Revert "Revert "Optimizing: Better invoke-static/-direct dispatch.""

Fixed kCallArtMethod to use correct callee location for
kRecursive. This combination is used when compiling with
debuggable flag set.

This reverts commit b2c431e80e92eb6437788cc544cee6c88c3156df.

Change-Id: Idee0f2a794199ebdf24892c60f8a5dcf057db01c
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index b8ac421..4152355 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 #include "art_method.h"
 #include "code_generator_utils.h"
 #include "common_arm64.h"
+#include "compiled_method.h"
 #include "entrypoints/quick/quick_entrypoints.h"
 #include "entrypoints/quick/quick_entrypoints_enum.h"
 #include "gc/accounting/card_table.h"
@@ -521,7 +522,12 @@
       location_builder_(graph, this),
       instruction_visitor_(graph, this),
       move_resolver_(graph->GetArena(), this),
-      isa_features_(isa_features) {
+      isa_features_(isa_features),
+      uint64_literals_(std::less<uint64_t>(), graph->GetArena()->Adapter()),
+      method_patches_(MethodReferenceComparator(), graph->GetArena()->Adapter()),
+      call_patches_(MethodReferenceComparator(), graph->GetArena()->Adapter()),
+      relative_call_patches_(graph->GetArena()->Adapter()),
+      pc_rel_dex_cache_patches_(graph->GetArena()->Adapter()) {
   // Save the link register (containing the return address) to mimic Quick.
@@ -532,6 +538,7 @@
 void CodeGeneratorARM64::Finalize(CodeAllocator* allocator) {
   // Ensure we emit the literal pool.
   __ FinalizeCode();
@@ -2370,55 +2377,187 @@
 void CodeGeneratorARM64::GenerateStaticOrDirectCall(HInvokeStaticOrDirect* invoke, Location temp) {
+  // For better instruction scheduling we load the direct code pointer before the method pointer.
+  bool direct_code_loaded = false;
+  switch (invoke->GetCodePtrLocation()) {
+    case HInvokeStaticOrDirect::CodePtrLocation::kCallDirectWithFixup:
+      // LR = code address from literal pool with link-time patch.
+      __ Ldr(lr, DeduplicateMethodCodeLiteral(invoke->GetTargetMethod()));
+      direct_code_loaded = true;
+      break;
+    case HInvokeStaticOrDirect::CodePtrLocation::kCallDirect:
+      // LR = invoke->GetDirectCodePtr();
+      __ Ldr(lr, DeduplicateUint64Literal(invoke->GetDirectCodePtr()));
+      direct_code_loaded = true;
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+  }
   // Make sure that ArtMethod* is passed in kArtMethodRegister as per the calling convention.
-  size_t index_in_cache = GetCachePointerOffset(invoke->GetDexMethodIndex());
-  // TODO: Implement all kinds of calls:
-  // 1) boot -> boot
-  // 2) app -> boot
-  // 3) app -> app
-  //
-  // Currently we implement the app -> app logic, which looks up in the resolve cache.
-  if (invoke->IsStringInit()) {
-    Register reg = XRegisterFrom(temp);
-    // temp = thread->string_init_entrypoint
-    __ Ldr(reg.X(), MemOperand(tr, invoke->GetStringInitOffset()));
-    // LR = temp->entry_point_from_quick_compiled_code_;
-    __ Ldr(lr, MemOperand(
-        reg, ArtMethod::EntryPointFromQuickCompiledCodeOffset(kArm64WordSize).Int32Value()));
-    // lr()
-    __ Blr(lr);
-  } else if (invoke->IsRecursive()) {
-    __ Bl(&frame_entry_label_);
-  } else {
-    Location current_method = invoke->GetLocations()->InAt(invoke->GetCurrentMethodInputIndex());
-    Register reg = XRegisterFrom(temp);
-    Register method_reg;
-    if (current_method.IsRegister()) {
-      method_reg = XRegisterFrom(current_method);
-    } else {
-      DCHECK(invoke->GetLocations()->Intrinsified());
-      DCHECK(!current_method.IsValid());
-      method_reg = reg;
-      __ Ldr(reg.X(), MemOperand(sp, kCurrentMethodStackOffset));
+  Location callee_method = temp;  // For all kinds except kRecursive, callee will be in temp.
+  switch (invoke->GetMethodLoadKind()) {
+    case HInvokeStaticOrDirect::MethodLoadKind::kStringInit:
+      // temp = thread->string_init_entrypoint
+      __ Ldr(XRegisterFrom(temp).X(), MemOperand(tr, invoke->GetStringInitOffset()));
+      break;
+    case HInvokeStaticOrDirect::MethodLoadKind::kRecursive:
+      callee_method = invoke->GetLocations()->InAt(invoke->GetCurrentMethodInputIndex());
+      break;
+    case HInvokeStaticOrDirect::MethodLoadKind::kDirectAddress:
+      // Load method address from literal pool.
+      __ Ldr(XRegisterFrom(temp).X(), DeduplicateUint64Literal(invoke->GetMethodAddress()));
+      break;
+    case HInvokeStaticOrDirect::MethodLoadKind::kDirectAddressWithFixup:
+      // Load method address from literal pool with a link-time patch.
+      __ Ldr(XRegisterFrom(temp).X(),
+             DeduplicateMethodAddressLiteral(invoke->GetTargetMethod()));
+      break;
+    case HInvokeStaticOrDirect::MethodLoadKind::kDexCachePcRelative: {
+      // Add ADRP with its PC-relative DexCache access patch.
+      pc_rel_dex_cache_patches_.emplace_back(*invoke->GetTargetMethod().dex_file,
+                                             invoke->GetDexCacheArrayOffset());
+      vixl::Label* pc_insn_label = &pc_rel_dex_cache_patches_.back().label;
+      {
+        vixl::SingleEmissionCheckScope guard(GetVIXLAssembler());
+        __ adrp(XRegisterFrom(temp).X(), 0);
+      }
+      __ Bind(pc_insn_label);  // Bind after ADRP.
+      pc_rel_dex_cache_patches_.back().pc_insn_label = pc_insn_label;
+      // Add LDR with its PC-relative DexCache access patch.
+      pc_rel_dex_cache_patches_.emplace_back(*invoke->GetTargetMethod().dex_file,
+                                             invoke->GetDexCacheArrayOffset());
+      __ Ldr(XRegisterFrom(temp).X(), MemOperand(XRegisterFrom(temp).X(), 0));
+      __ Bind(&pc_rel_dex_cache_patches_.back().label);  // Bind after LDR.
+      pc_rel_dex_cache_patches_.back().pc_insn_label = pc_insn_label;
+      break;
+    case HInvokeStaticOrDirect::MethodLoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod: {
+      Location current_method = invoke->GetLocations()->InAt(invoke->GetCurrentMethodInputIndex());
+      Register reg = XRegisterFrom(temp);
+      Register method_reg;
+      if (current_method.IsRegister()) {
+        method_reg = XRegisterFrom(current_method);
+      } else {
+        DCHECK(invoke->GetLocations()->Intrinsified());
+        DCHECK(!current_method.IsValid());
+        method_reg = reg;
+        __ Ldr(reg.X(), MemOperand(sp, kCurrentMethodStackOffset));
+      }
-    // temp = current_method->dex_cache_resolved_methods_;
-    __ Ldr(reg.W(), MemOperand(method_reg.X(),
-                               ArtMethod::DexCacheResolvedMethodsOffset().Int32Value()));
-    // temp = temp[index_in_cache];
-    __ Ldr(reg.X(), MemOperand(reg, index_in_cache));
-    // lr = temp->entry_point_from_quick_compiled_code_;
-    __ Ldr(lr, MemOperand(reg.X(), ArtMethod::EntryPointFromQuickCompiledCodeOffset(
-        kArm64WordSize).Int32Value()));
-    // lr();
-    __ Blr(lr);
+      // temp = current_method->dex_cache_resolved_methods_;
+      __ Ldr(reg.W(), MemOperand(method_reg.X(),
+                                 ArtMethod::DexCacheResolvedMethodsOffset().Int32Value()));
+      // temp = temp[index_in_cache];
+      uint32_t index_in_cache = invoke->GetTargetMethod().dex_method_index;
+    __ Ldr(reg.X(), MemOperand(reg.X(), GetCachePointerOffset(index_in_cache)));
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  switch (invoke->GetCodePtrLocation()) {
+    case HInvokeStaticOrDirect::CodePtrLocation::kCallSelf:
+      __ Bl(&frame_entry_label_);
+      break;
+    case HInvokeStaticOrDirect::CodePtrLocation::kCallPCRelative: {
+      relative_call_patches_.emplace_back(invoke->GetTargetMethod());
+      vixl::Label* label = &relative_call_patches_.back().label;
+      __ Bl(label);  // Arbitrarily branch to the instruction after BL, override at link time.
+      __ Bind(label);  // Bind after BL.
+      break;
+    }
+    case HInvokeStaticOrDirect::CodePtrLocation::kCallDirectWithFixup:
+    case HInvokeStaticOrDirect::CodePtrLocation::kCallDirect:
+      // LR prepared above for better instruction scheduling.
+      DCHECK(direct_code_loaded);
+      // lr()
+      __ Blr(lr);
+      break;
+    case HInvokeStaticOrDirect::CodePtrLocation::kCallArtMethod:
+      // LR = callee_method->entry_point_from_quick_compiled_code_;
+      __ Ldr(lr, MemOperand(
+          XRegisterFrom(callee_method).X(),
+          ArtMethod::EntryPointFromQuickCompiledCodeOffset(kArm64WordSize).Int32Value()));
+      // lr()
+      __ Blr(lr);
+      break;
+void CodeGeneratorARM64::EmitLinkerPatches(ArenaVector<LinkerPatch>* linker_patches) {
+  DCHECK(linker_patches->empty());
+  size_t size =
+      method_patches_.size() +
+      call_patches_.size() +
+      relative_call_patches_.size() +
+      pc_rel_dex_cache_patches_.size();
+  linker_patches->reserve(size);
+  for (const auto& entry : method_patches_) {
+    const MethodReference& target_method = entry.first;
+    vixl::Literal<uint64_t>* literal = entry.second;
+    linker_patches->push_back(LinkerPatch::MethodPatch(literal->offset(),
+                                                       target_method.dex_file,
+                                                       target_method.dex_method_index));
+  }
+  for (const auto& entry : call_patches_) {
+    const MethodReference& target_method = entry.first;
+    vixl::Literal<uint64_t>* literal = entry.second;
+    linker_patches->push_back(LinkerPatch::CodePatch(literal->offset(),
+                                                     target_method.dex_file,
+                                                     target_method.dex_method_index));
+  }
+  for (const MethodPatchInfo<vixl::Label>& info : relative_call_patches_) {
+    linker_patches->push_back(LinkerPatch::RelativeCodePatch(info.label.location() - 4u,
+                                                             info.target_method.dex_file,
+                                                             info.target_method.dex_method_index));
+  }
+  for (const PcRelativeDexCacheAccessInfo& info : pc_rel_dex_cache_patches_) {
+    linker_patches->push_back(LinkerPatch::DexCacheArrayPatch(info.label.location() - 4u,
+                                                              &info.target_dex_file,
+                                                              info.pc_insn_label->location() - 4u,
+                                                              info.element_offset));
+  }
+vixl::Literal<uint64_t>* CodeGeneratorARM64::DeduplicateUint64Literal(uint64_t value) {
+  // Look up the literal for value.
+  auto lb = uint64_literals_.lower_bound(value);
+  if (lb != uint64_literals_.end() && !uint64_literals_.key_comp()(value, lb->first)) {
+    return lb->second;
+  }
+  // We don't have a literal for this value, insert a new one.
+  vixl::Literal<uint64_t>* literal = __ CreateLiteralDestroyedWithPool<uint64_t>(value);
+  uint64_literals_.PutBefore(lb, value, literal);
+  return literal;
+vixl::Literal<uint64_t>* CodeGeneratorARM64::DeduplicateMethodLiteral(
+    MethodReference target_method,
+    MethodToLiteralMap* map) {
+  // Look up the literal for target_method.
+  auto lb = map->lower_bound(target_method);
+  if (lb != map->end() && !map->key_comp()(target_method, lb->first)) {
+    return lb->second;
+  }
+  // We don't have a literal for this method yet, insert a new one.
+  vixl::Literal<uint64_t>* literal = __ CreateLiteralDestroyedWithPool<uint64_t>(0u);
+  map->PutBefore(lb, target_method, literal);
+  return literal;
+vixl::Literal<uint64_t>* CodeGeneratorARM64::DeduplicateMethodAddressLiteral(
+    MethodReference target_method) {
+  return DeduplicateMethodLiteral(target_method, &method_patches_);
+vixl::Literal<uint64_t>* CodeGeneratorARM64::DeduplicateMethodCodeLiteral(
+    MethodReference target_method) {
+  return DeduplicateMethodLiteral(target_method, &call_patches_);
 void InstructionCodeGeneratorARM64::VisitInvokeStaticOrDirect(HInvokeStaticOrDirect* invoke) {
   // When we do not run baseline, explicit clinit checks triggered by static
   // invokes must have been pruned by art::PrepareForRegisterAllocation.