32_t sirt_refs = mh.GetNumberOfReferenceArgsWithoutReceiver() + 1;
+        uint32_t sirt_size = StackIndirectReferenceTable::SizeOf(sirt_refs);
         OatFile::OatMethod oat_method = CreateOatMethod(method_code,
-                                                        callee_save_method->GetFrameSizeInBytes(),
+                                                        callee_save_method->GetFrameSizeInBytes() +
+                                                            sirt_size,