Improved scripts that analyze sanitizer poisoning

Scripts now can split information based on Process ID in order for
lessen amount of information shown at once. Additionally, the scripts
now provide information of what is being accessed at a certain point.

Bug: 37754950
Test: art/tools/runtime_memusage/ [options]

Change-Id: I9cf0f2a87d073a88997932c2e2717eb48c7888b4
diff --git a/tools/runtime_memusage/ b/tools/runtime_memusage/
index 75cb9a9..66b48fa 100755
--- a/tools/runtime_memusage/
+++ b/tools/runtime_memusage/
@@ -18,13 +18,22 @@
 # This script takes in a logcat containing Sanitizer traces and outputs several
 # files, prints information regarding the traces, and plots information as well.
 # EXACT_ARG and MIN_ARG are passed to
 usage() {
   echo "Usage: $0 [options] [LOGCAT_FILE] [CATEGORIES...]"
+  echo "    -a"
+  echo "        Forces all pids associated with registered dex"
+  echo "        files in the logcat to be processed."
+  echo "        default: only the last pid is processed"
+  echo
   echo "    -d  OUT_DIRECTORY"
   echo "        Puts all output in specified directory."
   echo "        If not given, output will be put in a local"
@@ -37,7 +46,7 @@
   echo "        the -m argument or by"
   echo "    -f"
-  echo "        forces redo of all commands even if output"
+  echo "        Forces redo of all commands even if output"
   echo "        files exist. Steps are skipped if their output"
   echo "        exist already and this is not enabled."
@@ -46,6 +55,22 @@
   echo "        at least MINIMUM_CALLS_PER_TRACE lines."
   echo "        default: specified by"
+  echo "    -o  [OFFSET],[OFFSET]"
+  echo "        Filters out all Dex File offsets outside the"
+  echo "        range between provided offsets. 'inf' can be"
+  echo "        provided for infinity."
+  echo "        default: 0,inf"
+  echo
+  echo "    -p  [PACKAGE_NAME]"
+  echo "        Using the package name, uses baksmali to get"
+  echo "        a dump of the Dex File format for the package."
+  echo
+  echo "    -t  [TIME_OFFSET],[TIME_OFFSET]"
+  echo "        Filters out all time offsets outside the"
+  echo "        range between provided offsets. 'inf' can be"
+  echo "        provided for infinity."
+  echo "        default: 0,inf"
+  echo
   echo "    CATEGORIES are words that are expected to show in"
   echo "       a large subset of symbolized traces. Splits"
   echo "       output based on each word."
@@ -55,33 +80,61 @@
-while [[ $# -gt 1 ]]; do
-case $1 in
-  -d)
-  shift
-  USE_TEMP=false
-  OUT_DIR=$1
-  shift
-  break
-  ;;
-  -e)
-  shift
-  EXACT_ARG='-e'
-  ;;
-  -f)
-  shift
-  DO_REDO=true
-  ;;
-  -m)
-  shift
-  MIN_ARG='-m '"$1"''
-  shift
-  ;;
-  *)
-  usage
-  exit
+while getopts ":ad:efm:o:p:t:" opt ; do
+case ${opt} in
+  a)
+    ALL_PIDS=true
+    ;;
+  d)
+    USE_TEMP=false
+    ;;
+  e)
+    EXACT_ARG='-e'
+    ;;
+  f)
+    DO_REDO=true
+    ;;
+  m)
+    if ! [ "$OPTARG" -eq "$OPTARG" ]; then
+      usage
+      exit
+    fi
+    MIN_ARG='-m '"$OPTARG"
+    ;;
+  o)
+    set -f
+    IFS=","
+    if [ "${#OFFSET_ARGS[@]}" -ne 2 ]; then
+      usage
+      exit
+    fi
+    OFFSET_ARGS=( "--offsets" "${OFFSET_ARGS[@]}" )
+    ;;
+  t)
+    set -f
+    IFS=","
+    if [ "${#TIME_ARGS[@]}" -ne 2 ]; then
+      usage
+      exit
+    fi
+    TIME_ARGS=( "--times" "${TIME_ARGS[@]}" )
+    ;;
+  p)
+    ;;
+  \?)
+    usage
+    exit
+shift $((OPTIND -1))
 if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
@@ -103,78 +156,147 @@
 # Note: Steps are skipped if their output exists until -f flag is enabled
-# Step 1 - Only output lines related to Sanitizer
-# Folder that holds all file output
 echo "Output folder: $OUT_DIR"
-if [ ! -f $ASAN_OUT ] || [ $DO_REDO = true ]; then
-  DO_REDO=true
-  echo "Extracting ASAN output"
-  grep "app_process64" $LOGCAT_FILE > $ASAN_OUT
-  echo "Skipped: Extracting ASAN output"
+unique_pids=( $(grep "RegisterDexFile" "$LOGCAT_FILE" | grep -v "zygote64" | tr -s ' ' | cut -f3 -d' ' | awk '!a[$0]++') )
+echo "List of pids: ${unique_pids[@]}"
+if [ $ALL_PIDS = false ]; then
+  unique_pids=( ${unique_pids[-1]} )
-# Step 2 - Only output lines containing Dex File Start Addresses
-if [ ! -f $DEX_START ] || [ $DO_REDO = true ]; then
-  DO_REDO=true
-  echo "Extracting Start of Dex File(s)"
-  grep "RegisterDexFile" $LOGCAT_FILE > $DEX_START
-  echo "Skipped: Extracting Start of Dex File(s)"
+for pid in "${unique_pids[@]}"
+  echo
+  echo "Current pid: $pid"
+  echo
+  PID_DIR=$OUT_DIR/$pid
+  if [ ! -d "$PID_DIR" ]; then
+    mkdir $PID_DIR
+    DO_REDO[$pid]=true
+  fi
-# Step 3 - Clean Sanitizer output from Step 2 since logcat cannot
-# handle large amounts of output.
-if [ ! -f $ASAN_OUT_FILTERED ] || [ $DO_REDO = true ]; then
-  DO_REDO=true
-  echo "Filtering/Cleaning ASAN output"
-  python $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/art/tools/runtime_memusage/ \
-  echo "Skipped: Filtering/Cleaning ASAN output"
-# Step 4 - Retrieve symbolized stack traces from Step 3 output
-if [ ! -f $SYM_FILTERED ] || [ $DO_REDO = true ]; then
-  DO_REDO=true
-  echo "Retrieving symbolized traces"
-  $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/development/scripts/stack $ASAN_OUT_FILTERED > $SYM_FILTERED
-  echo "Skipped: Retrieving symbolized traces"
+  if [ ! -f "$PID_DIR/logcat" ] || [ "${DO_REDO[$pid]}" = true ] || [ $DO_REDO = true ]; then
+    DO_REDO[$pid]=true
+    awk '{if($3 == '$pid') print $0}' $LOGCAT_FILE > $LOGCAT_PID_FILE
+  fi
-# Step 5 - Using Steps 2, 3, 4 outputs in order to output graph data
-# and trace data
-# Only the category names are needed for the commands giving final output
-if [ ! -e ${TIME_OUTPUT[0]} ] || [ $DO_REDO = true ]; then
-  DO_REDO=true
-  echo "Creating Categorized Time Table"
-  python $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/art/tools/runtime_memusage/ \
-  echo "Skipped: Creating Categorized Time Table"
+  if [ ! -d "$INTERMEDIATES_DIR" ]; then
+    DO_REDO[$pid]=true
+  fi
-# Step 6 - Use graph data from Step 5 to plot graph
-# Contains the category names used for legend of gnuplot
-PLOT_CATS=`echo \"Uncategorized $@\"`
-echo "Plotting Categorized Time Table"
-# Plots the information from logcat
-gnuplot --persist -e \
-  'filename(n) = sprintf("'"$OUT_DIR"'/time_output_%d.dat", n);
-   catnames = '"$PLOT_CATS"';
-   set title "Dex File Offset vs. Time accessed since App Start";
-   set xlabel "Time (milliseconds)";
-   set ylabel "Dex File Offset (bytes)";
-   plot for [i=0:'"$NUM_CAT"'] filename(i) using 1:2 title word(catnames, i + 1);'
+  # Step 1 - Only output lines related to Sanitizer
+  # Folder that holds all file output
+  if [ ! -f $ASAN_OUT ] || [ "${DO_REDO[$pid]}" = true ] || [ $DO_REDO = true ]; then
+    DO_REDO[$pid]=true
+    echo "Extracting ASAN output"
+    grep "app_process64" $LOGCAT_PID_FILE > $ASAN_OUT
+  else
+    echo "Skipped: Extracting ASAN output"
+  fi
-if [ $USE_TEMP = true ]; then
-  echo "Removing temp directory and files"
-  rm -rf $OUT_DIR
+  # Step 2 - Only output lines containing Dex File Start Addresses
+  if [ ! -f $DEX_START ] || [ "${DO_REDO[$pid]}" = true ] || [ $DO_REDO = true ]; then
+    DO_REDO[$pid]=true
+    echo "Extracting Start of Dex File(s)"
+    grep "RegisterDexFile" $LOGCAT_PID_FILE > $DEX_START
+  else
+    echo "Skipped: Extracting Start of Dex File(s)"
+  fi
+  # Step 3 - Clean Sanitizer output from Step 2 since logcat cannot
+  # handle large amounts of output.
+  if [ ! -f $ASAN_OUT_FILTERED ] || [ "${DO_REDO[$pid]}" = true ] || [ $DO_REDO = true ]; then
+    DO_REDO[$pid]=true
+    echo "Filtering/Cleaning ASAN output"
+    python $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/art/tools/runtime_memusage/ \
+  else
+    echo "Skipped: Filtering/Cleaning ASAN output"
+  fi
+  # Step 4 - Retrieve symbolized stack traces from Step 3 output
+  if [ ! -f $SYM_FILTERED ] || [ "${DO_REDO[$pid]}" = true ] || [ $DO_REDO = true ]; then
+    DO_REDO[$pid]=true
+    echo "Retrieving symbolized traces"
+    $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/development/scripts/stack $ASAN_OUT_FILTERED > $SYM_FILTERED
+  else
+    echo "Skipped: Retrieving symbolized traces"
+  fi
+  # Step 4.5 - Obtain Dex File Format of dex file related to package
+  BAKSMALI_DMP_OUT="$INTERMEDIATES_DIR""/baksmali_dex_file"
+  if [ ! -f $BAKSMALI_DMP_OUT ] || [ "${DO_REDO[$pid]}" = true ] || [ $DO_REDO = true ]; then
+    if [ $PACKAGE_NAME != "" ]; then
+      # Extracting Dex File path on device from Dex File related to package
+      apk_directory=$(dirname $(grep $PACKAGE_NAME $DEX_START | tail -n1 | awk '{print $8}'))
+      apk_dex_files=$(adb shell find $apk_directory -name "*.?dex" -type f 2> /dev/null)
+      for apk_file in $apk_dex_files; do
+        base_name=$(basename $apk_file)
+        adb pull $apk_file $INTERMEDIATES_DIR/base."${base_name#*.}"
+      done
+      oatdump --oat-file=$INTERMEDIATES_DIR/base.odex --export-dex-to=$INTERMEDIATES_DIR --output=/dev/null
+      export_dex=( $INTERMEDIATES_DIR/*apk_export* )
+      baksmali -JXmx1024M dump $export_dex > $BAKSMALI_DMP_OUT 2> /dev/null
+      if ! [ -s $BAKSMALI_DMP_OUT ]; then
+        rm $BAKSMALI_DMP_OUT
+        BAKSMALI_DMP_ARG=""
+        echo "Failed to retrieve Dex File format"
+      fi
+    else
+      echo "Failed to retrieve Dex File format"
+    fi
+  else
+    echo "Skipped: Retrieving Dex File format from baksmali"
+  fi
+  if [ ! -d "$RESULTS_DIR" ]; then
+    mkdir $RESULTS_DIR
+    DO_REDO[$pid]=true
+  fi
+  # Step 5 - Using Steps 2, 3, 4 outputs in order to output graph data
+  # and trace data
+  # Only the category names are needed for the commands giving final output
+  shift
+  TIME_OUTPUT=($RESULTS_DIR/time_output_*.dat)
+  if [ ! -e ${TIME_OUTPUT[0]} ] || [ "${DO_REDO[$pid]}" = true ] || [ $DO_REDO = true ]; then
+    DO_REDO[$pid]=true
+    echo "Creating Categorized Time Table"
+    python $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/art/tools/runtime_memusage/ \
+  else
+    echo "Skipped: Creating Categorized Time Table"
+  fi
+  # Step 6 - Use graph data from Step 5 to plot graph
+  # Contains the category names used for legend of gnuplot
+  PLOT_CATS=`echo \"Uncategorized $@\"`
+  if [ $PACKAGE_NAME != "" ]; then
+    PACKAGE_STRING="Package name: "$PACKAGE_NAME" "
+  fi
+  echo "Plotting Categorized Time Table"
+  # Plots the information from logcat
+  gnuplot --persist -e \
+    'filename(n) = sprintf("'"$RESULTS_DIR"'/time_output_%d.dat", n);
+     catnames = '"$PLOT_CATS"';
+     set title "'"$PACKAGE_STRING"'PID: '"$pid"'";
+     set xlabel "Time (milliseconds)";
+     set ylabel "Dex File Offset (bytes)";
+     plot for [i=0:'"$NUM_CAT"'] filename(i) using 1:2 title word(catnames, i + 1);'
+  if [ $USE_TEMP = true ]; then
+    echo "Removing temp directory and files"
+    rm -rf $OUT_DIR
+  fi