Create OatFileAssistant class for assisting with oat files.

The oat file assistant is used for determining whether dex2oat or
patchoat is needed, for running dex2oat or patchoat as needed to make
an oat file up to date, and to load dex files associated with a given
dex location.

The introduction of the OatFileAssistant class is meant to clean up and
consolidate code related to the management of oat files that was
duplicated and spread across and

Bug: 11301553
Change-Id: I0c16027b9bae4570c2c50faa9c14f581c0cbafb8
diff --git a/runtime/oat_file_assistant.h b/runtime/oat_file_assistant.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..958b440
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/oat_file_assistant.h
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include "arch/instruction_set.h"
+#include "base/scoped_flock.h"
+#include "base/unix_file/fd_file.h"
+#include "oat_file.h"
+#include "os.h"
+#include "profiler.h"
+namespace art {
+// Class for assisting with oat file management.
+// This class collects common utilities for determining the status of an oat
+// file on the device, updating the oat file, and loading the oat file.
+// The oat file assistant is intended to be used with dex locations not on the
+// boot class path. See the IsInBootClassPath method for a way to check if the
+// dex location is in the boot class path.
+// TODO: All the profiling related code is old and untested. It should either
+// be restored and tested, or removed.
+class OatFileAssistant {
+ public:
+  enum Status {
+    // kOutOfDate - An oat file is said to be out of date if the file does not
+    // exist, or is out of date with respect to the dex file or boot image.
+    kOutOfDate,
+    // kNeedsRelocation - An oat file is said to need relocation if the code
+    // is up to date, but not yet properly relocated for address space layout
+    // randomization (ASLR). In this case, the oat file is neither "out of
+    // date" nor "up to date".
+    kNeedsRelocation,
+    // kUpToDate - An oat file is said to be up to date if it is not out of
+    // date and has been properly relocated for the purposes of ASLR.
+    kUpToDate,
+  };
+  // Constructs an OatFileAssistant object to assist the oat file
+  // corresponding to the given dex location with the target instruction set.
+  //
+  // The dex_location must not be NULL and should remain available and
+  // unchanged for the duration of the lifetime of the OatFileAssistant object.
+  // Typically the dex_location is the absolute path to the original,
+  // un-optimized dex file.
+  //
+  //
+  // Note: Currently the dex_location must have an extension.
+  // TODO: Relax this restriction?
+  //
+  // The isa should be either the 32 bit or 64 bit variant for the current
+  // device. For example, on an arm device, use arm or arm64. An oat file can
+  // be loaded executable only if the ISA matches the current runtime.
+  OatFileAssistant(const char* dex_location, const InstructionSet isa,
+                   bool load_executable);
+  // Constructs an OatFileAssistant, providing an explicit target oat_location
+  // to use instead of the standard oat location.
+  OatFileAssistant(const char* dex_location, const char* oat_location,
+                   const InstructionSet isa, bool load_executable);
+  // Constructs an OatFileAssistant, providing an additional package_name used
+  // solely for the purpose of locating profile files.
+  //
+  // TODO: Why is the name of the profile file based on the package name and
+  // not the dex location? If there is no technical reason the dex_location
+  // can't be used, we should prefer that instead.
+  OatFileAssistant(const char* dex_location, const InstructionSet isa,
+                   bool load_executable, const char* package_name);
+  // Constructs an OatFileAssistant with user specified oat location and a
+  // package name.
+  OatFileAssistant(const char* dex_location, const char* oat_location,
+                   const InstructionSet isa, bool load_executable,
+                   const char* package_name);
+  ~OatFileAssistant();
+  // Returns true if the dex location refers to an element of the boot class
+  // path.
+  bool IsInBootClassPath();
+  // Obtains a lock on the target oat file.
+  // Only one OatFileAssistant object can hold the lock for a target oat file
+  // at a time. The Lock is released automatically when the OatFileAssistant
+  // object goes out of scope. The Lock() method must not be called if the
+  // lock has already been acquired.
+  //
+  // Returns true on success.
+  // Returns false on error, in which case error_msg will contain more
+  // information on the error.
+  //
+  // The 'error_msg' argument must not be null.
+  //
+  // This is intended to be used to avoid race conditions when multiple
+  // processes generate oat files, such as when a foreground Activity and
+  // a background Service both use DexClassLoaders pointing to the same dex
+  // file.
+  bool Lock(std::string* error_msg);
+  // Returns the overall compilation status for the given dex location.
+  Status GetStatus();
+  // Attempts to generate or relocate the oat file as needed to make it up to
+  // date.
+  // Returns true on success.
+  //
+  // If there is a failure, the value of error_msg will be set to a string
+  // describing why there was failure. error_msg must not be nullptr.
+  bool MakeUpToDate(std::string* error_msg);
+  // Returns an oat file that can be used for loading dex files.
+  // Returns nullptr if no suitable oat file was found.
+  //
+  // After this call, no other methods of the OatFileAssistant should be
+  // called, because access to the loaded oat file has been taken away from
+  // the OatFileAssistant object.
+  std::unique_ptr<OatFile> GetBestOatFile();
+  // Loads the dex files in the given oat file for the given dex location.
+  // The oat file should be up to date for the given dex location.
+  // This loads multiple dex files in the case of multidex.
+  // Returns an empty vector if no dex files for that location could be loaded
+  // from the oat file.
+  //
+  // The caller is responsible for freeing the dex_files returned, if any. The
+  // dex_files will only remain valid as long as the oat_file is valid.
+  static std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> LoadDexFiles(
+      const OatFile& oat_file, const char* dex_location);
+  // If the dex file has been pre-compiled on the host, the compiled oat file
+  // will have the extension .odex, and is referred to as the odex file.
+  // It is called odex for legacy reasons; the file is really an oat file. The
+  // odex file will typically have a patch delta of 0 and need to be relocated
+  // before use for the purposes of ASLR.
+  // These methods return the location and status of the odex file for the dex
+  // location.
+  // Notes:
+  //  * OdexFileName may return null if the odex file name could not be
+  //    determined.
+  const std::string* OdexFileName();
+  bool OdexFileExists();
+  Status OdexFileStatus();
+  bool OdexFileIsOutOfDate();
+  bool OdexFileNeedsRelocation();
+  bool OdexFileIsUpToDate();
+  // When the dex files is compiled on the target device, the oat file is the
+  // result. The oat file will have been relocated to some
+  // (possibly-out-of-date) offset for ASLR.
+  // These methods return the location and status of the target oat file for
+  // the dex location.
+  //
+  // Notes:
+  //  * To get the overall status of the compiled code for this dex_location,
+  //    use the GetStatus() method, not the OatFileStatus() method.
+  //  * OatFileName may return null if the oat file name could not be
+  //    determined.
+  const std::string* OatFileName();
+  bool OatFileExists();
+  Status OatFileStatus();
+  bool OatFileIsOutOfDate();
+  bool OatFileNeedsRelocation();
+  bool OatFileIsUpToDate();
+  // These methods return the status for a given opened oat file with respect
+  // to the dex location.
+  Status GivenOatFileStatus(const OatFile& file);
+  bool GivenOatFileIsOutOfDate(const OatFile& file);
+  bool GivenOatFileNeedsRelocation(const OatFile& file);
+  bool GivenOatFileIsUpToDate(const OatFile& file);
+  // Returns true if there is an accessible profile associated with the dex
+  // location.
+  // This returns false if profiling is disabled.
+  bool ProfileExists();
+  // The old profile is a file containing a previous snapshot of profiling
+  // information associated with the dex file code. This is used to track how
+  // the profiling information has changed over time.
+  //
+  // Returns true if there is an accessible old profile associated with the
+  // dex location.
+  // This returns false if profiling is disabled.
+  bool OldProfileExists();
+  // Returns true if there has been a significant change between the old
+  // profile and the current profile.
+  // This returns false if profiling is disabled.
+  bool IsProfileChangeSignificant();
+  // Copy the current profile to the old profile location.
+  void CopyProfileFile();
+  // Generates the oat file by relocation from the odex file.
+  // This does not check the current status before attempting to relocate the
+  // oat file.
+  // Returns true on success.
+  // This will fail if dex2oat is not enabled in the current runtime.
+  //
+  // If there is a failure, the value of error_msg will be set to a string
+  // describing why there was failure. error_msg must not be nullptr.
+  bool RelocateOatFile(std::string* error_msg);
+  // Generate the oat file from the dex file.
+  // This does not check the current status before attempting to generate the
+  // oat file.
+  // Returns true on success.
+  // This will fail if dex2oat is not enabled in the current runtime.
+  //
+  // If there is a failure, the value of error_msg will be set to a string
+  // describing why there was failure. error_msg must not be nullptr.
+  bool GenerateOatFile(std::string* error_msg);
+  // Executes dex2oat using the current runtime configuration overridden with
+  // the given arguments. This does not check to see if dex2oat is enabled in
+  // the runtime configuration.
+  // Returns true on success.
+  //
+  // If there is a failure, the value of error_msg will be set to a string
+  // describing why there was failure. error_msg must not be nullptr.
+  //
+  // TODO: The OatFileAssistant probably isn't the right place to have this
+  // function.
+  static bool Dex2Oat(const std::vector<std::string>& args, std::string* error_msg);
+  // Constructs the odex file name for the given dex location.
+  // Returns true on success, in which case odex_filename is set to the odex
+  // file name.
+  // Returns false on error, in which case error_msg describes the error.
+  // Neither odex_filename nor error_msg may be null.
+  static bool DexFilenameToOdexFilename(const std::string& location,
+      InstructionSet isa, std::string* odex_filename, std::string* error_msg);
+ private:
+  struct ImageInfo {
+    uint32_t oat_checksum = 0;
+    uintptr_t oat_data_begin = 0;
+    int32_t patch_delta = 0;
+    std::string location;
+  };
+  // Returns the path to the dalvik cache directory.
+  // Does not check existence of the cache or try to create it.
+  // Includes the trailing slash.
+  // Returns an empty string if we can't get the dalvik cache directory path.
+  std::string DalvikCacheDirectory();
+  // Constructs the filename for the profile file.
+  // Returns an empty string if we do not have the necessary information to
+  // construct the filename.
+  std::string ProfileFileName();
+  // Constructs the filename for the old profile file.
+  // Returns an empty string if we do not have the necessary information to
+  // construct the filename.
+  std::string OldProfileFileName();
+  // Returns the current image location.
+  // Returns an empty string if the image location could not be retrieved.
+  //
+  // TODO: This method should belong with an image file manager, not
+  // the oat file assistant.
+  static std::string ImageLocation();
+  // Gets the dex checksum required for an up-to-date oat file.
+  // Returns dex_checksum if a required checksum was located. Returns
+  // nullptr if the required checksum was not found.
+  // The caller shouldn't clean up or free the returned pointer.
+  const uint32_t* GetRequiredDexChecksum();
+  // Returns the loaded odex file.
+  // Loads the file if needed. Returns nullptr if the file failed to load.
+  // The caller shouldn't clean up or free the returned pointer.
+  const OatFile* GetOdexFile();
+  // Clear any cached information about the odex file that depends on the
+  // contents of the file.
+  void ClearOdexFileCache();
+  // Returns the loaded oat file.
+  // Loads the file if needed. Returns nullptr if the file failed to load.
+  // The caller shouldn't clean up or free the returned pointer.
+  const OatFile* GetOatFile();
+  // Clear any cached information about the oat file that depends on the
+  // contents of the file.
+  void ClearOatFileCache();
+  // Returns the loaded image info.
+  // Loads the image info if needed. Returns nullptr if the image info failed
+  // to load.
+  // The caller shouldn't clean up or free the returned pointer.
+  const ImageInfo* GetImageInfo();
+  // Returns the loaded profile.
+  // Loads the profile if needed. Returns nullptr if the profile failed
+  // to load.
+  // The caller shouldn't clean up or free the returned pointer.
+  ProfileFile* GetProfile();
+  // Returns the loaded old profile.
+  // Loads the old profile if needed. Returns nullptr if the old profile
+  // failed to load.
+  // The caller shouldn't clean up or free the returned pointer.
+  ProfileFile* GetOldProfile();
+  // To implement Lock(), we lock a dummy file where the oat file would go
+  // (adding ".flock" to the target file name) and retain the lock for the
+  // remaining lifetime of the OatFileAssistant object.
+  std::unique_ptr<File> lock_file_;
+  ScopedFlock flock_;
+  // In a properly constructed OatFileAssistant object, dex_location_ should
+  // never be nullptr.
+  const char* dex_location_ = nullptr;
+  // In a properly constructed OatFileAssistant object, isa_ should be either
+  // the 32 or 64 bit variant for the current device.
+  const InstructionSet isa_ = kNone;
+  // The package name, used solely to find the profile file.
+  // This may be nullptr in a properly constructed object. In this case,
+  // profile_load_attempted_ and old_profile_load_attempted_ will be true, and
+  // profile_load_succeeded_ and old_profile_load_succeeded_ will be false.
+  const char* package_name_ = nullptr;
+  // Whether we will attempt to load oat files executable.
+  bool load_executable_ = false;
+  // Cached value of the required dex checksum.
+  // This should be accessed only by the GetRequiredDexChecksum() method.
+  uint32_t cached_required_dex_checksum;
+  bool required_dex_checksum_attempted = false;
+  bool required_dex_checksum_found;
+  // Cached value of the odex file name.
+  // This should be accessed only by the OdexFileName() method.
+  bool cached_odex_file_name_attempted_ = false;
+  bool cached_odex_file_name_found_;
+  std::string cached_odex_file_name_;
+  // Cached value of the loaded odex file.
+  // Use the GetOdexFile method rather than accessing this directly, unless you
+  // know the odex file isn't out of date.
+  bool odex_file_load_attempted_ = false;
+  std::unique_ptr<OatFile> cached_odex_file_;
+  // Cached results for OdexFileIsOutOfDate
+  bool odex_file_is_out_of_date_attempted_ = false;
+  bool cached_odex_file_is_out_of_date_;
+  // Cached results for OdexFileIsUpToDate
+  bool odex_file_is_up_to_date_attempted_ = false;
+  bool cached_odex_file_is_up_to_date_;
+  // Cached value of the oat file name.
+  // This should be accessed only by the OatFileName() method.
+  bool cached_oat_file_name_attempted_ = false;
+  bool cached_oat_file_name_found_;
+  std::string cached_oat_file_name_;
+  // Cached value of the loaded odex file.
+  // Use the GetOatFile method rather than accessing this directly, unless you
+  // know the odex file isn't out of date.
+  bool oat_file_load_attempted_ = false;
+  std::unique_ptr<OatFile> cached_oat_file_;
+  // Cached results for OatFileIsOutOfDate
+  bool oat_file_is_out_of_date_attempted_ = false;
+  bool cached_oat_file_is_out_of_date_;
+  // Cached results for OatFileIsUpToDate
+  bool oat_file_is_up_to_date_attempted_ = false;
+  bool cached_oat_file_is_up_to_date_;
+  // Cached value of the image info.
+  // Use the GetImageInfo method rather than accessing these directly.
+  // TODO: The image info should probably be moved out of the oat file
+  // assistant to an image file manager.
+  bool image_info_load_attempted_ = false;
+  bool image_info_load_succeeded_ = false;
+  ImageInfo cached_image_info_;
+  // Cached value of the profile file.
+  // Use the GetProfile method rather than accessing these directly.
+  bool profile_load_attempted_ = false;
+  bool profile_load_succeeded_ = false;
+  ProfileFile cached_profile_;
+  // Cached value of the profile file.
+  // Use the GetOldProfile method rather than accessing these directly.
+  bool old_profile_load_attempted_ = false;
+  bool old_profile_load_succeeded_ = false;
+  ProfileFile cached_old_profile_;
+  // For debugging only.
+  // If this flag is set, the oat or odex file has been released to the user
+  // of the OatFileAssistant object and the OatFileAssistant object is in a
+  // bad state and should no longer be used.
+  bool oat_file_released_ = false;
+}  // namespace art