Changed default non-full tests to be prebuild.

Also added ability to turn off non-prebuild manually.

Change-Id: I0315ac43703a9c7e79812658523013799fb5d5dd
diff --git a/test/run-test b/test/run-test
index 5c38be3..787670a 100755
--- a/test/run-test
+++ b/test/run-test
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
@@ -289,9 +289,9 @@
         echo "    --zygote             Spawn the process from the Zygote." \
              "If used, then the"
         echo "                         other runtime options are ignored."
-        echo "    --prebuild           Run dex2oat on the files before starting test."
+        echo "    --prebuild           Run dex2oat on the files before starting test. (default)"
         echo "    --no-prebuild        Do not run dex2oat on the files before starting"
-        echo "                         the test. (default)"
+        echo "                         the test."
         echo "    --relocate           Force the use of relocating in the test, making"
         echo "                         the image and oat files be relocated to a random"
         echo "                         address before running. (default)"