AArch64: Add arm64 runtime support.

Adds support for arm64 to ART. Assembler stubs are sufficient for
down calls into interpreter. JNI compiler and generics are not finished.

Basic Generic JNI functionality.

Change-Id: I4a07c79d1e037b9f5746673480e32cf456867b82
diff --git a/compiler/common_compiler_test.h b/compiler/common_compiler_test.h
index 49c1283..6aa85d4 100644
--- a/compiler/common_compiler_test.h
+++ b/compiler/common_compiler_test.h
@@ -300,6 +300,10 @@
       // for ARM, do a runtime check to make sure that the features we are passed from
       // the build match the features we actually determine at runtime.
       ASSERT_EQ(instruction_set_features, runtime_features);
+#elif defined(__aarch64__)
+      instruction_set = kArm64;
+      // TODO: arm64 compilation support.
+      compiler_options_->SetCompilerFilter(CompilerOptions::kInterpretOnly);
 #elif defined(__mips__)
       instruction_set = kMips;
 #elif defined(__i386__)