Reduce code size by sharing slow paths.

Sharing identical slow path code reduces code size.

Currently, slow paths with the same dex-pc, same physical register
spilling code, and identical stack maps are shared (making this
only useful for deopt slow paths). The newly introduced mechanism
is sufficiently general to allow future improvements by e.g.
allowing different dex-pc (by passing this to runtime) or even
the kind of slow paths (by passing runtime addresses to the slowpath).

Change-Id: I819615c47b4fd98440a241f681f93e4fc22d12e0
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator.h b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator.h
index 950043e..5958cd8 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator.h
@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@
   ArenaVector<SlowPathCode*> slow_paths_;
-  // The current slow path that we're generating code for.
+  // The current slow-path that we're generating code for.
   SlowPathCode* current_slow_path_;
   // The current block index in `block_order_` of the block
@@ -674,6 +674,122 @@
+ * A templated class SlowPathGenerator with a templated method NewSlowPath()
+ * that can be used by any code generator to share equivalent slow-paths with
+ * the objective of reducing generated code size.
+ *
+ * InstructionType:  instruction that requires SlowPathCodeType
+ * SlowPathCodeType: subclass of SlowPathCode, with constructor SlowPathCodeType(InstructionType *)
+ */
+template <typename InstructionType>
+class SlowPathGenerator {
+  static_assert(std::is_base_of<HInstruction, InstructionType>::value,
+                "InstructionType is not a subclass of art::HInstruction");
+ public:
+  SlowPathGenerator(HGraph* graph, CodeGenerator* codegen)
+      : graph_(graph),
+        codegen_(codegen),
+        slow_path_map_(std::less<uint32_t>(), graph->GetArena()->Adapter(kArenaAllocSlowPaths)) {}
+  // Creates and adds a new slow-path, if needed, or returns existing one otherwise.
+  // Templating the method (rather than the whole class) on the slow-path type enables
+  // keeping this code at a generic, non architecture-specific place.
+  //
+  // NOTE: This approach assumes each InstructionType only generates one SlowPathCodeType.
+  //       To relax this requirement, we would need some RTTI on the stored slow-paths,
+  //       or template the class as a whole on SlowPathType.
+  template <typename SlowPathCodeType>
+  SlowPathCodeType* NewSlowPath(InstructionType* instruction) {
+    static_assert(std::is_base_of<SlowPathCode, SlowPathCodeType>::value,
+                  "SlowPathCodeType is not a subclass of art::SlowPathCode");
+    static_assert(std::is_constructible<SlowPathCodeType, InstructionType*>::value,
+                  "SlowPathCodeType is not constructible from InstructionType*");
+    // Iterate over potential candidates for sharing. Currently, only same-typed
+    // slow-paths with exactly the same dex-pc are viable candidates.
+    // TODO: pass dex-pc/slow-path-type to run-time to allow even more sharing?
+    const uint32_t dex_pc = instruction->GetDexPc();
+    auto iter = slow_path_map_.find(dex_pc);
+    if (iter != slow_path_map_.end()) {
+      auto candidates = iter->second;
+      for (const auto& it : candidates) {
+        InstructionType* other_instruction = it.first;
+        SlowPathCodeType* other_slow_path = down_cast<SlowPathCodeType*>(it.second);
+        // Determine if the instructions allow for slow-path sharing.
+        if (HaveSameLiveRegisters(instruction, other_instruction) &&
+            HaveSameStackMap(instruction, other_instruction)) {
+          // Can share: reuse existing one.
+          return other_slow_path;
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      // First time this dex-pc is seen.
+      iter = slow_path_map_.Put(dex_pc, {{}, {graph_->GetArena()->Adapter(kArenaAllocSlowPaths)}});
+    }
+    // Cannot share: create and add new slow-path for this particular dex-pc.
+    SlowPathCodeType* slow_path = new (graph_->GetArena()) SlowPathCodeType(instruction);
+    iter->second.emplace_back(std::make_pair(instruction, slow_path));
+    codegen_->AddSlowPath(slow_path);
+    return slow_path;
+  }
+ private:
+  // Tests if both instructions have same set of live physical registers. This ensures
+  // the slow-path has exactly the same preamble on saving these registers to stack.
+  bool HaveSameLiveRegisters(const InstructionType* i1, const InstructionType* i2) const {
+    const uint32_t core_spill = ~codegen_->GetCoreSpillMask();
+    const uint32_t fpu_spill = ~codegen_->GetFpuSpillMask();
+    RegisterSet* live1 = i1->GetLocations()->GetLiveRegisters();
+    RegisterSet* live2 = i2->GetLocations()->GetLiveRegisters();
+    return (((live1->GetCoreRegisters() & core_spill) ==
+             (live2->GetCoreRegisters() & core_spill)) &&
+            ((live1->GetFloatingPointRegisters() & fpu_spill) ==
+             (live2->GetFloatingPointRegisters() & fpu_spill)));
+  }
+  // Tests if both instructions have the same stack map. This ensures the interpreter
+  // will find exactly the same dex-registers at the same entries.
+  bool HaveSameStackMap(const InstructionType* i1, const InstructionType* i2) const {
+    DCHECK(i1->HasEnvironment());
+    DCHECK(i2->HasEnvironment());
+    // We conservatively test if the two instructions find exactly the same instructions
+    // and location in each dex-register. This guarantees they will have the same stack map.
+    HEnvironment* e1 = i1->GetEnvironment();
+    HEnvironment* e2 = i2->GetEnvironment();
+    if (e1->GetParent() != e2->GetParent() || e1->Size() != e2->Size()) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    for (size_t i = 0, sz = e1->Size(); i < sz; ++i) {
+      if (e1->GetInstructionAt(i) != e2->GetInstructionAt(i) ||
+          !e1->GetLocationAt(i).Equals(e2->GetLocationAt(i))) {
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  HGraph* const graph_;
+  CodeGenerator* const codegen_;
+  // Map from dex-pc to vector of already existing instruction/slow-path pairs.
+  ArenaSafeMap<uint32_t, ArenaVector<std::pair<InstructionType*, SlowPathCode*>>> slow_path_map_;
+class InstructionCodeGenerator : public HGraphVisitor {
+ public:
+  InstructionCodeGenerator(HGraph* graph, CodeGenerator* codegen)
+      : HGraphVisitor(graph),
+        deopt_slow_paths_(graph, codegen) {}
+ protected:
+  // Add slow-path generator for each instruction/slow-path combination that desires sharing.
+  // TODO: under current regime, only deopt sharing make sense; extend later.
+  SlowPathGenerator<HDeoptimize> deopt_slow_paths_;
 }  // namespace art