ART Test Runner

The testrunner runs the ART run-tests by simply invoking the script.
It fetches the list of eligible tests from art/test directory, and list of
disabled tests from art/test/knownfailures.json. It runs the tests by
invoking art/test/run-test script and checks the exit code to decide if
the test passed or failed.

Before invoking the script, first build all the tests dependencies by
building 'test-art-host-run-test-dependencies' for host tests,
'test-art-target-run-test-dependencies' for target tests, and
'test-art-run-test-dependencies' for building dependencies for both.
There are various options to invoke the script which are:
-t: Either the test name as in art/test or the test name including the variant
    information. Eg, "-t 001-HelloWorld",
    "-t test-art-host-run-test-debug-prebuild-optimizing-relocate-ntrace-cms-checkjni-picimage-npictest-ndebuggable-001-HelloWorld32"
-j: Number of thread workers to be used. Eg - "-j64"
--dry-run: Instead of running the test name, just print its name.
-b To build the dependencies before running the test.

To specify any specific variants for the test, use --<<variant-name>>.
For eg, for compiler type as optimizing, use --optimizing.

In the end, the script will print the failed and skipped tests if any.

New targets - test-art-host-run-test-dependencies and
test-art-target-run-test-dependencies have been added. The targets build
dependencies for host and target respectively.

Test: No tests
Change-Id: Ia4f13ee3444c2c733342c046ef1582517459fc9b
diff --git a/test/knownfailures.json b/test/knownfailures.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98d56d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/knownfailures.json
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+    {
+        "test": "153-reference-stress",
+        "description": ["Disable 153-reference-stress temporarily until a fix",
+                        "arrives."],
+        "bug": "http://b/33389022"
+    },
+    {
+        "test": "080-oom-fragmentation",
+        "description": "Disable 080-oom-fragmentation due to flakes.",
+        "bug": "http://b/33795328"
+    },
+    {
+        "tests": ["497-inlining-and-class-loader",
+                  "542-unresolved-access-check"],
+        "description": ["Disable 497-inlining-and-class-loader and ",
+                        "542-unresolved-access-check until they are rewritten.",
+                        "These tests use a broken class loader that tries to",
+                        "register a dex file that's already registered with a",
+                        "different loader."],
+        "bug": "http://b/34193123"
+    },
+    {
+        "test": "149-suspend-all-stress",
+        "description": "Disable 149-suspend-all-stress, its output is flaky",
+        "bug": "http://b/28988206"
+    },
+    {
+        "test": "577-profile-foreign-dex",
+        "description": "Disable 577-profile-foreign-dex",
+        "bug": "http://b/27454772"
+    },
+    {
+        "tests": ["002-sleep",
+                  "053-wait-some",
+                  "055-enum-performance",
+                  "133-static-invoke-super"],
+        "description": ["Tests that are timing sensitive and flaky on heavily",
+                        "loaded systems."]
+    },
+    {
+        "test": "147-stripped-dex-fallback",
+        "variant": "target",
+        "description": ["147-stripped-dex-fallback isn't supported on device",
+                        "because --strip-dex  requires the zip command."]
+    },
+    {
+        "test": "569-checker-pattern-replacement",
+        "variant": "target",
+        "description": ["569-checker-pattern-replacement tests behaviour",
+                        "present only on host."]
+    },
+    {
+        "tests": ["116-nodex2oat",
+                  "118-noimage-dex2oat",
+                  "134-nodex2oat-nofallback"],
+        "variant": "prebuild",
+        "description": ["Note 116-nodex2oat is not broken per-se it just",
+                        "doesn't (and isn't meant to) work with --prebuild."]
+    },
+    {
+        "test": "554-jit-profile-file",
+        "variant": "no-prebuild | interpreter",
+        "description": ["554-jit-profile-file is disabled because it needs a",
+                        "primary oat file to know what it should save."]
+    },
+    {
+        "tests": ["529-checker-unresolved", "555-checker-regression-x86const"],
+        "variant": "no-prebuild",
+        "bug": "http://b/27784033"
+    },
+    {
+        "tests": ["117-nopatchoat",
+                  "147-stripped-dex-fallback",
+                  "608-checker-unresolved-lse"],
+        "variant": "no-prebuild"
+    },
+    {
+        "tests": ["117-nopatchoat",
+                  "118-noimage-dex2oat",
+                  "119-noimage-patchoat",
+                  "554-jit-profile-file"],
+        "variant": "no-relocate",
+        "description": ["117-nopatchoat is not broken per-se it just doesn't",
+                        "work (and isn't meant to) without --prebuild",
+                        "--relocate"]
+    },
+    {
+        "test": "137-cfi",
+        "variant": "interp-ac",
+        "description": ["Temporarily disable some broken tests when forcing",
+                        "access checks in interpreter"],
+        "bug": "http://b/22414682"
+    },
+    {
+        "test" : "629-vdex-speed",
+        "variant": "interp-ac | no-dex2oat | interpreter | jit | relocate-npatchoat",
+        "description": "629 requires compilation."
+    },
+    {
+        "test": "137-cfi",
+        "variant": "gcstress",
+        "description": ["137-cfi needs to unwind a second forked process. We're",
+                        "using a primitive sleep to wait till we hope the",
+                        "second process got into the expected state. The",
+                        "slowness of gcstress makes this bad."]
+    },
+    {
+        "tests": ["908-gc-start-finish",
+                  "913-heaps"],
+        "variant": "gcstress",
+        "description": ["908-gc-start-finish expects GCs only to be run at",
+                        "clear points. The reduced heap size makes this",
+                        "non-deterministic. Same for 913."]
+    },
+    {
+        "test": "961-default-iface-resolution-gen",
+        "variant": "gcstress",
+        "description": ["961-default-iface-resolution-gen and",
+                        "964-default-iface-init-genare very long tests that",
+                        "often will take more than the timeout to run when",
+                        "gcstress is enabled. This is because gcstress slows",
+                        "down allocations significantly which these tests do a",
+                        "lot."]
+    },
+    {
+        "tests": ["964-default-iface-init-gen",
+                 "154-gc-loop"],
+        "variant": "gcstress"
+    },
+    {
+        "test": "115-native-bridge",
+        "variant": "target",
+        "description": ["115-native-bridge setup is complicated. Need to",
+                        "implement it correctly for the target."]
+    },
+    {
+        "test": "130-hprof",
+        "variant": "target",
+        "desription": ["130-hprof dumps the heap and runs hprof-conv to check",
+                       "whether the file is somewhat readable. Thi is only",
+                       "possible on the host. TODO: Turn off all the other",
+                       "combinations, this is more about testing actual ART",
+                       "code. A gtest is very hard to write here, as (for a",
+                       "complete test) JDWP must be set up."]
+    },
+    {
+        "test": "131-structural-change",
+        "variant": "debug",
+        "description": ["131 is an old test. The functionality has been",
+                        "implemented at an earlier stage and is checked",
+                        "in tests 138. Blacklisted for debug builds since",
+                        "these builds have duplicate classes checks which",
+                        "punt to interpreter"]
+    },
+    {
+        "test": "138-duplicate-classes-check",
+        "variant": "ndebug",
+        "description": ["Turned on for debug builds since debug builds have",
+                        "duplicate classes checks enabled"],
+        "bug": "http://b/2133391"
+    },
+    {
+        "test": "147-stripped-dex-fallback",
+        "variant": "no-dex2oat | no-image | relocate-npatchoat",
+        "description": ["147-stripped-dex-fallback is disabled because it",
+                        "requires --prebuild."]
+    },
+    {
+        "test": "554-jit-profile-file",
+        "variant": "no-dex2oat | no-image | relocate-npatchoat",
+        "description": ["554-jit-profile-file is disabled because it needs a",
+                        "primary oat file to know what it should save."]
+    },
+    {
+        "tests": ["116-nodex2oat",
+                  "117-nopatchoat",
+                  "118-noimage-dex2oat",
+                  "119-noimage-patchoat",
+                  "137-cfi",
+                  "138-duplicate-classes-check2"],
+        "variant": "no-dex2oat | no-image | relocate-npatchoat",
+        "description": ["All these tests check that we have sane behavior if we",
+                        "don't have a patchoat or dex2oat. Therefore we",
+                        "shouldn't run them in situations where we actually",
+                        "don't have these since they explicitly test for them.",
+                        "These all also assume we have an image."]
+    },
+    {
+        "tests": ["137-cfi",
+                  "138-duplicate-classes-check",
+                  "018-stack-overflow",
+                  "961-default-iface-resolution-gen",
+                  "964-default-iface-init"],
+        "variant": "no-image",
+        "description": ["This test fails without an image. 018, 961, 964 often",
+                        "time out."],
+        "bug": "http://b/34369284"
+    },
+    {
+        "test": "137-cfi",
+        "description": ["This test unrolls and expects managed frames, but",
+                        "tracing means we run the interpreter."],
+        "variant": "trace | stream"
+    },
+    {
+        "tests": ["802-deoptimization",
+                 "570-checker-osr"],
+        "description": ["This test dynamically enables tracing to force a",
+                        "deoptimization. This makes the test meaningless",
+                        "when already tracing, and writes an error message",
+                        "that we do not want to check for."],
+        "variant": "trace | stream"
+    },
+    {
+        "test": "130-hprof",
+        "description": "130 occasional timeout",
+        "bug": "http://b/32383962",
+        "variant": "trace | stream"
+    },
+    {
+        "tests": ["087-gc-after-link",
+                  "141-class-unload"],
+        "variant": "trace | stream"
+    },
+    {
+        "tests": ["604-hot-static-interface",
+                  "612-jit-dex-cache",
+                  "613-inlining-dex-cache",
+                  "616-cha",
+                  "626-set-resolved-string"],
+        "variant": "trace  | stream",
+        "description": ["These tests expect JIT compilation, which is",
+                        "suppressed when tracing."]
+    },
+    {
+        "test": "137-cfi",
+        "description": ["CFI unwinding expects managed frames, and the test",
+                        "does not iterate enough to even compile. JIT also",
+                        "uses Generic JNI instead of the JNI compiler."],
+        "variant": "interpreter | jit"
+    },
+    {
+        "test": "902-hello-transformation",
+        "description": "Test 902 hits races with the JIT compiler.",
+        "bug": "http://b/32821077",
+        "variant": "jit"
+    },
+    {
+        "test": "906-iterate-heap",
+        "description": ["Test 906 iterates the heap filtering with different",
+                        "options. No instances should be created between those",
+                        "runs to be able to have precise checks."],
+        "variant": "jit"
+    },
+    {
+        "tests": ["914-hello-obsolescence",
+                  "915-obsolete-2",
+                  "917-fields-transformation",
+                  "919-obsolete-fields"],
+        "description": ["Test 914, 915, 917, & 919 are very sensitive to the",
+                        "exact state of the stack, including the jit-inserted",
+                        "runtime frames. This causes them to be somewhat flaky",
+                        "as JIT tests. This should be fixed once b/33630159 or",
+                        "b/33616143 are resolved but until then just disable",
+                        "them. Test 916 already checks this feature for JIT",
+                        "use cases in a way that is resilient to the jit",
+                        "frames."],
+        "variant": "jit"
+    },
+    {
+        "tests": ["926-multi-obsolescence",
+                  "904-object-allocation"],
+        "variant": "jit"
+    },
+    {
+        "test": "912-classes",
+        "variant": "jit",
+        "bug": "http://b/34655682"
+    },
+    {
+        "tests": ["570-checker-select",
+                  "484-checker-register-hints"],
+        "description": ["These tests were based on the linear scan allocator,",
+                        "which makes different decisions than the graph",
+                        "coloring allocator. (These attempt to test for code",
+                        "quality, not correctness.)"],
+        "variant": "regalloc_gc"
+    },
+    {
+        "tests": ["454-get-vreg",
+                  "457-regs",
+                  "602-deoptimizeable"],
+        "description": ["Tests that should fail when the optimizing compiler ",
+                        "compiles them non-debuggable."],
+        "variant": "optimizing &  ndebuggable | regalloc_gc & ndebuggable"
+    },
+    {
+        "test": "596-app-images",
+        "variant": "npictest"
+    },
+    {
+        "test": "055-enum-performance",
+        "variant": "optimizing | regalloc_gc",
+        "description": ["055: Exceeds run time limits due to heap poisoning ",
+                        "instrumentation (on ARM and ARM64 devices)."]
+    },
+    {
+        "test": "909-attach-agent",
+        "variant": "debuggable",
+        "description": "Tests that check semantics for a non-debuggable app."
+    },
+    {
+        "test": "137-cfi",
+        "variant": "debuggable",
+        "description": ["The test relies on AOT code and debuggable makes us",
+                        "JIT always."]
+    },
+    {
+        "tests": ["000-nop",
+                  "134-nodex2oat-nofallback",
+                  "147-stripped-dex-fallback",
+                 "595-profile-saving"],
+        "description": "The doesn't compile anything",
+        "env_vars": {"ART_TEST_BISECTION": "true"},
+        "variant": "optimizing | regalloc_gc"
+    },
+    {
+        "tests": "089-many-methods",
+        "description": "The test tests a build failure",
+        "env_vars": {"ART_TEST_BISECTION": "true"},
+        "variant": "optimizing | regalloc_gc"
+    },
+    {
+        "tests": ["018-stack-overflow",
+                  "116-nodex2oat",
+                  "117-nopatchoat",
+                  "118-noimage-dex2oat",
+                  "119-noimage-patchoat",
+                  "126-miranda-multidex",
+                  "137-cfi"],
+        "description": "The test run dalvikvm more than once.",
+        "env_vars": {"ART_TEST_BISECTION": "true"},
+        "variant": "optimizing | regalloc_gc"
+    },
+    {
+        "tests": ["115-native-bridge",
+                 "088-monitor-verification"],
+        "description": "The test assume they are always compiled.",
+        "env_vars": {"ART_TEST_BISECTION": "true"},
+        "variant": "optimizing | regalloc_gc"
+    },
+    {
+        "test": "055-enum-performance",
+        "description": ["The test tests performance which degrades during",
+                        "bisecting."],
+        "env_vars": {"ART_TEST_BISECTION": "true"},
+        "variant": "optimizing | regalloc_gc"
+    },
+    {
+        "test": "537-checker-arraycopy",
+        "env_vars": {"ART_USE_READ_BARRIER": "true"},
+        "variant": "interpreter | optimizing | regalloc_gc | jit"
+    }