Refactor allocation entrypoints.

Adds support for switching entrypoints during runtime. Enables
addition of new allocators with out requiring significant copy
paste. Slight speedup on ritzperf probably due to more inlining.

TODO: Ensuring that the entire allocation path is inlined so
that the switch statement in the allocation code is optimized

Rosalloc measurements:

After change:

Change-Id: I1352a3cbcdf6dae93921582726324d91312df5c9
diff --git a/runtime/gc/heap-inl.h b/runtime/gc/heap-inl.h
index e6829e2..fcc07a0 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/heap-inl.h
+++ b/runtime/gc/heap-inl.h
@@ -32,152 +32,126 @@
 namespace art {
 namespace gc {
-inline mirror::Object* Heap::AllocNonMovableObjectUninstrumented(Thread* self, mirror::Class* c,
-                                                                 size_t byte_count) {
+template <const bool kInstrumented>
+inline mirror::Object* Heap::AllocObjectWithAllocator(Thread* self, mirror::Class* c,
+                                                      size_t byte_count, AllocatorType allocator) {
   DebugCheckPreconditionsForAllocObject(c, byte_count);
-  mirror::Object* obj;
-  size_t bytes_allocated;
-  AllocationTimer alloc_timer(this, &obj);
-  bool large_object_allocation = TryAllocLargeObjectUninstrumented(self, c, byte_count,
-                                                                   &obj, &bytes_allocated);
-  if (LIKELY(!large_object_allocation)) {
-    // Non-large object allocation.
-    if (!kUseRosAlloc) {
-      DCHECK(non_moving_space_->IsDlMallocSpace());
-      obj = AllocateUninstrumented(self, reinterpret_cast<space::DlMallocSpace*>(non_moving_space_),
-                                   byte_count, &bytes_allocated);
-    } else {
-      DCHECK(non_moving_space_->IsRosAllocSpace());
-      obj = AllocateUninstrumented(self, reinterpret_cast<space::RosAllocSpace*>(non_moving_space_),
-                                   byte_count, &bytes_allocated);
-    }
-    // Ensure that we did not allocate into a zygote space.
-    DCHECK(obj == NULL || !have_zygote_space_ || !FindSpaceFromObject(obj, false)->IsZygoteSpace());
-  }
-  if (LIKELY(obj != NULL)) {
-    obj->SetClass(c);
-    // Record allocation after since we want to use the atomic add for the atomic fence to guard
-    // the SetClass since we do not want the class to appear NULL in another thread.
-    size_t new_num_bytes_allocated = RecordAllocationUninstrumented(bytes_allocated, obj);
-    DCHECK(!Dbg::IsAllocTrackingEnabled());
-    CheckConcurrentGC(self, new_num_bytes_allocated, obj);
-    if (kDesiredHeapVerification > kNoHeapVerification) {
-      VerifyObject(obj);
-    }
-  } else {
-    ThrowOutOfMemoryError(self, byte_count, large_object_allocation);
-  }
-  if (kIsDebugBuild) {
-    self->VerifyStack();
-  }
-  return obj;
-inline mirror::Object* Heap::AllocMovableObjectUninstrumented(Thread* self, mirror::Class* c,
-                                                              size_t byte_count) {
-  DebugCheckPreconditionsForAllocObject(c, byte_count);
-  mirror::Object* obj;
-  AllocationTimer alloc_timer(this, &obj);
-  byte_count = (byte_count + 7) & ~7;
-  if (UNLIKELY(IsOutOfMemoryOnAllocation(byte_count, false))) {
-    CollectGarbageInternal(collector::kGcTypeFull, kGcCauseForAlloc, false);
-    if (UNLIKELY(IsOutOfMemoryOnAllocation(byte_count, true))) {
-      CollectGarbageInternal(collector::kGcTypeFull, kGcCauseForAlloc, true);
-    }
-  }
-  obj = bump_pointer_space_->AllocNonvirtual(byte_count);
-  if (LIKELY(obj != NULL)) {
-    obj->SetClass(c);
-    DCHECK(!obj->IsClass());
-    // Record allocation after since we want to use the atomic add for the atomic fence to guard
-    // the SetClass since we do not want the class to appear NULL in another thread.
-    num_bytes_allocated_.fetch_add(byte_count);
-    DCHECK(!Dbg::IsAllocTrackingEnabled());
-    if (kDesiredHeapVerification > kNoHeapVerification) {
-      VerifyObject(obj);
-    }
-  } else {
-    ThrowOutOfMemoryError(self, byte_count, false);
-  }
-  if (kIsDebugBuild) {
-    self->VerifyStack();
-  }
-  return obj;
-inline size_t Heap::RecordAllocationUninstrumented(size_t size, mirror::Object* obj) {
-  DCHECK(obj != NULL);
-  DCHECK_GT(size, 0u);
-  size_t old_num_bytes_allocated = static_cast<size_t>(num_bytes_allocated_.fetch_add(size));
-  DCHECK(!Runtime::Current()->HasStatsEnabled());
-  // This is safe to do since the GC will never free objects which are neither in the allocation
-  // stack or the live bitmap.
-  while (!allocation_stack_->AtomicPushBack(obj)) {
-    CollectGarbageInternal(collector::kGcTypeSticky, kGcCauseForAlloc, false);
-  }
-  return old_num_bytes_allocated + size;
-inline mirror::Object* Heap::TryToAllocateUninstrumented(Thread* self, space::AllocSpace* space, size_t alloc_size,
-                                                         bool grow, size_t* bytes_allocated) {
-  if (UNLIKELY(IsOutOfMemoryOnAllocation(alloc_size, grow))) {
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  DCHECK(!running_on_valgrind_);
-  return space->Alloc(self, alloc_size, bytes_allocated);
-// DlMallocSpace-specific version.
-inline mirror::Object* Heap::TryToAllocateUninstrumented(Thread* self, space::DlMallocSpace* space, size_t alloc_size,
-                                                         bool grow, size_t* bytes_allocated) {
-  if (UNLIKELY(IsOutOfMemoryOnAllocation(alloc_size, grow))) {
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  DCHECK(!running_on_valgrind_);
-  return space->AllocNonvirtual(self, alloc_size, bytes_allocated);
-// RosAllocSpace-specific version.
-inline mirror::Object* Heap::TryToAllocateUninstrumented(Thread* self, space::RosAllocSpace* space, size_t alloc_size,
-                                                         bool grow, size_t* bytes_allocated) {
-  if (UNLIKELY(IsOutOfMemoryOnAllocation(alloc_size, grow))) {
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  DCHECK(!running_on_valgrind_);
-  return space->AllocNonvirtual(self, alloc_size, bytes_allocated);
-template <class T>
-inline mirror::Object* Heap::AllocateUninstrumented(Thread* self, T* space, size_t alloc_size,
-                                                    size_t* bytes_allocated) {
   // Since allocation can cause a GC which will need to SuspendAll, make sure all allocations are
   // done in the runnable state where suspension is expected.
   DCHECK_EQ(self->GetState(), kRunnable);
-  mirror::Object* ptr = TryToAllocateUninstrumented(self, space, alloc_size, false, bytes_allocated);
-  if (LIKELY(ptr != NULL)) {
-    return ptr;
+  mirror::Object* obj;
+  size_t bytes_allocated;
+  AllocationTimer alloc_timer(this, &obj);
+  if (UNLIKELY(ShouldAllocLargeObject(c, byte_count))) {
+    obj = TryToAllocate<kInstrumented>(self, kAllocatorTypeLOS, byte_count, false,
+                                       &bytes_allocated);
+    allocator = kAllocatorTypeLOS;
+  } else {
+    obj = TryToAllocate<kInstrumented>(self, allocator, byte_count, false, &bytes_allocated);
-  return AllocateInternalWithGc(self, space, alloc_size, bytes_allocated);
+  if (UNLIKELY(obj == nullptr)) {
+    SirtRef<mirror::Class> sirt_c(self, c);
+    obj = AllocateInternalWithGc(self, allocator, byte_count, &bytes_allocated);
+    if (obj == nullptr) {
+      return nullptr;
+    } else {
+      c = sirt_c.get();
+    }
+  }
+  obj->SetClass(c);
+  // TODO: Set array length here.
+  DCHECK_GT(bytes_allocated, 0u);
+  const size_t new_num_bytes_allocated =
+      static_cast<size_t>(num_bytes_allocated_.fetch_add(bytes_allocated)) + bytes_allocated;
+  // TODO: Deprecate.
+  if (kInstrumented) {
+    if (Runtime::Current()->HasStatsEnabled()) {
+      RuntimeStats* thread_stats = self->GetStats();
+      ++thread_stats->allocated_objects;
+      thread_stats->allocated_bytes += bytes_allocated;
+      RuntimeStats* global_stats = Runtime::Current()->GetStats();
+      ++global_stats->allocated_objects;
+      global_stats->allocated_bytes += bytes_allocated;
+    }
+  } else {
+    DCHECK(!Runtime::Current()->HasStatsEnabled());
+  }
+  if (AllocatorHasAllocationStack(allocator)) {
+    // This is safe to do since the GC will never free objects which are neither in the allocation
+    // stack or the live bitmap.
+    while (!allocation_stack_->AtomicPushBack(obj)) {
+      CollectGarbageInternal(collector::kGcTypeSticky, kGcCauseForAlloc, false);
+    }
+  }
+  if (kInstrumented) {
+    if (Dbg::IsAllocTrackingEnabled()) {
+      Dbg::RecordAllocation(c, bytes_allocated);
+    }
+  } else {
+    DCHECK(!Dbg::IsAllocTrackingEnabled());
+  }
+  if (AllocatorHasConcurrentGC(allocator)) {
+    CheckConcurrentGC(self, new_num_bytes_allocated, obj);
+  }
+  if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+    if (kDesiredHeapVerification > kNoHeapVerification) {
+      VerifyObject(obj);
+    }
+    self->VerifyStack();
+  }
+  return obj;
-inline bool Heap::TryAllocLargeObjectUninstrumented(Thread* self, mirror::Class* c, size_t byte_count,
-                                                    mirror::Object** obj_ptr, size_t* bytes_allocated) {
-  bool large_object_allocation = ShouldAllocLargeObject(c, byte_count);
-  if (UNLIKELY(large_object_allocation)) {
-    mirror::Object* obj = AllocateUninstrumented(self, large_object_space_, byte_count, bytes_allocated);
-    // Make sure that our large object didn't get placed anywhere within the space interval or else
-    // it breaks the immune range.
-    DCHECK(obj == NULL ||
-           reinterpret_cast<byte*>(obj) < continuous_spaces_.front()->Begin() ||
-           reinterpret_cast<byte*>(obj) >= continuous_spaces_.back()->End());
-    *obj_ptr = obj;
+template <const bool kInstrumented>
+inline mirror::Object* Heap::TryToAllocate(Thread* self, AllocatorType allocator_type,
+                                           size_t alloc_size, bool grow,
+                                           size_t* bytes_allocated) {
+  if (UNLIKELY(IsOutOfMemoryOnAllocation(alloc_size, grow))) {
+    return nullptr;
-  return large_object_allocation;
+  if (kInstrumented) {
+    if (UNLIKELY(running_on_valgrind_ && allocator_type == kAllocatorTypeFreeList)) {
+      return non_moving_space_->Alloc(self, alloc_size, bytes_allocated);
+    }
+  }
+  mirror::Object* ret;
+  switch (allocator_type) {
+    case kAllocatorTypeBumpPointer: {
+      DCHECK(bump_pointer_space_ != nullptr);
+      alloc_size = RoundUp(alloc_size, space::BumpPointerSpace::kAlignment);
+      ret = bump_pointer_space_->AllocNonvirtual(alloc_size);
+      if (LIKELY(ret != nullptr)) {
+        *bytes_allocated = alloc_size;
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case kAllocatorTypeFreeList: {
+      if (kUseRosAlloc) {
+        ret = reinterpret_cast<space::RosAllocSpace*>(non_moving_space_)->AllocNonvirtual(
+            self, alloc_size, bytes_allocated);
+      } else {
+        ret = reinterpret_cast<space::DlMallocSpace*>(non_moving_space_)->AllocNonvirtual(
+            self, alloc_size, bytes_allocated);
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case kAllocatorTypeLOS: {
+      ret = large_object_space_->Alloc(self, alloc_size, bytes_allocated);
+      // Make sure that our large object didn't get placed anywhere within the space interval or
+      // else it breaks the immune range.
+      DCHECK(ret == nullptr ||
+             reinterpret_cast<byte*>(ret) < continuous_spaces_.front()->Begin() ||
+             reinterpret_cast<byte*>(ret) >= continuous_spaces_.back()->End());
+      break;
+    }
+    default: {
+      LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid allocator type";
+      ret = nullptr;
+    }
+  }
+  return ret;
 inline void Heap::DebugCheckPreconditionsForAllocObject(mirror::Class* c, size_t byte_count) {
@@ -198,14 +172,14 @@
   if (kMeasureAllocationTime) {
     mirror::Object* allocated_obj = *allocated_obj_ptr_;
     // Only if the allocation succeeded, record the time.
-    if (allocated_obj != NULL) {
+    if (allocated_obj != nullptr) {
       uint64_t allocation_end_time = NanoTime() / kTimeAdjust;
       heap_->total_allocation_time_.fetch_add(allocation_end_time - allocation_start_time_);
-inline bool Heap::ShouldAllocLargeObject(mirror::Class* c, size_t byte_count) {
+inline bool Heap::ShouldAllocLargeObject(mirror::Class* c, size_t byte_count) const {
   // We need to have a zygote space or else our newly allocated large object can end up in the
   // Zygote resulting in it being prematurely freed.
   // We can only do this for primitive objects since large objects will not be within the card table
@@ -230,7 +204,8 @@
   return false;
-inline void Heap::CheckConcurrentGC(Thread* self, size_t new_num_bytes_allocated, mirror::Object* obj) {
+inline void Heap::CheckConcurrentGC(Thread* self, size_t new_num_bytes_allocated,
+                                    mirror::Object* obj) {
   if (UNLIKELY(new_num_bytes_allocated >= concurrent_start_bytes_)) {
     // The SirtRef is necessary since the calls in RequestConcurrentGC are a safepoint.
     SirtRef<mirror::Object> ref(self, obj);