Relax loop-back-edge-use for different dexers.

D8 is less aggressive with removing transitive gotos when
--no-locals is not used in case the user wants a breakpoint
in the middle of that empty loop.

while (...) {
  boolean incoming = field;
  while (incoming) {


DX would just generate:

|0007: invoke-static {}, LMain;.$opt$noinline$ensureSideEffects:()Z // method@0000
|000a: move-result v1
|000b: if-eqz v1, 0012 // +0007
|000d: sget-boolean v0, LMain;.field:Z // field@0001
|000f: if-eqz v0, 0007 // -0008
|0011: goto 000f // -0002
|0012: return-void

D8 would generate:

0007: invoke-static {}, LMain;.$opt$noinline$ensureSideEffects:()Z // method@0000
000a: move-result v0
000b: if-eqz v0, 0013 // +0008
000d: sget-boolean v0, LMain;.field:Z // field@0001
000f: if-eqz v0, 0012 // +0003
0011: goto 000f // -0002
0012: goto 0007 // -000b
0013: return-void

The extra basic block changes the order of the graph printing a bit.

Change-Id: I8f6149ba20b34ca0c50ec80c36aed13fb45e55ea

Bug: 65168732
Test: USE_D8=true  ./art/  -b --host -r -t 482-checker-loop-back-edge-use
      USE_D8=false ./art/  -b --host -r -t 482-checker-loop-back-edge-use
2 files changed