Refactor reflective method invocation.

Move invocation code out of JNI internal into reflection, including ArgArray
code. Make reflective invocation use the ArgArray to build arguments rather
than allocating a jvalue[] and unboxing arguments into that.
Move reflection part of jni_internal_test into reflection_test.
Make greater use of fast JNI.

Change-Id: Ib381372df5f9a83679e30e7275de24fa0e6b1057
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c14da5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -0,0 +1,627 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "reflection.h"
+#include <cmath>
+#include "common_compiler_test.h"
+#include "mirror/art_method-inl.h"
+namespace art {
+// TODO: Convert to CommonRuntimeTest. Currently MakeExecutable is used.
+class ReflectionTest : public CommonCompilerTest {
+ protected:
+  virtual void SetUp() {
+    CommonCompilerTest::SetUp();
+    vm_ = Runtime::Current()->GetJavaVM();
+    // Turn on -verbose:jni for the JNI tests.
+    // gLogVerbosity.jni = true;
+    vm_->AttachCurrentThread(&env_, NULL);
+    ScopedLocalRef<jclass> aioobe(env_,
+                                  env_->FindClass("java/lang/ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException"));
+    CHECK(aioobe.get() != NULL);
+    aioobe_ = reinterpret_cast<jclass>(env_->NewGlobalRef(aioobe.get()));
+    ScopedLocalRef<jclass> ase(env_, env_->FindClass("java/lang/ArrayStoreException"));
+    CHECK(ase.get() != NULL);
+    ase_ = reinterpret_cast<jclass>(env_->NewGlobalRef(ase.get()));
+    ScopedLocalRef<jclass> sioobe(env_,
+                                  env_->FindClass("java/lang/StringIndexOutOfBoundsException"));
+    CHECK(sioobe.get() != NULL);
+    sioobe_ = reinterpret_cast<jclass>(env_->NewGlobalRef(sioobe.get()));
+  }
+  void CleanUpJniEnv() {
+    if (aioobe_ != NULL) {
+      env_->DeleteGlobalRef(aioobe_);
+      aioobe_ = NULL;
+    }
+    if (ase_ != NULL) {
+      env_->DeleteGlobalRef(ase_);
+      ase_ = NULL;
+    }
+    if (sioobe_ != NULL) {
+      env_->DeleteGlobalRef(sioobe_);
+      sioobe_ = NULL;
+    }
+  }
+  virtual void TearDown() {
+    CleanUpJniEnv();
+    CommonCompilerTest::TearDown();
+  }
+  jclass GetPrimitiveClass(char descriptor) {
+    ScopedObjectAccess soa(env_);
+    mirror::Class* c = class_linker_->FindPrimitiveClass(descriptor);
+    CHECK(c != nullptr);
+    return soa.AddLocalReference<jclass>(c);
+  }
+  void ReflectionTestMakeExecutable(mirror::ArtMethod** method,
+                                    mirror::Object** receiver,
+                                    bool is_static, const char* method_name,
+                                    const char* method_signature)
+      SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+    const char* class_name = is_static ? "StaticLeafMethods" : "NonStaticLeafMethods";
+    jobject jclass_loader(LoadDex(class_name));
+    Thread* self = Thread::Current();
+    SirtRef<mirror::ClassLoader> null_class_loader(self, nullptr);
+    SirtRef<mirror::ClassLoader>
+        class_loader(self,
+                     ScopedObjectAccessUnchecked(self).Decode<mirror::ClassLoader*>(jclass_loader));
+    if (is_static) {
+      MakeExecutable(ScopedObjectAccessUnchecked(self).Decode<mirror::ClassLoader*>(jclass_loader),
+                     class_name);
+    } else {
+      MakeExecutable(nullptr, "java.lang.Class");
+      MakeExecutable(nullptr, "java.lang.Object");
+      MakeExecutable(ScopedObjectAccessUnchecked(self).Decode<mirror::ClassLoader*>(jclass_loader),
+                     class_name);
+    }
+    mirror::Class* c = class_linker_->FindClass(self, DotToDescriptor(class_name).c_str(),
+                                                class_loader);
+    CHECK(c != NULL);
+    *method = is_static ? c->FindDirectMethod(method_name, method_signature)
+                        : c->FindVirtualMethod(method_name, method_signature);
+    CHECK(method != nullptr);
+    *receiver = (is_static ? nullptr : c->AllocObject(self));
+    // Start runtime.
+    bool started = runtime_->Start();
+    CHECK(started);
+    self->TransitionFromSuspendedToRunnable();
+  }
+  void InvokeNopMethod(bool is_static) {
+    ScopedObjectAccess soa(env_);
+    mirror::ArtMethod* method;
+    mirror::Object* receiver;
+    ReflectionTestMakeExecutable(&method, &receiver, is_static, "nop", "()V");
+    InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), nullptr);
+  }
+  void InvokeIdentityByteMethod(bool is_static) {
+    ScopedObjectAccess soa(env_);
+    mirror::ArtMethod* method;
+    mirror::Object* receiver;
+    ReflectionTestMakeExecutable(&method, &receiver, is_static, "identity", "(B)B");
+    jvalue args[1];
+    args[0].b = 0;
+    JValue result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, result.GetB());
+    args[0].b = -1;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(-1, result.GetB());
+    args[0].b = SCHAR_MAX;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(SCHAR_MAX, result.GetB());
+    args[0].b = (SCHAR_MIN << 24) >> 24;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(SCHAR_MIN, result.GetB());
+  }
+  void InvokeIdentityIntMethod(bool is_static) {
+    ScopedObjectAccess soa(env_);
+    mirror::ArtMethod* method;
+    mirror::Object* receiver;
+    ReflectionTestMakeExecutable(&method, &receiver, is_static, "identity", "(I)I");
+    jvalue args[1];
+    args[0].i = 0;
+    JValue result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, result.GetI());
+    args[0].i = -1;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(-1, result.GetI());
+    args[0].i = INT_MAX;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(INT_MAX, result.GetI());
+    args[0].i = INT_MIN;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(INT_MIN, result.GetI());
+  }
+  void InvokeIdentityDoubleMethod(bool is_static) {
+    ScopedObjectAccess soa(env_);
+    mirror::ArtMethod* method;
+    mirror::Object* receiver;
+    ReflectionTestMakeExecutable(&method, &receiver, is_static, "identity", "(D)D");
+    jvalue args[1];
+    args[0].d = 0.0;
+    JValue result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(0.0, result.GetD());
+    args[0].d = -1.0;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(-1.0, result.GetD());
+    args[0].d = DBL_MAX;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(DBL_MAX, result.GetD());
+    args[0].d = DBL_MIN;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(DBL_MIN, result.GetD());
+  }
+  void InvokeSumIntIntMethod(bool is_static) {
+    ScopedObjectAccess soa(env_);
+    mirror::ArtMethod* method;
+    mirror::Object* receiver;
+    ReflectionTestMakeExecutable(&method, &receiver, is_static, "sum", "(II)I");
+    jvalue args[2];
+    args[0].i = 1;
+    args[1].i = 2;
+    JValue result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(3, result.GetI());
+    args[0].i = -2;
+    args[1].i = 5;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(3, result.GetI());
+    args[0].i = INT_MAX;
+    args[1].i = INT_MIN;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(-1, result.GetI());
+    args[0].i = INT_MAX;
+    args[1].i = INT_MAX;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(-2, result.GetI());
+  }
+  void InvokeSumIntIntIntMethod(bool is_static) {
+    ScopedObjectAccess soa(env_);
+    mirror::ArtMethod* method;
+    mirror::Object* receiver;
+    ReflectionTestMakeExecutable(&method, &receiver, is_static, "sum", "(III)I");
+    jvalue args[3];
+    args[0].i = 0;
+    args[1].i = 0;
+    args[2].i = 0;
+    JValue result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, result.GetI());
+    args[0].i = 1;
+    args[1].i = 2;
+    args[2].i = 3;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(6, result.GetI());
+    args[0].i = -1;
+    args[1].i = 2;
+    args[2].i = -3;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(-2, result.GetI());
+    args[0].i = INT_MAX;
+    args[1].i = INT_MIN;
+    args[2].i = INT_MAX;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(2147483646, result.GetI());
+    args[0].i = INT_MAX;
+    args[1].i = INT_MAX;
+    args[2].i = INT_MAX;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(2147483645, result.GetI());
+  }
+  void InvokeSumIntIntIntIntMethod(bool is_static) {
+    ScopedObjectAccess soa(env_);
+    mirror::ArtMethod* method;
+    mirror::Object* receiver;
+    ReflectionTestMakeExecutable(&method, &receiver, is_static, "sum", "(IIII)I");
+    jvalue args[4];
+    args[0].i = 0;
+    args[1].i = 0;
+    args[2].i = 0;
+    args[3].i = 0;
+    JValue result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, result.GetI());
+    args[0].i = 1;
+    args[1].i = 2;
+    args[2].i = 3;
+    args[3].i = 4;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(10, result.GetI());
+    args[0].i = -1;
+    args[1].i = 2;
+    args[2].i = -3;
+    args[3].i = 4;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(2, result.GetI());
+    args[0].i = INT_MAX;
+    args[1].i = INT_MIN;
+    args[2].i = INT_MAX;
+    args[3].i = INT_MIN;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(-2, result.GetI());
+    args[0].i = INT_MAX;
+    args[1].i = INT_MAX;
+    args[2].i = INT_MAX;
+    args[3].i = INT_MAX;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(-4, result.GetI());
+  }
+  void InvokeSumIntIntIntIntIntMethod(bool is_static) {
+    ScopedObjectAccess soa(env_);
+    mirror::ArtMethod* method;
+    mirror::Object* receiver;
+    ReflectionTestMakeExecutable(&method, &receiver, is_static, "sum", "(IIIII)I");
+    jvalue args[5];
+    args[0].i = 0;
+    args[1].i = 0;
+    args[2].i = 0;
+    args[3].i = 0;
+    args[4].i = 0;
+    JValue result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, result.GetI());
+    args[0].i = 1;
+    args[1].i = 2;
+    args[2].i = 3;
+    args[3].i = 4;
+    args[4].i = 5;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(15, result.GetI());
+    args[0].i = -1;
+    args[1].i = 2;
+    args[2].i = -3;
+    args[3].i = 4;
+    args[4].i = -5;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(-3, result.GetI());
+    args[0].i = INT_MAX;
+    args[1].i = INT_MIN;
+    args[2].i = INT_MAX;
+    args[3].i = INT_MIN;
+    args[4].i = INT_MAX;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(2147483645, result.GetI());
+    args[0].i = INT_MAX;
+    args[1].i = INT_MAX;
+    args[2].i = INT_MAX;
+    args[3].i = INT_MAX;
+    args[4].i = INT_MAX;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(2147483643, result.GetI());
+  }
+  void InvokeSumDoubleDoubleMethod(bool is_static) {
+    ScopedObjectAccess soa(env_);
+    mirror::ArtMethod* method;
+    mirror::Object* receiver;
+    ReflectionTestMakeExecutable(&method, &receiver, is_static, "sum", "(DD)D");
+    jvalue args[2];
+    args[0].d = 0.0;
+    args[1].d = 0.0;
+    JValue result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(0.0, result.GetD());
+    args[0].d = 1.0;
+    args[1].d = 2.0;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(3.0, result.GetD());
+    args[0].d = 1.0;
+    args[1].d = -2.0;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(-1.0, result.GetD());
+    args[0].d = DBL_MAX;
+    args[1].d = DBL_MIN;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(1.7976931348623157e308, result.GetD());
+    args[0].d = DBL_MAX;
+    args[1].d = DBL_MAX;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(INFINITY, result.GetD());
+  }
+  void InvokeSumDoubleDoubleDoubleMethod(bool is_static) {
+    ScopedObjectAccess soa(env_);
+    mirror::ArtMethod* method;
+    mirror::Object* receiver;
+    ReflectionTestMakeExecutable(&method, &receiver, is_static, "sum", "(DDD)D");
+    jvalue args[3];
+    args[0].d = 0.0;
+    args[1].d = 0.0;
+    args[2].d = 0.0;
+    JValue result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(0.0, result.GetD());
+    args[0].d = 1.0;
+    args[1].d = 2.0;
+    args[2].d = 3.0;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(6.0, result.GetD());
+    args[0].d = 1.0;
+    args[1].d = -2.0;
+    args[2].d = 3.0;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(2.0, result.GetD());
+  }
+  void InvokeSumDoubleDoubleDoubleDoubleMethod(bool is_static) {
+    ScopedObjectAccess soa(env_);
+    mirror::ArtMethod* method;
+    mirror::Object* receiver;
+    ReflectionTestMakeExecutable(&method, &receiver, is_static, "sum", "(DDDD)D");
+    jvalue args[4];
+    args[0].d = 0.0;
+    args[1].d = 0.0;
+    args[2].d = 0.0;
+    args[3].d = 0.0;
+    JValue result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(0.0, result.GetD());
+    args[0].d = 1.0;
+    args[1].d = 2.0;
+    args[2].d = 3.0;
+    args[3].d = 4.0;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(10.0, result.GetD());
+    args[0].d = 1.0;
+    args[1].d = -2.0;
+    args[2].d = 3.0;
+    args[3].d = -4.0;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(-2.0, result.GetD());
+  }
+  void InvokeSumDoubleDoubleDoubleDoubleDoubleMethod(bool is_static) {
+    ScopedObjectAccess soa(env_);
+    mirror::ArtMethod* method;
+    mirror::Object* receiver;
+    ReflectionTestMakeExecutable(&method, &receiver, is_static, "sum", "(DDDDD)D");
+    jvalue args[5];
+    args[0].d = 0.0;
+    args[1].d = 0.0;
+    args[2].d = 0.0;
+    args[3].d = 0.0;
+    args[4].d = 0.0;
+    JValue result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(0.0, result.GetD());
+    args[0].d = 1.0;
+    args[1].d = 2.0;
+    args[2].d = 3.0;
+    args[3].d = 4.0;
+    args[4].d = 5.0;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(15.0, result.GetD());
+    args[0].d = 1.0;
+    args[1].d = -2.0;
+    args[2].d = 3.0;
+    args[3].d = -4.0;
+    args[4].d = 5.0;
+    result = InvokeWithJValues(soa, receiver, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+    EXPECT_EQ(3.0, result.GetD());
+  }
+  JavaVMExt* vm_;
+  JNIEnv* env_;
+  jclass aioobe_;
+  jclass ase_;
+  jclass sioobe_;
+TEST_F(ReflectionTest, StaticMainMethod) {
+  ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
+  jobject jclass_loader = LoadDex("Main");
+  SirtRef<mirror::ClassLoader>
+      class_loader(soa.Self(), soa.Decode<mirror::ClassLoader*>(jclass_loader));
+  CompileDirectMethod(class_loader, "Main", "main", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V");
+  mirror::Class* klass = class_linker_->FindClass(soa.Self(), "LMain;", class_loader);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(klass != NULL);
+  mirror::ArtMethod* method = klass->FindDirectMethod("main", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V");
+  ASSERT_TRUE(method != NULL);
+  // Start runtime.
+  bool started = runtime_->Start();
+  CHECK(started);
+  soa.Self()->TransitionFromSuspendedToRunnable();
+  jvalue args[1];
+  args[0].l = nullptr;
+  InvokeWithJValues(soa, nullptr, soa.EncodeMethod(method), args);
+TEST_F(ReflectionTest, StaticNopMethod) {
+  InvokeNopMethod(true);
+TEST_F(ReflectionTest, NonStaticNopMethod) {
+  InvokeNopMethod(false);
+TEST_F(ReflectionTest, StaticIdentityByteMethod) {
+  InvokeIdentityByteMethod(true);
+TEST_F(ReflectionTest, NonStaticIdentityByteMethod) {
+  InvokeIdentityByteMethod(false);
+TEST_F(ReflectionTest, StaticIdentityIntMethod) {
+  InvokeIdentityIntMethod(true);
+TEST_F(ReflectionTest, NonStaticIdentityIntMethod) {
+  InvokeIdentityIntMethod(false);
+TEST_F(ReflectionTest, StaticIdentityDoubleMethod) {
+  InvokeIdentityDoubleMethod(true);
+TEST_F(ReflectionTest, NonStaticIdentityDoubleMethod) {
+  InvokeIdentityDoubleMethod(false);
+TEST_F(ReflectionTest, StaticSumIntIntMethod) {
+  InvokeSumIntIntMethod(true);
+TEST_F(ReflectionTest, NonStaticSumIntIntMethod) {
+  InvokeSumIntIntMethod(false);
+TEST_F(ReflectionTest, StaticSumIntIntIntMethod) {
+  InvokeSumIntIntIntMethod(true);
+TEST_F(ReflectionTest, NonStaticSumIntIntIntMethod) {
+  InvokeSumIntIntIntMethod(false);
+TEST_F(ReflectionTest, StaticSumIntIntIntIntMethod) {
+  InvokeSumIntIntIntIntMethod(true);
+TEST_F(ReflectionTest, NonStaticSumIntIntIntIntMethod) {
+  InvokeSumIntIntIntIntMethod(false);
+TEST_F(ReflectionTest, StaticSumIntIntIntIntIntMethod) {
+  InvokeSumIntIntIntIntIntMethod(true);
+TEST_F(ReflectionTest, NonStaticSumIntIntIntIntIntMethod) {
+  InvokeSumIntIntIntIntIntMethod(false);
+TEST_F(ReflectionTest, StaticSumDoubleDoubleMethod) {
+  InvokeSumDoubleDoubleMethod(true);
+TEST_F(ReflectionTest, NonStaticSumDoubleDoubleMethod) {
+  InvokeSumDoubleDoubleMethod(false);
+TEST_F(ReflectionTest, StaticSumDoubleDoubleDoubleMethod) {
+  InvokeSumDoubleDoubleDoubleMethod(true);
+TEST_F(ReflectionTest, NonStaticSumDoubleDoubleDoubleMethod) {
+  InvokeSumDoubleDoubleDoubleMethod(false);
+TEST_F(ReflectionTest, StaticSumDoubleDoubleDoubleDoubleMethod) {
+  InvokeSumDoubleDoubleDoubleDoubleMethod(true);
+TEST_F(ReflectionTest, NonStaticSumDoubleDoubleDoubleDoubleMethod) {
+  InvokeSumDoubleDoubleDoubleDoubleMethod(false);
+TEST_F(ReflectionTest, StaticSumDoubleDoubleDoubleDoubleDoubleMethod) {
+  InvokeSumDoubleDoubleDoubleDoubleDoubleMethod(true);
+TEST_F(ReflectionTest, NonStaticSumDoubleDoubleDoubleDoubleDoubleMethod) {
+  InvokeSumDoubleDoubleDoubleDoubleDoubleMethod(false);
+}  // namespace art