Add DALVIKVM_FLAGS to test invocation.

Now, only gtest don't use these flags.

Running tests with GC options e.g:
DALVIK_VM="-Xgc:GSS" mm test-art-host-oat

Added a --runtime-option to test/run-test which passes the args to
the test:
test/run-test --runtime-option -Xgc:GSS --runtime-option -XX:UseTLAB 080

Change-Id: Ic928df32cb5aa36d3b0b55456e8b535e82ee9e97
diff --git a/test/run-test b/test/run-test
index 323f846..34b06cc 100755
--- a/test/run-test
+++ b/test/run-test
@@ -99,6 +99,11 @@
         run_args="${run_args} -Xcompiler-option $option"
+    elif [ "x$1" = "x--runtime-option" ]; then
+        shift
+        option="$1"
+        run_args="${run_args} --runtime-option $option"
+        shift
     elif [ "x$1" = "x--debug" ]; then
         run_args="${run_args} --debug"
@@ -234,6 +239,7 @@
         echo "  Runtime Options:"
         echo "    -O                   Run non-debug rather than debug build (off by default)."
         echo "    -Xcompiler-option    Pass an option to the compiler."
+        echo "    -runtime-option      Pass an option to the runtime."
         echo "    --debug              Wait for a debugger to attach."
         echo "    --gdb                Run under gdb; incompatible with some tests."
         echo "    --build-only         Build test files only (off by default)."