Proxy implementation

This rounds out the proxy implementation by adding missing pieces to the
class linker, extending tests and fixing issues in the runtime support.
There are also some tweaks for performance and to clean up Method/Object
a little.
A unit test of the functionality is "art/test/run-test 044"

Change-Id: Id94102d10b81cd9b12b95ba8618f6187490204c4
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index ba3e1b4..ccb8dcc 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -901,14 +901,36 @@
   return result;
+static void ThrowNewUndeclaredThrowableException(Thread* self, JNIEnv* env, Throwable* exception) {
+  ScopedLocalRef<jclass> jlr_UTE_class(env,
+      env->FindClass("java/lang/reflect/UndeclaredThrowableException"));
+  if (jlr_UTE_class.get() == NULL) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't throw new \"java/lang/reflect/UndeclaredThrowableException\"";
+  } else {
+    jmethodID jlre_UTE_constructor = env->GetMethodID(jlr_UTE_class.get(), "<init>",
+                                                      "(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V");
+    jthrowable jexception = AddLocalReference<jthrowable>(env, exception);
+    ScopedLocalRef<jthrowable> jlr_UTE(env,
+        reinterpret_cast<jthrowable>(env->NewObject(jlr_UTE_class.get(), jlre_UTE_constructor,
+                                                    jexception)));
+    int rc = env->Throw(jlr_UTE.get());
+    if (rc != JNI_OK) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't throw new \"java/lang/reflect/UndeclaredThrowableException\"";
+    }
+  }
+  CHECK(self->IsExceptionPending());
 // Handler for invocation on proxy methods. On entry a frame will exist for the proxy object method
 // which is responsible for recording callee save registers. We explicitly handlerize incoming
 // reference arguments (so they survive GC) and create a boxed argument array. Finally we invoke
 // the invocation handler which is a field within the proxy object receiver.
 extern "C" void artProxyInvokeHandler(Method* proxy_method, Object* receiver,
-                                      byte* stack_args, Thread* self) {
+                                      Thread* self, byte* stack_args) {
   // Register the top of the managed stack
-  self->SetTopOfStack(reinterpret_cast<Method**>(stack_args + 8), 0);
+  Method** proxy_sp = reinterpret_cast<Method**>(stack_args - 12);
+  DCHECK_EQ(*proxy_sp, proxy_method);
+  self->SetTopOfStack(proxy_sp, 0);
   // TODO: ARM specific
   DCHECK_EQ(proxy_method->GetFrameSizeInBytes(), 48u);
   // Start new JNI local reference state
@@ -941,7 +963,7 @@
   // Placing into local references incoming arguments from the caller's stack arguments
-  cur_arg += 5;  // skip LR, Method* and spills for R1 to R3
+  cur_arg += 11;  // skip callee saves, LR, Method* and out arg spills for R1 to R3
   while (param_index < num_params) {
     if (proxy_method->IsParamAReference(param_index)) {
       Object* obj = *reinterpret_cast<Object**>(stack_args + (cur_arg * kPointerSize));
@@ -951,23 +973,31 @@
     cur_arg = cur_arg + (proxy_method->IsParamALongOrDouble(param_index) ? 2 : 1);
-  // Create args array
-  ObjectArray<Object>* args =
-      Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker()->AllocObjectArray<Object>(num_params - 1);
-  if(args == NULL) {
-    CHECK(self->IsExceptionPending());
-    return;
-  }
   // Set up arguments array and place in local IRT during boxing (which may allocate/GC)
   jvalue args_jobj[3];
   args_jobj[0].l = rcvr_jobj;
   args_jobj[1].l = proxy_method_jobj;
-  args_jobj[2].l = AddLocalReference<jobjectArray>(env, args);
+  // Args array, if no arguments then NULL (don't include receiver in argument count)
+  args_jobj[2].l = NULL;
+  ObjectArray<Object>* args = NULL;
+  if ((num_params - 1) > 0) {
+    args = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker()->AllocObjectArray<Object>(num_params - 1);
+    if(args == NULL) {
+      CHECK(self->IsExceptionPending());
+      return;
+    }
+    args_jobj[2].l = AddLocalReference<jobjectArray>(env, args);
+  }
+  // Convert proxy method into expected interface method
+  Method* interface_method = proxy_method->FindOverriddenMethod();
+  CHECK(interface_method != NULL);
+  args_jobj[1].l = AddLocalReference<jobject>(env, interface_method);
+  LOG(INFO) << "Interface method is " << PrettyMethod(interface_method, true);
   // Box arguments
   cur_arg = 0;  // reset stack location to read to start
   // reset index, will index into param type array which doesn't include the receiver
   param_index = 0;
-  ObjectArray<Class>* param_types = proxy_method->GetJavaParameterTypes();
+  ObjectArray<Class>* param_types = interface_method->GetJavaParameterTypes();
   CHECK(param_types != NULL);
   // Check number of parameter types agrees with number from the Method - less 1 for the receiver.
   CHECK_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(param_types->GetLength()), num_params - 1);
@@ -980,8 +1010,7 @@
       JValue val = *reinterpret_cast<JValue*>(stack_args + (cur_arg * kPointerSize));
       if (cur_arg == 1 && (param_type->IsPrimitiveLong() || param_type->IsPrimitiveDouble())) {
         // long/double split over regs and stack, mask in high half from stack arguments
-        // (7 = 2 reg args + LR + Method* + 3 arg reg spill slots)
-        uint64_t high_half = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(stack_args + (7 * kPointerSize));
+        uint64_t high_half = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(stack_args + (13 * kPointerSize));
         val.j = (val.j & 0xffffffffULL) | (high_half << 32);
       BoxPrimitive(env, param_type, val);
@@ -995,8 +1024,8 @@
   // Placing into local references incoming arguments from the caller's stack arguments
-  cur_arg += 5;  // skip LR, Method* and spills for R1 to R3
-  while (param_index < num_params) {
+  cur_arg += 11;  // skip callee saves, LR, Method* and out arg spills for R1 to R3
+  while (param_index < (num_params - 1)) {
     Class* param_type = param_types->Get(param_index);
     Object* obj;
     if (!param_type->IsPrimitive()) {
@@ -1017,13 +1046,13 @@
   static jmethodID inv_hand_invoke_mid = NULL;
   static jfieldID proxy_inv_hand_fid = NULL;
   if (proxy_inv_hand_fid == NULL) {
-    ScopedLocalRef<jclass> proxy(env, env->FindClass("java.lang.reflect.Proxy"));
+    ScopedLocalRef<jclass> proxy(env, env->FindClass("java/lang/reflect/Proxy"));
     proxy_inv_hand_fid = env->GetFieldID(proxy.get(), "h", "Ljava/lang/reflect/InvocationHandler;");
-    ScopedLocalRef<jclass> inv_hand_class(env, env->FindClass("java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler"));
+    ScopedLocalRef<jclass> inv_hand_class(env, env->FindClass("java/lang/reflect/InvocationHandler"));
     inv_hand_invoke_mid = env->GetMethodID(inv_hand_class.get(), "invoke",
-  DCHECK(env->IsInstanceOf(rcvr_jobj, env->FindClass("java.lang.reflect.Proxy")));
+  DCHECK(env->IsInstanceOf(rcvr_jobj, env->FindClass("java/lang/reflect/Proxy")));
   jobject inv_hand = env->GetObjectField(rcvr_jobj, proxy_inv_hand_fid);
   // Call InvocationHandler.invoke
   jobject result = env->CallObjectMethodA(inv_hand, inv_hand_invoke_mid, args_jobj);
@@ -1032,11 +1061,32 @@
     Object* result_ref = self->DecodeJObject(result);
     if (result_ref != NULL) {
       JValue result_unboxed;
-      UnboxPrimitive(env, result_ref, proxy_method->GetReturnType(), result_unboxed);
+      UnboxPrimitive(env, result_ref, interface_method->GetReturnType(), result_unboxed);
       *reinterpret_cast<JValue*>(stack_args) = result_unboxed;
     } else {
       *reinterpret_cast<jobject*>(stack_args) = NULL;
+  } else {
+    // In the case of checked exceptions that aren't declared, the exception must be wrapped by
+    // a UndeclaredThrowableException.
+    Throwable* exception = self->GetException();
+    self->ClearException();
+    if (!exception->IsCheckedException()) {
+      self->SetException(exception);
+    } else {
+      ObjectArray<Class>* declared_exceptions = proxy_method->GetExceptionTypes();
+      Class* exception_class = exception->GetClass();
+      bool declares_exception = false;
+      for (int i = 0; i < declared_exceptions->GetLength() && !declares_exception; i++) {
+        Class* declared_exception = declared_exceptions->Get(i);
+        declares_exception = declared_exception->IsAssignableFrom(exception_class);
+      }
+      if (declares_exception) {
+        self->SetException(exception);
+      } else {
+        ThrowNewUndeclaredThrowableException(self, env, exception);
+      }
+    }