Further proxy refactorings.

Factor the crawling of the quick stack arguments into a common visitor.
Factor the proxy invocation dispatch into common runtime support code,
fix numerous bugs relating to GC in the LLVM runtime support with this.
Clean up BoxPrimitive to not use an in argument as an out.

Change-Id: I7b12c8d88d5083614e480b8fb1d2f2ef7c0a51b7
diff --git a/src/oat/runtime/x86/runtime_support_x86.S b/src/oat/runtime/x86/runtime_support_x86.S
index 379fcce..f2f9fa4 100644
--- a/src/oat/runtime/x86/runtime_support_x86.S
+++ b/src/oat/runtime/x86/runtime_support_x86.S
@@ -738,15 +738,14 @@
 DEFINE_FUNCTION art_proxy_invoke_handler
-    lea 8(%esp), %ebx             // pointer to r2/r3/LR/caller's Method**/out-args as second arg
-    pushl %ebx                    // pass args
+    pushl %esp                    // pass SP
     pushl %fs:THREAD_SELF_OFFSET  // pass Thread::Current()
     pushl %ecx                    // pass receiver
     pushl %eax                    // pass proxy method
-    call SYMBOL(artProxyInvokeHandler)     // (proxy method, receiver, Thread*, args...)
-    mov 24(%esp), %eax            // get ret0 which was written into r2 on the stack
-    mov 28(%esp), %edx            // get ret1 which was written into r3 on the stack
-    movsd 24(%esp), %xmm0         // get ret0/ret1 from stack for floating point
+    call SYMBOL(artProxyInvokeHandler) // (proxy method, receiver, Thread*, SP)
+    movd %eax, %xmm0              // place return value also into floating point return value
+    movd %edx, %xmm1
+    punpckldq %xmm1, %xmm0
     addl LITERAL(44), %esp        // pop arguments
     RETURN_OR_DELIVER_PENDING_EXCEPTION    // return or deliver exception