Create OatFileAssistant class for assisting with oat files.

The oat file assistant is used for determining whether dex2oat or
patchoat is needed, for running dex2oat or patchoat as needed to make
an oat file up to date, and to load dex files associated with a given
dex location.

The introduction of the OatFileAssistant class is meant to clean up and
consolidate code related to the management of oat files that was
duplicated and spread across and

Bug: 11301553
Change-Id: I0c16027b9bae4570c2c50faa9c14f581c0cbafb8
diff --git a/runtime/native/ b/runtime/native/
index e1fe3eb..c182a4d 100644
--- a/runtime/native/
+++ b/runtime/native/
@@ -16,31 +16,17 @@
 #include "dalvik_system_DexFile.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <set>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#ifdef __linux__
-#include <sys/sendfile.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
 #include "base/logging.h"
 #include "base/stl_util.h"
 #include "base/stringprintf.h"
 #include "class_linker.h"
 #include "common_throws.h"
 #include "dex_file-inl.h"
-#include "gc/space/image_space.h"
-#include "gc/space/space-inl.h"
-#include "image.h"
 #include "jni_internal.h"
 #include "mirror/class_loader.h"
 #include "mirror/object-inl.h"
 #include "mirror/string.h"
-#include "oat.h"
+#include "oat_file_assistant.h"
 #include "os.h"
 #include "profiler.h"
 #include "runtime.h"
@@ -51,11 +37,6 @@
 #include "well_known_classes.h"
 #include "zip_archive.h"
-#pragma GCC diagnostic push
-#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow"
-#include "ScopedFd.h"
-#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
 namespace art {
 static std::unique_ptr<std::vector<const DexFile*>>
@@ -182,10 +163,9 @@
   std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> dex_files;
   std::vector<std::string> error_msgs;
-  bool success = linker->OpenDexFilesFromOat(sourceName.c_str(), outputName.c_str(), &error_msgs,
-                                             &dex_files);
+  dex_files = linker->OpenDexFilesFromOat(sourceName.c_str(), outputName.c_str(), &error_msgs);
-  if (success || !dex_files.empty()) {
+  if (!dex_files.empty()) {
     jlongArray array = ConvertNativeToJavaArray(env, dex_files);
     if (array == nullptr) {
       ScopedObjectAccess soa(env);
@@ -197,9 +177,6 @@
     return array;
   } else {
-    // The vector should be empty after a failed loading attempt.
-    DCHECK_EQ(0U, dex_files.size());
     ScopedObjectAccess soa(env);
     // The most important message is at the end. So set up nesting by going forward, which will
@@ -320,40 +297,6 @@
   return result;
-static void CopyProfileFile(const char* oldfile, const char* newfile) {
-  ScopedFd src(open(oldfile, O_RDONLY));
-  if (src.get() == -1) {
-    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open profile file " << oldfile
-      << ". My uid:gid is " << getuid() << ":" << getgid();
-    return;
-  }
-  struct stat stat_src;
-  if (fstat(src.get(), &stat_src) == -1) {
-    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get stats for profile file  " << oldfile
-      << ". My uid:gid is " << getuid() << ":" << getgid();
-    return;
-  }
-  // Create the copy with rw------- (only accessible by system)
-  ScopedFd dst(open(newfile, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0600));
-  if (dst.get()  == -1) {
-    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create/write prev profile file " << newfile
-      << ".  My uid:gid is " << getuid() << ":" << getgid();
-    return;
-  }
-#ifdef __linux__
-  if (sendfile(dst.get(), src.get(), nullptr, stat_src.st_size) == -1) {
-  off_t len;
-  if (sendfile(dst.get(), src.get(), 0, &len, nullptr, 0) == -1) {
-    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to copy profile file " << oldfile << " to " << newfile
-      << ". My uid:gid is " << getuid() << ":" << getgid();
-  }
 // Java: dalvik.system.DexFile.UP_TO_DATE
 static const jbyte kUpToDate = 0;
 // Java: dalvik.system.DexFile.DEXOPT_NEEDED
@@ -361,102 +304,8 @@
 // Java: dalvik.system.DexFile.PATCHOAT_NEEDED
 static const jbyte kDexoptNeeded = 2;
-template <const bool kVerboseLogging, const bool kReasonLogging>
-static jbyte IsDexOptNeededForFile(const std::string& oat_filename, const char* filename,
-                                   InstructionSet target_instruction_set,
-                                   bool* oat_is_pic) {
-  std::string error_msg;
-  std::unique_ptr<const OatFile> oat_file(OatFile::Open(oat_filename, oat_filename, nullptr,
-                                                        nullptr,
-                                                        false, &error_msg));
-  if (oat_file.get() == nullptr) {
-    // Note that even though this is kDexoptNeeded, we use
-    // kVerboseLogging instead of the usual kReasonLogging since it is
-    // the common case on first boot and very spammy.
-    if (kVerboseLogging) {
-      LOG(INFO) << "DexFile_isDexOptNeeded failed to open oat file '" << oat_filename
-          << "' for file location '" << filename << "': " << error_msg;
-    }
-    error_msg.clear();
-    return kDexoptNeeded;
-  }
-  // Pass-up the information about if this is PIC.
-  // TODO: Refactor this function to be less complicated.
-  *oat_is_pic = oat_file->IsPic();
-  bool should_relocate_if_possible = Runtime::Current()->ShouldRelocate();
-  uint32_t location_checksum = 0;
-  const art::OatFile::OatDexFile* oat_dex_file = oat_file->GetOatDexFile(filename, nullptr,
-                                                                          kReasonLogging);
-  if (oat_dex_file != nullptr) {
-    // If its not possible to read the classes.dex assume up-to-date as we won't be able to
-    // compile it anyway.
-    if (!DexFile::GetChecksum(filename, &location_checksum, &error_msg)) {
-      if (kVerboseLogging) {
-        LOG(INFO) << "DexFile_isDexOptNeeded found precompiled stripped file: "
-            << filename << " for " << oat_filename << ": " << error_msg;
-      }
-      if (ClassLinker::VerifyOatChecksums(oat_file.get(), target_instruction_set, &error_msg)) {
-        if (kVerboseLogging) {
-          LOG(INFO) << "DexFile_isDexOptNeeded file " << oat_filename
-                    << " is up-to-date for " << filename;
-        }
-        return kUpToDate;
-      } else if (should_relocate_if_possible &&
-                  ClassLinker::VerifyOatImageChecksum(oat_file.get(), target_instruction_set)) {
-        if (kReasonLogging) {
-          LOG(INFO) << "DexFile_isDexOptNeeded file " << oat_filename
-                    << " needs to be relocated for " << filename;
-        }
-        return kPatchoatNeeded;
-      } else {
-        if (kReasonLogging) {
-          LOG(INFO) << "DexFile_isDexOptNeeded file " << oat_filename
-                    << " is out of date for " << filename;
-        }
-        return kDexoptNeeded;
-      }
-      // If we get here the file is out of date and we should use the system one to relocate.
-    } else {
-      if (ClassLinker::VerifyOatAndDexFileChecksums(oat_file.get(), filename, location_checksum,
-                                                    target_instruction_set, &error_msg)) {
-        if (kVerboseLogging) {
-          LOG(INFO) << "DexFile_isDexOptNeeded file " << oat_filename
-                    << " is up-to-date for " << filename;
-        }
-        return kUpToDate;
-      } else if (location_checksum == oat_dex_file->GetDexFileLocationChecksum()
-                  && should_relocate_if_possible
-                  && ClassLinker::VerifyOatImageChecksum(oat_file.get(), target_instruction_set)) {
-        if (kReasonLogging) {
-          LOG(INFO) << "DexFile_isDexOptNeeded file " << oat_filename
-                    << " needs to be relocated for " << filename;
-        }
-        return kPatchoatNeeded;
-      } else {
-        if (kReasonLogging) {
-          LOG(INFO) << "DexFile_isDexOptNeeded file " << oat_filename
-                    << " is out of date for " << filename;
-        }
-        return kDexoptNeeded;
-      }
-    }
-  } else {
-    if (kReasonLogging) {
-      LOG(INFO) << "DexFile_isDexOptNeeded file " << oat_filename
-                << " does not contain " << filename;
-    }
-    return kDexoptNeeded;
-  }
 static jbyte IsDexOptNeededInternal(JNIEnv* env, const char* filename,
     const char* pkgname, const char* instruction_set, const jboolean defer) {
-  // Spammy logging for kUpToDate
-  const bool kVerboseLogging = false;
-  // Logging of reason for returning kDexoptNeeded or kPatchoatNeeded.
-  const bool kReasonLogging = true;
   if ((filename == nullptr) || !OS::FileExists(filename)) {
     LOG(ERROR) << "DexFile_isDexOptNeeded file '" << filename << "' does not exist";
@@ -466,117 +315,6 @@
     return kUpToDate;
-  // Always treat elements of the bootclasspath as up-to-date.  The
-  // fact that code is running at all means that this should be true.
-  Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
-  ClassLinker* class_linker = runtime->GetClassLinker();
-  // TODO: We're assuming that the 64 and 32 bit runtimes have identical
-  // class paths. isDexOptNeeded will not necessarily be called on a runtime
-  // that has the same instruction set as the file being dexopted.
-  const std::vector<const DexFile*>& boot_class_path = class_linker->GetBootClassPath();
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < boot_class_path.size(); i++) {
-    if (boot_class_path[i]->GetLocation() == filename) {
-      if (kVerboseLogging) {
-        LOG(INFO) << "DexFile_isDexOptNeeded ignoring boot class path file: " << filename;
-      }
-      return kUpToDate;
-    }
-  }
-  bool force_system_only = false;
-  bool require_system_version = false;
-  // Check the profile file.  We need to rerun dex2oat if the profile has changed significantly
-  // since the last time, or it's new.
-  // If the 'defer' argument is true then this will be retried later.  In this case we
-  // need to make sure that the profile file copy is not made so that we will get the
-  // same result second time.
-  std::string profile_file;
-  std::string prev_profile_file;
-  bool should_copy_profile = false;
-  if (Runtime::Current()->GetProfilerOptions().IsEnabled() && (pkgname != nullptr)) {
-    profile_file = GetDalvikCacheOrDie("profiles", false /* create_if_absent */)
-        + std::string("/") + pkgname;
-    prev_profile_file = profile_file + std::string("@old");
-    struct stat profstat, prevstat;
-    int e1 = stat(profile_file.c_str(), &profstat);
-    int e1_errno = errno;
-    int e2 = stat(prev_profile_file.c_str(), &prevstat);
-    int e2_errno = errno;
-    if (e1 < 0) {
-      if (e1_errno != EACCES) {
-        // No profile file, need to run dex2oat, unless we find a file in system
-        if (kReasonLogging) {
-          LOG(INFO) << "DexFile_isDexOptNeededInternal profile file " << profile_file << " doesn't exist. "
-                    << "Will check odex to see if we can find a working version.";
-        }
-        // Force it to only accept system files/files with versions in system.
-        require_system_version = true;
-      } else {
-        LOG(INFO) << "DexFile_isDexOptNeededInternal recieved EACCES trying to stat profile file "
-                  << profile_file;
-      }
-    } else if (e2 == 0) {
-      // There is a previous profile file.  Check if the profile has changed significantly.
-      // A change in profile is considered significant if X% (change_thr property) of the top K%
-      // (compile_thr property) samples has changed.
-      double top_k_threshold = Runtime::Current()->GetProfilerOptions().GetTopKThreshold();
-      double change_threshold = Runtime::Current()->GetProfilerOptions().GetTopKChangeThreshold();
-      double change_percent = 0.0;
-      ProfileFile new_profile, old_profile;
-      bool new_ok = new_profile.LoadFile(profile_file);
-      bool old_ok = old_profile.LoadFile(prev_profile_file);
-      if (!new_ok || !old_ok) {
-        if (kVerboseLogging) {
-          LOG(INFO) << "DexFile_isDexOptNeededInternal Ignoring invalid profiles: "
-                    << (new_ok ?  "" : profile_file) << " " << (old_ok ? "" : prev_profile_file);
-        }
-      } else {
-        std::set<std::string> new_top_k, old_top_k;
-        new_profile.GetTopKSamples(new_top_k, top_k_threshold);
-        old_profile.GetTopKSamples(old_top_k, top_k_threshold);
-        if (new_top_k.empty()) {
-          if (kVerboseLogging) {
-            LOG(INFO) << "DexFile_isDexOptNeededInternal empty profile: " << profile_file;
-          }
-          // If the new topK is empty we shouldn't optimize so we leave the change_percent at 0.0.
-        } else {
-          std::set<std::string> diff;
-          std::set_difference(new_top_k.begin(), new_top_k.end(), old_top_k.begin(), old_top_k.end(),
-            std::inserter(diff, diff.end()));
-          // TODO: consider using the usedPercentage instead of the plain diff count.
-          change_percent = 100.0 * static_cast<double>(diff.size()) / static_cast<double>(new_top_k.size());
-          if (kVerboseLogging) {
-            std::set<std::string>::iterator end = diff.end();
-            for (std::set<std::string>::iterator it = diff.begin(); it != end; it++) {
-              LOG(INFO) << "DexFile_isDexOptNeededInternal new in topK: " << *it;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (change_percent > change_threshold) {
-        if (kReasonLogging) {
-          LOG(INFO) << "DexFile_isDexOptNeededInternal size of new profile file " << profile_file <<
-          " is significantly different from old profile file " << prev_profile_file << " (top "
-          << top_k_threshold << "% samples changed in proportion of " << change_percent << "%)";
-        }
-        should_copy_profile = !defer;
-        // Force us to only accept system files.
-        force_system_only = true;
-      }
-    } else if (e2_errno == ENOENT) {
-      // Previous profile does not exist.  Make a copy of the current one.
-      if (kVerboseLogging) {
-        LOG(INFO) << "DexFile_isDexOptNeededInternal previous profile doesn't exist: " << prev_profile_file;
-      }
-      should_copy_profile = !defer;
-    } else {
-      PLOG(INFO) << "Unable to stat previous profile file " << prev_profile_file;
-    }
-  }
   const InstructionSet target_instruction_set = GetInstructionSetFromString(instruction_set);
   if (target_instruction_set == kNone) {
     ScopedLocalRef<jclass> iae(env, env->FindClass("java/lang/IllegalArgumentException"));
@@ -585,75 +323,43 @@
     return 0;
-  // Get the filename for odex file next to the dex file.
-  std::string odex_filename(DexFilenameToOdexFilename(filename, target_instruction_set));
-  // Get the filename for the dalvik-cache file
-  std::string cache_dir;
-  bool have_android_data = false;
-  bool dalvik_cache_exists = false;
-  bool is_global_cache = false;
-  GetDalvikCache(instruction_set, false, &cache_dir, &have_android_data, &dalvik_cache_exists,
-                 &is_global_cache);
-  std::string cache_filename;  // was cache_location
-  bool have_cache_filename = false;
-  if (dalvik_cache_exists) {
-    std::string error_msg;
-    have_cache_filename = GetDalvikCacheFilename(filename, cache_dir.c_str(), &cache_filename,
-                                                 &error_msg);
-    if (!have_cache_filename && kVerboseLogging) {
-      LOG(INFO) << "DexFile_isDexOptNeededInternal failed to find cache file for dex file " << filename
-                << ": " << error_msg;
+  // TODO: Verify the dex location is well formed, and throw an IOException if
+  // not?
+  OatFileAssistant oat_file_assistant(filename, target_instruction_set, false, pkgname);
+  // Always treat elements of the bootclasspath as up-to-date.
+  if (oat_file_assistant.IsInBootClassPath()) {
+    return kUpToDate;
+  }
+  // TODO: Checking the profile should probably be done in the GetStatus()
+  // function. We have it here because GetStatus() should not be copying
+  // profile files. But who should be copying profile files?
+  if (oat_file_assistant.OdexFileIsOutOfDate()) {
+    // Needs recompile if profile has changed significantly.
+    if (Runtime::Current()->GetProfilerOptions().IsEnabled()) {
+      if (oat_file_assistant.IsProfileChangeSignificant()) {
+        if (!defer) {
+          oat_file_assistant.CopyProfileFile();
+        }
+        return kDexoptNeeded;
+      } else if (oat_file_assistant.ProfileExists()
+          && !oat_file_assistant.OldProfileExists()) {
+        if (!defer) {
+          oat_file_assistant.CopyProfileFile();
+        }
+      }
-  bool should_relocate_if_possible = Runtime::Current()->ShouldRelocate();
-  jbyte dalvik_cache_decision = -1;
-  // Lets try the cache first (since we want to load from there since thats where the relocated
-  // versions will be).
-  if (have_cache_filename && !force_system_only) {
-    bool oat_is_pic;
-    // We can use the dalvik-cache if we find a good file.
-    dalvik_cache_decision =
-        IsDexOptNeededForFile<kVerboseLogging, kReasonLogging>(cache_filename, filename,
-                                                               target_instruction_set, &oat_is_pic);
-    // Apps that are compiled with --compile-pic never need to be patchoat-d
-    if (oat_is_pic && dalvik_cache_decision == kPatchoatNeeded) {
-      dalvik_cache_decision = kUpToDate;
-    }
-    // We will only return DexOptNeeded if both the cache and system return it.
-    if (dalvik_cache_decision != kDexoptNeeded && !require_system_version) {
-      CHECK(!(dalvik_cache_decision == kPatchoatNeeded && !should_relocate_if_possible))
-          << "May not return PatchoatNeeded when patching is disabled.";
-      return dalvik_cache_decision;
-    }
-    // We couldn't find one thats easy. We should now try the system.
+  OatFileAssistant::Status status = oat_file_assistant.GetStatus();
+  switch (status) {
+    case OatFileAssistant::kUpToDate: return kUpToDate;
+    case OatFileAssistant::kNeedsRelocation: return kPatchoatNeeded;
+    case OatFileAssistant::kOutOfDate: return kDexoptNeeded;
-  bool oat_is_pic;
-  jbyte system_decision =
-      IsDexOptNeededForFile<kVerboseLogging, kReasonLogging>(odex_filename, filename,
-                                                             target_instruction_set, &oat_is_pic);
-  CHECK(!(system_decision == kPatchoatNeeded && !should_relocate_if_possible))
-      << "May not return PatchoatNeeded when patching is disabled.";
-  // Apps that are compiled with --compile-pic never need to be patchoat-d
-  if (oat_is_pic && system_decision == kPatchoatNeeded) {
-    system_decision = kUpToDate;
-  }
-  if (require_system_version && system_decision == kPatchoatNeeded
-                             && dalvik_cache_decision == kUpToDate) {
-    // We have a version from system relocated to the cache. Return it.
-    return dalvik_cache_decision;
-  }
-  if (should_copy_profile && system_decision == kDexoptNeeded) {
-    CopyProfileFile(profile_file.c_str(), prev_profile_file.c_str());
-  }
-  return system_decision;
 static jbyte DexFile_isDexOptNeededInternal(JNIEnv* env, jclass, jstring javaFilename,