Support hardware divide instruction

Bug: 11299025

Uses sdiv for division and a combo of sdiv, mul and sub for modulus.
Only does this on processors that are capable of the sdiv instruction, as determined
by the build system.

Also provides a command line arg --instruction-set-features= to allow cross compilation.
Makefile adds the --instruction-set-features= arg to build-time dex2oat runs and defaults
it to something obtained from the target architecture.

Provides a GetInstructionSetFeatures() function on CompilerDriver that can be
queried for various features.  The only feature supported right now is hasDivideInstruction().

Also adds a few more instructions to the ARM disassembler

b/11535253 is an addition to this CL to be done later.

Change-Id: Ia8aaf801fd94bc71e476902749cf20f74eba9f68
diff --git a/compiler/driver/ b/compiler/driver/
index 783c322..4871e16 100644
--- a/compiler/driver/
+++ b/compiler/driver/
@@ -336,10 +336,12 @@
                                                std::string const& filename);
 CompilerDriver::CompilerDriver(CompilerBackend compiler_backend, InstructionSet instruction_set,
+                               InstructionSetFeatures instruction_set_features,
                                bool image, DescriptorSet* image_classes, size_t thread_count,
                                bool dump_stats)
     : compiler_backend_(compiler_backend),
+      instruction_set_features_(instruction_set_features),
       freezing_constructor_lock_("freezing constructor lock"),
       compiled_classes_lock_("compiled classes lock"),
       compiled_methods_lock_("compiled method lock"),