Fast ART x86_64 interpretator

Introduce the ART x86_64 fast interpreter.

Change-Id: I3649698eb251ac8acc98851969f9445f60d17b02
Signed-off-by: Serguei Katkov <>
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86_64/bindivLit16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86_64/bindivLit16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80dbce2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86_64/bindivLit16.S
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+%default {"result":"","rem":"0"}
+ * 32-bit binary div/rem operation.  Handles special case of op1=-1.
+ */
+    /* div/rem/lit16 vA, vB, #+CCCC */
+    /* Need A in rINST, ssssCCCC in ecx, vB in eax */
+    movl    rINST, %eax                     # rax <- 000000BA
+    sarl    $$4, %eax                       # eax <- B
+    GET_VREG %eax, %rax                     # eax <- vB
+    movswl  2(rPC), %ecx                    # ecx <- ssssCCCC
+    andb    $$0xf, rINSTbl                  # rINST <- A
+    testl   %ecx, %ecx
+    jz      common_errDivideByZero
+    cmpl    $$-1, %ecx
+    je      2f
+    cdq                                     # rax <- sign-extended of eax
+    idivl   %ecx
+    SET_VREG $result, rINSTq                # vA <- result
+    .if $rem
+    xorl    $result, $result
+    .else
+    negl    $result
+    .endif
+    jmp     1b