ART jitted code profiling support.

- Generate perf map for method level profiling.
- Generate jit dump for instruction level profiling.

Command line example of perf map approach:
$ perf record dalvikvm -Xcompiler-option -g -cp <classpath> MyClass
$ perf report

Command line example of perf jit dump approach:
$ perf record -k mono dalvikvm -Xcompiler-option -g -cp <classpath> MyClass
$ perf inject -i -o
$ perf report -i
$ perf annotate -i
NOTE: 4.1 or newer kernel is needed for this jit dump analysis.

Test: Compile.
Test: Verified that and jit-PID.dump files are only generated
      when running ART JIT with -g option. Tested on aosp_angler-userdebug
      and hikey-userdebug devices. The file formats are correct.

Change-Id: I1bd3ce280f953811d3dfcc27dc8e59b3e1f481aa
diff --git a/compiler/jit/ b/compiler/jit/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ce3b0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/jit/
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+ * Copyright 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "jit_logger.h"
+#include "arch/instruction_set.h"
+#include "art_method-inl.h"
+#include "base/time_utils.h"
+#include "base/unix_file/fd_file.h"
+#include "driver/compiler_driver.h"
+#include "jit/jit.h"
+#include "jit/jit_code_cache.h"
+namespace art {
+namespace jit {
+static const char* kLogPrefix = "/data/misc/trace";
+static const char* kLogPrefix = "/tmp";
+// File format of
+// +---------------------+
+// |ADDR SIZE symbolname1|
+// |ADDR SIZE symbolname2|
+// |...                  |
+// +---------------------+
+void JitLogger::OpenPerfMapLog() {
+  std::string pid_str = std::to_string(getpid());
+  std::string perf_filename = std::string(kLogPrefix) + "/perf-" + pid_str + ".map";
+  perf_file_.reset(OS::CreateEmptyFileWriteOnly(perf_filename.c_str()));
+  if (perf_file_ == nullptr) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Could not create perf file at " << perf_filename <<
+      " Are you on a user build? Perf only works on userdebug/eng builds";
+  }
+void JitLogger::WritePerfMapLog(JitCodeCache* code_cache, ArtMethod* method) {
+  if (perf_file_ != nullptr) {
+    const void* ptr = method->GetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode();
+    size_t code_size = code_cache->GetMemorySizeOfCodePointer(ptr);
+    std::string method_name = method->PrettyMethod();
+    std::ostringstream stream;
+    stream << std::hex
+           << reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr)
+           << " "
+           << code_size
+           << " "
+           << method_name
+           << std::endl;
+    std::string str = stream.str();
+    bool res = perf_file_->WriteFully(str.c_str(), str.size());
+    if (!res) {
+      LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to write jitted method info in log: write failure.";
+    }
+  } else {
+    LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to write jitted method info in log: log file doesn't exist.";
+  }
+void JitLogger::ClosePerfMapLog() {
+  if (perf_file_ != nullptr) {
+    UNUSED(perf_file_->Flush());
+    UNUSED(perf_file_->Close());
+  }
+//  File format of jit-PID.jump:
+//  +--------------------------------+
+//  |  PerfJitHeader                 |
+//  +--------------------------------+
+//  |  PerfJitCodeLoad {             | .
+//  |    struct PerfJitBase;         |  .
+//  |    uint32_t process_id_;       |   .
+//  |    uint32_t thread_id_;        |   .
+//  |    uint64_t vma_;              |   .
+//  |    uint64_t code_address_;     |   .
+//  |    uint64_t code_size_;        |   .
+//  |    uint64_t code_id_;          |   .
+//  |  }                             |   .
+//  +-                              -+   .
+//  |  method_name'\0'               |   +--> one jitted method
+//  +-                              -+   .
+//  |  jitted code binary            |   .
+//  |  ...                           |   .
+//  +--------------------------------+   .
+//  |  PerfJitCodeDebugInfo     {    |   .
+//  |    struct PerfJitBase;         |   .
+//  |    uint64_t address_;          |   .
+//  |    uint64_t entry_count_;      |   .
+//  |    struct PerfJitDebugEntry;   |  .
+//  |  }                             | .
+//  +--------------------------------+
+//  |  PerfJitCodeLoad               |
+//     ...
+struct PerfJitHeader {
+  uint32_t magic_;            // Characters "JiTD"
+  uint32_t version_;          // Header version
+  uint32_t size_;             // Total size of header
+  uint32_t elf_mach_target_;  // Elf mach target
+  uint32_t reserved_;         // Reserved, currently not used
+  uint32_t process_id_;       // Process ID of the JIT compiler
+  uint64_t time_stamp_;       // Timestamp when the header is generated
+  uint64_t flags_;            // Currently the flags are only used for choosing clock for timestamp,
+                              // we set it to 0 to tell perf that we use CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock.
+  static const uint32_t kMagic = 0x4A695444;  // "JiTD"
+  static const uint32_t kVersion = 1;
+// Each record starts with such basic information: event type, total size, and timestamp.
+struct PerfJitBase {
+  enum PerfJitEvent {
+    // A jitted code load event.
+    // In ART JIT, it is used to log a new method is jit compiled and committed to jit-code-cache.
+    // Note that such kLoad event supports code cache GC in ART JIT.
+    // For every kLoad event recorded in jit-PID.dump and every perf sample recorded in,
+    // each event/sample has time stamp. In case code cache GC happens in ART JIT, and a new
+    // jitted method is committed to the same address of a previously deleted method,
+    // the time stamp information can help profiler to tell whether this sample belongs to the
+    // era of the first jitted method, or does it belong to the period of the second jitted method.
+    // JitCodeCache doesn't have to record any event on 'code delete'.
+    kLoad = 0,
+    // A jitted code move event, i,e. a jitted code moved from one address to another address.
+    // It helps profiler to map samples to the right symbol even when the code is moved.
+    // In ART JIT, this event can help log such behavior:
+    // A jitted method is recorded in previous kLoad event, but due to some reason,
+    // it is moved to another address in jit-code-cache.
+    kMove = 1,
+    // Logs debug line/column information.
+    kDebugInfo = 2,
+    // Logs JIT VM end of life event.
+    kClose = 3
+  };
+  uint32_t event_;       // Must be one of the events defined in PerfJitEvent.
+  uint32_t size_;        // Total size of this event record.
+                         // For example, for kLoad event, size of the event record is:
+                         // sizeof(PerfJitCodeLoad) + method_name.size() + compiled code size.
+  uint64_t time_stamp_;  // Timestamp for the event.
+// Logs a jitted code load event (kLoad).
+// In ART JIT, it is used to log a new method is jit compiled and commited to jit-code-cache.
+struct PerfJitCodeLoad : PerfJitBase {
+  uint32_t process_id_;    // Process ID who performs the jit code load.
+                           // In ART JIT, it is the pid of the JIT compiler.
+  uint32_t thread_id_;     // Thread ID who performs the jit code load.
+                           // In ART JIT, it is the tid of the JIT compiler.
+  uint64_t vma_;           // Address of the code section. In ART JIT, because code_address_
+                           // uses absolute address, this field is 0.
+  uint64_t code_address_;  // Address where is jitted code is loaded.
+  uint64_t code_size_;     // Size of the jitted code.
+  uint64_t code_id_;       // Unique ID for each jitted code.
+// This structure is for source line/column mapping.
+// Currently this feature is not implemented in ART JIT yet.
+struct PerfJitDebugEntry {
+  uint64_t address_;      // Code address which maps to the line/column in source.
+  uint32_t line_number_;  // Source line number starting at 1.
+  uint32_t column_;       // Column discriminator, default 0.
+  const char name_[0];    // Followed by null-terminated name or \0xff\0 if same as previous.
+// Logs debug line information (kDebugInfo).
+// This structure is for source line/column mapping.
+// Currently this feature is not implemented in ART JIT yet.
+struct PerfJitCodeDebugInfo : PerfJitBase {
+  uint64_t address_;              // Starting code address which the debug info describes.
+  uint64_t entry_count_;          // How many instances of PerfJitDebugEntry.
+  PerfJitDebugEntry entries_[0];  // Followed by entry_count_ instances of PerfJitDebugEntry.
+static uint32_t GetElfMach() {
+#if defined(__arm__)
+  static const uint32_t kElfMachARM = 0x28;
+  return kElfMachARM;
+#elif defined(__aarch64__)
+  static const uint32_t kElfMachARM64 = 0xB7;
+  return kElfMachARM64;
+#elif defined(__i386__)
+  static const uint32_t kElfMachIA32 = 0x3;
+  return kElfMachIA32;
+#elif defined(__x86_64__)
+  static const uint32_t kElfMachX64 = 0x3E;
+  return kElfMachX64;
+  UNIMPLEMENTED(WARNING) << "Unsupported architecture in JitLogger";
+  return 0;
+void JitLogger::OpenMarkerFile() {
+  int fd = jit_dump_file_->Fd();
+  // The 'perf inject' tool requires that the jit-PID.dump file
+  // must have a mmap(PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC) record in
+  marker_address_ = mmap(nullptr, kPageSize, PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
+  if (marker_address_ == MAP_FAILED) {
+    LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to create record in JITed code profiling will not work.";
+    return;
+  }
+void JitLogger::CloseMarkerFile() {
+  if (marker_address_ != nullptr) {
+    munmap(marker_address_, kPageSize);
+  }
+void JitLogger::WriteJitDumpDebugInfo() {
+  // In the future, we can add java source file line/column mapping here.
+void JitLogger::WriteJitDumpHeader() {
+  PerfJitHeader header;
+  std::memset(&header, 0, sizeof(header));
+  header.magic_ = PerfJitHeader::kMagic;
+  header.version_ = PerfJitHeader::kVersion;
+  header.size_ = sizeof(header);
+  header.elf_mach_target_ = GetElfMach();
+  header.process_id_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(getpid());
+  header.time_stamp_ = art::NanoTime();  // CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock is required.
+  header.flags_ = 0;
+  bool res = jit_dump_file_->WriteFully(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&header), sizeof(header));
+  if (!res) {
+    LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to write profiling log. The 'perf inject' tool will not work.";
+  }
+void JitLogger::OpenJitDumpLog() {
+  std::string pid_str = std::to_string(getpid());
+  std::string jitdump_filename = std::string(kLogPrefix) + "/jit-" + pid_str + ".dump";
+  jit_dump_file_.reset(OS::CreateEmptyFile(jitdump_filename.c_str()));
+  if (jit_dump_file_ == nullptr) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Could not create jit dump file at " << jitdump_filename <<
+      " Are you on a user build? Perf only works on userdebug/eng builds";
+    return;
+  }
+  OpenMarkerFile();
+  // Continue to write jit-PID.dump file even above OpenMarkerFile() fails.
+  // Even if that means 'perf inject' tool cannot work, developers can still use other tools
+  // to map the samples in to the information (symbol,address,code) recorded
+  // in the jit-PID.dump file, and still proceed the jitted code analysis.
+  WriteJitDumpHeader();
+void JitLogger::WriteJitDumpLog(JitCodeCache* code_cache, ArtMethod* method) {
+  if (jit_dump_file_ != nullptr) {
+    const void* code = method->GetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode();
+    size_t code_size = code_cache->GetMemorySizeOfCodePointer(code);
+    std::string method_name = method->PrettyMethod();
+    PerfJitCodeLoad jit_code;
+    std::memset(&jit_code, 0, sizeof(jit_code));
+    jit_code.event_ = PerfJitCodeLoad::kLoad;
+    jit_code.size_ = sizeof(jit_code) + method_name.size() + 1 + code_size;
+    jit_code.time_stamp_ = art::NanoTime();    // CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock is required.
+    jit_code.process_id_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(getpid());
+    jit_code.thread_id_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(art::GetTid());
+    jit_code.vma_ = 0x0;
+    jit_code.code_address_ = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(code);
+    jit_code.code_size_ = code_size;
+    jit_code.code_id_ = code_index_++;
+    // Write one complete jitted method info, including:
+    // - PerfJitCodeLoad structure
+    // - Method name
+    // - Complete generated code of this method
+    //
+    // Use UNUSED() here to avoid compiler warnings.
+    UNUSED(jit_dump_file_->WriteFully(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&jit_code), sizeof(jit_code)));
+    UNUSED(jit_dump_file_->WriteFully(method_name.c_str(), method_name.size() + 1));
+    UNUSED(jit_dump_file_->WriteFully(code, code_size));
+    WriteJitDumpDebugInfo();
+  }
+void JitLogger::CloseJitDumpLog() {
+  if (jit_dump_file_ != nullptr) {
+    CloseMarkerFile();
+    UNUSED(jit_dump_file_->Flush());
+    UNUSED(jit_dump_file_->Close());
+  }
+}  // namespace jit
+}  // namespace art