art: Refactor RuntimeOptions/ParsedOptions

Refactor the RuntimeOptions to be a
type-safe map (VariantMap, see runtime_options.h) and the ParsedOptions
to delegate the parsing to CmdlineParser (see cmdline/cmdline_parser.h).

This is the start of a command line parsing refactor, and may include
more in the future (dex2oat, patchoat, etc).

For more details of the command line parsing generator usage see cmdline/

Change-Id: Ic67c6bca5e1f33bf2ec60e2e3ff8c366bab91563
diff --git a/cmdline/cmdline_types.h b/cmdline/cmdline_types.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9221023
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmdline/cmdline_types.h
@@ -0,0 +1,820 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#define CMDLINE_NDEBUG 1  // Do not output any debugging information for parsing.
+#include "cmdline/memory_representation.h"
+#include "cmdline/detail/cmdline_debug_detail.h"
+#include "cmdline_type_parser.h"
+// Includes for the types that are being specialized
+#include <string>
+#include "unit.h"
+#include "jdwp/jdwp.h"
+#include "runtime/base/logging.h"
+#include "gc/collector_type.h"
+#include "gc/space/large_object_space.h"
+#include "profiler_options.h"
+namespace art {
+// The default specialization will always fail parsing the type from a string.
+// Provide your own specialization that inherits from CmdlineTypeParser<T>
+// and implements either Parse or ParseAndAppend
+// (only if the argument was defined with ::AppendValues()) but not both.
+template <typename T>
+struct CmdlineType : CmdlineTypeParser<T> {
+// Specializations for CmdlineType<T> follow:
+// Parse argument definitions for Unit-typed arguments.
+template <>
+struct CmdlineType<Unit> : CmdlineTypeParser<Unit> {
+  Result Parse(const std::string& args) {
+    if (args == "") {
+      return Result::Success(Unit{});  // NOLINT [whitespace/braces] [5]
+    }
+    return Result::Failure("Unexpected extra characters " + args);
+  }
+template <>
+struct CmdlineType<JDWP::JdwpOptions> : CmdlineTypeParser<JDWP::JdwpOptions> {
+  Result Parse(const std::string& options) {
+    VLOG(jdwp) << "ParseJdwpOptions: " << options;
+    if (options == "help") {
+      return Result::Usage(
+          "Example: -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y\n"
+          "Example: -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=localhost:6500,server=n\n");
+    }
+    const std::string s;
+    std::vector<std::string> pairs;
+    Split(options, ',', &pairs);
+    JDWP::JdwpOptions jdwp_options = JDWP::JdwpOptions();
+    std::stringstream error_stream;
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < pairs.size(); ++i) {
+      std::string::size_type equals = pairs[i].find('=');
+      if (equals == std::string::npos) {
+        return Result::Failure(s +
+            "Can't parse JDWP option '" + pairs[i] + "' in '" + options + "'");
+      }
+      if (!ParseJdwpOption(pairs[i].substr(0, equals),
+                           pairs[i].substr(equals + 1),
+                           error_stream,
+                           jdwp_options)) {
+        return Result::Failure(error_stream.str());
+      }
+    }
+    if (jdwp_options.transport == JDWP::kJdwpTransportUnknown) {
+      return Result::Failure(s + "Must specify JDWP transport: " + options);
+    }
+    if (!jdwp_options.server && ( || jdwp_options.port == 0)) {
+      return Result::Failure(s + "Must specify JDWP host and port when server=n: " + options);
+    }
+    return Result::Success(std::move(jdwp_options));
+  }
+  bool ParseJdwpOption(const std::string& name, const std::string& value,
+                       std::ostream& error_stream,
+                       JDWP::JdwpOptions& jdwp_options) {
+    if (name == "transport") {
+      if (value == "dt_socket") {
+        jdwp_options.transport = JDWP::kJdwpTransportSocket;
+      } else if (value == "dt_android_adb") {
+        jdwp_options.transport = JDWP::kJdwpTransportAndroidAdb;
+      } else {
+        error_stream << "JDWP transport not supported: " << value;
+        return false;
+      }
+    } else if (name == "server") {
+      if (value == "n") {
+        jdwp_options.server = false;
+      } else if (value == "y") {
+        jdwp_options.server = true;
+      } else {
+        error_stream << "JDWP option 'server' must be 'y' or 'n'";
+        return false;
+      }
+    } else if (name == "suspend") {
+      if (value == "n") {
+        jdwp_options.suspend = false;
+      } else if (value == "y") {
+        jdwp_options.suspend = true;
+      } else {
+        error_stream << "JDWP option 'suspend' must be 'y' or 'n'";
+        return false;
+      }
+    } else if (name == "address") {
+      /* this is either <port> or <host>:<port> */
+      std::string port_string;
+      std::string::size_type colon = value.find(':');
+      if (colon != std::string::npos) {
+ = value.substr(0, colon);
+        port_string = value.substr(colon + 1);
+      } else {
+        port_string = value;
+      }
+      if (port_string.empty()) {
+        error_stream << "JDWP address missing port: " << value;
+        return false;
+      }
+      char* end;
+      uint64_t port = strtoul(port_string.c_str(), &end, 10);
+      if (*end != '\0' || port > 0xffff) {
+        error_stream << "JDWP address has junk in port field: " << value;
+        return false;
+      }
+      jdwp_options.port = port;
+    } else if (name == "launch" || name == "onthrow" || name == "oncaught" || name == "timeout") {
+      /* valid but unsupported */
+      LOG(INFO) << "Ignoring JDWP option '" << name << "'='" << value << "'";
+    } else {
+      LOG(INFO) << "Ignoring unrecognized JDWP option '" << name << "'='" << value << "'";
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  static const char* Name() { return "JdwpOptions"; }
+template <size_t Divisor>
+struct CmdlineType<Memory<Divisor>> : CmdlineTypeParser<Memory<Divisor>> {
+  using typename CmdlineTypeParser<Memory<Divisor>>::Result;
+  Result Parse(const std::string arg) {
+    CMDLINE_DEBUG_LOG << "Parsing memory: " << arg << std::endl;
+    size_t val = ParseMemoryOption(arg.c_str(), Divisor);
+    CMDLINE_DEBUG_LOG << "Memory parsed to size_t value: " << val << std::endl;
+    if (val == 0) {
+      return Result::Failure(std::string("not a valid memory value, or not divisible by ")
+                             + std::to_string(Divisor));
+    }
+    return Result::Success(Memory<Divisor>(val));
+  }
+  // Parse a string of the form /[0-9]+[kKmMgG]?/, which is used to specify
+  // memory sizes.  [kK] indicates kilobytes, [mM] megabytes, and
+  // [gG] gigabytes.
+  //
+  // "s" should point just past the "-Xm?" part of the string.
+  // "div" specifies a divisor, e.g. 1024 if the value must be a multiple
+  // of 1024.
+  //
+  // The spec says the -Xmx and -Xms options must be multiples of 1024.  It
+  // doesn't say anything about -Xss.
+  //
+  // Returns 0 (a useless size) if "s" is malformed or specifies a low or
+  // non-evenly-divisible value.
+  //
+  static size_t ParseMemoryOption(const char* s, size_t div) {
+    // strtoul accepts a leading [+-], which we don't want,
+    // so make sure our string starts with a decimal digit.
+    if (isdigit(*s)) {
+      char* s2;
+      size_t val = strtoul(s, &s2, 10);
+      if (s2 != s) {
+        // s2 should be pointing just after the number.
+        // If this is the end of the string, the user
+        // has specified a number of bytes.  Otherwise,
+        // there should be exactly one more character
+        // that specifies a multiplier.
+        if (*s2 != '\0') {
+          // The remainder of the string is either a single multiplier
+          // character, or nothing to indicate that the value is in
+          // bytes.
+          char c = *s2++;
+          if (*s2 == '\0') {
+            size_t mul;
+            if (c == '\0') {
+              mul = 1;
+            } else if (c == 'k' || c == 'K') {
+              mul = KB;
+            } else if (c == 'm' || c == 'M') {
+              mul = MB;
+            } else if (c == 'g' || c == 'G') {
+              mul = GB;
+            } else {
+              // Unknown multiplier character.
+              return 0;
+            }
+            if (val <= std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() / mul) {
+              val *= mul;
+            } else {
+              // Clamp to a multiple of 1024.
+              val = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() & ~(1024-1);
+            }
+          } else {
+            // There's more than one character after the numeric part.
+            return 0;
+          }
+        }
+        // The man page says that a -Xm value must be a multiple of 1024.
+        if (val % div == 0) {
+          return val;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return 0;
+  }
+  static const char* Name() { return Memory<Divisor>::Name(); }
+template <>
+struct CmdlineType<double> : CmdlineTypeParser<double> {
+  Result Parse(const std::string& str) {
+    char* end = nullptr;
+    errno = 0;
+    double value = strtod(str.c_str(), &end);
+    if (*end != '\0') {
+      return Result::Failure("Failed to parse double from " + str);
+    }
+    if (errno == ERANGE) {
+      return Result::OutOfRange(
+          "Failed to parse double from " + str + "; overflow/underflow occurred");
+    }
+    return Result::Success(value);
+  }
+  static const char* Name() { return "double"; }
+template <>
+struct CmdlineType<unsigned int> : CmdlineTypeParser<unsigned int> {
+  Result Parse(const std::string& str) {
+    const char* begin = str.c_str();
+    char* end;
+    // Parse into a larger type (long long) because we can't use strtoul
+    // since it silently converts negative values into unsigned long and doesn't set errno.
+    errno = 0;
+    long long int result = strtoll(begin, &end, 10);  // NOLINT [runtime/int] [4]
+    if (begin == end || *end != '\0' || errno == EINVAL) {
+      return Result::Failure("Failed to parse integer from " + str);
+    } else if ((errno == ERANGE) ||  // NOLINT [runtime/int] [4]
+        result < std::numeric_limits<int>::min()
+        || result > std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max() || result < 0) {
+      return Result::OutOfRange(
+          "Failed to parse integer from " + str + "; out of unsigned int range");
+    }
+    return Result::Success(static_cast<unsigned int>(result));
+  }
+  static const char* Name() { return "unsigned integer"; }
+// Lightweight nanosecond value type. Allows parser to convert user-input from milliseconds
+// to nanoseconds automatically after parsing.
+// All implicit conversion from uint64_t uses nanoseconds.
+struct MillisecondsToNanoseconds {
+  // Create from nanoseconds.
+  MillisecondsToNanoseconds(uint64_t nanoseconds) : nanoseconds_(nanoseconds) {  // NOLINT [runtime/explicit] [5]
+  }
+  // Create from milliseconds.
+  static MillisecondsToNanoseconds FromMilliseconds(unsigned int milliseconds) {
+    return MillisecondsToNanoseconds(MsToNs(milliseconds));
+  }
+  // Get the underlying nanoseconds value.
+  uint64_t GetNanoseconds() const {
+    return nanoseconds_;
+  }
+  // Get the milliseconds value [via a conversion]. Loss of precision will occur.
+  uint64_t GetMilliseconds() const {
+    return NsToMs(nanoseconds_);
+  }
+  // Get the underlying nanoseconds value.
+  operator uint64_t() const {
+    return GetNanoseconds();
+  }
+  // Default constructors/copy-constructors.
+  MillisecondsToNanoseconds() : nanoseconds_(0ul) {}
+  MillisecondsToNanoseconds(const MillisecondsToNanoseconds& rhs) = default;
+  MillisecondsToNanoseconds(MillisecondsToNanoseconds&& rhs) = default;
+ private:
+  uint64_t nanoseconds_;
+template <>
+struct CmdlineType<MillisecondsToNanoseconds> : CmdlineTypeParser<MillisecondsToNanoseconds> {
+  Result Parse(const std::string& str) {
+    CmdlineType<unsigned int> uint_parser;
+    CmdlineParseResult<unsigned int> res = uint_parser.Parse(str);
+    if (res.IsSuccess()) {
+      return Result::Success(MillisecondsToNanoseconds::FromMilliseconds(res.GetValue()));
+    } else {
+      return Result::CastError(res);
+    }
+  }
+  static const char* Name() { return "MillisecondsToNanoseconds"; }
+template <>
+struct CmdlineType<std::string> : CmdlineTypeParser<std::string> {
+  Result Parse(const std::string& args) {
+    return Result::Success(args);
+  }
+  Result ParseAndAppend(const std::string& args,
+                        std::string& existing_value) {
+    if (existing_value.empty()) {
+      existing_value = args;
+    } else {
+      existing_value += ' ';
+      existing_value += args;
+    }
+    return Result::SuccessNoValue();
+  }
+template <>
+struct CmdlineType<std::vector<std::string>> : CmdlineTypeParser<std::vector<std::string>> {
+  Result Parse(const std::string& args) {
+    assert(false && "Use AppendValues() for a string vector type");
+    return Result::Failure("Unconditional failure: string vector must be appended: " + args);
+  }
+  Result ParseAndAppend(const std::string& args,
+                        std::vector<std::string>& existing_value) {
+    existing_value.push_back(args);
+    return Result::SuccessNoValue();
+  }
+  static const char* Name() { return "std::vector<std::string>"; }
+template <char Separator>
+struct ParseStringList {
+  explicit ParseStringList(std::vector<std::string>&& list) : list_(list) {}
+  operator std::vector<std::string>() const {
+    return list_;
+  }
+  operator std::vector<std::string>&&() && {
+    return std::move(list_);
+  }
+  size_t Size() const {
+    return list_.size();
+  }
+  std::string Join() const {
+    return art::Join(list_, Separator);
+  }
+  static ParseStringList<Separator> Split(const std::string& str) {
+    std::vector<std::string> list;
+    art::Split(str, Separator, &list);
+    return ParseStringList<Separator>(std::move(list));
+  }
+  ParseStringList() = default;
+  ParseStringList(const ParseStringList& rhs) = default;
+  ParseStringList(ParseStringList&& rhs) = default;
+ private:
+  std::vector<std::string> list_;
+template <char Separator>
+struct CmdlineType<ParseStringList<Separator>> : CmdlineTypeParser<ParseStringList<Separator>> {
+  using Result = CmdlineParseResult<ParseStringList<Separator>>;
+  Result Parse(const std::string& args) {
+    return Result::Success(ParseStringList<Separator>::Split(args));
+  }
+  static const char* Name() { return "ParseStringList<Separator>"; }
+static gc::CollectorType ParseCollectorType(const std::string& option) {
+  if (option == "MS" || option == "nonconcurrent") {
+    return gc::kCollectorTypeMS;
+  } else if (option == "CMS" || option == "concurrent") {
+    return gc::kCollectorTypeCMS;
+  } else if (option == "SS") {
+    return gc::kCollectorTypeSS;
+  } else if (option == "GSS") {
+    return gc::kCollectorTypeGSS;
+  } else if (option == "CC") {
+    return gc::kCollectorTypeCC;
+  } else if (option == "MC") {
+    return gc::kCollectorTypeMC;
+  } else {
+    return gc::kCollectorTypeNone;
+  }
+struct XGcOption {
+  // These defaults are used when the command line arguments for -Xgc:
+  // are either omitted completely or partially.
+  gc::CollectorType collector_type_ =  kUseReadBarrier ?
+                                           // If RB is enabled (currently a build-time decision),
+                                           // use CC as the default GC.
+                                           gc::kCollectorTypeCC :
+                                           gc::kCollectorTypeDefault;
+  bool verify_pre_gc_heap_ = false;
+  bool verify_pre_sweeping_heap_ = kIsDebugBuild;
+  bool verify_post_gc_heap_ = false;
+  bool verify_pre_gc_rosalloc_ = kIsDebugBuild;
+  bool verify_pre_sweeping_rosalloc_ = false;
+  bool verify_post_gc_rosalloc_ = false;
+template <>
+struct CmdlineType<XGcOption> : CmdlineTypeParser<XGcOption> {
+  Result Parse(const std::string& option) {  // -Xgc: already stripped
+    XGcOption xgc{};  // NOLINT [readability/braces] [4]
+    std::vector<std::string> gc_options;
+    Split(option, ',', &gc_options);
+    for (const std::string& gc_option : gc_options) {
+      gc::CollectorType collector_type = ParseCollectorType(gc_option);
+      if (collector_type != gc::kCollectorTypeNone) {
+        xgc.collector_type_ = collector_type;
+      } else if (gc_option == "preverify") {
+        xgc.verify_pre_gc_heap_ = true;
+      } else if (gc_option == "nopreverify") {
+        xgc.verify_pre_gc_heap_ = false;
+      }  else if (gc_option == "presweepingverify") {
+        xgc.verify_pre_sweeping_heap_ = true;
+      } else if (gc_option == "nopresweepingverify") {
+        xgc.verify_pre_sweeping_heap_ = false;
+      } else if (gc_option == "postverify") {
+        xgc.verify_post_gc_heap_ = true;
+      } else if (gc_option == "nopostverify") {
+        xgc.verify_post_gc_heap_ = false;
+      } else if (gc_option == "preverify_rosalloc") {
+        xgc.verify_pre_gc_rosalloc_ = true;
+      } else if (gc_option == "nopreverify_rosalloc") {
+        xgc.verify_pre_gc_rosalloc_ = false;
+      } else if (gc_option == "presweepingverify_rosalloc") {
+        xgc.verify_pre_sweeping_rosalloc_ = true;
+      } else if (gc_option == "nopresweepingverify_rosalloc") {
+        xgc.verify_pre_sweeping_rosalloc_ = false;
+      } else if (gc_option == "postverify_rosalloc") {
+        xgc.verify_post_gc_rosalloc_ = true;
+      } else if (gc_option == "nopostverify_rosalloc") {
+        xgc.verify_post_gc_rosalloc_ = false;
+      } else if ((gc_option == "precise") ||
+                 (gc_option == "noprecise") ||
+                 (gc_option == "verifycardtable") ||
+                 (gc_option == "noverifycardtable")) {
+        // Ignored for backwards compatibility.
+      } else {
+        return Result::Usage(std::string("Unknown -Xgc option ") + gc_option);
+      }
+    }
+    return Result::Success(std::move(xgc));
+  }
+  static const char* Name() { return "XgcOption"; }
+struct BackgroundGcOption {
+  // If background_collector_type_ is kCollectorTypeNone, it defaults to the
+  // XGcOption::collector_type_ after parsing options. If you set this to
+  // kCollectorTypeHSpaceCompact then we will do an hspace compaction when
+  // we transition to background instead of a normal collector transition.
+  gc::CollectorType background_collector_type_;
+  BackgroundGcOption(gc::CollectorType background_collector_type)  // NOLINT [runtime/explicit] [5]
+    : background_collector_type_(background_collector_type) {}
+  BackgroundGcOption()
+    : background_collector_type_(gc::kCollectorTypeNone) {
+    if (kUseReadBarrier) {
+      background_collector_type_ = gc::kCollectorTypeCC;  // Disable background compaction for CC.
+    }
+  }
+  operator gc::CollectorType() const { return background_collector_type_; }
+struct CmdlineType<BackgroundGcOption>
+  : CmdlineTypeParser<BackgroundGcOption>, private BackgroundGcOption {
+  Result Parse(const std::string& substring) {
+    // Special handling for HSpaceCompact since this is only valid as a background GC type.
+    if (substring == "HSpaceCompact") {
+      background_collector_type_ = gc::kCollectorTypeHomogeneousSpaceCompact;
+    } else {
+      gc::CollectorType collector_type = ParseCollectorType(substring);
+      if (collector_type != gc::kCollectorTypeNone) {
+        background_collector_type_ = collector_type;
+      } else {
+        return Result::Failure();
+      }
+    }
+    BackgroundGcOption res = *this;
+    return Result::Success(res);
+  }
+  static const char* Name() { return "BackgroundGcOption"; }
+template <>
+struct CmdlineType<LogVerbosity> : CmdlineTypeParser<LogVerbosity> {
+  Result Parse(const std::string& options) {
+    LogVerbosity log_verbosity = LogVerbosity();
+    std::vector<std::string> verbose_options;
+    Split(options, ',', &verbose_options);
+    for (size_t j = 0; j < verbose_options.size(); ++j) {
+      if (verbose_options[j] == "class") {
+        log_verbosity.class_linker = true;
+      } else if (verbose_options[j] == "compiler") {
+        log_verbosity.compiler = true;
+      } else if (verbose_options[j] == "gc") {
+        log_verbosity.gc = true;
+      } else if (verbose_options[j] == "heap") {
+        log_verbosity.heap = true;
+      } else if (verbose_options[j] == "jdwp") {
+        log_verbosity.jdwp = true;
+      } else if (verbose_options[j] == "jni") {
+        log_verbosity.jni = true;
+      } else if (verbose_options[j] == "monitor") {
+        log_verbosity.monitor = true;
+      } else if (verbose_options[j] == "profiler") {
+        log_verbosity.profiler = true;
+      } else if (verbose_options[j] == "signals") {
+        log_verbosity.signals = true;
+      } else if (verbose_options[j] == "startup") {
+        log_verbosity.startup = true;
+      } else if (verbose_options[j] == "third-party-jni") {
+        log_verbosity.third_party_jni = true;
+      } else if (verbose_options[j] == "threads") {
+        log_verbosity.threads = true;
+      } else if (verbose_options[j] == "verifier") {
+        log_verbosity.verifier = true;
+      } else {
+        return Result::Usage(std::string("Unknown -verbose option ") + verbose_options[j]);
+      }
+    }
+    return Result::Success(log_verbosity);
+  }
+  static const char* Name() { return "LogVerbosity"; }
+// TODO: Replace with art::ProfilerOptions for the real thing.
+struct TestProfilerOptions {
+  // Whether or not the applications should be profiled.
+  bool enabled_;
+  // Destination file name where the profiling data will be saved into.
+  std::string output_file_name_;
+  // Generate profile every n seconds.
+  uint32_t period_s_;
+  // Run profile for n seconds.
+  uint32_t duration_s_;
+  // Microseconds between samples.
+  uint32_t interval_us_;
+  // Coefficient to exponential backoff.
+  double backoff_coefficient_;
+  // Whether the profile should start upon app startup or be delayed by some random offset.
+  bool start_immediately_;
+  // Top K% of samples that are considered relevant when deciding if the app should be recompiled.
+  double top_k_threshold_;
+  // How much the top K% samples needs to change in order for the app to be recompiled.
+  double top_k_change_threshold_;
+  // The type of profile data dumped to the disk.
+  ProfileDataType profile_type_;
+  // The max depth of the stack collected by the profiler
+  uint32_t max_stack_depth_;
+  TestProfilerOptions() :
+    enabled_(false),
+    output_file_name_(),
+    period_s_(0),
+    duration_s_(0),
+    interval_us_(0),
+    backoff_coefficient_(0),
+    start_immediately_(0),
+    top_k_threshold_(0),
+    top_k_change_threshold_(0),
+    profile_type_(ProfileDataType::kProfilerMethod),
+    max_stack_depth_(0) {
+  }
+  TestProfilerOptions(const TestProfilerOptions& other) = default;
+  TestProfilerOptions(TestProfilerOptions&& other) = default;
+static inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const TestProfilerOptions& options) {
+  stream << "TestProfilerOptions {" << std::endl;
+#define PRINT_TO_STREAM(field) \
+  stream << #field << ": '" << options.field << "'" << std::endl;
+  PRINT_TO_STREAM(enabled_);
+  PRINT_TO_STREAM(output_file_name_);
+  PRINT_TO_STREAM(period_s_);
+  PRINT_TO_STREAM(duration_s_);
+  PRINT_TO_STREAM(interval_us_);
+  PRINT_TO_STREAM(backoff_coefficient_);
+  PRINT_TO_STREAM(start_immediately_);
+  PRINT_TO_STREAM(top_k_threshold_);
+  PRINT_TO_STREAM(top_k_change_threshold_);
+  PRINT_TO_STREAM(profile_type_);
+  PRINT_TO_STREAM(max_stack_depth_);
+  stream << "}";
+  return stream;
+template <>
+struct CmdlineType<TestProfilerOptions> : CmdlineTypeParser<TestProfilerOptions> {
+  using Result = CmdlineParseResult<TestProfilerOptions>;
+ private:
+  using StringResult = CmdlineParseResult<std::string>;
+  using DoubleResult = CmdlineParseResult<double>;
+  template <typename T>
+  static Result ParseInto(TestProfilerOptions& options,
+                          T TestProfilerOptions::*pField,
+                          CmdlineParseResult<T>&& result) {
+    assert(pField != nullptr);
+    if (result.IsSuccess()) {
+      options.*pField = result.ReleaseValue();
+      return Result::SuccessNoValue();
+    }
+    return Result::CastError(result);
+  }
+  template <typename T>
+  static Result ParseIntoRangeCheck(TestProfilerOptions& options,
+                                    T TestProfilerOptions::*pField,
+                                    CmdlineParseResult<T>&& result,
+                                    T min,
+                                    T max) {
+    if (result.IsSuccess()) {
+      const T& value = result.GetValue();
+      if (value < min || value > max) {
+        CmdlineParseResult<T> out_of_range = CmdlineParseResult<T>::OutOfRange(value, min, max);
+        return Result::CastError(out_of_range);
+      }
+    }
+    return ParseInto(options, pField, std::forward<CmdlineParseResult<T>>(result));
+  }
+  static StringResult ParseStringAfterChar(const std::string& s, char c) {
+    std::string parsed_value;
+    std::string::size_type colon = s.find(c);
+    if (colon == std::string::npos) {
+      return StringResult::Usage(std::string() + "Missing char " + c + " in option " + s);
+    }
+    // Add one to remove the char we were trimming until.
+    parsed_value = s.substr(colon + 1);
+    return StringResult::Success(parsed_value);
+  }
+  static std::string RemovePrefix(const std::string& source) {
+    size_t prefix_idx = source.find(":");
+    if (prefix_idx == std::string::npos) {
+      return "";
+    }
+    return source.substr(prefix_idx + 1);
+  }
+ public:
+  Result ParseAndAppend(const std::string& option, TestProfilerOptions& existing) {
+    // Special case which doesn't include a wildcard argument definition.
+    // We pass-it through as-is.
+    if (option == "-Xenable-profiler") {
+      existing.enabled_ = true;
+      return Result::SuccessNoValue();
+    }
+    // The rest of these options are always the wildcard from '-Xprofile-*'
+    std::string suffix = RemovePrefix(option);
+    if (StartsWith(option, "filename:")) {
+      CmdlineType<std::string> type_parser;
+      return ParseInto(existing,
+                       &TestProfilerOptions::output_file_name_,
+                       type_parser.Parse(suffix));
+    } else if (StartsWith(option, "period:")) {
+      CmdlineType<unsigned int> type_parser;
+      return ParseInto(existing,
+                       &TestProfilerOptions::period_s_,
+                       type_parser.Parse(suffix));
+    } else if (StartsWith(option, "duration:")) {
+      CmdlineType<unsigned int> type_parser;
+      return ParseInto(existing,
+                       &TestProfilerOptions::duration_s_,
+                       type_parser.Parse(suffix));
+    } else if (StartsWith(option, "interval:")) {
+      CmdlineType<unsigned int> type_parser;
+      return ParseInto(existing,
+                       &TestProfilerOptions::interval_us_,
+                       type_parser.Parse(suffix));
+    } else if (StartsWith(option, "backoff:")) {
+      CmdlineType<double> type_parser;
+      return ParseIntoRangeCheck(existing,
+                                 &TestProfilerOptions::backoff_coefficient_,
+                                 type_parser.Parse(suffix),
+                                 1.0,
+                                 10.0);
+    } else if (option == "start-immediately") {
+      existing.start_immediately_ = true;
+      return Result::SuccessNoValue();
+    } else if (StartsWith(option, "top-k-threshold:")) {
+      CmdlineType<double> type_parser;
+      return ParseIntoRangeCheck(existing,
+                                 &TestProfilerOptions::top_k_threshold_,
+                                 type_parser.Parse(suffix),
+                                 0.0,
+                                 100.0);
+    } else if (StartsWith(option, "top-k-change-threshold:")) {
+      CmdlineType<double> type_parser;
+      return ParseIntoRangeCheck(existing,
+                                 &TestProfilerOptions::top_k_change_threshold_,
+                                 type_parser.Parse(suffix),
+                                 0.0,
+                                 100.0);
+    } else if (option == "type:method") {
+      existing.profile_type_ = kProfilerMethod;
+      return Result::SuccessNoValue();
+    } else if (option == "type:stack") {
+      existing.profile_type_ = kProfilerBoundedStack;
+      return Result::SuccessNoValue();
+    } else if (StartsWith(option, "max-stack-depth:")) {
+      CmdlineType<unsigned int> type_parser;
+      return ParseInto(existing,
+                       &TestProfilerOptions::max_stack_depth_,
+                       type_parser.Parse(suffix));
+    } else {
+      return Result::Failure(std::string("Invalid suboption '") + option + "'");
+    }
+  }
+  static const char* Name() { return "TestProfilerOptions"; }
+  static constexpr bool kCanParseBlankless = true;
+}  // namespace art