Oat compiler integration snapshot.

Cleanly compiles, but not integrated.  Old-world dependencies captured
in hacked-up temporary files "Dalvik.h" and "HackStubs.cc".

Dalvik.h is a placeholder that captures all of the constants, struct
definitions and inline functions the compiler needs.  It largely consists
of declaration fragments of libdex, Object.h, DvmDex.h and Thread.h.

HackStubs.cc contains empty shells for some required libdex routines.

Change-Id: Ia479dda41da4e3162ff6df383252fdc7dbf38d71
diff --git a/src/compiler/CompilerIR.h b/src/compiler/CompilerIR.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02b5dfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/CompilerIR.h
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "codegen/Optimizer.h"
+typedef enum RegisterClass {
+    kCoreReg,
+    kFPReg,
+    kAnyReg,
+} RegisterClass;
+typedef enum RegLocationType {
+    kLocDalvikFrame = 0, // Normal Dalvik register
+    kLocPhysReg,
+    kLocSpill,
+} RegLocationType;
+typedef struct RegLocation {
+    RegLocationType location:2;
+    unsigned wide:1;
+    unsigned fp:1;      // Hint for float/double
+    u1 lowReg:6;        // First physical register
+    u1 highReg:6;       // 2nd physical register (if wide)
+    s2 sRegLow;         // SSA name for low Dalvik word
+    unsigned home:1;    // Does this represent the home location?
+    RegLocationType fpLocation:2; // Used only for non-SSA loc records
+    u1 fpLowReg:6;                // Used only for non-SSA loc records
+    u1 fpHighReg:6;               // Used only for non-SSA loc records
+    int spOffset:17;
+} RegLocation;
+#define INVALID_SREG (-1)
+#define INVALID_REG (0x3F)
+#define INVALID_OFFSET (-1)
+typedef enum BBType {
+    kEntryBlock,
+    kDalvikByteCode,
+    kExitBlock,
+    kExceptionHandling,
+    kCatchEntry,
+} BBType;
+typedef struct LIR {
+    int offset;                        // Offset of this instruction
+    int dalvikOffset;                  // Offset of Dalvik opcode
+    struct LIR* next;
+    struct LIR* prev;
+    struct LIR* target;
+} LIR;
+enum ExtendedMIROpcode {
+    kMirOpFirst = kNumPackedOpcodes,
+    kMirOpPhi = kMirOpFirst,
+    kMirOpNullNRangeUpCheck,
+    kMirOpNullNRangeDownCheck,
+    kMirOpLowerBound,
+    kMirOpPunt,
+    kMirOpCheckInlinePrediction,        // Gen checks for predicted inlining
+    kMirOpLast,
+struct SSARepresentation;
+typedef enum {
+    kMIRIgnoreNullCheck = 0,
+    kMIRNullCheckOnly,
+    kMIRIgnoreRangeCheck,
+    kMIRRangeCheckOnly,
+    kMIRInlined,                        // Invoke is inlined (ie dead)
+    kMIRInlinedPred,                    // Invoke is inlined via prediction
+    kMIRCallee,                         // Instruction is inlined from callee
+} MIROptimizationFlagPositons;
+#define MIR_IGNORE_NULL_CHECK           (1 << kMIRIgnoreNullCheck)
+#define MIR_NULL_CHECK_ONLY             (1 << kMIRNullCheckOnly)
+#define MIR_IGNORE_RANGE_CHECK          (1 << kMIRIgnoreRangeCheck)
+#define MIR_RANGE_CHECK_ONLY            (1 << kMIRRangeCheckOnly)
+#define MIR_INLINED                     (1 << kMIRInlined)
+#define MIR_INLINED_PRED                (1 << kMIRInlinedPred)
+#define MIR_CALLEE                      (1 << kMIRCallee)
+typedef struct CallsiteInfo {
+    const char* classDescriptor;
+    Object* classLoader;
+    const Method* method;
+    LIR* misPredBranchOver;
+} CallsiteInfo;
+typedef struct MIR {
+    DecodedInstruction dalvikInsn;
+    unsigned int width;
+    unsigned int offset;
+    struct MIR* prev;
+    struct MIR* next;
+    struct SSARepresentation* ssaRep;
+    int OptimizationFlags;
+    int seqNum;
+    union {
+        // Used by the inlined insn from the callee to find the mother method
+        const Method* calleeMethod;
+        // Used by the inlined invoke to find the class and method pointers
+        CallsiteInfo* callsiteInfo;
+    } meta;
+} MIR;
+struct BasicBlockDataFlow;
+/* For successorBlockList */
+typedef enum BlockListType {
+    kNotUsed = 0,
+    kCatch,
+    kPackedSwitch,
+    kSparseSwitch,
+} BlockListType;
+typedef struct BasicBlock {
+    int id;
+    bool visited;
+    bool hidden;
+    unsigned int startOffset;
+    const Method* containingMethod;     // For blocks from the callee
+    BBType blockType;
+    bool needFallThroughBranch;         // For blocks ended due to length limit
+    bool isFallThroughFromInvoke;       // True means the block needs alignment
+    MIR* firstMIRInsn;
+    MIR* lastMIRInsn;
+    struct BasicBlock* fallThrough;
+    struct BasicBlock* taken;
+    struct BasicBlock* iDom;            // Immediate dominator
+    struct BasicBlockDataFlow* dataFlowInfo;
+    ArenaBitVector* predecessors;
+    ArenaBitVector* dominators;
+    ArenaBitVector* iDominated;         // Set nodes being immediately dominated
+    ArenaBitVector* domFrontier;        // Dominance frontier
+    struct {                            // For one-to-many successors like
+        BlockListType blockListType;    // switch and exception handling
+        GrowableList blocks;
+    } successorBlockList;
+} BasicBlock;
+ * The "blocks" field in "successorBlockList" points to an array of
+ * elements with the type "SuccessorBlockInfo".
+ * For catch blocks, key is type index for the exception.
+ * For swtich blocks, key is the case value.
+ */
+typedef struct SuccessorBlockInfo {
+    BasicBlock* block;
+    int key;
+} SuccessorBlockInfo;
+struct LoopAnalysis;
+struct RegisterPool;
+typedef enum AssemblerStatus {
+    kSuccess,
+    kRetryAll,
+    kRetryHalve
+} AssemblerStatus;
+typedef struct MappingTable {
+    int targetOffset;
+    int dalvikOffset;
+} MappingTable;
+typedef struct CompilationUnit {
+    int numInsts;
+    int numBlocks;
+    GrowableList blockList;
+    const Method *method;
+    LIR* firstLIRInsn;
+    LIR* lastLIRInsn;
+    LIR* literalList;                   // Constants
+    LIR* classPointerList;              // Relocatable
+    int numClassPointers;
+    LIR* chainCellOffsetLIR;
+    int disableOpt;
+    int headerSize;                     // bytes before the first code ptr
+    int dataOffset;                     // starting offset of literal pool
+    int totalSize;                      // header + code size
+    AssemblerStatus assemblerStatus;    // Success or fix and retry
+    int assemblerRetries;
+    unsigned char* codeBuffer;
+    void* baseAddr;
+    bool printMe;
+    bool printMeVerbose;
+    bool hasClassLiterals;              // Contains class ptrs used as literals
+    bool hasLoop;                       // Contains a loop
+    bool hasInvoke;                     // Contains an invoke instruction
+    bool heapMemOp;                     // Mark mem ops for self verification
+    bool usesLinkRegister;              // For self-verification only
+    bool methodTraceSupport;            // For TraceView profiling
+    struct RegisterPool* regPool;
+    int optRound;                       // round number to tell an LIR's age
+    OatInstructionSetType instructionSet;
+    /* Number of total regs used in the whole cUnit after SSA transformation */
+    int numSSARegs;
+    /* Map SSA reg i to the Dalvik[15..0]/Sub[31..16] pair. */
+    GrowableList* ssaToDalvikMap;
+    /* The following are new data structures to support SSA representations */
+    /* Map original Dalvik reg i to the SSA[15..0]/Sub[31..16] pair */
+    int* dalvikToSSAMap;                // length == method->registersSize
+    ArenaBitVector* isConstantV;        // length == numSSAReg
+    int* constantValues;                // length == numSSAReg
+    /* Map SSA names to location */
+    RegLocation* regLocation;
+    int sequenceNumber;
+    /*
+     * Set to the Dalvik PC of the switch instruction if it has more than
+     */
+    const u2* switchOverflowPad;
+    int numReachableBlocks;
+    int numDalvikRegisters;             // method->registersSize + inlined
+    BasicBlock* entryBlock;
+    BasicBlock* exitBlock;
+    BasicBlock* curBlock;
+    BasicBlock* nextCodegenBlock;       // for extended trace codegen
+    GrowableList dfsOrder;
+    GrowableList domPostOrderTraversal;
+    ArenaBitVector* tryBlockAddr;
+    ArenaBitVector** defBlockMatrix;    // numDalvikRegister x numBlocks
+    ArenaBitVector* tempBlockV;
+    ArenaBitVector* tempDalvikRegisterV;
+    ArenaBitVector* tempSSARegisterV;   // numSSARegs
+    bool printSSANames;
+    void* blockLabelList;
+    bool quitLoopMode;                  // cold path/complex bytecode
+    int preservedRegsUsed;              // How many callee save regs used
+    /*
+     * Frame layout details.  TODO: Reorganize, remove reduncancy
+     * and move elsewhere.  Some of this is already in struct Method,
+     * at least frameSize should eventually move there.  Delay regorg
+     * until we get a feel for how this will be used by the low-level
+     * codegen utilities.  "num" fields are in 4-byte words, "Size" and
+     * "Offset" in bytes.
+     */
+    int numIns;
+    int numOuts;
+    int numRegs;            // Unlike struct Method, does not include ins
+    int numSpills;          // NOTE: includes numFPSpills
+    int numFPSpills;
+    int numPadding;         // # of 4-byte padding cells
+    int regsOffset;         // sp-relative offset to beginning of Dalvik regs
+    int insOffset;          // sp-relative offset to beginning of Dalvik ins
+    int frameSize;
+    unsigned int coreSpillMask;
+    unsigned int fpSpillMask;
+    /*
+     * CLEANUP/RESTRUCTURE: The code generation utilities don't have a built-in
+     * mechanism to propogate the original Dalvik opcode address to the
+     * associated generated instructions.  For the trace compiler, this wasn't
+     * necessary because the interpreter handled all throws and debugging
+     * requests.  For now we'll handle this by placing the Dalvik offset
+     * in the CompilationUnit struct before codegen for each instruction.
+     * The low-level LIR creation utilites will pull it from here.  Should
+     * be rewritten.
+     */
+     int currentDalvikOffset;
+     GrowableList switchTables;
+     int mappingTableSize;
+     MappingTable* mappingTable;
+     GrowableList fillArrayData;
+     const u2* insns;
+     u4 insnsSize;
+} CompilationUnit;
+BasicBlock* oatNewBB(BBType blockType, int blockId);
+void oatAppendMIR(BasicBlock* bb, MIR* mir);
+void oatPrependMIR(BasicBlock* bb, MIR* mir);
+void oatInsertMIRAfter(BasicBlock* bb, MIR* currentMIR, MIR* newMIR);
+void oatAppendLIR(CompilationUnit* cUnit, LIR* lir);
+void oatInsertLIRBefore(LIR* currentLIR, LIR* newLIR);
+void oatInsertLIRAfter(LIR* currentLIR, LIR* newLIR);
+/* Debug Utilities */
+void oatDumpCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit* cUnit);