Refactor BuildInvoke.
BuildInvoke got to be too complex an unreadble. This breaks it down in
smaller pieces.
Change-Id: Ibda63f69f5a1be537ae13e18a5f67c361173f4a6
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index a8f6a24..d214976 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -759,33 +759,221 @@
current_block_ = nullptr;
-void HGraphBuilder::PotentiallySimplifyFakeString(uint16_t original_dex_register,
- uint32_t dex_pc,
- HInvoke* actual_string) {
- if (!graph_->IsDebuggable()) {
- // Notify that we cannot compile with baseline. The dex registers aliasing
- // with `original_dex_register` will be handled when we optimize
- // (see HInstructionSimplifer::VisitFakeString).
- can_use_baseline_for_string_init_ = false;
- return;
+static InvokeType GetInvokeTypeFromOpCode(Instruction::Code opcode) {
+ switch (opcode) {
+ case Instruction::INVOKE_STATIC:
+ case Instruction::INVOKE_STATIC_RANGE:
+ return kStatic;
+ case Instruction::INVOKE_DIRECT:
+ case Instruction::INVOKE_DIRECT_RANGE:
+ return kDirect;
+ case Instruction::INVOKE_VIRTUAL:
+ case Instruction::INVOKE_VIRTUAL_QUICK:
+ case Instruction::INVOKE_VIRTUAL_RANGE:
+ return kVirtual;
+ case Instruction::INVOKE_INTERFACE:
+ case Instruction::INVOKE_INTERFACE_RANGE:
+ return kInterface;
+ case Instruction::INVOKE_SUPER_RANGE:
+ case Instruction::INVOKE_SUPER:
+ return kSuper;
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected invoke opcode: " << opcode;
- const VerifiedMethod* verified_method =
- compiler_driver_->GetVerifiedMethod(dex_file_, dex_compilation_unit_->GetDexMethodIndex());
- if (verified_method != nullptr) {
- UpdateLocal(original_dex_register, actual_string);
- const SafeMap<uint32_t, std::set<uint32_t>>& string_init_map =
- verified_method->GetStringInitPcRegMap();
- auto map_it = string_init_map.find(dex_pc);
- if (map_it != string_init_map.end()) {
- std::set<uint32_t> reg_set = map_it->second;
- for (auto set_it = reg_set.begin(); set_it != reg_set.end(); ++set_it) {
- HInstruction* load_local = LoadLocal(original_dex_register, Primitive::kPrimNot);
- UpdateLocal(*set_it, load_local);
- }
+bool HGraphBuilder::BuildInvoke(const Instruction& instruction,
+ uint32_t dex_pc,
+ uint32_t method_idx,
+ uint32_t number_of_vreg_arguments,
+ bool is_range,
+ uint32_t* args,
+ uint32_t register_index) {
+ InvokeType original_invoke_type = GetInvokeTypeFromOpCode(instruction.Opcode());
+ InvokeType optimized_invoke_type = original_invoke_type;
+ const char* descriptor = dex_file_->GetMethodShorty(method_idx);
+ Primitive::Type return_type = Primitive::GetType(descriptor[0]);
+ // Remove the return type from the 'proto'.
+ size_t number_of_arguments = strlen(descriptor) - 1;
+ if (original_invoke_type != kStatic) { // instance call
+ // One extra argument for 'this'.
+ number_of_arguments++;
+ }
+ MethodReference target_method(dex_file_, method_idx);
+ int32_t table_index;
+ uintptr_t direct_code;
+ uintptr_t direct_method;
+ if (!compiler_driver_->ComputeInvokeInfo(dex_compilation_unit_,
+ dex_pc,
+ true /* update_stats */,
+ true /* enable_devirtualization */,
+ &optimized_invoke_type,
+ &target_method,
+ &table_index,
+ &direct_code,
+ &direct_method)) {
+ VLOG(compiler) << "Did not compile "
+ << PrettyMethod(dex_compilation_unit_->GetDexMethodIndex(), *dex_file_)
+ << " because a method call could not be resolved";
+ MaybeRecordStat(MethodCompilationStat::kNotCompiledUnresolvedMethod);
+ return false;
+ }
+ DCHECK(optimized_invoke_type != kSuper);
+ // Special handling for string init.
+ int32_t string_init_offset = 0;
+ bool is_string_init = compiler_driver_->IsStringInit(method_idx, dex_file_,
+ &string_init_offset);
+ // Potential class initialization check, in the case of a static method call.
+ HClinitCheck* clinit_check = nullptr;
+ HInvoke* invoke = nullptr;
+ if (is_string_init
+ || optimized_invoke_type == kDirect
+ || optimized_invoke_type == kStatic) {
+ // By default, consider that the called method implicitly requires
+ // an initialization check of its declaring method.
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement clinit_check_requirement
+ = HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kImplicit;
+ if (optimized_invoke_type == kStatic && !is_string_init) {
+ clinit_check = ProcessClinitCheckForInvoke(dex_pc, method_idx, &clinit_check_requirement);
+ // Replace calls to String.<init> with StringFactory.
+ if (is_string_init) {
+ return_type = Primitive::kPrimNot;
+ number_of_arguments--;
+ optimized_invoke_type = kStatic;
+ }
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect::DispatchInfo dispatch_info = ComputeDispatchInfo(is_string_init,
+ string_init_offset,
+ target_method,
+ direct_method,
+ direct_code);
+ invoke = new (arena_) HInvokeStaticOrDirect(arena_,
+ number_of_arguments,
+ return_type,
+ dex_pc,
+ method_idx,
+ target_method,
+ dispatch_info,
+ original_invoke_type,
+ optimized_invoke_type,
+ clinit_check_requirement);
+ } else if (optimized_invoke_type == kVirtual) {
+ invoke = new (arena_) HInvokeVirtual(arena_,
+ number_of_arguments,
+ return_type,
+ dex_pc,
+ method_idx,
+ table_index);
} else {
- can_use_baseline_for_string_init_ = false;
+ DCHECK_EQ(optimized_invoke_type, kInterface);
+ invoke = new (arena_) HInvokeInterface(arena_,
+ number_of_arguments,
+ return_type,
+ dex_pc,
+ method_idx,
+ table_index);
+ if (!SetupArgumentsForInvoke(invoke,
+ number_of_vreg_arguments,
+ args,
+ register_index,
+ is_range,
+ descriptor,
+ clinit_check)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ current_block_->AddInstruction(invoke);
+ latest_result_ = invoke;
+ return true;
+HClinitCheck* HGraphBuilder::ProcessClinitCheckForInvoke(
+ uint32_t dex_pc,
+ uint32_t method_idx,
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement* clinit_check_requirement) {
+ ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
+ StackHandleScope<4> hs(soa.Self());
+ Handle<mirror::DexCache> dex_cache(hs.NewHandle(
+ dex_compilation_unit_->GetClassLinker()->FindDexCache(
+ *dex_compilation_unit_->GetDexFile())));
+ Handle<mirror::ClassLoader> class_loader(hs.NewHandle(
+ soa.Decode<mirror::ClassLoader*>(dex_compilation_unit_->GetClassLoader())));
+ ArtMethod* resolved_method = compiler_driver_->ResolveMethod(
+ soa, dex_cache, class_loader, dex_compilation_unit_, method_idx, InvokeType::kStatic);
+ DCHECK(resolved_method != nullptr);
+ const DexFile& outer_dex_file = *outer_compilation_unit_->GetDexFile();
+ Handle<mirror::DexCache> outer_dex_cache(hs.NewHandle(
+ outer_compilation_unit_->GetClassLinker()->FindDexCache(outer_dex_file)));
+ Handle<mirror::Class> outer_class(hs.NewHandle(GetOutermostCompilingClass()));
+ // The index at which the method's class is stored in the DexCache's type array.
+ uint32_t storage_index = DexFile::kDexNoIndex;
+ bool is_outer_class = (resolved_method->GetDeclaringClass() == outer_class.Get());
+ if (is_outer_class) {
+ storage_index = outer_class->GetDexTypeIndex();
+ } else if (outer_dex_cache.Get() == dex_cache.Get()) {
+ // Get `storage_index` from IsClassOfStaticMethodAvailableToReferrer.
+ compiler_driver_->IsClassOfStaticMethodAvailableToReferrer(outer_dex_cache.Get(),
+ GetCompilingClass(),
+ resolved_method,
+ method_idx,
+ &storage_index);
+ }
+ HClinitCheck* clinit_check = nullptr;
+ if (!outer_class->IsInterface()
+ && outer_class->IsSubClass(resolved_method->GetDeclaringClass())) {
+ // If the outer class is the declaring class or a subclass
+ // of the declaring class, no class initialization is needed
+ // before the static method call.
+ // Note that in case of inlining, we do not need to add clinit checks
+ // to calls that satisfy this subclass check with any inlined methods. This
+ // will be detected by the optimization passes.
+ *clinit_check_requirement = HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone;
+ } else if (storage_index != DexFile::kDexNoIndex) {
+ // If the method's class type index is available, check
+ // whether we should add an explicit class initialization
+ // check for its declaring class before the static method call.
+ // TODO: find out why this check is needed.
+ bool is_in_dex_cache = compiler_driver_->CanAssumeTypeIsPresentInDexCache(
+ *outer_compilation_unit_->GetDexFile(), storage_index);
+ bool is_initialized =
+ resolved_method->GetDeclaringClass()->IsInitialized() && is_in_dex_cache;
+ if (is_initialized) {
+ *clinit_check_requirement = HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone;
+ } else {
+ *clinit_check_requirement = HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kExplicit;
+ HLoadClass* load_class = new (arena_) HLoadClass(
+ graph_->GetCurrentMethod(),
+ storage_index,
+ *dex_compilation_unit_->GetDexFile(),
+ is_outer_class,
+ dex_pc);
+ current_block_->AddInstruction(load_class);
+ clinit_check = new (arena_) HClinitCheck(load_class, dex_pc);
+ current_block_->AddInstruction(clinit_check);
+ }
+ }
+ return clinit_check;
HInvokeStaticOrDirect::DispatchInfo HGraphBuilder::ComputeDispatchInfo(
@@ -859,210 +1047,40 @@
method_load_kind, code_ptr_location, method_load_data, direct_code_ptr };
-bool HGraphBuilder::BuildInvoke(const Instruction& instruction,
- uint32_t dex_pc,
- uint32_t method_idx,
- uint32_t number_of_vreg_arguments,
- bool is_range,
- uint32_t* args,
- uint32_t register_index) {
- Instruction::Code opcode = instruction.Opcode();
- InvokeType invoke_type;
- switch (opcode) {
- case Instruction::INVOKE_STATIC:
- case Instruction::INVOKE_STATIC_RANGE:
- invoke_type = kStatic;
- break;
- case Instruction::INVOKE_DIRECT:
- case Instruction::INVOKE_DIRECT_RANGE:
- invoke_type = kDirect;
- break;
- case Instruction::INVOKE_VIRTUAL:
- case Instruction::INVOKE_VIRTUAL_QUICK:
- case Instruction::INVOKE_VIRTUAL_RANGE:
- invoke_type = kVirtual;
- break;
- case Instruction::INVOKE_INTERFACE:
- case Instruction::INVOKE_INTERFACE_RANGE:
- invoke_type = kInterface;
- break;
- case Instruction::INVOKE_SUPER_RANGE:
- case Instruction::INVOKE_SUPER:
- invoke_type = kSuper;
- break;
- default:
- LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected invoke op: " << opcode;
- return false;
- }
- const DexFile::MethodId& method_id = dex_file_->GetMethodId(method_idx);
- const DexFile::ProtoId& proto_id = dex_file_->GetProtoId(method_id.proto_idx_);
- const char* descriptor = dex_file_->StringDataByIdx(proto_id.shorty_idx_);
- Primitive::Type return_type = Primitive::GetType(descriptor[0]);
- bool is_instance_call = invoke_type != kStatic;
- // Remove the return type from the 'proto'.
- size_t number_of_arguments = strlen(descriptor) - 1;
- if (is_instance_call) {
- // One extra argument for 'this'.
- ++number_of_arguments;
- }
- MethodReference target_method(dex_file_, method_idx);
- uintptr_t direct_code;
- uintptr_t direct_method;
- int table_index;
- InvokeType optimized_invoke_type = invoke_type;
- if (!compiler_driver_->ComputeInvokeInfo(dex_compilation_unit_, dex_pc, true, true,
- &optimized_invoke_type, &target_method, &table_index,
- &direct_code, &direct_method)) {
- VLOG(compiler) << "Did not compile "
- << PrettyMethod(dex_compilation_unit_->GetDexMethodIndex(), *dex_file_)
- << " because a method call could not be resolved";
- MaybeRecordStat(MethodCompilationStat::kNotCompiledUnresolvedMethod);
- return false;
- }
- DCHECK(optimized_invoke_type != kSuper);
- // By default, consider that the called method implicitly requires
- // an initialization check of its declaring method.
- HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement clinit_check_requirement =
- HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kImplicit;
- // Potential class initialization check, in the case of a static method call.
- HClinitCheck* clinit_check = nullptr;
- // Replace calls to String.<init> with StringFactory.
- int32_t string_init_offset = 0;
- bool is_string_init = compiler_driver_->IsStringInit(method_idx, dex_file_, &string_init_offset);
- if (is_string_init) {
- return_type = Primitive::kPrimNot;
- is_instance_call = false;
- number_of_arguments--;
- invoke_type = kStatic;
- optimized_invoke_type = kStatic;
- }
- HInvoke* invoke = nullptr;
- if (optimized_invoke_type == kVirtual) {
- invoke = new (arena_) HInvokeVirtual(
- arena_, number_of_arguments, return_type, dex_pc, method_idx, table_index);
- } else if (optimized_invoke_type == kInterface) {
- invoke = new (arena_) HInvokeInterface(
- arena_, number_of_arguments, return_type, dex_pc, method_idx, table_index);
- } else {
- DCHECK(optimized_invoke_type == kDirect || optimized_invoke_type == kStatic);
- if (optimized_invoke_type == kStatic && !is_string_init) {
- ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
- StackHandleScope<4> hs(soa.Self());
- Handle<mirror::DexCache> dex_cache(hs.NewHandle(
- dex_compilation_unit_->GetClassLinker()->FindDexCache(
- *dex_compilation_unit_->GetDexFile())));
- Handle<mirror::ClassLoader> class_loader(hs.NewHandle(
- soa.Decode<mirror::ClassLoader*>(dex_compilation_unit_->GetClassLoader())));
- ArtMethod* resolved_method = compiler_driver_->ResolveMethod(
- soa, dex_cache, class_loader, dex_compilation_unit_, method_idx, optimized_invoke_type);
- if (resolved_method == nullptr) {
- MaybeRecordStat(MethodCompilationStat::kNotCompiledUnresolvedMethod);
- return false;
- }
- const DexFile& outer_dex_file = *outer_compilation_unit_->GetDexFile();
- Handle<mirror::DexCache> outer_dex_cache(hs.NewHandle(
- outer_compilation_unit_->GetClassLinker()->FindDexCache(outer_dex_file)));
- Handle<mirror::Class> outer_class(hs.NewHandle(GetOutermostCompilingClass()));
- // The index at which the method's class is stored in the DexCache's type array.
- uint32_t storage_index = DexFile::kDexNoIndex;
- bool is_outer_class = (resolved_method->GetDeclaringClass() == outer_class.Get());
- if (is_outer_class) {
- storage_index = outer_class->GetDexTypeIndex();
- } else if (outer_dex_cache.Get() == dex_cache.Get()) {
- // Get `storage_index` from IsClassOfStaticMethodAvailableToReferrer.
- compiler_driver_->IsClassOfStaticMethodAvailableToReferrer(outer_dex_cache.Get(),
- GetCompilingClass(),
- resolved_method,
- method_idx,
- &storage_index);
- }
- if (!outer_class->IsInterface()
- && outer_class->IsSubClass(resolved_method->GetDeclaringClass())) {
- // If the outer class is the declaring class or a subclass
- // of the declaring class, no class initialization is needed
- // before the static method call.
- // Note that in case of inlining, we do not need to add clinit checks
- // to calls that satisfy this subclass check with any inlined methods. This
- // will be detected by the optimization passes.
- clinit_check_requirement = HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone;
- } else if (storage_index != DexFile::kDexNoIndex) {
- // If the method's class type index is available, check
- // whether we should add an explicit class initialization
- // check for its declaring class before the static method call.
- // TODO: find out why this check is needed.
- bool is_in_dex_cache = compiler_driver_->CanAssumeTypeIsPresentInDexCache(
- *outer_compilation_unit_->GetDexFile(), storage_index);
- bool is_initialized =
- resolved_method->GetDeclaringClass()->IsInitialized() && is_in_dex_cache;
- if (is_initialized) {
- clinit_check_requirement = HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kNone;
- } else {
- clinit_check_requirement = HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kExplicit;
- HLoadClass* load_class = new (arena_) HLoadClass(
- graph_->GetCurrentMethod(),
- storage_index,
- *dex_compilation_unit_->GetDexFile(),
- is_outer_class,
- dex_pc);
- current_block_->AddInstruction(load_class);
- clinit_check = new (arena_) HClinitCheck(load_class, dex_pc);
- current_block_->AddInstruction(clinit_check);
- }
- }
- }
- HInvokeStaticOrDirect::DispatchInfo dispatch_info = ComputeDispatchInfo(is_string_init,
- string_init_offset,
- target_method,
- direct_method,
- direct_code);
- invoke = new (arena_) HInvokeStaticOrDirect(arena_,
- number_of_arguments,
- return_type,
- dex_pc,
- method_idx,
- target_method,
- dispatch_info,
- invoke_type,
- optimized_invoke_type,
- clinit_check_requirement);
- }
+bool HGraphBuilder::SetupArgumentsForInvoke(HInvoke* invoke,
+ uint32_t number_of_vreg_arguments,
+ uint32_t* args,
+ uint32_t register_index,
+ bool is_range,
+ const char* descriptor,
+ HClinitCheck* clinit_check) {
size_t start_index = 0;
- Temporaries temps(graph_);
- if (is_instance_call) {
+ size_t argument_index = 0;
+ uint32_t descriptor_index = 1; // Skip the return type.
+ bool is_instance_call = invoke->GetOriginalInvokeType() != InvokeType::kStatic;
+ bool is_string_init = invoke->IsInvokeStaticOrDirect()
+ && invoke->AsInvokeStaticOrDirect()->IsStringInit();
+ if (is_string_init) {
+ start_index = 1;
+ argument_index = 0;
+ } else if (is_instance_call) {
+ Temporaries temps(graph_);
HInstruction* arg = LoadLocal(is_range ? register_index : args[0], Primitive::kPrimNot);
- HNullCheck* null_check = new (arena_) HNullCheck(arg, dex_pc);
+ HNullCheck* null_check = new (arena_) HNullCheck(arg, invoke->GetDexPc());
invoke->SetArgumentAt(0, null_check);
start_index = 1;
+ argument_index = 1;
- uint32_t descriptor_index = 1; // Skip the return type.
- uint32_t argument_index = start_index;
- if (is_string_init) {
- start_index = 1;
- }
for (size_t i = start_index;
// Make sure we don't go over the expected arguments or over the number of
// dex registers given. If the instruction was seen as dead by the verifier,
// it hasn't been properly checked.
- (i < number_of_vreg_arguments) && (argument_index < number_of_arguments);
+ (i < number_of_vreg_arguments) && (argument_index < invoke->GetNumberOfArguments());
i++, argument_index++) {
Primitive::Type type = Primitive::GetType(descriptor[descriptor_index++]);
bool is_wide = (type == Primitive::kPrimLong) || (type == Primitive::kPrimDouble);
@@ -1085,7 +1103,7 @@
- if (argument_index != number_of_arguments) {
+ if (argument_index != invoke->GetNumberOfArguments()) {
VLOG(compiler) << "Did not compile "
<< PrettyMethod(dex_compilation_unit_->GetDexMethodIndex(), *dex_file_)
<< " because of wrong number of arguments in invoke instruction";
@@ -1098,10 +1116,12 @@
- if (clinit_check_requirement == HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kExplicit) {
+ if (clinit_check != nullptr) {
// Add the class initialization check as last input of `invoke`.
- DCHECK(clinit_check != nullptr);
+ DCHECK(invoke->IsInvokeStaticOrDirect());
+ DCHECK(invoke->AsInvokeStaticOrDirect()->GetClinitCheckRequirement()
+ == HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement::kExplicit);
invoke->SetArgumentAt(argument_index, clinit_check);
@@ -1111,16 +1131,40 @@
uint32_t orig_this_reg = is_range ? register_index : args[0];
HInstruction* fake_string = LoadLocal(orig_this_reg, Primitive::kPrimNot);
invoke->SetArgumentAt(argument_index, fake_string);
- current_block_->AddInstruction(invoke);
- PotentiallySimplifyFakeString(orig_this_reg, dex_pc, invoke);
- } else {
- current_block_->AddInstruction(invoke);
+ PotentiallySimplifyFakeString(orig_this_reg, invoke->GetDexPc(), invoke);
- latest_result_ = invoke;
return true;
+void HGraphBuilder::PotentiallySimplifyFakeString(uint16_t original_dex_register,
+ uint32_t dex_pc,
+ HInvoke* actual_string) {
+ if (!graph_->IsDebuggable()) {
+ // Notify that we cannot compile with baseline. The dex registers aliasing
+ // with `original_dex_register` will be handled when we optimize
+ // (see HInstructionSimplifer::VisitFakeString).
+ can_use_baseline_for_string_init_ = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ const VerifiedMethod* verified_method =
+ compiler_driver_->GetVerifiedMethod(dex_file_, dex_compilation_unit_->GetDexMethodIndex());
+ if (verified_method != nullptr) {
+ UpdateLocal(original_dex_register, actual_string);
+ const SafeMap<uint32_t, std::set<uint32_t>>& string_init_map =
+ verified_method->GetStringInitPcRegMap();
+ auto map_it = string_init_map.find(dex_pc);
+ if (map_it != string_init_map.end()) {
+ std::set<uint32_t> reg_set = map_it->second;
+ for (auto set_it = reg_set.begin(); set_it != reg_set.end(); ++set_it) {
+ HInstruction* load_local = LoadLocal(original_dex_register, Primitive::kPrimNot);
+ UpdateLocal(*set_it, load_local);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ can_use_baseline_for_string_init_ = false;
+ }
bool HGraphBuilder::BuildInstanceFieldAccess(const Instruction& instruction,
uint32_t dex_pc,
bool is_put) {
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/builder.h b/compiler/optimizing/builder.h
index 08600c7..c179ea2 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/builder.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/builder.h
@@ -272,6 +272,19 @@
uintptr_t direct_method,
uintptr_t direct_code);
+ bool SetupArgumentsForInvoke(HInvoke* invoke,
+ uint32_t number_of_vreg_arguments,
+ uint32_t* args,
+ uint32_t register_index,
+ bool is_range,
+ const char* descriptor,
+ HClinitCheck* clinit_check);
+ HClinitCheck* ProcessClinitCheckForInvoke(
+ uint32_t dex_pc,
+ uint32_t method_idx,
+ HInvokeStaticOrDirect::ClinitCheckRequirement* clinit_check_requirement);
ArenaAllocator* const arena_;
// A list of the size of the dex code holding block information for
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h b/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
index f2db330..2ed2d9a 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
@@ -3181,6 +3181,8 @@
return dispatch_info_.direct_code_ptr;
+ ClinitCheckRequirement GetClinitCheckRequirement() const { return clinit_check_requirement_; }
// Is this instruction a call to a static method?
bool IsStatic() const {
return GetInvokeType() == kStatic;
diff --git a/runtime/dex_file.h b/runtime/dex_file.h
index a1ddbc7..fc805f8 100644
--- a/runtime/dex_file.h
+++ b/runtime/dex_file.h
@@ -643,6 +643,11 @@
return StringDataByIdx(method_id.name_idx_);
+ // Returns the shorty of a method by its index.
+ const char* GetMethodShorty(uint32_t idx) const {
+ return StringDataByIdx(GetProtoId(GetMethodId(idx).proto_idx_).shorty_idx_);
+ }
// Returns the shorty of a method id.
const char* GetMethodShorty(const MethodId& method_id) const {
return StringDataByIdx(GetProtoId(method_id.proto_idx_).shorty_idx_);