Compiler: continuing refactoring

Moving the arena memory allocation mechanism into it's own class as
a prelude to cleaning up the MIR and LIR data structures.

Reworked bit vector as a class using placement new w/ the arena

Reworked GrowableList as a class template using the new arena
allocator and renamed to GrowableArray.

Change-Id: I639c4c08abe068094cae2649e04f58c8addd0015
diff --git a/src/compiler/dex/arena_bit_vector.h b/src/compiler/dex/arena_bit_vector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffc2160
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/dex/arena_bit_vector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include "compiler_enums.h"
+#include "arena_allocator.h"
+namespace art {
+// Type of growable bitmap for memory tuning.
+enum OatBitMapKind {
+  kBitMapMisc = 0,
+  kBitMapUse,
+  kBitMapDef,
+  kBitMapLiveIn,
+  kBitMapBMatrix,
+  kBitMapDominators,
+  kBitMapIDominated,
+  kBitMapDomFrontier,
+  kBitMapPhi,
+  kBitMapTmpBlocks,
+  kBitMapInputBlocks,
+  kBitMapRegisterV,
+  kBitMapTempSSARegisterV,
+  kBitMapNullCheck,
+  kBitMapTmpBlockV,
+  kBitMapPredecessors,
+  kNumBitMapKinds
+ * Expanding bitmap, used for tracking resources.  Bits are numbered starting
+ * from zero.  All operations on a BitVector are unsynchronized.
+ */
+class ArenaBitVector {
+  public:
+    class Iterator {
+      public:
+        Iterator(ArenaBitVector* bit_vector)
+          : p_bits_(bit_vector),
+            bit_storage_(bit_vector->GetRawStorage()),
+            bit_index_(0),
+            bit_size_(p_bits_->storage_size_ * sizeof(uint32_t) * 8) {};
+        int Next();  // Returns -1 when no next.
+        static void* operator new(size_t size, ArenaAllocator* arena) {
+          return arena->NewMem(sizeof(ArenaBitVector::Iterator), true,
+                               ArenaAllocator::kAllocGrowableBitMap);
+        };
+        static void operator delete(void* p) {};  // Nop.
+      private:
+        ArenaBitVector* const p_bits_;
+        uint32_t* const bit_storage_;
+        uint32_t bit_index_;              // Current index (size in bits).
+        const uint32_t bit_size_;       // Size of vector in bits.
+    };
+    ArenaBitVector(ArenaAllocator* arena, unsigned int start_bits, bool expandable,
+                   OatBitMapKind kind = kBitMapMisc);
+    ~ArenaBitVector() {};
+    static void* operator new( size_t size, ArenaAllocator* arena) {
+      return arena->NewMem(sizeof(ArenaBitVector), true, ArenaAllocator::kAllocGrowableBitMap);
+    }
+    static void operator delete(void* p) {};  // Nop.
+    void SetBit(unsigned int num);
+    void ClearBit(unsigned int num);
+    void MarkAllBits(bool set);
+    void DebugBitVector(char* msg, int length);
+    bool IsBitSet(unsigned int num);
+    void ClearAllBits();
+    void SetInitialBits(unsigned int num_bits);
+    void Copy(ArenaBitVector* src);
+    void Intersect(const ArenaBitVector* src2);
+    void Union(const ArenaBitVector* src);
+    bool Equal(const ArenaBitVector* src);
+    int NumSetBits();
+    uint32_t GetStorageSize() const { return storage_size_; }
+    bool IsExpandable() const { return expandable_; }
+    uint32_t GetRawStorageWord(size_t idx) const { return storage_[idx]; }
+    uint32_t* GetRawStorage() { return storage_; }
+  private:
+    ArenaAllocator* const arena_;
+    const bool expandable_;         // expand bitmap if we run out?
+    const OatBitMapKind kind_;      // for memory use tuning.
+    uint32_t   storage_size_;       // current size, in 32-bit words.
+    uint32_t*  storage_;
+}  // namespace art