Verifier clean up.

This is the first part in trying to move to a more rigorous mode of
asserting the validity of garbage collection maps.
In the bring over of the verifier from Dalvik a large class had been
created where all of the Dalvik/Dex functions were static methods of
that class. This rewrite introduces 3 key classes, Verifier that
orchestrates the verification of a method, RegisterLine which describes
the types associated with registers for a particular PC and RegType
which describes the current type of a register within a line. The
functionality is brought over from Dalvik but cleaned up to not do
things like goto. Failing within the verifier is also cleaned up. By
virtue of having stateful objects the interfaces between different
aspects of the verifier are greatly simplified.
To save space, RegTypes are cached upto a maximum possible 2^16, and
given an Id. As the number of RegTypes is typically small this means
that we have a full OO implementation but at a lower space cost than the
current convention that uses botched together enum values requiring
32bits of storage in a RegisterLine rather than 16bits (ie half the
space requirement per register in a register line). To make use of
this space more rigorous monitor verification is brought back, and
ultimately I think we can work around bug 3215458 with richer RegTypes
that are aware of literal objects.
The code removes short cuts that had been added to Dalvik's verifier and
appear illegitimate, it also fixes a large number of bugs in the
description of the verifier.
Where possible the spaghetti of code is replaced with straight line
if-then-elsif.. code that clearly follows the ordering semantics of the
specification. The code is also aiming toward having a more type
rigorous description of the verification process, and when this isn't
possible following the description convention of the specification.

Change-Id: Id25b742018a2ad5ea95687973cca610d7e19513c
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 6c7335e..878069b 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -15,65 +15,204 @@
 #include "stringpiece.h"
 namespace art {
+namespace verifier {
-#define k_  kRegTypeUnknown
-#define kU  kRegTypeUninit
-#define kX  kRegTypeConflict
-#define k0  kRegTypeZero
-#define k1  kRegTypeOne
-#define kZ  kRegTypeBoolean
-#define ky  kRegTypeConstPosByte
-#define kY  kRegTypeConstByte
-#define kh  kRegTypeConstPosShort
-#define kH  kRegTypeConstShort
-#define kc  kRegTypeConstChar
-#define ki  kRegTypeConstInteger
-#define kb  kRegTypePosByte
-#define kB  kRegTypeByte
-#define ks  kRegTypePosShort
-#define kS  kRegTypeShort
-#define kC  kRegTypeChar
-#define kI  kRegTypeInteger
-#define kF  kRegTypeFloat
-#define kN  kRegTypeConstLo
-#define kn  kRegTypeConstHi
-#define kJ  kRegTypeLongLo
-#define kj  kRegTypeLongHi
-#define kD  kRegTypeDoubleLo
-#define kd  kRegTypeDoubleHi
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const VerifyError& rhs) {
+  return os << (int)rhs;
-const char DexVerifier::merge_table_[kRegTypeMAX][kRegTypeMAX] =
+static const char type_chars[RegType::kRegTypeMAX + 1 /* for '\0' */ ] = "UX01ZyYhHcibBsSCIFNnJjDdL";
+void RegType::Dump(std::ostream& os) const {
+  DCHECK(type_ < kRegTypeMAX);
+  os << type_chars[type_];
+  if (type_ == kRegTypeReference) {
+    if (IsUninitializedReference()) {
+      os << "[uninitialized-" << PrettyClass(GetClass())
+          << ", allocated@" << allocation_pc_ <<"]";
+    } else {
+      os << "[" << PrettyDescriptor(GetClass()->GetDescriptor()) << "]";
+    }
+  }
+const RegType& RegType::HighHalf(RegTypeCache* cache) const {
+  CHECK(IsLowHalf());
+  if (type_ == kRegTypeLongLo) {
+    return cache->FromType(kRegTypeLongHi);
+  } else if (type_ == kRegTypeDoubleLo) {
+    return cache->FromType(kRegTypeDoubleHi);
+  } else {
+    return cache->FromType(kRegTypeConstHi);
+  }
+ * A basic Join operation on classes. For a pair of types S and T the Join, written S v T = J, is
+ * S <: J, T <: J and for-all U such that S <: U, T <: U then J <: U. That is J is the parent of
+ * S and T such that there isn't a parent of both S and T that isn't also the parent of J (ie J
+ * is the deepest (lowest upper bound) parent of S and T).
+ *
+ * This operation applies for regular classes and arrays, however, for interface types there needn't
+ * be a partial ordering on the types. We could solve the problem of a lack of a partial order by
+ * introducing sets of types, however, the only operation permissible on an interface is
+ * invoke-interface. In the tradition of Java verifiers we defer the verification of interface
+ * types until an invoke-interface call on the interface typed reference at runtime and allow
+ * the perversion of Object being assignable to an interface type (note, however, that we don't
+ * allow assignment of Object or Interface to any concrete class and are therefore type safe;
+ * further the Join on a Object cannot result in a sub-class by definition).
+ */
+Class* RegType::ClassJoin(Class* s, Class* t) {
+  DCHECK(!s->IsPrimitive()) << PrettyClass(s);
+  DCHECK(!t->IsPrimitive()) << PrettyClass(t);
+  if (s == t) {
+    return s;
+  } else if (s->IsAssignableFrom(t)) {
+    return s;
+  } else if (t->IsAssignableFrom(s)) {
+    return t;
+  } else if (s->IsArrayClass() && t->IsArrayClass()) {
+    Class* s_ct = s->GetComponentType();
+    Class* t_ct = t->GetComponentType();
+    if (s_ct->IsPrimitive() || t_ct->IsPrimitive()) {
+      // Given the types aren't the same, if either array is of primitive types then the only
+      // common parent is java.lang.Object
+      Class* result = s->GetSuperClass();  // short-cut to java.lang.Object
+      DCHECK(result->IsObjectClass());
+      return result;
+    }
+    Class* common_elem = ClassJoin(s_ct, t_ct);
+    ClassLinker* class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
+    const ClassLoader* class_loader = s->GetClassLoader();
+    std::string descriptor = "[" + common_elem->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8();
+    Class* array_class = class_linker->FindClass(descriptor.c_str(), class_loader);
+    DCHECK(array_class != NULL);
+    return array_class;
+  } else {
+    size_t s_depth = s->Depth();
+    size_t t_depth = t->Depth();
+    // Get s and t to the same depth in the hierarchy
+    if (s_depth > t_depth) {
+      while (s_depth > t_depth) {
+        s = s->GetSuperClass();
+        s_depth--;
+      }
+    } else {
+      while (t_depth > s_depth) {
+        t = t->GetSuperClass();
+        t_depth--;
+      }
+    }
+    // Go up the hierarchy until we get to the common parent
+    while (s != t) {
+      s = s->GetSuperClass();
+      t = t->GetSuperClass();
+    }
+    return s;
+  }
+const RegType& RegType::VerifyAgainst(const RegType& check_type, RegTypeCache* reg_types) const {
+  if (Equals(check_type)) {
+    return *this;
+  } else {
+    switch (check_type.GetType()) {
+      case RegType::kRegTypeBoolean:
+        return IsBooleanTypes() ? check_type : reg_types->Conflict();
+        break;
+      case RegType::kRegTypeByte:
+        return IsByteTypes() ? check_type : reg_types->Conflict();
+        break;
+      case RegType::kRegTypeShort:
+        return IsShortTypes() ? check_type : reg_types->Conflict();
+        break;
+      case RegType::kRegTypeChar:
+        return IsCharTypes() ? check_type : reg_types->Conflict();
+        break;
+      case RegType::kRegTypeInteger:
+        return IsIntegralTypes() ? check_type : reg_types->Conflict();
+        break;
+      case RegType::kRegTypeFloat:
+        return IsFloatTypes() ? check_type : reg_types->Conflict();
+        break;
+      case RegType::kRegTypeLongLo:
+        return IsLongTypes() ? check_type : reg_types->Conflict();
+        break;
+      case RegType::kRegTypeDoubleLo:
+        return IsDoubleTypes() ? check_type : reg_types->Conflict();
+        break;
+      case RegType::kRegTypeReference:
+        if (IsZero()) {
+          return check_type;
+        } else if (IsUninitializedReference()) {
+          return reg_types->Conflict();  // Nonsensical to Join two uninitialized classes
+        } else if (IsReference() && check_type.GetClass()->IsAssignableFrom(GetClass())) {
+          return check_type;
+        } else {
+          return reg_types->Conflict();
+        }
+      default:
+        LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected register type verification against " << check_type;
+        return reg_types->Conflict();
+    }
+  }
+#define k_  RegType::kRegTypeUnknown
+#define kX  RegType::kRegTypeConflict
+#define k0  RegType::kRegTypeZero
+#define k1  RegType::kRegTypeOne
+#define kZ  RegType::kRegTypeBoolean
+#define ky  RegType::kRegTypeConstPosByte
+#define kY  RegType::kRegTypeConstByte
+#define kh  RegType::kRegTypeConstPosShort
+#define kH  RegType::kRegTypeConstShort
+#define kc  RegType::kRegTypeConstChar
+#define ki  RegType::kRegTypeConstInteger
+#define kb  RegType::kRegTypePosByte
+#define kB  RegType::kRegTypeByte
+#define ks  RegType::kRegTypePosShort
+#define kS  RegType::kRegTypeShort
+#define kC  RegType::kRegTypeChar
+#define kI  RegType::kRegTypeInteger
+#define kF  RegType::kRegTypeFloat
+#define kN  RegType::kRegTypeConstLo
+#define kn  RegType::kRegTypeConstHi
+#define kJ  RegType::kRegTypeLongLo
+#define kj  RegType::kRegTypeLongHi
+#define kD  RegType::kRegTypeDoubleLo
+#define kd  RegType::kRegTypeDoubleHi
+const RegType::Type RegType::merge_table_[kRegTypeReference][kRegTypeReference] =
-    /* chk:  _  U  X  0  1  Z  y  Y  h  H  c  i  b  B  s  S  C  I  F  N  n  J  j  D  d */
-    { /*_*/ k_,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
-    { /*U*/ kX,kU,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
-    { /*X*/ kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
-    { /*0*/ kX,kX,kX,k0,kZ,kZ,ky,kY,kh,kH,kc,ki,kb,kB,ks,kS,kC,kI,kF,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
-    { /*1*/ kX,kX,kX,kZ,k1,kZ,ky,kY,kh,kH,kc,ki,kb,kB,ks,kS,kC,kI,kF,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
-    { /*Z*/ kX,kX,kX,kZ,kZ,kZ,ky,kY,kh,kH,kc,ki,kb,kB,ks,kS,kC,kI,kF,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
-    { /*y*/ kX,kX,kX,ky,ky,ky,ky,kY,kh,kH,kc,ki,kb,kB,ks,kS,kC,kI,kF,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
-    { /*Y*/ kX,kX,kX,kY,kY,kY,kY,kY,kh,kH,kc,ki,kB,kB,kS,kS,kI,kI,kF,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
-    { /*h*/ kX,kX,kX,kh,kh,kh,kh,kh,kh,kH,kc,ki,ks,kS,ks,kS,kC,kI,kF,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
-    { /*H*/ kX,kX,kX,kH,kH,kH,kH,kH,kH,kH,kc,ki,kS,kS,kS,kS,kI,kI,kF,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
-    { /*c*/ kX,kX,kX,kc,kc,kc,kc,kc,kc,kc,kc,ki,kC,kI,kC,kI,kC,kI,kF,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
-    { /*i*/ kX,kX,kX,ki,ki,ki,ki,ki,ki,ki,ki,ki,kI,kI,kI,kI,kI,kI,kF,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
-    { /*b*/ kX,kX,kX,kb,kb,kb,kb,kB,ks,kS,kC,kI,kb,kB,ks,kS,kC,kI,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
-    { /*B*/ kX,kX,kX,kB,kB,kB,kB,kB,kS,kS,kI,kI,kB,kB,kS,kS,kI,kI,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
-    { /*s*/ kX,kX,kX,ks,ks,ks,ks,kS,ks,kS,kC,kI,ks,kS,ks,kS,kC,kI,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
-    { /*S*/ kX,kX,kX,kS,kS,kS,kS,kS,kS,kS,kI,kI,kS,kS,kS,kS,kI,kI,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
-    { /*C*/ kX,kX,kX,kC,kC,kC,kC,kI,kC,kI,kC,kI,kC,kI,kC,kI,kC,kI,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
-    { /*I*/ kX,kX,kX,kI,kI,kI,kI,kI,kI,kI,kI,kI,kI,kI,kI,kI,kI,kI,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
-    { /*F*/ kX,kX,kX,kF,kF,kF,kF,kF,kF,kF,kF,kF,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kF,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
-    { /*N*/ kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kN,kX,kJ,kX,kD,kX },
-    { /*n*/ kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kn,kX,kj,kX,kd },
-    { /*J*/ kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kJ,kX,kJ,kX,kX,kX },
-    { /*j*/ kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kj,kX,kj,kX,kX },
-    { /*D*/ kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kD,kX,kX,kX,kD,kX },
-    { /*d*/ kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kd,kX,kX,kX,kd },
+    /* chk:  _ X  0  1  Z  y  Y  h  H  c  i  b  B  s  S  C  I  F  N  n  J  j  D  d */
+    { /*_*/ k_,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
+    { /*X*/ kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
+    { /*0*/ kX,kX,k0,kZ,kZ,ky,kY,kh,kH,kc,ki,kb,kB,ks,kS,kC,kI,kF,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
+    { /*1*/ kX,kX,kZ,k1,kZ,ky,kY,kh,kH,kc,ki,kb,kB,ks,kS,kC,kI,kF,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
+    { /*Z*/ kX,kX,kZ,kZ,kZ,ky,kY,kh,kH,kc,ki,kb,kB,ks,kS,kC,kI,kF,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
+    { /*y*/ kX,kX,ky,ky,ky,ky,kY,kh,kH,kc,ki,kb,kB,ks,kS,kC,kI,kF,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
+    { /*Y*/ kX,kX,kY,kY,kY,kY,kY,kh,kH,kc,ki,kB,kB,kS,kS,kI,kI,kF,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
+    { /*h*/ kX,kX,kh,kh,kh,kh,kh,kh,kH,kc,ki,ks,kS,ks,kS,kC,kI,kF,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
+    { /*H*/ kX,kX,kH,kH,kH,kH,kH,kH,kH,kc,ki,kS,kS,kS,kS,kI,kI,kF,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
+    { /*c*/ kX,kX,kc,kc,kc,kc,kc,kc,kc,kc,ki,kC,kI,kC,kI,kC,kI,kF,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
+    { /*i*/ kX,kX,ki,ki,ki,ki,ki,ki,ki,ki,ki,kI,kI,kI,kI,kI,kI,kF,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
+    { /*b*/ kX,kX,kb,kb,kb,kb,kB,ks,kS,kC,kI,kb,kB,ks,kS,kC,kI,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
+    { /*B*/ kX,kX,kB,kB,kB,kB,kB,kS,kS,kI,kI,kB,kB,kS,kS,kI,kI,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
+    { /*s*/ kX,kX,ks,ks,ks,ks,kS,ks,kS,kC,kI,ks,kS,ks,kS,kC,kI,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
+    { /*S*/ kX,kX,kS,kS,kS,kS,kS,kS,kS,kI,kI,kS,kS,kS,kS,kI,kI,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
+    { /*C*/ kX,kX,kC,kC,kC,kC,kI,kC,kI,kC,kI,kC,kI,kC,kI,kC,kI,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
+    { /*I*/ kX,kX,kI,kI,kI,kI,kI,kI,kI,kI,kI,kI,kI,kI,kI,kI,kI,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
+    { /*F*/ kX,kX,kF,kF,kF,kF,kF,kF,kF,kF,kF,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kF,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX },
+    { /*N*/ kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kN,kX,kJ,kX,kD,kX },
+    { /*n*/ kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kn,kX,kj,kX,kd },
+    { /*J*/ kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kJ,kX,kJ,kX,kX,kX },
+    { /*j*/ kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kj,kX,kj,kX,kX },
+    { /*D*/ kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kD,kX,kX,kX,kD,kX },
+    { /*d*/ kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kX,kd,kX,kX,kX,kd },
 #undef k_
-#undef kU
 #undef kX
 #undef k0
 #undef k1
@@ -98,21 +237,614 @@
 #undef kD
 #undef kd
-bool DexVerifier::VerifyClass(Class* klass) {
+const RegType& RegType::Merge(const RegType& incoming_type, RegTypeCache* reg_types) const {
+  DCHECK(!Equals(incoming_type));  // Trivial equality handled by caller
+  if (type_ < kRegTypeReference) {
+    if (incoming_type.type_ < kRegTypeReference) {
+      // Merge of primitive types, unknown or conflict use lookup table
+      RegType::Type table_type = merge_table_[type_][incoming_type.type_];
+      // Check if we got an identity result before hitting the cache
+      if (type_ == table_type) {
+        return *this;
+      } else if (incoming_type.type_ == table_type) {
+        return incoming_type;
+      } else {
+        return reg_types->FromType(table_type);
+      }
+    } else if (IsZero()) {  // Merge of primitive zero and reference => reference
+      return incoming_type;
+    } else {  // Merge with non-zero with reference => conflict
+      return reg_types->Conflict();
+    }
+  } else if (!incoming_type.IsReference()) {
+    DCHECK(IsReference());
+    if (incoming_type.IsZero()) {  // Merge of primitive zero and reference => reference
+      return *this;
+    } else {  // Merge with non-zero with reference => conflict
+      return reg_types->Conflict();
+    }
+  } else if (IsUninitializedReference()) {
+    // Can only merge an uninitialized type with itself, but we already checked this
+    return reg_types->Conflict();
+  } else {  // Two reference types, compute Join
+    Class* c1 = GetClass();
+    Class* c2 = incoming_type.GetClass();
+    DCHECK(c1 != NULL && !c1->IsPrimitive());
+    DCHECK(c2 != NULL && !c2->IsPrimitive());
+    Class* join_class = ClassJoin(c1, c2);
+    if (c1 == join_class) {
+      return *this;
+    } else if (c2 == join_class) {
+      return incoming_type;
+    } else {
+      return reg_types->FromClass(join_class);
+    }
+  }
+static RegType::Type RegTypeFromPrimitiveType(Class::PrimitiveType prim_type) {
+  switch (prim_type) {
+    case Class::kPrimBoolean: return RegType::kRegTypeBoolean;
+    case Class::kPrimByte:    return RegType::kRegTypeByte;
+    case Class::kPrimShort:   return RegType::kRegTypeShort;
+    case Class::kPrimChar:    return RegType::kRegTypeChar;
+    case Class::kPrimInt:     return RegType::kRegTypeInteger;
+    case Class::kPrimLong:    return RegType::kRegTypeLongLo;
+    case Class::kPrimFloat:   return RegType::kRegTypeFloat;
+    case Class::kPrimDouble:  return RegType::kRegTypeDoubleLo;
+    case Class::kPrimVoid:
+    default:                  return RegType::kRegTypeUnknown;
+  }
+static RegType::Type RegTypeFromDescriptor(const std::string& descriptor) {
+  if (descriptor.length() == 1) {
+    switch (descriptor[0]) {
+      case 'Z': return RegType::kRegTypeBoolean;
+      case 'B': return RegType::kRegTypeByte;
+      case 'S': return RegType::kRegTypeShort;
+      case 'C': return RegType::kRegTypeChar;
+      case 'I': return RegType::kRegTypeInteger;
+      case 'J': return RegType::kRegTypeLongLo;
+      case 'F': return RegType::kRegTypeFloat;
+      case 'D': return RegType::kRegTypeDoubleLo;
+      case 'V':
+      default:  return RegType::kRegTypeUnknown;
+    }
+  } else if(descriptor[0] == 'L' || descriptor[0] == '[') {
+    return RegType::kRegTypeReference;
+  } else {
+    return RegType::kRegTypeUnknown;
+  }
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const RegType& rhs) {
+  rhs.Dump(os);
+  return os;
+const RegType& RegTypeCache::FromDescriptor(const ClassLoader* loader,
+                                            const std::string& descriptor) {
+  return From(RegTypeFromDescriptor(descriptor), loader, descriptor);
+const RegType& RegTypeCache::From(RegType::Type type, const ClassLoader* loader,
+                                  const std::string& descriptor) {
+  if (type < RegType::kRegTypeReference) {
+    // entries should be sized greater than primitive types
+    DCHECK_GT(entries_.size(), static_cast<size_t>(type));
+    RegType* entry = entries_[type];
+    if (entry == NULL) {
+      Class *klass = NULL;
+      if (descriptor.size() != 0) {
+        klass = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker()->FindSystemClass(descriptor);
+      }
+      entry = new RegType(type, klass, RegType::kInitArgAddr, type);
+      entries_[type] = entry;
+    }
+    return *entry;
+  } else {
+    DCHECK (type == RegType::kRegTypeReference);
+    for (size_t i = RegType::kRegTypeReference; i < entries_.size(); i++) {
+      RegType* cur_entry = entries_[i];
+      if (cur_entry->IsInitialized() &&
+          cur_entry->GetClass()->GetDescriptor()->Equals(descriptor)) {
+        return *cur_entry;
+      }
+    }
+    Class* klass = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker()->FindClass(descriptor, loader);
+    RegType* entry = new RegType(type, klass, RegType::kInitArgAddr, entries_.size());
+    entries_.push_back(entry);
+    return *entry;
+  }
+const RegType& RegTypeCache::FromClass(Class* klass) {
+  if (klass->IsPrimitive()) {
+    RegType::Type type = RegTypeFromPrimitiveType(klass->GetPrimitiveType());
+    // entries should be sized greater than primitive types
+    DCHECK_GT(entries_.size(), static_cast<size_t>(type));
+    RegType* entry = entries_[type];
+    if (entry == NULL) {
+      entry = new RegType(type, klass, RegType::kInitArgAddr, type);
+      entries_[type] = entry;
+    }
+    return *entry;
+  } else {
+    for (size_t i = RegType::kRegTypeReference; i < entries_.size(); i++) {
+      RegType* cur_entry = entries_[i];
+      if (cur_entry->IsInitialized() && cur_entry->GetClass() == klass) {
+        return *cur_entry;
+      }
+    }
+    RegType* entry = new RegType(RegType::kRegTypeReference, klass, RegType::kInitArgAddr,
+                                 entries_.size());
+    entries_.push_back(entry);
+    return *entry;
+  }
+const RegType& RegTypeCache::Uninitialized(Class* klass, uint32_t allocation_pc) {
+  for (size_t i = RegType::kRegTypeReference; i < entries_.size(); i++) {
+    RegType* cur_entry = entries_[i];
+    if (cur_entry->allocation_pc_ == allocation_pc && cur_entry->GetClass() == klass) {
+      return *cur_entry;
+    }
+  }
+  RegType* entry = new RegType(RegType::kRegTypeReference, klass, allocation_pc, entries_.size());
+  entries_.push_back(entry);
+  return *entry;
+const RegType& RegTypeCache::UninitializedThisArgument(Class* klass) {
+  for (size_t i = RegType::kRegTypeReference; i < entries_.size(); i++) {
+    RegType* cur_entry = entries_[i];
+    if (cur_entry->IsUninitializedThisReference() && cur_entry->GetClass() == klass) {
+      return *cur_entry;
+    }
+  }
+  RegType* entry = new RegType(RegType::kRegTypeReference, klass, RegType::kUninitThisArgAddr,
+                               entries_.size());
+  entries_.push_back(entry);
+  return *entry;
+const RegType& RegTypeCache::FromType(RegType::Type type) {
+  CHECK(type < RegType::kRegTypeReference);
+  switch (type) {
+    case RegType::kRegTypeBoolean:  return From(type, NULL, "Z");
+    case RegType::kRegTypeByte:     return From(type, NULL, "B");
+    case RegType::kRegTypeShort:    return From(type, NULL, "S");
+    case RegType::kRegTypeChar:     return From(type, NULL, "C");
+    case RegType::kRegTypeInteger:  return From(type, NULL, "I");
+    case RegType::kRegTypeFloat:    return From(type, NULL, "F");
+    case RegType::kRegTypeLongLo:
+    case RegType::kRegTypeLongHi:   return From(type, NULL, "J");
+    case RegType::kRegTypeDoubleLo:
+    case RegType::kRegTypeDoubleHi: return From(type, NULL, "D");
+    default:                        return From(type, NULL, "");
+  }
+const RegType& RegTypeCache::FromCat1Const(int32_t value) {
+  if (value < -32768) {
+    return FromType(RegType::kRegTypeConstInteger);
+  } else if (value < -128) {
+    return FromType(RegType::kRegTypeConstShort);
+  } else if (value < 0) {
+    return FromType(RegType::kRegTypeConstByte);
+  } else if (value == 0) {
+    return FromType(RegType::kRegTypeZero);
+  } else if (value == 1) {
+    return FromType(RegType::kRegTypeOne);
+  } else if (value < 128) {
+    return FromType(RegType::kRegTypeConstPosByte);
+  } else if (value < 32768) {
+    return FromType(RegType::kRegTypeConstPosShort);
+  } else if (value < 65536) {
+    return FromType(RegType::kRegTypeConstChar);
+  } else {
+    return FromType(RegType::kRegTypeConstInteger);
+  }
+bool RegisterLine::CheckConstructorReturn() const {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_regs_; i++) {
+    if (GetRegisterType(i).IsUninitializedThisReference()) {
+      verifier_->Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC)
+          << "Constructor returning without calling superclass constructor";
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+void RegisterLine::SetRegisterType(uint32_t vdst, const RegType& new_type) {
+  DCHECK(vdst < num_regs_);
+  if (new_type.IsLowHalf()) {
+    line_[vdst] = new_type.GetId();
+    line_[vdst + 1] = new_type.HighHalf(verifier_->GetRegTypeCache()).GetId();
+  } else if (new_type.IsHighHalf()) {
+    /* should never set these explicitly */
+    verifier_->Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "Explicit set of high register type";
+  } else if (new_type.IsConflict()) {  // should only be set during a merge
+    verifier_->Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "Set register to unknown type " << new_type;
+  } else {
+    line_[vdst] = new_type.GetId();
+  }
+  // Clear the monitor entry bits for this register.
+  ClearAllRegToLockDepths(vdst);
+void RegisterLine::SetResultTypeToUnknown() {
+  uint16_t unknown_id = verifier_->GetRegTypeCache()->Unknown().GetId();
+  result_[0] = unknown_id;
+  result_[1] = unknown_id;
+void RegisterLine::SetResultRegisterType(const RegType& new_type) {
+  result_[0] = new_type.GetId();
+  if(new_type.IsLowHalf()) {
+    DCHECK_EQ(new_type.HighHalf(verifier_->GetRegTypeCache()).GetId(), new_type.GetId() + 1);
+    result_[1] = new_type.GetId() + 1;
+  } else {
+    result_[1] = verifier_->GetRegTypeCache()->Unknown().GetId();
+  }
+const RegType& RegisterLine::GetRegisterType(uint32_t vsrc) const {
+  // The register index was validated during the static pass, so we don't need to check it here.
+  DCHECK_LT(vsrc, num_regs_);
+  return verifier_->GetRegTypeCache()->GetFromId(line_[vsrc]);
+const RegType& RegisterLine::GetInvocationThis(const Instruction::DecodedInstruction& dec_insn) {
+  if (dec_insn.vA_ < 1) {
+    verifier_->Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "invoke lacks 'this'";
+    return verifier_->GetRegTypeCache()->Unknown();
+  }
+  /* get the element type of the array held in vsrc */
+  const RegType& this_type = GetRegisterType(dec_insn.vC_);
+  if (!this_type.IsReferenceTypes()) {
+    verifier_->Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "tried to get class from non-reference register v"
+                                          << dec_insn.vC_ << " (type=" << this_type << ")";
+    return verifier_->GetRegTypeCache()->Unknown();
+  }
+  return this_type;
+Class* RegisterLine::GetClassFromRegister(uint32_t vsrc) const {
+  /* get the element type of the array held in vsrc */
+  const RegType& type = GetRegisterType(vsrc);
+  /* if "always zero", we allow it to fail at runtime */
+  if (type.IsZero()) {
+    return NULL;
+  } else if (!type.IsReferenceTypes()) {
+    verifier_->Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "tried to get class from non-ref register v" << vsrc
+                                         << " (type=" << type << ")";
+    return NULL;
+  } else if (type.IsUninitializedReference()) {
+    verifier_->Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "register " << vsrc << " holds uninitialized reference";
+    return NULL;
+  } else {
+    return type.GetClass();
+  }
+bool RegisterLine::VerifyRegisterType(uint32_t vsrc, const RegType& check_type) {
+  // Verify the src register type against the check type refining the type of the register
+  const RegType& src_type = GetRegisterType(vsrc);
+  const RegType& lub_type = src_type.VerifyAgainst(check_type, verifier_->GetRegTypeCache());
+  if (lub_type.IsConflict()) {
+    verifier_->Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "register v" << vsrc << " has type " << src_type
+                                          << " but expected " << check_type;
+    return false;
+  }
+  // The register at vsrc has a defined type, we know the lower-upper-bound, but this is less
+  // precise than the subtype in vsrc so leave it for reference types. For primitive types
+  // if they are a defined type then they are as precise as we can get, however, for constant
+  // types we may wish to refine them. Unfortunately constant propagation has rendered this useless.
+  return true;
+void RegisterLine::MarkRefsAsInitialized(const RegType& uninit_type) {
+  Class* klass = uninit_type.GetClass();
+  if (klass == NULL) {
+    verifier_->Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "Unable to find type=" << uninit_type;
+  } else {
+    const RegType& init_type = verifier_->GetRegTypeCache()->FromClass(klass);
+    size_t changed = 0;
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_regs_; i++) {
+      if (GetRegisterType(i).Equals(uninit_type)) {
+        line_[i] = init_type.GetId();
+        changed++;
+      }
+    }
+    DCHECK_GT(changed, 0u);
+  }
+void RegisterLine::MarkUninitRefsAsInvalid(const RegType& uninit_type) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_regs_; i++) {
+    if (GetRegisterType(i).Equals(uninit_type)) {
+      line_[i] = verifier_->GetRegTypeCache()->Conflict().GetId();
+      ClearAllRegToLockDepths(i);
+    }
+  }
+void RegisterLine::CopyRegister1(uint32_t vdst, uint32_t vsrc, TypeCategory cat) {
+  DCHECK(cat == kTypeCategory1nr || cat == kTypeCategoryRef);
+  const RegType& type = GetRegisterType(vsrc);
+  SetRegisterType(vdst, type);
+  if ((cat == kTypeCategory1nr && !type.IsCategory1Types()) ||
+      (cat == kTypeCategoryRef && !type.IsReferenceTypes())) {
+    verifier_->Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "copy1 v" << vdst << "<-v" << vsrc << " type=" << type
+                                          << " cat=" << static_cast<int>(cat);
+  } else if (cat == kTypeCategoryRef) {
+    CopyRegToLockDepth(vdst, vsrc);
+  }
+void RegisterLine::CopyRegister2(uint32_t vdst, uint32_t vsrc) {
+  const RegType& type_l = GetRegisterType(vsrc);
+  const RegType& type_h = GetRegisterType(vsrc + 1);
+  if (!type_l.CheckWidePair(type_h)) {
+    verifier_->Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "copy2 v" << vdst << "<-v" << vsrc
+                                         << " type=" << type_l << "/" << type_h;
+  } else {
+    SetRegisterType(vdst, type_l);  // implicitly sets the second half
+  }
+void RegisterLine::CopyResultRegister1(uint32_t vdst, bool is_reference) {
+  const RegType& type = verifier_->GetRegTypeCache()->GetFromId(result_[0]);
+  if ((!is_reference && !type.IsCategory1Types()) ||
+      (is_reference && !type.IsReferenceTypes())) {
+    verifier_->Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC)
+        << "copyRes1 v" << vdst << "<- result0"  << " type=" << type;
+  } else {
+    DCHECK(verifier_->GetRegTypeCache()->GetFromId(result_[1]).IsUnknown());
+    SetRegisterType(vdst, type);
+    result_[0] = verifier_->GetRegTypeCache()->Unknown().GetId();
+  }
+ * Implement "move-result-wide". Copy the category-2 value from the result
+ * register to another register, and reset the result register.
+ */
+void RegisterLine::CopyResultRegister2(uint32_t vdst) {
+  const RegType& type_l = verifier_->GetRegTypeCache()->GetFromId(result_[0]);
+  const RegType& type_h = verifier_->GetRegTypeCache()->GetFromId(result_[1]);
+  if (!type_l.IsCategory2Types()) {
+    verifier_->Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC)
+        << "copyRes2 v" << vdst << "<- result0"  << " type=" << type_l;
+  } else {
+    DCHECK(type_l.CheckWidePair(type_h));  // Set should never allow this case
+    SetRegisterType(vdst, type_l);  // also sets the high
+    result_[0] = verifier_->GetRegTypeCache()->Unknown().GetId();
+    result_[1] = verifier_->GetRegTypeCache()->Unknown().GetId();
+  }
+void RegisterLine::CheckUnaryOp(const Instruction::DecodedInstruction& dec_insn,
+                                const RegType& dst_type, const RegType& src_type) {
+  if (VerifyRegisterType(dec_insn.vB_, src_type)) {
+    SetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_, dst_type);
+  }
+void RegisterLine::CheckBinaryOp(const Instruction::DecodedInstruction& dec_insn,
+                                 const RegType& dst_type,
+                                 const RegType& src_type1, const RegType& src_type2,
+                                 bool check_boolean_op) {
+  if (VerifyRegisterType(dec_insn.vB_, src_type1) &&
+      VerifyRegisterType(dec_insn.vC_, src_type2)) {
+    if (check_boolean_op) {
+      DCHECK(dst_type.IsInteger());
+      if (GetRegisterType(dec_insn.vB_).IsBooleanTypes() &&
+          GetRegisterType(dec_insn.vC_).IsBooleanTypes()) {
+        SetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_, verifier_->GetRegTypeCache()->Boolean());
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+    SetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_, dst_type);
+  }
+void RegisterLine::CheckBinaryOp2addr(const Instruction::DecodedInstruction& dec_insn,
+                                      const RegType& dst_type, const RegType& src_type1,
+                                      const RegType& src_type2, bool check_boolean_op) {
+  if (VerifyRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_, src_type1) &&
+      VerifyRegisterType(dec_insn.vB_, src_type2)) {
+    if (check_boolean_op) {
+      DCHECK(dst_type.IsInteger());
+      if (GetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_).IsBooleanTypes() &&
+          GetRegisterType(dec_insn.vB_).IsBooleanTypes()) {
+        SetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_, verifier_->GetRegTypeCache()->Boolean());
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+    SetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_, dst_type);
+  }
+void RegisterLine::CheckLiteralOp(const Instruction::DecodedInstruction& dec_insn,
+                                  const RegType& dst_type, const RegType& src_type,
+                                  bool check_boolean_op) {
+  if (VerifyRegisterType(dec_insn.vB_, src_type)) {
+    if (check_boolean_op) {
+      DCHECK(dst_type.IsInteger());
+      /* check vB with the call, then check the constant manually */
+      if (GetRegisterType(dec_insn.vB_).IsBooleanTypes() &&
+          (dec_insn.vC_ == 0 || dec_insn.vC_ == 1)) {
+        SetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_, verifier_->GetRegTypeCache()->Boolean());
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+    SetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_, dst_type);
+  }
+void RegisterLine::PushMonitor(uint32_t reg_idx, int32_t insn_idx) {
+  const RegType& reg_type = GetRegisterType(reg_idx);
+  if (!reg_type.IsReferenceTypes()) {
+    verifier_->Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "monitor-enter on non-object (" << reg_type << ")";
+  } else {
+    SetRegToLockDepth(reg_idx, monitors_.size());
+    monitors_.push(insn_idx);
+  }
+void RegisterLine::PopMonitor(uint32_t reg_idx) {
+  const RegType& reg_type = GetRegisterType(reg_idx);
+  if (!reg_type.IsReferenceTypes()) {
+    verifier_->Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "monitor-exit on non-object (" << reg_type << ")";
+  } else if (monitors_.empty()) {
+    verifier_->Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "monitor-exit stack underflow";
+  } else {
+    monitors_.pop();
+    if(!IsSetLockDepth(reg_idx, monitors_.size())) {
+      // Bug 3215458: Locks and unlocks are on objects, if that object is a literal then before
+      // format "036" the constant collector may create unlocks on the same object but referenced
+      // via different registers.
+      ((verifier_->DexFileVersion() >= 36) ? verifier_->Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC)
+                                           : verifier_->LogVerifyInfo())
+            << "monitor-exit not unlocking the top of the monitor stack";
+    } else {
+      // Record the register was unlocked
+      ClearRegToLockDepth(reg_idx, monitors_.size());
+    }
+  }
+bool RegisterLine::VerifyMonitorStackEmpty() {
+  if (MonitorStackDepth() != 0) {
+    verifier_->Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "expected empty monitor stack";
+    return false;
+  } else {
+    return true;
+  }
+bool RegisterLine::MergeRegisters(const RegisterLine* incoming_line) {
+  bool changed = false;
+  for (size_t idx = 0; idx < num_regs_; idx++) {
+    if (line_[idx] != incoming_line->line_[idx]) {
+      const RegType& incoming_reg_type = incoming_line->GetRegisterType(idx);
+      const RegType& cur_type = GetRegisterType(idx);
+      const RegType& new_type = cur_type.Merge(incoming_reg_type, verifier_->GetRegTypeCache());
+      changed = changed || !cur_type.Equals(new_type);
+      line_[idx] = new_type.GetId();
+    }
+  }
+  if(monitors_ != incoming_line->monitors_) {
+    verifier_->Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "mismatched stack depths (depth="
+        << MonitorStackDepth() << ", incoming depth=" << incoming_line->MonitorStackDepth() << ")";
+  } else if (reg_to_lock_depths_ != incoming_line->reg_to_lock_depths_) {
+    for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < num_regs_; idx++) {
+      size_t depths = reg_to_lock_depths_.count(idx);
+      size_t incoming_depths = incoming_line->reg_to_lock_depths_.count(idx);
+      if (depths != incoming_depths) {
+        if (depths == 0 || incoming_depths == 0) {
+          reg_to_lock_depths_.erase(idx);
+        } else {
+          verifier_->Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "mismatched stack depths for register v" << idx
+                                                << ": " << depths  << " != " << incoming_depths;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return changed;
+void RegisterLine::WriteReferenceBitMap(int8_t* data, size_t max_bytes) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_regs_; i += 8) {
+    uint8_t val = 0;
+    for (size_t j = 0; j < 8 && (i + j) < num_regs_; j++) {
+      // Note: we write 1 for a Reference but not for Null
+      if (GetRegisterType(i + j).IsReference()) {
+        val |= 1 << j;
+      }
+    }
+    if (val != 0) {
+      DCHECK_LT(i / 8, max_bytes);
+      data[i / 8] = val;
+    }
+  }
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const RegisterLine& rhs) {
+  rhs.Dump(os);
+  return os;
+void PcToRegisterLineTable::Init(RegisterTrackingMode mode, InsnFlags* flags,
+                                 uint32_t insns_size, uint16_t registers_size,
+                                 DexVerifier* verifier) {
+  DCHECK_GT(insns_size, 0U);
+  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < insns_size; i++) {
+    bool interesting = false;
+    switch (mode) {
+      case kTrackRegsAll:
+        interesting = flags[i].IsOpcode();
+        break;
+      case kTrackRegsGcPoints:
+        interesting = flags[i].IsGcPoint() || flags[i].IsBranchTarget();
+        break;
+      case kTrackRegsBranches:
+        interesting = flags[i].IsBranchTarget();
+        break;
+      default:
+        break;
+    }
+    if (interesting) {
+      pc_to_register_line_[i] = new RegisterLine(registers_size, verifier);
+    }
+  }
+bool DexVerifier::VerifyClass(const Class* klass) {
   if (klass->IsVerified()) {
     return true;
+  Class* super = klass->GetSuperClass();
+  if (super == NULL && !klass->GetDescriptor()->Equals("Ljava/lang/Object;")) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Verifier rejected class " << PrettyClass(klass) << " that has no super class";
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (super != NULL) {
+    if (!super->IsVerified() && !super->IsErroneous()) {
+      Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker()->VerifyClass(super);
+    }
+    if (!super->IsVerified()) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << "Verifier rejected class " << PrettyClass(klass)
+                 << " that attempts to sub-class corrupt class " << PrettyClass(super);
+      return false;
+    } else if (super->IsFinal()) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << "Verifier rejected class " << PrettyClass(klass)
+                 << " that attempts to sub-class final class " << PrettyClass(super);
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
   for (size_t i = 0; i < klass->NumDirectMethods(); ++i) {
     Method* method = klass->GetDirectMethod(i);
     if (!VerifyMethod(method)) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "Verifier rejected class " << PrettyClass(klass);
+      LOG(ERROR) << "Verifier rejected class " << PrettyClass(klass) << " due to bad method "
+                 << PrettyMethod(method, true);
       return false;
   for (size_t i = 0; i < klass->NumVirtualMethods(); ++i) {
     Method* method = klass->GetVirtualMethod(i);
     if (!VerifyMethod(method)) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "Verifier rejected class " << PrettyClass(klass);
+      LOG(ERROR) << "Verifier rejected class " << PrettyClass(klass) << " due to bad method "
+                 << PrettyMethod(method, true);
       return false;
@@ -120,361 +852,407 @@
 bool DexVerifier::VerifyMethod(Method* method) {
+  DexVerifier verifier(method);
+  bool success = verifier.Verify();
+  // We expect either success and no verification error, or failure and a generic failure to
+  // reject the class.
+  if (success) {
+    if (verifier.failure_ != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) {
+      LOG(FATAL) << "Unhandled failure in verification of " << PrettyMethod(method) << std::endl
+                 << verifier.fail_messages_;
+    }
+  } else {
+    LOG(INFO) << "Verification error in " << PrettyMethod(method) << " "
+               << verifier.fail_messages_.str() << std::endl << verifier.info_messages_.str();
+    verifier.Dump(std::cout);
+    DCHECK_EQ(verifier.failure_, VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC);
+  }
+  return success;
+DexVerifier::DexVerifier(Method* method) : java_lang_throwable_(NULL), work_insn_idx_(-1),
+                                           method_(method), failure_(VERIFY_ERROR_NONE),
+                                           new_instance_count_(0), monitor_enter_count_(0) {
   const DexCache* dex_cache = method->GetDeclaringClass()->GetDexCache();
   ClassLinker* class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
-  const DexFile& dex_file = class_linker->FindDexFile(dex_cache);
-  const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item =
-      dex_file.GetCodeItem(method->GetCodeItemOffset());
-  /*
-   * Construct the verifier state container object.
-   */
-  VerifierData vdata(method, &dex_file, code_item);
-  /*
-   * If there aren't any instructions, make sure that's expected, then
-   * exit successfully.
-   */
-  if (code_item == NULL) {
-    if (!method->IsNative() && !method->IsAbstract()) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: zero-length code in concrete non-native method";
-      return false;
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  /*
-   * Sanity-check the register counts. ins + locals = registers, so make
-   * sure that ins <= registers.
-   */
-  if (code_item->ins_size_ > code_item->registers_size_) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: bad register counts (ins=" << code_item->ins_size_
-               << " regs=" << code_item->registers_size_;
-    return false;
-  }
-  /*
-   * Allocate and initialize an array to hold instruction data.
-   */
-  vdata.insn_flags_.reset(new InsnFlags[code_item->insns_size_]());
-  /*
-   * Run through the instructions and see if the width checks out.
-   */
-  if (!ComputeWidthsAndCountOps(&vdata)) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  /*
-   * Flag instructions guarded by a "try" block and check exception handlers.
-   */
-  if (!ScanTryCatchBlocks(&vdata)) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  /*
-   * Perform static instruction verification.
-   */
-  if (!VerifyInstructions(&vdata)) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  /*
-   * Perform code flow analysis.
-   */
-  if (!VerifyCodeFlow(&vdata)) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
+  dex_file_ = &class_linker->FindDexFile(dex_cache);
+  code_item_ = dex_file_->GetCodeItem(method->GetCodeItemOffset());
-bool DexVerifier::VerifyInstructions(VerifierData* vdata) {
-  const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item = vdata->code_item_;
-  InsnFlags* insn_flags = vdata->insn_flags_.get();
-  const byte* ptr = reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(code_item->insns_);
-  const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(ptr);
-  /* Flag the start of the method as a branch target. */
-  InsnSetBranchTarget(insn_flags, 0);
-  uint32_t width = 0;
-  uint32_t insns_size = code_item->insns_size_;
-  while (width < insns_size) {
-    if (!VerifyInstruction(vdata, inst, width)) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: rejecting opcode 0x" << std::hex
-                 << (int) inst->Opcode() << " at 0x" << width << std::dec;
+bool DexVerifier::Verify() {
+  // If there aren't any instructions, make sure that's expected, then exit successfully.
+  if (code_item_ == NULL) {
+    if (!method_->IsNative() && !method_->IsAbstract()) {
+      Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "zero-length code in concrete non-native method";
       return false;
+    } else {
+      return true;
-    /* Flag instructions that are garbage collection points */
-    if (inst->IsBranch() || inst->IsSwitch() || inst->IsThrow() ||
-        inst->IsReturn()) {
-      InsnSetGcPoint(insn_flags, width);
-    }
-    width += inst->Size();
-    inst = inst->Next();
-  return true;
-bool DexVerifier::VerifyInstruction(VerifierData* vdata,
-    const Instruction* inst, uint32_t code_offset) {
-  const DexFile* dex_file = vdata->dex_file_;
-  const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item = vdata->code_item_;
-  InsnFlags* insn_flags = vdata->insn_flags_.get();
-  Instruction::DecodedInstruction dec_insn(inst);
-  bool result = true;
-  int argumentA = inst->GetVerifyTypeArgumentA();
-  int argumentB = inst->GetVerifyTypeArgumentB();
-  int argumentC = inst->GetVerifyTypeArgumentC();
-  int extra_flags = inst->GetVerifyExtraFlags();
-  switch (argumentA) {
-    case Instruction::kVerifyRegA:
-      result &= CheckRegisterIndex(code_item, dec_insn.vA_);
-      break;
-    case Instruction::kVerifyRegAWide:
-      result &= CheckWideRegisterIndex(code_item, dec_insn.vA_);
-      break;
+  // Sanity-check the register counts. ins + locals = registers, so make sure that ins <= registers.
+  if (code_item_->ins_size_ > code_item_->registers_size_) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "bad register counts (ins=" << code_item_->ins_size_
+                               << " regs=" << code_item_->registers_size_;
+    return false;
-  switch (argumentB) {
-    case Instruction::kVerifyRegB:
-      result &= CheckRegisterIndex(code_item, dec_insn.vB_);
-      break;
-    case Instruction::kVerifyRegBField:
-      result &= CheckFieldIndex(dex_file, dec_insn.vB_);
-      break;
-    case Instruction::kVerifyRegBMethod:
-      result &= CheckMethodIndex(dex_file, dec_insn.vB_);
-      break;
-    case Instruction::kVerifyRegBNewInstance:
-      result &= CheckNewInstance(dex_file, dec_insn.vB_);
-      break;
-    case Instruction::kVerifyRegBString:
-      result &= CheckStringIndex(dex_file, dec_insn.vB_);
-      break;
-    case Instruction::kVerifyRegBType:
-      result &= CheckTypeIndex(dex_file, dec_insn.vB_);
-      break;
-    case Instruction::kVerifyRegBWide:
-      result &= CheckWideRegisterIndex(code_item, dec_insn.vB_);
-      break;
-  }
-  switch (argumentC) {
-    case Instruction::kVerifyRegC:
-      result &= CheckRegisterIndex(code_item, dec_insn.vC_);
-      break;
-    case Instruction::kVerifyRegCField:
-      result &= CheckFieldIndex(dex_file, dec_insn.vC_);
-      break;
-    case Instruction::kVerifyRegCNewArray:
-      result &= CheckNewArray(dex_file, dec_insn.vC_);
-      break;
-    case Instruction::kVerifyRegCType:
-      result &= CheckTypeIndex(dex_file, dec_insn.vC_);
-      break;
-    case Instruction::kVerifyRegCWide:
-      result &= CheckWideRegisterIndex(code_item, dec_insn.vC_);
-      break;
-  }
-  switch (extra_flags) {
-    case Instruction::kVerifyArrayData:
-      result &= CheckArrayData(code_item, code_offset);
-      break;
-    case Instruction::kVerifyBranchTarget:
-      result &= CheckBranchTarget(code_item, insn_flags, code_offset);
-      break;
-    case Instruction::kVerifySwitchTargets:
-      result &= CheckSwitchTargets(code_item, insn_flags, code_offset);
-      break;
-    case Instruction::kVerifyVarArg:
-      result &= CheckVarArgRegs(code_item, dec_insn.vA_, dec_insn.arg_);
-      break;
-    case Instruction::kVerifyVarArgRange:
-      result &= CheckVarArgRangeRegs(code_item, dec_insn.vA_, dec_insn.vC_);
-      break;
-    case Instruction::kVerifyError:
-      LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: unexpected opcode " << std::hex
-                 << (int) dec_insn.opcode_ << std::dec;
-      result = false;
-      break;
-  }
+  // Allocate and initialize an array to hold instruction data.
+  insn_flags_.reset(new InsnFlags[code_item_->insns_size_in_code_units_]());
+  // Run through the instructions and see if the width checks out.
+  bool result = ComputeWidthsAndCountOps();
+  // Flag instructions guarded by a "try" block and check exception handlers.
+  result = result && ScanTryCatchBlocks();
+  // Perform static instruction verification.
+  result = result && VerifyInstructions();
+  // Perform code flow analysis.
+  result = result && VerifyCodeFlow();
   return result;
-bool DexVerifier::VerifyCodeFlow(VerifierData* vdata) {
-  Method* method = vdata->method_;
-  const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item = vdata->code_item_;
-  uint16_t registers_size = code_item->registers_size_;
-  uint32_t insns_size = code_item->insns_size_;
-  RegisterTable reg_table;
-  if (registers_size * insns_size > 4*1024*1024) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: warning: method is huge (regs=" << registers_size
-               << " insns_size=" << insns_size << ")";
-  }
-  /* Create and initialize register lists. */
-  if (!InitRegisterTable(vdata, &reg_table, kTrackRegsGcPoints)) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  vdata->register_lines_ = reg_table.register_lines_.get();
-  /* Allocate a map to hold the classes of uninitialized instances. */
-  vdata->uninit_map_.reset(CreateUninitInstanceMap(vdata));
-  /* Initialize register types of method arguments. */
-  if (!SetTypesFromSignature(vdata, reg_table.register_lines_[0].reg_types_.get())) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: bad signature in " << PrettyMethod(method);
-    return false;
-  }
-  /* Perform code flow verification. */
-  if (!CodeFlowVerifyMethod(vdata, &reg_table)) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  /* Generate a register map and add it to the method. */
-  UniquePtr<RegisterMap> map(GenerateRegisterMapV(vdata));
-  SirtRef<ByteArray> header(ByteArray::Alloc(sizeof(RegisterMapHeader)));
-  if (header.get() == NULL) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  SirtRef<ByteArray> data(ByteArray::Alloc(ComputeRegisterMapSize(map.get())));
-  if (data.get() == NULL) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  memcpy(header->GetData(), map.get()->header_, sizeof(RegisterMapHeader));
-  memcpy(data->GetData(), map.get()->data_, ComputeRegisterMapSize(map.get()));
-  method->SetRegisterMapHeader(header.get());
-  method->SetRegisterMapData(data.get());
-  return true;
-bool DexVerifier::ComputeWidthsAndCountOps(VerifierData* vdata) {
-  const uint16_t* insns = vdata->code_item_->insns_;
-  uint32_t insns_size = vdata->code_item_->insns_size_;
-  InsnFlags* insn_flags = vdata->insn_flags_.get();
-  const byte* ptr = reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(insns);
-  const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(ptr);
+bool DexVerifier::ComputeWidthsAndCountOps() {
+  const uint16_t* insns = code_item_->insns_;
+  size_t insns_size = code_item_->insns_size_in_code_units_;
+  const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(insns);
   size_t new_instance_count = 0;
   size_t monitor_enter_count = 0;
-  size_t width = 0;
+  size_t dex_pc = 0;
-  while (width < insns_size) {
+  while (dex_pc < insns_size) {
     Instruction::Code opcode = inst->Opcode();
     if (opcode == Instruction::NEW_INSTANCE) {
     } else if (opcode == Instruction::MONITOR_ENTER) {
-    insn_flags[width] |= inst->Size();
-    width += inst->Size();
+    size_t inst_size = inst->SizeInCodeUnits();
+    insn_flags_[dex_pc].SetLengthInCodeUnits(inst_size);
+    dex_pc += inst_size;
     inst = inst->Next();
-  if (width != insns_size) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: code did not end where expected (" << width << " vs. "
-               << insns_size << ")";
+  if (dex_pc != insns_size) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "code did not end where expected ("
+        << dex_pc << " vs. " << insns_size << ")";
     return false;
-  vdata->new_instance_count_ = new_instance_count;
-  vdata->monitor_enter_count_ = monitor_enter_count;
+  new_instance_count_ = new_instance_count;
+  monitor_enter_count_ = monitor_enter_count;
   return true;
-bool DexVerifier::ScanTryCatchBlocks(VerifierData* vdata) {
-  const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item = vdata->code_item_;
-  InsnFlags* insn_flags = vdata->insn_flags_.get();
-  uint32_t insns_size = code_item->insns_size_;
-  uint32_t tries_size = code_item->tries_size_;
+bool DexVerifier::ScanTryCatchBlocks() {
+  uint32_t tries_size = code_item_->tries_size_;
   if (tries_size == 0) {
     return true;
-  const DexFile::TryItem* tries = DexFile::dexGetTryItems(*code_item, 0);
+  uint32_t insns_size = code_item_->insns_size_in_code_units_;
+  const DexFile::TryItem* tries = DexFile::dexGetTryItems(*code_item_, 0);
   for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < tries_size; idx++) {
     const DexFile::TryItem* try_item = &tries[idx];
     uint32_t start = try_item->start_addr_;
     uint32_t end = start + try_item->insn_count_;
     if ((start >= end) || (start >= insns_size) || (end > insns_size)) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: bad exception entry: startAddr=" << start
-                 << " endAddr=" << end << " (size=" << insns_size << ")";
+      Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "bad exception entry: startAddr=" << start
+                                 << " endAddr=" << end << " (size=" << insns_size << ")";
       return false;
-    if (InsnGetWidth(insn_flags, start) == 0) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: 'try' block starts inside an instruction ("
-                 << start << ")";
+    if (!insn_flags_[start].IsOpcode()) {
+      Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "'try' block starts inside an instruction (" << start << ")";
       return false;
-    uint32_t addr;
-    for (addr = start; addr < end; addr += InsnGetWidth(insn_flags, addr)) {
-      InsnSetInTry(insn_flags, addr);
+    for (uint32_t dex_pc = start; dex_pc < end;
+        dex_pc += insn_flags_[dex_pc].GetLengthInCodeUnits()) {
+      insn_flags_[dex_pc].SetInTry();
   /* Iterate over each of the handlers to verify target addresses. */
-  const byte* handlers_ptr = DexFile::dexGetCatchHandlerData(*code_item, 0);
+  const byte* handlers_ptr = DexFile::dexGetCatchHandlerData(*code_item_, 0);
   uint32_t handlers_size = DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&handlers_ptr);
   for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < handlers_size; idx++) {
     DexFile::CatchHandlerIterator iterator(handlers_ptr);
     for (; !iterator.HasNext(); iterator.Next()) {
-      uint32_t addr = iterator.Get().address_;
-      if (InsnGetWidth(insn_flags, addr) == 0) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: exception handler starts at bad address ("
-                   << addr << ")";
+      uint32_t dex_pc= iterator.Get().address_;
+      if (!insn_flags_[dex_pc].IsOpcode()) {
+        Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "exception handler starts at bad address (" << dex_pc << ")";
         return false;
-      InsnSetBranchTarget(insn_flags, addr);
+      insn_flags_[dex_pc].SetBranchTarget();
     handlers_ptr = iterator.GetData();
   return true;
-bool DexVerifier::GetBranchOffset(const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,
-    const InsnFlags insn_flags[], uint32_t cur_offset, int32_t* pOffset,
-    bool* pConditional, bool* selfOkay) {
-  const uint16_t* insns = code_item->insns_ + cur_offset;
+bool DexVerifier::VerifyInstructions() {
+  const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(code_item_->insns_);
+  /* Flag the start of the method as a branch target. */
+  insn_flags_[0].SetBranchTarget();
+  uint32_t insns_size = code_item_->insns_size_in_code_units_;
+  for(uint32_t dex_pc = 0; dex_pc < insns_size;) {
+    if (!VerifyInstruction(inst, dex_pc)) {
+      Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "rejecting opcode " << inst->Name() << " at " << dex_pc;
+      return false;
+    }
+    /* Flag instructions that are garbage collection points */
+    if (inst->IsBranch() || inst->IsSwitch() || inst->IsThrow() || inst->IsReturn()) {
+      insn_flags_[dex_pc].SetGcPoint();
+    }
+    dex_pc += inst->SizeInCodeUnits();
+    inst = inst->Next();
+  }
+  return true;
+bool DexVerifier::VerifyInstruction(const Instruction* inst, uint32_t code_offset) {
+  Instruction::DecodedInstruction dec_insn(inst);
+  bool result = true;
+  switch (inst->GetVerifyTypeArgumentA()) {
+    case Instruction::kVerifyRegA:
+      result = result && CheckRegisterIndex(dec_insn.vA_);
+      break;
+    case Instruction::kVerifyRegAWide:
+      result = result && CheckWideRegisterIndex(dec_insn.vA_);
+      break;
+  }
+  switch (inst->GetVerifyTypeArgumentB()) {
+    case Instruction::kVerifyRegB:
+      result = result && CheckRegisterIndex(dec_insn.vB_);
+      break;
+    case Instruction::kVerifyRegBField:
+      result = result && CheckFieldIndex(dec_insn.vB_);
+      break;
+    case Instruction::kVerifyRegBMethod:
+      result = result && CheckMethodIndex(dec_insn.vB_);
+      break;
+    case Instruction::kVerifyRegBNewInstance:
+      result = result && CheckNewInstance(dec_insn.vB_);
+      break;
+    case Instruction::kVerifyRegBString:
+      result = result && CheckStringIndex(dec_insn.vB_);
+      break;
+    case Instruction::kVerifyRegBType:
+      result = result && CheckTypeIndex(dec_insn.vB_);
+      break;
+    case Instruction::kVerifyRegBWide:
+      result = result && CheckWideRegisterIndex(dec_insn.vB_);
+      break;
+  }
+  switch (inst->GetVerifyTypeArgumentC()) {
+    case Instruction::kVerifyRegC:
+      result = result && CheckRegisterIndex(dec_insn.vC_);
+      break;
+    case Instruction::kVerifyRegCField:
+      result = result && CheckFieldIndex(dec_insn.vC_);
+      break;
+    case Instruction::kVerifyRegCNewArray:
+      result = result && CheckNewArray(dec_insn.vC_);
+      break;
+    case Instruction::kVerifyRegCType:
+      result = result && CheckTypeIndex(dec_insn.vC_);
+      break;
+    case Instruction::kVerifyRegCWide:
+      result = result && CheckWideRegisterIndex(dec_insn.vC_);
+      break;
+  }
+  switch (inst->GetVerifyExtraFlags()) {
+    case Instruction::kVerifyArrayData:
+      result = result && CheckArrayData(code_offset);
+      break;
+    case Instruction::kVerifyBranchTarget:
+      result = result && CheckBranchTarget(code_offset);
+      break;
+    case Instruction::kVerifySwitchTargets:
+      result = result && CheckSwitchTargets(code_offset);
+      break;
+    case Instruction::kVerifyVarArg:
+      result = result && CheckVarArgRegs(dec_insn.vA_, dec_insn.arg_);
+      break;
+    case Instruction::kVerifyVarArgRange:
+      result = result && CheckVarArgRangeRegs(dec_insn.vA_, dec_insn.vC_);
+      break;
+    case Instruction::kVerifyError:
+      Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "unexpected opcode " << inst->Name();
+      result = false;
+      break;
+  }
+  return result;
+bool DexVerifier::CheckRegisterIndex(uint32_t idx) {
+  if (idx >= code_item_->registers_size_) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "register index out of range (" << idx << " >= "
+                               << code_item_->registers_size_ << ")";
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+bool DexVerifier::CheckWideRegisterIndex(uint32_t idx) {
+  if (idx + 1 >= code_item_->registers_size_) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "wide register index out of range (" << idx
+                               << "+1 >= " << code_item_->registers_size_ << ")";
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+bool DexVerifier::CheckFieldIndex(uint32_t idx) {
+  if (idx >= dex_file_->GetHeader().field_ids_size_) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "bad field index " << idx << " (max "
+                               << dex_file_->GetHeader().field_ids_size_ << ")";
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+bool DexVerifier::CheckMethodIndex(uint32_t idx) {
+  if (idx >= dex_file_->GetHeader().method_ids_size_) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "bad method index " << idx << " (max "
+                               << dex_file_->GetHeader().method_ids_size_ << ")";
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+bool DexVerifier::CheckNewInstance(uint32_t idx) {
+  if (idx >= dex_file_->GetHeader().type_ids_size_) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "bad type index " << idx << " (max "
+                               << dex_file_->GetHeader().type_ids_size_ << ")";
+    return false;
+  }
+  // We don't need the actual class, just a pointer to the class name.
+  const char* descriptor = dex_file_->dexStringByTypeIdx(idx);
+  if (descriptor[0] != 'L') {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "can't call new-instance on type '" << descriptor << "'";
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+bool DexVerifier::CheckStringIndex(uint32_t idx) {
+  if (idx >= dex_file_->GetHeader().string_ids_size_) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "bad string index " << idx << " (max "
+                               << dex_file_->GetHeader().string_ids_size_ << ")";
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+bool DexVerifier::CheckTypeIndex(uint32_t idx) {
+  if (idx >= dex_file_->GetHeader().type_ids_size_) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "bad type index " << idx << " (max "
+                               << dex_file_->GetHeader().type_ids_size_ << ")";
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+bool DexVerifier::CheckNewArray(uint32_t idx) {
+  if (idx >= dex_file_->GetHeader().type_ids_size_) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "bad type index " << idx << " (max "
+                               << dex_file_->GetHeader().type_ids_size_ << ")";
+    return false;
+  }
+  int bracket_count = 0;
+  const char* descriptor = dex_file_->dexStringByTypeIdx(idx);
+  const char* cp = descriptor;
+  while (*cp++ == '[') {
+    bracket_count++;
+  }
+  if (bracket_count == 0) {
+    /* The given class must be an array type. */
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "can't new-array class '" << descriptor << "' (not an array)";
+    return false;
+  } else if (bracket_count > 255) {
+    /* It is illegal to create an array of more than 255 dimensions. */
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "can't new-array class '" << descriptor << "' (exceeds limit)";
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+bool DexVerifier::CheckArrayData(uint32_t cur_offset) {
+  const uint32_t insn_count = code_item_->insns_size_in_code_units_;
+  const uint16_t* insns = code_item_->insns_ + cur_offset;
+  const uint16_t* array_data;
+  int32_t array_data_offset;
+  DCHECK_LT(cur_offset, insn_count);
+  /* make sure the start of the array data table is in range */
+  array_data_offset = insns[1] | (((int32_t) insns[2]) << 16);
+  if ((int32_t) cur_offset + array_data_offset < 0 ||
+      cur_offset + array_data_offset + 2 >= insn_count) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "invalid array data start: at " << cur_offset
+                               << ", data offset " << array_data_offset << ", count " << insn_count;
+    return false;
+  }
+  /* offset to array data table is a relative branch-style offset */
+  array_data = insns + array_data_offset;
+  /* make sure the table is 32-bit aligned */
+  if ((((uint32_t) array_data) & 0x03) != 0) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "unaligned array data table: at " << cur_offset
+                               << ", data offset " << array_data_offset;
+    return false;
+  }
+  uint32_t value_width = array_data[1];
+  uint32_t value_count = *(uint32_t*) (&array_data[2]);
+  uint32_t table_size = 4 + (value_width * value_count + 1) / 2;
+  /* make sure the end of the switch is in range */
+  if (cur_offset + array_data_offset + table_size > insn_count) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "invalid array data end: at " << cur_offset
+                               << ", data offset " << array_data_offset << ", end "
+                               << cur_offset + array_data_offset + table_size
+                               << ", count " << insn_count;
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+bool DexVerifier::CheckBranchTarget(uint32_t cur_offset) {
+  int32_t offset;
+  bool isConditional, selfOkay;
+  if (!GetBranchOffset(cur_offset, &offset, &isConditional, &selfOkay)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (!selfOkay && offset == 0) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "branch offset of zero not allowed at" << (void*) cur_offset;
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Check for 32-bit overflow. This isn't strictly necessary if we can depend on the VM to have
+  // identical "wrap-around" behavior, but it's unwise to depend on that.
+  if (((int64_t) cur_offset + (int64_t) offset) != (int64_t) (cur_offset + offset)) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "branch target overflow " << (void*) cur_offset << " +" << offset;
+    return false;
+  }
+  const uint32_t insn_count = code_item_->insns_size_in_code_units_;
+  int32_t abs_offset = cur_offset + offset;
+  if (abs_offset < 0 || (uint32_t) abs_offset >= insn_count || !insn_flags_[abs_offset].IsOpcode()) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "invalid branch target " << offset << " (-> "
+                               << (void*) abs_offset << ") at " << (void*) cur_offset;
+    return false;
+  }
+  insn_flags_[abs_offset].SetBranchTarget();
+  return true;
+bool DexVerifier::GetBranchOffset(uint32_t cur_offset, int32_t* pOffset, bool* pConditional,
+                                  bool* selfOkay) {
+  const uint16_t* insns = code_item_->insns_ + cur_offset;
+  *pConditional = false;
+  *selfOkay = false;
   switch (*insns & 0xff) {
     case Instruction::GOTO:
       *pOffset = ((int16_t) *insns) >> 8;
-      *pConditional = false;
-      *selfOkay = false;
     case Instruction::GOTO_32:
       *pOffset = insns[1] | (((uint32_t) insns[2]) << 16);
-      *pConditional = false;
       *selfOkay = true;
     case Instruction::GOTO_16:
       *pOffset = (int16_t) insns[1];
-      *pConditional = false;
-      *selfOkay = false;
     case Instruction::IF_EQ:
     case Instruction::IF_NE:
@@ -490,234 +1268,36 @@
     case Instruction::IF_LEZ:
       *pOffset = (int16_t) insns[1];
       *pConditional = true;
-      *selfOkay = false;
       return false;
   return true;
-bool DexVerifier::CheckArrayData(const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,
-    uint32_t cur_offset) {
-  const uint32_t insn_count = code_item->insns_size_;
-  const uint16_t* insns = code_item->insns_ + cur_offset;
-  const uint16_t* array_data;
-  int32_t array_data_offset;
+bool DexVerifier::CheckSwitchTargets(uint32_t cur_offset) {
+  const uint32_t insn_count = code_item_->insns_size_in_code_units_;
   DCHECK_LT(cur_offset, insn_count);
-  /* make sure the start of the array data table is in range */
-  array_data_offset = insns[1] | (((int32_t) insns[2]) << 16);
-  if ((int32_t) cur_offset + array_data_offset < 0 ||
-      cur_offset + array_data_offset + 2 >= insn_count)
-  {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid array data start: at " << cur_offset
-               << ", data offset " << array_data_offset << ", count "
-               << insn_count;
-    return false;
-  }
-  /* offset to array data table is a relative branch-style offset */
-  array_data = insns + array_data_offset;
-  /* make sure the table is 32-bit aligned */
-  if ((((uint32_t) array_data) & 0x03) != 0) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: unaligned array data table: at " << cur_offset
-               << ", data offset " << array_data_offset;
-    return false;
-  }
-  uint32_t value_width = array_data[1];
-  uint32_t value_count = *(uint32_t*) (&array_data[2]);
-  uint32_t table_size = 4 + (value_width * value_count + 1) / 2;
-  /* make sure the end of the switch is in range */
-  if (cur_offset + array_data_offset + table_size > insn_count) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid array data end: at " << cur_offset
-               << ", data offset " << array_data_offset << ", end "
-               << cur_offset + array_data_offset + table_size << ", count "
-               << insn_count;
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-bool DexVerifier::CheckNewInstance(const DexFile* dex_file, uint32_t idx) {
-  if (idx >= dex_file->GetHeader().type_ids_size_) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: bad type index " << idx << " (max "
-               << dex_file->GetHeader().type_ids_size_ << ")";
-    return false;
-  }
-  const char* descriptor = dex_file->dexStringByTypeIdx(idx);
-  if (descriptor[0] != 'L') {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: can't call new-instance on type '"
-               << descriptor << "'";
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-bool DexVerifier::CheckNewArray(const DexFile* dex_file, uint32_t idx) {
-  if (idx >= dex_file->GetHeader().type_ids_size_) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: bad type index " << idx << " (max "
-               << dex_file->GetHeader().type_ids_size_ << ")";
-    return false;
-  }
-  int bracket_count = 0;
-  const char* descriptor = dex_file->dexStringByTypeIdx(idx);
-  const char* cp = descriptor;
-  while (*cp++ == '[')
-    bracket_count++;
-  if (bracket_count == 0) {
-    /* The given class must be an array type. */
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: can't new-array class '" << descriptor
-               << "' (not an array)";
-    return false;
-  } else if (bracket_count > 255) {
-    /* It is illegal to create an array of more than 255 dimensions. */
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: can't new-array class '" << descriptor
-               << "' (exceeds limit)";
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-bool DexVerifier::CheckTypeIndex(const DexFile* dex_file, uint32_t idx) {
-  if (idx >= dex_file->GetHeader().type_ids_size_) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: bad type index " << idx << " (max "
-               << dex_file->GetHeader().type_ids_size_ << ")";
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-bool DexVerifier::CheckFieldIndex(const DexFile* dex_file, uint32_t idx) {
-  if (idx >= dex_file->GetHeader().field_ids_size_) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: bad field index " << idx << " (max "
-               << dex_file->GetHeader().field_ids_size_ << ")";
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-bool DexVerifier::CheckMethodIndex(const DexFile* dex_file, uint32_t idx) {
-  if (idx >= dex_file->GetHeader().method_ids_size_) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: bad method index " << idx << " (max "
-               << dex_file->GetHeader().method_ids_size_ << ")";
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-bool DexVerifier::CheckStringIndex(const DexFile* dex_file, uint32_t idx) {
-  if (idx >= dex_file->GetHeader().string_ids_size_) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: bad string index " << idx << " (max "
-               << dex_file->GetHeader().string_ids_size_ << ")";
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-bool DexVerifier::CheckRegisterIndex(const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,
-    uint32_t idx) {
-  if (idx >= code_item->registers_size_) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: register index out of range (" << idx << " >= "
-               << code_item->registers_size_ << ")";
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-bool DexVerifier::CheckWideRegisterIndex(const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,
-    uint32_t idx) {
-  if (idx + 1 >= code_item->registers_size_) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: wide register index out of range (" << idx
-               << "+1 >= " << code_item->registers_size_ << ")";
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-bool DexVerifier::CheckVarArgRegs(const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,
-    uint32_t vA, uint32_t arg[]) {
-  uint16_t registers_size = code_item->registers_size_;
-  uint32_t idx;
-  if (vA > 5) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid arg count (" << vA << ") in non-range invoke)";
-    return false;
-  }
-  for (idx = 0; idx < vA; idx++) {
-    if (arg[idx] > registers_size) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid reg index (" << arg[idx]
-                 << ") in non-range invoke (> " << registers_size << ")";
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  return true;
-bool DexVerifier::CheckVarArgRangeRegs(const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,
-    uint32_t vA, uint32_t vC) {
-  uint16_t registers_size = code_item->registers_size_;
-  /*
-   * vA/vC are unsigned 8-bit/16-bit quantities for /range instructions,
-   * so there's no risk of integer overflow when adding them here.
-   */
-  if (vA + vC > registers_size) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid reg index " << vA << "+" << vC
-               << " in range invoke (> " << registers_size << ")";
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-bool DexVerifier::CheckSwitchTargets(const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,
-    InsnFlags insn_flags[], uint32_t cur_offset) {
-  const uint32_t insn_count = code_item->insns_size_;
-  const uint16_t* insns = code_item->insns_ + cur_offset;
-  const uint16_t* switch_insns;
-  uint16_t expected_signature;
-  uint32_t switch_count, table_size;
-  int32_t switch_offset, keys_offset, targets_offset;
-  int32_t offset, abs_offset;
-  uint32_t targ;
+  const uint16_t* insns = code_item_->insns_ + cur_offset;
   /* make sure the start of the switch is in range */
-  switch_offset = insns[1] | ((int32_t) insns[2]) << 16;
-  if ((int32_t) cur_offset + switch_offset < 0 ||
-      cur_offset + switch_offset + 2 >= insn_count) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid switch start: at " << cur_offset
-               << ", switch offset " << switch_offset << ", count "
-               << insn_count;
+  int32_t switch_offset = insns[1] | ((int32_t) insns[2]) << 16;
+  if ((int32_t) cur_offset + switch_offset < 0 || cur_offset + switch_offset + 2 >= insn_count) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "invalid switch start: at " << cur_offset
+                               << ", switch offset " << switch_offset << ", count " << insn_count;
     return false;
   /* offset to switch table is a relative branch-style offset */
-  switch_insns = insns + switch_offset;
+  const uint16_t* switch_insns = insns + switch_offset;
   /* make sure the table is 32-bit aligned */
   if ((((uint32_t) switch_insns) & 0x03) != 0) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: unaligned switch table: at " << cur_offset
-               << ", switch offset " << switch_offset;
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "unaligned switch table: at " << cur_offset
+                               << ", switch offset " << switch_offset;
     return false;
-  switch_count = switch_insns[1];
+  uint32_t switch_count = switch_insns[1];
+  int32_t keys_offset, targets_offset;
+  uint16_t expected_signature;
   if ((*insns & 0xff) == Instruction::PACKED_SWITCH) {
     /* 0=sig, 1=count, 2/3=firstKey */
     targets_offset = 4;
@@ -729,543 +1309,301 @@
     targets_offset = 2 + 2 * switch_count;
     expected_signature = Instruction::kSparseSwitchSignature;
-  table_size = targets_offset + switch_count * 2;
+  uint32_t table_size = targets_offset + switch_count * 2;
   if (switch_insns[0] != expected_signature) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: wrong signature for switch table (0x" << std::hex
-               << switch_insns[0] << ", wanted 0x" << expected_signature << ")"
-               << std::dec;
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "wrong signature for switch table (" << (void*) switch_insns[0]
+                               << ", wanted " << (void*) expected_signature << ")";
     return false;
   /* make sure the end of the switch is in range */
   if (cur_offset + switch_offset + table_size > (uint32_t) insn_count) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid switch end: at " << cur_offset
-                 << ", switch offset " << switch_offset << ", end "
-                 << cur_offset + switch_offset + table_size << ", count "
-                 << insn_count;
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "invalid switch end: at " << cur_offset << ", switch offset "
+                               << switch_offset << ", end "
+                               << (cur_offset + switch_offset + table_size)
+                               << ", count " << insn_count;
     return false;
   /* for a sparse switch, verify the keys are in ascending order */
   if (keys_offset > 0 && switch_count > 1) {
-    int32_t last_key;
-    last_key = switch_insns[keys_offset] |
-               (switch_insns[keys_offset + 1] << 16);
-    for (targ = 1; targ < switch_count; targ++) {
+    int32_t last_key = switch_insns[keys_offset] | (switch_insns[keys_offset + 1] << 16);
+    for (uint32_t targ = 1; targ < switch_count; targ++) {
       int32_t key = (int32_t) switch_insns[keys_offset + targ * 2] |
                     (int32_t) (switch_insns[keys_offset + targ * 2 + 1] << 16);
       if (key <= last_key) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid packed switch: last key=" << last_key
-                   << ", this=" << key;
+        Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "invalid packed switch: last key=" << last_key
+                                   << ", this=" << key;
         return false;
       last_key = key;
   /* verify each switch target */
-  for (targ = 0; targ < switch_count; targ++) {
-    offset = (int32_t) switch_insns[targets_offset + targ * 2] |
-             (int32_t) (switch_insns[targets_offset + targ * 2 + 1] << 16);
-    abs_offset = cur_offset + offset;
-    if (abs_offset < 0 || abs_offset >= (int32_t) insn_count ||
-        !InsnIsOpcode(insn_flags, abs_offset)) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid switch target " << offset << " (-> "
-                 << std::hex << abs_offset << ") at " << cur_offset << std::dec
-                 << "[" << targ << "]";
+  for (uint32_t targ = 0; targ < switch_count; targ++) {
+    int32_t offset = (int32_t) switch_insns[targets_offset + targ * 2] |
+                     (int32_t) (switch_insns[targets_offset + targ * 2 + 1] << 16);
+    int32_t abs_offset = cur_offset + offset;
+    if (abs_offset < 0 || abs_offset >= (int32_t) insn_count || !insn_flags_[abs_offset].IsOpcode()) {
+      Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "invalid switch target " << offset << " (-> "
+                                 << (void*) abs_offset << ") at "
+                                 << (void*) cur_offset << "[" << targ << "]";
       return false;
-    InsnSetBranchTarget(insn_flags, abs_offset);
+    insn_flags_[abs_offset].SetBranchTarget();
+  }
+  return true;
+bool DexVerifier::CheckVarArgRegs(uint32_t vA, uint32_t arg[]) {
+  if (vA > 5) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "invalid arg count (" << vA << ") in non-range invoke)";
+    return false;
+  }
+  uint16_t registers_size = code_item_->registers_size_;
+  for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < vA; idx++) {
+    if (arg[idx] > registers_size) {
+      Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "invalid reg index (" << arg[idx]
+                                 << ") in non-range invoke (> " << registers_size << ")";
+      return false;
+    }
   return true;
-bool DexVerifier::CheckBranchTarget(const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,
-    InsnFlags insn_flags[], uint32_t cur_offset) {
-  const uint32_t insn_count = code_item->insns_size_;
-  int32_t offset, abs_offset;
-  bool isConditional, selfOkay;
-  if (!GetBranchOffset(code_item, insn_flags, cur_offset, &offset,
-                       &isConditional, &selfOkay))
-    return false;
-  if (!selfOkay && offset == 0) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: branch offset of zero not allowed at" << std::hex
-               << cur_offset << std::dec;
+bool DexVerifier::CheckVarArgRangeRegs(uint32_t vA, uint32_t vC) {
+  uint16_t registers_size = code_item_->registers_size_;
+  // vA/vC are unsigned 8-bit/16-bit quantities for /range instructions, so there's no risk of
+  // integer overflow when adding them here.
+  if (vA + vC > registers_size) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "invalid reg index " << vA << "+" << vC << " in range invoke (> "
+                               << registers_size << ")";
     return false;
-  /*
-   * Check for 32-bit overflow. This isn't strictly necessary if we can
-   * depend on the VM to have identical "wrap-around" behavior, but
-   * it's unwise to depend on that.
-   */
-  if (((int64_t) cur_offset + (int64_t) offset) !=
-      (int64_t) (cur_offset + offset)) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: branch target overflow " << std::hex << cur_offset
-               << std::dec << " +" << offset;
-    return false;
-  }
-  abs_offset = cur_offset + offset;
-  if (abs_offset < 0 || (uint32_t) abs_offset >= insn_count ||
-      !InsnIsOpcode(insn_flags, abs_offset))
-  {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid branch target " << offset << " (-> "
-               << std::hex << abs_offset << ") at " << cur_offset << std::dec;
-    return false;
-  }
-  InsnSetBranchTarget(insn_flags, abs_offset);
   return true;
-bool DexVerifier::InitRegisterTable(VerifierData* vdata,
-    RegisterTable* reg_table, RegisterTrackingMode track_regs_for) {
-  const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item = vdata->code_item_;
-  InsnFlags* insn_flags = vdata->insn_flags_.get();
-  uint16_t registers_size = code_item->registers_size_;
-  uint32_t insns_size = code_item->insns_size_;
-  uint32_t i;
+bool DexVerifier::VerifyCodeFlow() {
+  uint16_t registers_size = code_item_->registers_size_;
+  uint32_t insns_size = code_item_->insns_size_in_code_units_;
-  /*
-   * Every address gets a RegisterLine struct. This is wasteful, but
-   * not so much that it's worth chasing through an extra level of
-   * indirection.
-   */
-  reg_table->insn_reg_count_plus_ = registers_size + kExtraRegs;
-  reg_table->register_lines_.reset(new RegisterLine[insns_size]());
+  if (registers_size * insns_size > 4*1024*1024) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "warning: method is huge (regs=" << registers_size
+                               << " insns_size=" << insns_size << ")";
+  }
+  /* Create and initialize table holding register status */
+  reg_table_.Init(PcToRegisterLineTable::kTrackRegsGcPoints, insn_flags_.get(), insns_size,
+                  registers_size, this);
-  DCHECK_GT(insns_size, 0U);
+  work_line_.reset(new RegisterLine(registers_size, this));
+  saved_line_.reset(new RegisterLine(registers_size, this));
-  bool track_monitors;
-  //if (gDvm.monitorVerification) {
-    //track_monitors = (vdata->monitor_enter_count_ != 0);
-  //} else {
-    track_monitors = false;
-  //}
-  /*
-   * Allocate entries in the sparse register line table.
-   *
-   * There is a RegisterLine associated with every address, but not
-   * every RegisterLine has non-NULL pointers to storage for its fields.
-   */
-  for (i = 0; i < insns_size; i++) {
-    bool interesting;
-    switch (track_regs_for) {
-      case kTrackRegsAll:
-        interesting = InsnIsOpcode(insn_flags, i);
-        break;
-      case kTrackRegsGcPoints:
-        interesting = InsnIsGcPoint(insn_flags, i) ||
-                      InsnIsBranchTarget(insn_flags, i);
-        break;
-      case kTrackRegsBranches:
-        interesting = InsnIsBranchTarget(insn_flags, i);
-        break;
-      default:
-        return false;
-    }
-    if (interesting) {
-      reg_table->register_lines_[i].Alloc(reg_table->insn_reg_count_plus_,
-          track_monitors);
-    }
+  /* Initialize register types of method arguments. */
+  if (!SetTypesFromSignature()) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "bad signature in " << PrettyMethod(method_);
+    return false;
+  }
+  /* Perform code flow verification. */
+  if (!CodeFlowVerifyMethod()) {
+    return false;
-  /*
-   * Allocate space for our "temporary" register lines.
-   */
-  reg_table->work_line_.Alloc(reg_table->insn_reg_count_plus_, track_monitors);
-  reg_table->saved_line_.Alloc(reg_table->insn_reg_count_plus_, track_monitors);
+  /* Generate a register map and add it to the method. */
+  ByteArray* map = GenerateGcMap();
+  if (map == NULL) {
+    return false;  // Not a real failure, but a failure to encode
+  }
+  method_->SetGcMap(map);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  VerifyGcMap();
   return true;
-DexVerifier::UninitInstanceMap* DexVerifier::CreateUninitInstanceMap(
-    VerifierData* vdata) {
-  Method* method = vdata->method_;
-  const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item = vdata->code_item_;
-  size_t new_instance_count = vdata->new_instance_count_;
-  if (IsInitMethod(method)) {
-    new_instance_count++;
+void DexVerifier::Dump(std::ostream& os) {
+  if (method_->IsNative()) {
+    os << "Native method" << std::endl;
+    return;
-  /*
-   * Allocate the header and map as a single unit.
-   *
-   * TODO: consider having a static instance so we can avoid allocations.
-   * I don't think the verifier is guaranteed to be single-threaded when
-   * running in the VM (rather than dexopt), so that must be taken into
-   * account.
-   */
-  UninitInstanceMap* uninit_map = new UninitInstanceMap(new_instance_count);
-  size_t idx = 0;
-  if (IsInitMethod(method)) {
-    uninit_map->map_[idx++].addr_ = kUninitThisArgAddr;
-  }
-  /*
-   * Run through and find the new-instance instructions.
-   */
-  uint32_t addr = 0;
-  uint32_t insns_size = code_item->insns_size_;
-  const byte* ptr = reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(code_item->insns_);
-  const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(ptr);
-  while (addr < insns_size) {
-    Instruction::Code opcode = inst->Opcode();
-    if (opcode == Instruction::NEW_INSTANCE) {
-      uninit_map->map_[idx++].addr_ = addr;
+  DCHECK(code_item_ != NULL);
+  const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(code_item_->insns_);
+  for (size_t dex_pc = 0; dex_pc < code_item_->insns_size_in_code_units_;
+      dex_pc += insn_flags_[dex_pc].GetLengthInCodeUnits()) {
+    std::ios::fmtflags saved_flags(os.flags());
+    os << std::hex << std::showbase << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << dex_pc << ": ";
+    os.flags(saved_flags);
+    insn_flags_[dex_pc].Dump(os);
+    os << " ";
+    inst->DumpHex(os, 5);
+    os << " ";
+    inst->Dump(os, dex_file_);
+    os << std::endl;
+    RegisterLine* reg_line = reg_table_.GetLine(dex_pc);
+    if (reg_line != NULL) {
+      reg_line->Dump(os);
+      os << std::endl;
-    addr += inst->Size();
     inst = inst->Next();
-  CHECK_EQ(idx, new_instance_count);
-  return uninit_map;
-bool DexVerifier::IsInitMethod(const Method* method) {
-  return (method->GetName()->Equals("<init>"));
-Class* DexVerifier::LookupClassByDescriptor(const Method* method,
-    const char* descriptor, VerifyError* failure) {
-  /*
-   * The compiler occasionally puts references to nonexistent classes in
-   * signatures. For example, if you have a non-static inner class with no
-   * constructor, the compiler provides a private <init> for you.
-   * Constructing the class requires <init>(parent), but the outer class can't
-   * call that because the method is private. So the compiler generates a
-   * package-scope <init>(parent,bogus) method that just calls the regular
-   * <init> (the "bogus" part being necessary to distinguish the signature of
-   * the synthetic method). Treating the bogus class as an instance of
-   * java.lang.Object allows the verifier to process the class successfully.
-   */
-  ClassLinker* class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
-  const ClassLoader* class_loader =
-      method->GetDeclaringClass()->GetClassLoader();
-  Class* klass = class_linker->FindClass(descriptor, class_loader);
-  if (klass == NULL) {
-    Thread::Current()->ClearException();
-    if (strchr(descriptor, '$') != NULL) {
-      LOG(INFO) << "VFY: unable to find class referenced in signature ("
-                << descriptor << ")";
-    } else {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: unable to find class referenced in signature ("
-                 << descriptor << ")";
-    }
-    /* Check if the descriptor is an array. */
-    if (descriptor[0] == '[' && descriptor[1] != '\0') {
-      /*
-       * There should never be a problem loading primitive arrays.
-       */
-      if (descriptor[1] != 'L' && descriptor[1] != '[') {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid char in signature in '" << descriptor
-                   << "'";
-        *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-      }
-      /*
-       * Try to continue with base array type. This will let us pass basic
-       * stuff (e.g. get array len) that wouldn't fly with an Object. This
-       * is NOT correct if the missing type is a primitive array, but we
-       * should never have a problem loading those. (I'm not convinced this
-       * is correct or even useful. Just use Object here?)
-       */
-      klass = class_linker->FindClass("[Ljava/lang/Object;", class_loader);
-    } else if (descriptor[0] == 'L') {
-      /*
-       * We are looking at a non-array reference descriptor;
-       * try to continue with base reference type.
-       */
-      klass = class_linker->FindSystemClass("Ljava/lang/Object;");
-    } else {
-      /* We are looking at a primitive type. */
-      LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid char in signature in '" << descriptor << "'";
-      *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-    }
-    if (klass == NULL) {
-      *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-    }
-  }
-  if (klass->IsPrimitive()) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid use of primitive type '" << descriptor << "'";
-    *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-    klass = NULL;
-  }
-  return klass;
-Class* DexVerifier::LookupSignatureClass(const Method* method, std::string sig,
-    VerifyError* failure) {
-  DCHECK_EQ(sig[0], 'L');
-  size_t end = sig.find(';');
-  if (end == std::string::npos) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: bad signature component '" << sig << "' (missing ';')";
-    *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  return LookupClassByDescriptor(method, sig.substr(0, end + 1).c_str(),
-      failure);
-Class* DexVerifier::LookupSignatureArrayClass(const Method* method,
-    std::string sig, VerifyError* failure) {
-  DCHECK_EQ(sig[0], '[');
-  size_t end = 0;
-  while (sig[end] == '[')
-    end++;
-  if (sig[end] == 'L') {
-    end = sig.find(';');
-    if (end == std::string::npos) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: bad signature component '" << sig
-                 << "' (missing ';')";
-      *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-      return NULL;
-    }
-  }
-  return LookupClassByDescriptor(method, sig.substr(0, end + 1).c_str(),
-      failure);
-bool DexVerifier::SetTypesFromSignature(VerifierData* vdata, RegType* reg_types)
-  Method* method = vdata->method_;
-  const DexFile* dex_file = vdata->dex_file_;
-  const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item = vdata->code_item_;
-  UninitInstanceMap* uninit_map = vdata->uninit_map_.get();
-  int arg_start = code_item->registers_size_ - code_item->ins_size_;
-  int expected_args = code_item->ins_size_;   /* long/double count as two */
-  int actual_args = 0;
-  DCHECK_GE(arg_start, 0);      /* should have been verified earlier */
-  /*
-   * Include the "this" pointer.
-   */
-  if (!method->IsStatic()) {
-    /*
-     * If this is a constructor for a class other than java.lang.Object,
-     * mark the first ("this") argument as uninitialized. This restricts
-     * field access until the superclass constructor is called.
-     */
-    ClassLinker* class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
-    Class* klass_object = class_linker->FindSystemClass("Ljava/lang/Object;");
-    if (IsInitMethod(method) && method->GetDeclaringClass() != klass_object) {
-      int idx = SetUninitInstance(uninit_map, kUninitThisArgAddr,
-          method->GetDeclaringClass());
-      DCHECK_EQ(idx, 0);
-      reg_types[arg_start + actual_args] = RegTypeFromUninitIndex(idx);
-    } else {
-      reg_types[arg_start + actual_args] =
-          RegTypeFromClass(method->GetDeclaringClass());
-    }
-    actual_args++;
-  }
-  const DexFile::ProtoId& proto_id =
-      dex_file->GetProtoId(method->GetProtoIdx());
-  DexFile::ParameterIterator iterator(*dex_file, proto_id);
-  VerifyError failure = VERIFY_ERROR_NONE;
-  for (; iterator.HasNext(); iterator.Next()) {
-    const char* descriptor = iterator.GetDescriptor();
-    if (descriptor == NULL) {
-      break;
-    }
-    if (actual_args >= expected_args) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: expected " << expected_args << " args, found more ("
-                 << descriptor << ")";
-      return false;
-    }
-    switch (*descriptor) {
-      case 'L':
-      case '[':
-        /*
-         * We assume that reference arguments are initialized. The only way
-         * it could be otherwise (assuming the caller was verified) is if
-         * the current method is <init>, but in that case it's effectively
-         * considered initialized the instant we reach here (in the sense
-         * that we can return without doing anything or call virtual methods).
-         */
-        {
-          Class* klass =
-              LookupClassByDescriptor(method, descriptor, &failure);
-          if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-            return false;
-          reg_types[arg_start + actual_args] = RegTypeFromClass(klass);
-        }
-        actual_args++;
-        break;
-      case 'Z':
-        reg_types[arg_start + actual_args] = kRegTypeBoolean;
-        actual_args++;
-        break;
-      case 'C':
-        reg_types[arg_start + actual_args] = kRegTypeChar;
-        actual_args++;
-        break;
-      case 'B':
-        reg_types[arg_start + actual_args] = kRegTypeByte;
-        actual_args++;
-        break;
-      case 'I':
-        reg_types[arg_start + actual_args] = kRegTypeInteger;
-        actual_args++;
-        break;
-      case 'S':
-        reg_types[arg_start + actual_args] = kRegTypeShort;
-        actual_args++;
-        break;
-      case 'F':
-        reg_types[arg_start + actual_args] = kRegTypeFloat;
-        actual_args++;
-        break;
-      case 'D':
-        reg_types[arg_start + actual_args] = kRegTypeDoubleLo;
-        reg_types[arg_start + actual_args +1] = kRegTypeDoubleHi;
-        actual_args += 2;
-        break;
-      case 'J':
-        reg_types[arg_start + actual_args] = kRegTypeLongLo;
-        reg_types[arg_start + actual_args +1] = kRegTypeLongHi;
-        actual_args += 2;
-        break;
-      default:
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: unexpected signature type char '" << descriptor
-                   << "'";
-        return false;
-    }
-  }
-  if (actual_args != expected_args) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: expected " << expected_args << " args, found "
-               << actual_args;
-    return false;
-  }
-  const char* descriptor = dex_file->GetReturnTypeDescriptor(proto_id);
-  /*
-   * Validate return type. We don't do the type lookup; just want to make
-   * sure that it has the right format. Only major difference from the
-   * method argument format is that 'V' is supported.
-   */
-  switch (*descriptor) {
+static bool IsPrimitiveDescriptor(char descriptor) {
+  switch (descriptor) {
     case 'I':
     case 'C':
     case 'S':
     case 'B':
     case 'Z':
-    case 'V':
     case 'F':
     case 'D':
     case 'J':
-      if (*(descriptor + 1) != '\0')
-        return false;
-      break;
-    case '[':
-      /* single/multi, object/primitive */
-      while (*++descriptor == '[')
-        ;
-      if (*descriptor == 'L') {
-        while (*++descriptor != ';' && *descriptor != '\0')
-          ;
-        if (*descriptor != ';')
-          return false;
-      } else {
-        if (*(descriptor+1) != '\0')
-          return false;
-      }
-      break;
-    case 'L':
-      /* could be more thorough here, but shouldn't be required */
-      while (*++descriptor != ';' && *descriptor != '\0')
-        ;
-      if (*descriptor != ';')
-        return false;
-      break;
+      return true;
       return false;
-  return true;
-int DexVerifier::SetUninitInstance(UninitInstanceMap* uninit_map, int addr,
-    Class* klass) {
-  int idx;
-  DCHECK(klass != NULL);
+bool DexVerifier::SetTypesFromSignature() {
+  RegisterLine* reg_line = reg_table_.GetLine(0);
+  int arg_start = code_item_->registers_size_ - code_item_->ins_size_;
+  size_t expected_args = code_item_->ins_size_;   /* long/double count as two */
-  /* TODO: binary search when num_entries > 8 */
-  for (idx = uninit_map->num_entries_ - 1; idx >= 0; idx--) {
-    if (uninit_map->map_[idx].addr_ == addr) {
-      if (uninit_map->map_[idx].klass_ != NULL &&
-          uninit_map->map_[idx].klass_ != klass) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: addr " << addr << " already set to "
-                   << (int) uninit_map->map_[idx].klass_ << ", not setting to "
-                   << (int) klass;
-        return -1;          // already set to something else??
-      }
-      uninit_map->map_[idx].klass_ = klass;
-      return idx;
+  DCHECK_GE(arg_start, 0);      /* should have been verified earlier */
+  //Include the "this" pointer.
+  size_t cur_arg = 0;
+  if (!method_->IsStatic()) {
+    // If this is a constructor for a class other than java.lang.Object, mark the first ("this")
+    // argument as uninitialized. This restricts field access until the superclass constructor is
+    // called.
+    Class* declaring_class = method_->GetDeclaringClass();
+    if (method_->IsConstructor() && !declaring_class->IsObjectClass()) {
+      reg_line->SetRegisterType(arg_start + cur_arg,
+                                reg_types_.UninitializedThisArgument(declaring_class));
+    } else {
+      reg_line->SetRegisterType(arg_start + cur_arg, reg_types_.FromClass(declaring_class));
+    cur_arg++;
-  LOG(FATAL) << "VFY: addr " << addr << " not found in uninit map";
-  return -1;
+  const DexFile::ProtoId& proto_id = dex_file_->GetProtoId(method_->GetProtoIdx());
+  DexFile::ParameterIterator iterator(*dex_file_, proto_id);
+  for (; iterator.HasNext(); iterator.Next()) {
+    const char* descriptor = iterator.GetDescriptor();
+    if (descriptor == NULL) {
+      LOG(FATAL) << "Null descriptor";
+    }
+    if (cur_arg >= expected_args) {
+      Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "expected " << expected_args
+                                 << " args, found more (" << descriptor << ")";
+      return false;
+    }
+    switch (descriptor[0]) {
+      case 'L':
+      case '[':
+        // We assume that reference arguments are initialized. The only way it could be otherwise
+        // (assuming the caller was verified) is if the current method is <init>, but in that case
+        // it's effectively considered initialized the instant we reach here (in the sense that we
+        // can return without doing anything or call virtual methods).
+        {
+          const RegType& reg_type =
+              reg_types_.FromDescriptor(method_->GetDeclaringClass()->GetClassLoader(), descriptor);
+          if (reg_type.IsUnknown()) {
+            DCHECK(Thread::Current()->IsExceptionPending());
+            Thread::Current()->ClearException();
+            Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC)
+                << "Unable to resolve descriptor in signature " << descriptor;
+            return false;
+          }
+          reg_line->SetRegisterType(arg_start + cur_arg, reg_type);
+        }
+        break;
+      case 'Z':
+        reg_line->SetRegisterType(arg_start + cur_arg, reg_types_.Boolean());
+        break;
+      case 'C':
+        reg_line->SetRegisterType(arg_start + cur_arg, reg_types_.Char());
+        break;
+      case 'B':
+        reg_line->SetRegisterType(arg_start + cur_arg, reg_types_.Byte());
+        break;
+      case 'I':
+        reg_line->SetRegisterType(arg_start + cur_arg, reg_types_.Integer());
+        break;
+      case 'S':
+        reg_line->SetRegisterType(arg_start + cur_arg, reg_types_.Short());
+        break;
+      case 'F':
+        reg_line->SetRegisterType(arg_start + cur_arg, reg_types_.Float());
+        break;
+      case 'J':
+      case 'D': {
+        const RegType& low_half = descriptor[0] == 'J' ? reg_types_.Long() : reg_types_.Double();
+        reg_line->SetRegisterType(arg_start + cur_arg, low_half);  // implicitly sets high-register
+        cur_arg++;
+        break;
+      }
+      default:
+        Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "unexpected signature type char '" << descriptor << "'";
+        return false;
+    }
+    cur_arg++;
+  }
+  if (cur_arg != expected_args) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "expected " << expected_args << " arguments, found " << cur_arg;
+    return false;
+  }
+  const char* descriptor = dex_file_->GetReturnTypeDescriptor(proto_id);
+  // Validate return type. We don't do the type lookup; just want to make sure that it has the right
+  // format. Only major difference from the method argument format is that 'V' is supported.
+  bool result;
+  if (IsPrimitiveDescriptor(descriptor[0]) || descriptor[0] == 'V') {
+    result = descriptor[1] == '\0';
+  } else if (descriptor[0] == '[') { // single/multi-dimensional array of object/primitive
+    size_t i = 0;
+    do {
+      i++;
+    } while (descriptor[i] == '[');  // process leading [
+    if (descriptor[i] == 'L') {  // object array
+      do {
+        i++;  // find closing ;
+      } while (descriptor[i] != ';' && descriptor[i] != '\0');
+      result = descriptor[i] == ';';
+    } else {  // primitive array
+      result = IsPrimitiveDescriptor(descriptor[i]) && descriptor[i + 1] == '\0';
+    }
+  } else if (descriptor[0] == 'L') {
+    // could be more thorough here, but shouldn't be required
+    size_t i = 0;
+    do {
+      i++;
+    } while (descriptor[i] != ';' && descriptor[i] != '\0');
+    result = descriptor[i] == ';';
+  } else {
+    result = false;
+  }
+  if (!result) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "unexpected char in return type descriptor '"
+                               << descriptor << "'";
+  }
+  return result;
-bool DexVerifier::CodeFlowVerifyMethod(VerifierData* vdata,
-    RegisterTable* reg_table) {
-  const Method* method = vdata->method_;
-  const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item = vdata->code_item_;
-  InsnFlags* insn_flags = vdata->insn_flags_.get();
-  const uint16_t* insns = code_item->insns_;
-  uint32_t insns_size = code_item->insns_size_;
-  size_t insn_idx, start_guess;
+bool DexVerifier::CodeFlowVerifyMethod() {
+  const uint16_t* insns = code_item_->insns_;
+  const uint32_t insns_size = code_item_->insns_size_in_code_units_;
   /* Begin by marking the first instruction as "changed". */
-  InsnSetChanged(insn_flags, 0, true);
-  start_guess = 0;
+  insn_flags_[0].SetChanged();
+  uint32_t start_guess = 0;
   /* Continue until no instructions are marked "changed". */
   while (true) {
-    /*
-     * Find the first marked one. Use "start_guess" as a way to find
-     * one quickly.
-     */
-    for (insn_idx = start_guess; insn_idx < insns_size; insn_idx++) {
-      if (InsnIsChanged(insn_flags, insn_idx))
+    // Find the first marked one. Use "start_guess" as a way to find one quickly.
+    uint32_t insn_idx = start_guess;
+    for (; insn_idx < insns_size; insn_idx++) {
+      if (insn_flags_[insn_idx].IsChanged())
     if (insn_idx == insns_size) {
       if (start_guess != 0) {
         /* try again, starting from the top */
@@ -1276,45 +1614,44 @@
-    /*
-     * We carry the working set of registers from instruction to instruction.
-     * If this address can be the target of a branch (or throw) instruction,
-     * or if we're skipping around chasing "changed" flags, we need to load
-     * the set of registers from the table.
-     *
-     * Because we always prefer to continue on to the next instruction, we
-     * should never have a situation where we have a stray "changed" flag set
-     * on an instruction that isn't a branch target.
-     */
-    if (InsnIsBranchTarget(insn_flags, insn_idx)) {
-      RegisterLine* work_line = &reg_table->work_line_;
-      CopyLineFromTable(work_line, reg_table, insn_idx);
+    // We carry the working set of registers from instruction to instruction. If this address can
+    // be the target of a branch (or throw) instruction, or if we're skipping around chasing
+    // "changed" flags, we need to load the set of registers from the table.
+    // Because we always prefer to continue on to the next instruction, we should never have a
+    // situation where we have a stray "changed" flag set on an instruction that isn't a branch
+    // target.
+    work_insn_idx_ = insn_idx;
+    if (insn_flags_[insn_idx].IsBranchTarget()) {
+      work_line_->CopyFromLine(reg_table_.GetLine(insn_idx));
     } else {
 #ifndef NDEBUG
        * Sanity check: retrieve the stored register line (assuming
        * a full table) and make sure it actually matches.
-      RegisterLine* register_line = GetRegisterLine(reg_table, insn_idx);
-      if (register_line->reg_types_.get() != NULL && CompareLineToTable(reg_table,
-          insn_idx, &reg_table->work_line_) != 0) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "HUH? work_line diverged in " << PrettyMethod(method);
+      RegisterLine* register_line = reg_table_.GetLine(insn_idx);
+      if (register_line != NULL) {
+        if (work_line_->CompareLine(register_line) != 0) {
+          Dump(std::cout);
+          std::cout << info_messages_.str();
+          LOG(FATAL) << "work_line diverged in " << PrettyMethod(method_)
+              << "@" << (void*)work_insn_idx_ << std::endl
+              << " work_line=" << *work_line_ << std::endl
+              << "  expected=" << *register_line;
+        }
-    if (!CodeFlowVerifyInstruction(vdata, reg_table, insn_idx, &start_guess)) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: failure to verify " << PrettyMethod(method);
+    if (!CodeFlowVerifyInstruction(&start_guess)) {
+      fail_messages_ << std::endl << PrettyMethod(method_) << " failed to verify";
       return false;
     /* Clear "changed" and mark as visited. */
-    InsnSetVisited(insn_flags, insn_idx, true);
-    InsnSetChanged(insn_flags, insn_idx, false);
+    insn_flags_[insn_idx].SetVisited();
+    insn_flags_[insn_idx].ClearChanged();
-  if (DEAD_CODE_SCAN && ((method->GetAccessFlags() & kAccWritable) == 0)) {
+  if (DEAD_CODE_SCAN && ((method_->GetAccessFlags() & kAccWritable) == 0)) {
      * Scan for dead code. There's nothing "evil" about dead code
      * (besides the wasted space), but it indicates a flaw somewhere
@@ -1324,8 +1661,8 @@
      * we are almost certainly going to have some dead code.
     int dead_start = -1;
-    for (insn_idx = 0; insn_idx < insns_size;
-         insn_idx += InsnGetWidth(insn_flags, insn_idx)) {
+    uint32_t insn_idx = 0;
+    for (; insn_idx < insns_size; insn_idx += insn_flags_[insn_idx].GetLengthInCodeUnits()) {
        * Switch-statement data doesn't get "visited" by scanner. It
        * may or may not be preceded by a padding NOP (for alignment).
@@ -1337,41 +1674,27 @@
            (insns[insn_idx + 1] == Instruction::kPackedSwitchSignature ||
             insns[insn_idx + 1] == Instruction::kSparseSwitchSignature ||
             insns[insn_idx + 1] == Instruction::kArrayDataSignature))) {
-        InsnSetVisited(insn_flags, insn_idx, true);
+        insn_flags_[insn_idx].SetVisited();
-      if (!InsnIsVisited(insn_flags, insn_idx)) {
+      if (!insn_flags_[insn_idx].IsVisited()) {
         if (dead_start < 0)
           dead_start = insn_idx;
       } else if (dead_start >= 0) {
-        LOG(INFO) << "VFY: dead code 0x" << std::hex << dead_start << "-"
-                  << insn_idx - 1 << std::dec << " in " << PrettyMethod(method);
+        LogVerifyInfo() << "dead code " << (void*) dead_start << "-" << (void*) (insn_idx - 1);
         dead_start = -1;
     if (dead_start >= 0) {
-      LOG(INFO) << "VFY: dead code 0x" << std::hex << dead_start << "-"
-                << insn_idx - 1 << std::dec << " in " << PrettyMethod(method);
+      LogVerifyInfo() << "dead code " << (void*) dead_start << "-" << (void*) (insn_idx - 1);
   return true;
-bool DexVerifier::CodeFlowVerifyInstruction(VerifierData* vdata,
-    RegisterTable* reg_table, uint32_t insn_idx, size_t* start_guess) {
-  const Method* method = vdata->method_;
-  Class* klass = method->GetDeclaringClass();
-  const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item = vdata->code_item_;
-  InsnFlags* insn_flags = vdata->insn_flags_.get();
-  ClassLinker* class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
-  UninitInstanceMap* uninit_map = vdata->uninit_map_.get();
-  const uint16_t* insns = code_item->insns_ + insn_idx;
-  uint32_t insns_size = code_item->insns_size_;
-  uint32_t registers_size = code_item->registers_size_;
+bool DexVerifier::CodeFlowVerifyInstruction(uint32_t* start_guess) {
-  if (InsnIsVisited(insn_flags, insn_idx)) {
+  if (CurrentInsnFlags().IsVisited()) {
   } else {
@@ -1396,18 +1719,17 @@
    * The behavior can be determined from the OpcodeFlags.
-  RegisterLine* work_line = &reg_table->work_line_;
-  const DexFile* dex_file = vdata->dex_file_;
-  const byte* ptr = reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(insns);
-  const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(ptr);
+  const uint16_t* insns = code_item_->insns_ + work_insn_idx_;
+  const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(insns);
   Instruction::DecodedInstruction dec_insn(inst);
   int opcode_flag = inst->Flag();
-  Class* res_class;
   int32_t branch_target = 0;
-  RegType tmp_type;
   bool just_set_result = false;
-  VerifyError failure = VERIFY_ERROR_NONE;
+  if (false) {
+    // Generate processing back trace to debug verifier
+    LogVerifyInfo() << "Processing " << *inst << std::endl << *work_line_.get();
+  }
    * Make a copy of the previous register state. If the instruction
@@ -1416,14 +1738,11 @@
    * from the "successful" code path (e.g. a check-cast that "improves"
    * a type) to be visible to the exception handler.
-  if ((opcode_flag & Instruction::kThrow) != 0 &&
-      InsnIsInTry(insn_flags, insn_idx)) {
-    CopyRegisterLine(&reg_table->saved_line_, work_line,
-        reg_table->insn_reg_count_plus_);
+  if ((opcode_flag & Instruction::kThrow) != 0 && CurrentInsnFlags().IsInTry()) {
+    saved_line_->CopyFromLine(work_line_.get());
   } else {
 #ifndef NDEBUG
-    memset(reg_table->saved_line_.reg_types_.get(), 0xdd,
-        reg_table->insn_reg_count_plus_ * sizeof(RegType));
+    saved_line_->FillWithGarbage();
@@ -1435,27 +1754,24 @@
        * the course of executing code then we have a problem.
       if (dec_insn.vA_ != 0) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: encountered data table in instruction stream";
-        failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
+        Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "encountered data table in instruction stream";
     case Instruction::MOVE:
     case Instruction::MOVE_FROM16:
     case Instruction::MOVE_16:
-      CopyRegister1(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, dec_insn.vB_, kTypeCategory1nr,
-          &failure);
+      work_line_->CopyRegister1(dec_insn.vA_, dec_insn.vB_, kTypeCategory1nr);
     case Instruction::MOVE_WIDE:
     case Instruction::MOVE_WIDE_FROM16:
     case Instruction::MOVE_WIDE_16:
-      CopyRegister2(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, dec_insn.vB_, &failure);
+      work_line_->CopyRegister2(dec_insn.vA_, dec_insn.vB_);
     case Instruction::MOVE_OBJECT:
     case Instruction::MOVE_OBJECT_FROM16:
     case Instruction::MOVE_OBJECT_16:
-      CopyRegister1(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, dec_insn.vB_, kTypeCategoryRef,
-          &failure);
+      work_line_->CopyRegister1(dec_insn.vA_, dec_insn.vB_, kTypeCategoryRef);
@@ -1470,133 +1786,94 @@
      * easier to read in some cases.)
     case Instruction::MOVE_RESULT:
-      CopyResultRegister1(work_line, registers_size, dec_insn.vA_,
-          kTypeCategory1nr, &failure);
+      work_line_->CopyResultRegister1(dec_insn.vA_, false);
     case Instruction::MOVE_RESULT_WIDE:
-      CopyResultRegister2(work_line, registers_size, dec_insn.vA_, &failure);
+      work_line_->CopyResultRegister2(dec_insn.vA_);
     case Instruction::MOVE_RESULT_OBJECT:
-      CopyResultRegister1(work_line, registers_size, dec_insn.vA_,
-          kTypeCategoryRef, &failure);
+      work_line_->CopyResultRegister1(dec_insn.vA_, true);
-    case Instruction::MOVE_EXCEPTION:
+    case Instruction::MOVE_EXCEPTION: {
-       * This statement can only appear as the first instruction in an
-       * exception handler (though not all exception handlers need to
-       * have one of these). We verify that as part of extracting the
+       * This statement can only appear as the first instruction in an exception handler (though not
+       * all exception handlers need to have one of these). We verify that as part of extracting the
        * exception type from the catch block list.
-       *
-       * "res_class" will hold the closest common superclass of all
-       * exceptions that can be handled here.
-      res_class = GetCaughtExceptionType(vdata, insn_idx, &failure);
+      Class* res_class = GetCaughtExceptionType();
       if (res_class == NULL) {
-        DCHECK(failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE);
+        DCHECK(failure_ != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE);
       } else {
-        SetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, RegTypeFromClass(res_class));
+        work_line_->SetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_, reg_types_.FromClass(res_class));
+    }
     case Instruction::RETURN_VOID:
-      if (!CheckConstructorReturn(method, work_line, registers_size)) {
-        failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-      } else if (GetMethodReturnType(dex_file, method) != kRegTypeUnknown) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: return-void not expected";
-        failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
+      if (!method_->IsConstructor() || work_line_->CheckConstructorReturn()) {
+        if (!GetMethodReturnType().IsUnknown()) {
+          Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "return-void not expected";
+        }
     case Instruction::RETURN:
-      if (!CheckConstructorReturn(method, work_line, registers_size)) {
-        failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-      } else {
+      if (!method_->IsConstructor() || work_line_->CheckConstructorReturn()) {
         /* check the method signature */
-        RegType return_type = GetMethodReturnType(dex_file, method);
-        CheckTypeCategory(return_type, kTypeCategory1nr, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-          LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: return-1nr not expected";
-        /*
-         * compiler may generate synthetic functions that write byte
-         * values into boolean fields. Also, it may use integer values
-         * for boolean, byte, short, and character return types.
-         */
-        RegType src_type = GetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_);
-        if ((return_type == kRegTypeBoolean && src_type == kRegTypeByte) ||
-           ((return_type == kRegTypeBoolean || return_type == kRegTypeByte ||
-             return_type == kRegTypeShort || return_type == kRegTypeChar) &&
-             src_type == kRegTypeInteger))
-          return_type = src_type;
-        /* check the register contents */
-        VerifyRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, return_type, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: return-1nr on invalid register v" << dec_insn.vA_;
+        const RegType& return_type = GetMethodReturnType();
+        if (!return_type.IsCategory1Types()) {
+          Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "unexpected non-category 1 return type " << return_type;
+        } else {
+          // Compilers may generate synthetic functions that write byte values into boolean fields.
+          // Also, it may use integer values for boolean, byte, short, and character return types.
+          const RegType& src_type = work_line_->GetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_);
+          bool use_src = ((return_type.IsBoolean() && src_type.IsByte()) ||
+                          ((return_type.IsBoolean() || return_type.IsByte() ||
+                           return_type.IsShort() || return_type.IsChar()) &&
+                           src_type.IsInteger()));
+          /* check the register contents */
+          work_line_->VerifyRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_, use_src ? src_type : return_type);
+          if (failure_ != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) {
+            Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "return-1nr on invalid register v" << dec_insn.vA_;
+          }
     case Instruction::RETURN_WIDE:
-      if (!CheckConstructorReturn(method, work_line, registers_size)) {
-        failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-      } else {
-        RegType return_type;
+      if (!method_->IsConstructor() || work_line_->CheckConstructorReturn()) {
         /* check the method signature */
-        return_type = GetMethodReturnType(dex_file, method);
-        CheckTypeCategory(return_type, kTypeCategory2, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-          LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: return-wide not expected";
-        /* check the register contents */
-        VerifyRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, return_type, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: return-wide on invalid register pair v"
-                     << dec_insn.vA_;
+        const RegType& return_type = GetMethodReturnType();
+        if (!return_type.IsCategory2Types()) {
+          Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "return-wide not expected";
+        } else {
+          /* check the register contents */
+          work_line_->VerifyRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_, return_type);
+          if (failure_ != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) {
+            Fail(failure_) << "return-wide on invalid register pair v" << dec_insn.vA_;
+          }
     case Instruction::RETURN_OBJECT:
-      if (!CheckConstructorReturn(method, work_line, registers_size)) {
-        failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-      } else {
-        RegType return_type = GetMethodReturnType(dex_file, method);
-        CheckTypeCategory(return_type, kTypeCategoryRef, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: return-object not expected";
-          break;
-        }
-        /* return_type is the *expected* return type, not register value */
-        DCHECK(return_type != kRegTypeZero);
-        DCHECK(!RegTypeIsUninitReference(return_type));
-        /*
-         * Verify that the reference in vAA is an instance of the type
-         * in "return_type". The Zero type is allowed here. If the
-         * method is declared to return an interface, then any
-         * initialized reference is acceptable.
-         *
-         * Note GetClassFromRegister fails if the register holds an
-         * uninitialized reference, so we do not allow them to be
-         * returned.
-         */
-        Class* decl_class = RegTypeInitializedReferenceToClass(return_type);
-        res_class = GetClassFromRegister(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-          break;
-        if (res_class != NULL) {
-          if (!decl_class->IsInterface() &&
-              !decl_class->IsAssignableFrom(res_class)) {
-            LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: returning " << std::hex
-                       << res_class->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8()
-                       << " (cl=0x" << (int) res_class->GetClassLoader()
-                       << "), declared "
-                       << decl_class->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8()
-                       << " (cl=0x" << (int) decl_class->GetClassLoader()
-                       << ")" << std::dec;
-            failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-            break;
+      if (!method_->IsConstructor() || work_line_->CheckConstructorReturn()) {
+        const RegType& return_type = GetMethodReturnType();
+        if (!return_type.IsReferenceTypes()) {
+          Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "return-object not expected";
+        } else {
+          /* return_type is the *expected* return type, not register value */
+          DCHECK(!return_type.IsZero());
+          DCHECK(!return_type.IsUninitializedReference());
+          // Verify that the reference in vAA is an instance of the type in "return_type". The Zero
+          // type is allowed here. If the method is declared to return an interface, then any
+          // initialized reference is acceptable.
+          // Note GetClassFromRegister fails if the register holds an uninitialized reference, so
+          // we do not allow them to be returned.
+          Class* decl_class = return_type.GetClass();
+          Class* res_class = work_line_->GetClassFromRegister(dec_insn.vA_);
+          if (res_class != NULL && failure_ == VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) {
+            if (!decl_class->IsInterface() && !decl_class->IsAssignableFrom(res_class)) {
+              Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "returning " << PrettyClassAndClassLoader(res_class)
+                                         << ", declared " << PrettyClassAndClassLoader(res_class);
+            }
@@ -1606,43 +1883,40 @@
     case Instruction::CONST_16:
     case Instruction::CONST:
       /* could be boolean, int, float, or a null reference */
-      SetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_,
-          DetermineCat1Const((int32_t) dec_insn.vB_));
+      work_line_->SetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_, reg_types_.FromCat1Const((int32_t) dec_insn.vB_));
     case Instruction::CONST_HIGH16:
       /* could be boolean, int, float, or a null reference */
-      SetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_,
-          DetermineCat1Const((int32_t) dec_insn.vB_ << 16));
+      work_line_->SetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_,
+                                  reg_types_.FromCat1Const((int32_t) dec_insn.vB_ << 16));
     case Instruction::CONST_WIDE_16:
     case Instruction::CONST_WIDE_32:
     case Instruction::CONST_WIDE:
     case Instruction::CONST_WIDE_HIGH16:
       /* could be long or double; resolved upon use */
-      SetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, kRegTypeConstLo);
+      work_line_->SetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_, reg_types_.ConstLo());
     case Instruction::CONST_STRING:
     case Instruction::CONST_STRING_JUMBO:
-      SetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, RegTypeFromClass(
-          class_linker->FindSystemClass("Ljava/lang/String;")));
+      work_line_->SetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_, reg_types_.JavaLangString());
-    case Instruction::CONST_CLASS:
+    case Instruction::CONST_CLASS: {
       /* make sure we can resolve the class; access check is important */
-      res_class = ResolveClassAndCheckAccess(dex_file, dec_insn.vB_, klass, &failure);
+      Class* res_class = ResolveClassAndCheckAccess(dec_insn.vB_);
       if (res_class == NULL) {
-        const char* bad_class_desc = dex_file->dexStringByTypeIdx(dec_insn.vB_);
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: unable to resolve const-class " << dec_insn.vB_
-                   << " (" << bad_class_desc << ") in "
-                   << klass->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8();
-        DCHECK(failure != VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC);
+        const char* bad_class_desc = dex_file_->dexStringByTypeIdx(dec_insn.vB_);
+        Fail(failure_) << "unable to resolve const-class " << dec_insn.vB_
+                       << " (" << bad_class_desc << ") in "
+                       << PrettyDescriptor(method_->GetDeclaringClass()->GetDescriptor());
+        DCHECK(failure_ != VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC);
       } else {
-        SetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, RegTypeFromClass(
-            class_linker->FindSystemClass("Ljava/lang/Class;")));
+        work_line_->SetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_, reg_types_.JavaLangClass());
+    }
     case Instruction::MONITOR_ENTER:
-      HandleMonitorEnter(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, insn_idx, &failure);
+      work_line_->PushMonitor(dec_insn.vA_, work_insn_idx_);
     case Instruction::MONITOR_EXIT:
@@ -1665,12 +1939,11 @@
        * we skip them here); if we can't, then the code path could be
        * "live" so we still need to check it.
-      if (work_line->monitor_entries_.get() != NULL)
-        opcode_flag &= ~Instruction::kThrow;
-      HandleMonitorExit(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, insn_idx, &failure);
+      opcode_flag &= ~Instruction::kThrow;
+      work_line_->PopMonitor(dec_insn.vA_);
-    case Instruction::CHECK_CAST:
+    case Instruction::CHECK_CAST: {
        * If this instruction succeeds, we will promote register vA to
        * the type in vB. (This could be a demotion -- not expected, so
@@ -1679,168 +1952,147 @@
        * If it fails, an exception is thrown, which we deal with later
        * by ignoring the update to dec_insn.vA_ when branching to a handler.
-      res_class = ResolveClassAndCheckAccess(dex_file, dec_insn.vB_, klass, &failure);
+      Class* res_class = ResolveClassAndCheckAccess(dec_insn.vB_);
       if (res_class == NULL) {
-        const char* bad_class_desc = dex_file->dexStringByTypeIdx(dec_insn.vB_);
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: unable to resolve check-cast " << dec_insn.vB_
-                   << " (" << bad_class_desc << ") in "
-                   << klass->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8();
-        DCHECK(failure != VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC);
+        const char* bad_class_desc = dex_file_->dexStringByTypeIdx(dec_insn.vB_);
+        Fail(failure_) << "unable to resolve check-cast " << dec_insn.vB_
+                       << " (" << bad_class_desc << ") in "
+                       << PrettyDescriptor(method_->GetDeclaringClass()->GetDescriptor());
+        DCHECK(failure_ != VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC);
       } else {
-        RegType orig_type = GetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_);
-        if (!RegTypeIsReference(orig_type)) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: check-cast on non-reference in v" << dec_insn.vA_;
-          failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-          break;
+        const RegType& orig_type = work_line_->GetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_);
+        if (!orig_type.IsReferenceTypes()) {
+          Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "check-cast on non-reference in v" << dec_insn.vA_;
+        } else {
+          work_line_->SetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_, reg_types_.FromClass(res_class));
-        SetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, RegTypeFromClass(res_class));
-    case Instruction::INSTANCE_OF:
+    }
+    case Instruction::INSTANCE_OF: {
       /* make sure we're checking a reference type */
-      tmp_type = GetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vB_);
-      if (!RegTypeIsReference(tmp_type)) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: vB not a reference (" << tmp_type << ")";
-        failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-        break;
-      }
-      /* make sure we can resolve the class; access check is important */
-      res_class = ResolveClassAndCheckAccess(dex_file, dec_insn.vC_, klass, &failure);
-      if (res_class == NULL) {
-        const char* bad_class_desc = dex_file->dexStringByTypeIdx(dec_insn.vC_);
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: unable to resolve instanceof " << dec_insn.vC_
-                   << " (" << bad_class_desc << ") in "
-                   << klass->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8();
-        DCHECK(failure != VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC);
+      const RegType& tmp_type = work_line_->GetRegisterType(dec_insn.vB_);
+      if (!tmp_type.IsReferenceTypes()) {
+        Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "vB not a reference (" << tmp_type << ")";
       } else {
-        /* result is boolean */
-        SetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, kRegTypeBoolean);
-      }
-      break;
-    case Instruction::ARRAY_LENGTH:
-      res_class = GetClassFromRegister(work_line, dec_insn.vB_, &failure);
-      if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-        break;
-      if (res_class != NULL && !res_class->IsArrayClass()) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: array-length on non-array";
-        failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-        break;
-      }
-      SetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, kRegTypeInteger);
-      break;
-    case Instruction::NEW_INSTANCE:
-      res_class = ResolveClassAndCheckAccess(dex_file, dec_insn.vB_, klass, &failure);
-      if (res_class == NULL) {
-        const char* bad_class_desc = dex_file->dexStringByTypeIdx(dec_insn.vB_);
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: unable to resolve new-instance " << dec_insn.vB_
-                   << " (" << bad_class_desc << ") in "
-                   << klass->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8();
-        DCHECK(failure != VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC);
-      } else {
-        RegType uninit_type;
-        /* can't create an instance of an interface or abstract class */
-        if (res_class->IsAbstract() || res_class->IsInterface()) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: new-instance on interface or abstract class"
-                     << res_class->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8();
-          failure = VERIFY_ERROR_INSTANTIATION;
-          break;
+        /* make sure we can resolve the class; access check is important */
+        Class* res_class = ResolveClassAndCheckAccess(dec_insn.vC_);
+        if (res_class == NULL) {
+          const char* bad_class_desc = dex_file_->dexStringByTypeIdx(dec_insn.vC_);
+          Fail(failure_) << "unable to resolve instance of " << dec_insn.vC_
+                         << " (" << bad_class_desc << ") in "
+                         << PrettyDescriptor(method_->GetDeclaringClass()->GetDescriptor());
+          DCHECK(failure_ != VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC);
+        } else {
+          /* result is boolean */
+          work_line_->SetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_, reg_types_.Boolean());
-        /* add resolved class to uninit map if not already there */
-        int uidx = SetUninitInstance(uninit_map, insn_idx, res_class);
-        DCHECK_GE(uidx, 0);
-        uninit_type = RegTypeFromUninitIndex(uidx);
-        /*
-         * Any registers holding previous allocations from this address
-         * that have not yet been initialized must be marked invalid.
-         */
-        MarkUninitRefsAsInvalid(work_line, registers_size, uninit_map,
-            uninit_type);
-        /* add the new uninitialized reference to the register ste */
-        SetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, uninit_type);
-    case Instruction::NEW_ARRAY:
-      res_class = ResolveClassAndCheckAccess(dex_file, dec_insn.vC_, klass, &failure);
+    }
+    case Instruction::ARRAY_LENGTH: {
+      Class* res_class = work_line_->GetClassFromRegister(dec_insn.vB_);
+      if (failure_ == VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) {
+        if (res_class != NULL && !res_class->IsArrayClass()) {
+          Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "array-length on non-array";
+        } else {
+          work_line_->SetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_, reg_types_.Integer());
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case Instruction::NEW_INSTANCE: {
+      Class* res_class = ResolveClassAndCheckAccess(dec_insn.vB_);
       if (res_class == NULL) {
-        const char* bad_class_desc = dex_file->dexStringByTypeIdx(dec_insn.vC_);
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: unable to resolve new-array " << dec_insn.vC_
-                   << " (" << bad_class_desc << ") in "
-                   << klass->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8();
-        DCHECK(failure != VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC);
+        const char* bad_class_desc = dex_file_->dexStringByTypeIdx(dec_insn.vB_);
+        Fail(failure_) << "unable to resolve new-instance " << dec_insn.vB_
+                       << " (" << bad_class_desc << ") in "
+                       << PrettyDescriptor(method_->GetDeclaringClass()->GetDescriptor());
+        DCHECK(failure_ != VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC);
+      } else {
+        /* can't create an instance of an interface or abstract class */
+        if (res_class->IsPrimitive() || res_class->IsAbstract() || res_class->IsInterface()) {
+              << "new-instance on primitive, interface or abstract class"
+              << PrettyDescriptor(res_class->GetDescriptor());
+        } else {
+          const RegType& uninit_type = reg_types_.Uninitialized(res_class, work_insn_idx_);
+          // Any registers holding previous allocations from this address that have not yet been
+          // initialized must be marked invalid.
+          work_line_->MarkUninitRefsAsInvalid(uninit_type);
+          /* add the new uninitialized reference to the register state */
+          work_line_->SetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_, uninit_type);
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case Instruction::NEW_ARRAY: {
+      Class* res_class = ResolveClassAndCheckAccess(dec_insn.vC_);
+      if (res_class == NULL) {
+        const char* bad_class_desc = dex_file_->dexStringByTypeIdx(dec_insn.vC_);
+        Fail(failure_) << "unable to resolve new-array " << dec_insn.vC_
+                       << " (" << bad_class_desc << ") in "
+                       << PrettyDescriptor(method_->GetDeclaringClass()->GetDescriptor());
+        DCHECK(failure_ != VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC);
       } else if (!res_class->IsArrayClass()) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: new-array on non-array class";
-        failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
+        Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "new-array on non-array class";
       } else {
         /* make sure "size" register is valid type */
-        VerifyRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vB_, kRegTypeInteger, &failure);
+        work_line_->VerifyRegisterType(dec_insn.vB_, reg_types_.Integer());
         /* set register type to array class */
-        SetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, RegTypeFromClass(res_class));
+        work_line_->SetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_, reg_types_.FromClass(res_class));
+    }
     case Instruction::FILLED_NEW_ARRAY:
-    case Instruction::FILLED_NEW_ARRAY_RANGE:
-      res_class = ResolveClassAndCheckAccess(dex_file, dec_insn.vB_, klass, &failure);
+    case Instruction::FILLED_NEW_ARRAY_RANGE: {
+      Class* res_class = ResolveClassAndCheckAccess(dec_insn.vB_);
       if (res_class == NULL) {
-        const char* bad_class_desc = dex_file->dexStringByTypeIdx(dec_insn.vB_);
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: unable to resolve filled-array " << dec_insn.vB_
-                   << " (" << bad_class_desc << ") in "
-                   << klass->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8();
-        DCHECK(failure != VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC);
+        const char* bad_class_desc = dex_file_->dexStringByTypeIdx(dec_insn.vB_);
+        Fail(failure_) << "unable to resolve filled-array " << dec_insn.vB_
+                       << " (" << bad_class_desc << ") in "
+                       << PrettyDescriptor(method_->GetDeclaringClass()->GetDescriptor());
+        DCHECK(failure_ != VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC);
       } else if (!res_class->IsArrayClass()) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: filled-new-array on non-array class";
-        failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
+        Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "filled-new-array on non-array class";
       } else {
         bool is_range = (dec_insn.opcode_ == Instruction::FILLED_NEW_ARRAY_RANGE);
         /* check the arguments to the instruction */
-        VerifyFilledNewArrayRegs(method, work_line, &dec_insn, res_class,
-            is_range, &failure);
+        VerifyFilledNewArrayRegs(dec_insn, res_class, is_range);
         /* filled-array result goes into "result" register */
-        SetResultRegisterType(work_line, registers_size,
-            RegTypeFromClass(res_class));
+        work_line_->SetResultRegisterType(reg_types_.FromClass(res_class));
         just_set_result = true;
+    }
     case Instruction::CMPL_FLOAT:
     case Instruction::CMPG_FLOAT:
-      VerifyRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vB_, kRegTypeFloat, &failure);
-      VerifyRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vC_, kRegTypeFloat, &failure);
-      SetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, kRegTypeBoolean);
+      work_line_->VerifyRegisterType(dec_insn.vB_, reg_types_.Float());
+      work_line_->VerifyRegisterType(dec_insn.vC_, reg_types_.Float());
+      work_line_->SetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_, reg_types_.Integer());
     case Instruction::CMPL_DOUBLE:
     case Instruction::CMPG_DOUBLE:
-      VerifyRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vB_, kRegTypeDoubleLo, &failure);
-      VerifyRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vC_, kRegTypeDoubleLo, &failure);
-      SetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, kRegTypeBoolean);
+      work_line_->VerifyRegisterType(dec_insn.vB_, reg_types_.Double());
+      work_line_->VerifyRegisterType(dec_insn.vC_, reg_types_.Double());
+      work_line_->SetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_, reg_types_.Integer());
     case Instruction::CMP_LONG:
-      VerifyRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vB_, kRegTypeLongLo, &failure);
-      VerifyRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vC_, kRegTypeLongLo, &failure);
-      SetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, kRegTypeBoolean);
+      work_line_->VerifyRegisterType(dec_insn.vB_, reg_types_.Long());
+      work_line_->VerifyRegisterType(dec_insn.vC_, reg_types_.Long());
+      work_line_->SetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_, reg_types_.Integer());
-    case Instruction::THROW:
-      res_class = GetClassFromRegister(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, &failure);
-      if (failure == VERIFY_ERROR_NONE && res_class != NULL) {
-        Class* throwable_class =
-            class_linker->FindSystemClass("Ljava/lang/Throwable;");
-        if (!throwable_class->IsAssignableFrom(res_class)) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: thrown class "
-                     << res_class->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8()
-                     << " not instanceof Throwable",
-          failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
+    case Instruction::THROW: {
+      Class* res_class = work_line_->GetClassFromRegister(dec_insn.vA_);
+      if (failure_ == VERIFY_ERROR_NONE && res_class != NULL) {
+        if (!JavaLangThrowable()->IsAssignableFrom(res_class)) {
+          Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "thrown class "
+              << PrettyDescriptor(res_class->GetDescriptor()) << " not instanceof Throwable";
+    }
     case Instruction::GOTO:
     case Instruction::GOTO_16:
     case Instruction::GOTO_32:
@@ -1850,1013 +2102,280 @@
     case Instruction::PACKED_SWITCH:
     case Instruction::SPARSE_SWITCH:
       /* verify that vAA is an integer, or can be converted to one */
-      VerifyRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, kRegTypeInteger, &failure);
+      work_line_->VerifyRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_, reg_types_.Integer());
-    case Instruction::FILL_ARRAY_DATA:
-      {
-        RegType value_type;
-        const uint16_t *array_data;
-        uint16_t elem_width;
-        /* Similar to the verification done for APUT */
-        res_class = GetClassFromRegister(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-          break;
+    case Instruction::FILL_ARRAY_DATA: {
+      /* Similar to the verification done for APUT */
+      Class* res_class = work_line_->GetClassFromRegister(dec_insn.vA_);
+      if (failure_ == VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) {
         /* res_class can be null if the reg type is Zero */
-        if (res_class == NULL)
-          break;
-        Class::PrimitiveType prim_type =
-            res_class->GetComponentType()->GetPrimitiveType();
-        if (!res_class->IsArrayClass() ||
-            prim_type == Class::kPrimNot || prim_type == Class::kPrimVoid) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid fill-array-data on " <<
-                res_class->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8();
-          failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-          break;
-        }
-        value_type = PrimitiveTypeToRegType(prim_type);
-        DCHECK(value_type != kRegTypeUnknown);
-        /*
-         * Now verify if the element width in the table matches the element
-         * width declared in the array
-         */
-        array_data = insns + (insns[1] | (((int32_t) insns[2]) << 16));
-        if (array_data[0] != Instruction::kArrayDataSignature) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid magic for array-data";
-          failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-          break;
-        }
-        switch (prim_type) {
-          case Class::kPrimBoolean:
-          case Class::kPrimByte:
-            elem_width = 1;
-            break;
-          case Class::kPrimChar:
-          case Class::kPrimShort:
-            elem_width = 2;
-            break;
-          case Class::kPrimFloat:
-          case Class::kPrimInt:
-            elem_width = 4;
-            break;
-          case Class::kPrimDouble:
-          case Class::kPrimLong:
-            elem_width = 8;
-            break;
-          default:
-            elem_width = 0;
-            break;
-        }
-        /*
-         * Since we don't compress the data in Dex, expect to see equal
-         * width of data stored in the table and expected from the array
-         * class.
-         */
-        if (array_data[1] != elem_width) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: array-data size mismatch (" << array_data[1]
-                     << " vs " << elem_width << ")";
-          failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
+        if (res_class != NULL) {
+          Class* component_type = res_class->GetComponentType();
+          if (!res_class->IsArrayClass() || !component_type->IsPrimitive()  ||
+              component_type->IsPrimitiveVoid()) {
+            Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "invalid fill-array-data on "
+                                       << PrettyDescriptor(res_class->GetDescriptor());
+          } else {
+            const RegType& value_type = reg_types_.FromClass(component_type);
+            DCHECK(!value_type.IsUnknown());
+            // Now verify if the element width in the table matches the element width declared in
+            // the array
+            const uint16_t* array_data = insns + (insns[1] | (((int32_t) insns[2]) << 16));
+            if (array_data[0] != Instruction::kArrayDataSignature) {
+              Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "invalid magic for array-data";
+            } else {
+              size_t elem_width = component_type->PrimitiveSize();
+              // Since we don't compress the data in Dex, expect to see equal width of data stored
+              // in the table and expected from the array class.
+              if (array_data[1] != elem_width) {
+                Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "array-data size mismatch (" << array_data[1]
+                                           << " vs " << elem_width << ")";
+              }
+            }
+          }
+    }
     case Instruction::IF_EQ:
-    case Instruction::IF_NE:
-      {
-        RegType type1, type2;
-        type1 = GetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_);
-        type2 = GetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vB_);
-        /* both references? */
-        if (RegTypeIsReference(type1) && RegTypeIsReference(type2))
-          break;
-        /* both category-1nr? */
-        CheckTypeCategory(type1, kTypeCategory1nr, &failure);
-        CheckTypeCategory(type2, kTypeCategory1nr, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: args to if-eq/if-ne must both be refs or cat1";
-          break;
-        }
+    case Instruction::IF_NE: {
+      const RegType& reg_type1 = work_line_->GetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_);
+      const RegType& reg_type2 = work_line_->GetRegisterType(dec_insn.vB_);
+      bool mismatch = false;
+      if (reg_type1.IsZero()) {  // zero then integral or reference expected
+        mismatch = !reg_type2.IsReferenceTypes() && !reg_type2.IsIntegralTypes();
+      } else if (reg_type1.IsReferenceTypes()) {  // both references?
+        mismatch = !reg_type2.IsReferenceTypes();
+      } else {  // both integral?
+        mismatch = !reg_type1.IsIntegralTypes() || !reg_type2.IsIntegralTypes();
+      }
+      if (mismatch) {
+        Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "args to if-eq/if-ne (" << reg_type1 << "," << reg_type2
+                                   << ") must both be references or integral";
+    }
     case Instruction::IF_LT:
     case Instruction::IF_GE:
     case Instruction::IF_GT:
-    case Instruction::IF_LE:
-      tmp_type = GetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_);
-      CheckTypeCategory(tmp_type, kTypeCategory1nr, &failure);
-      if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: args to 'if' must be cat-1nr";
-        break;
-      }
-      tmp_type = GetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vB_);
-      CheckTypeCategory(tmp_type, kTypeCategory1nr, &failure);
-      if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: args to 'if' must be cat-1nr";
-        break;
+    case Instruction::IF_LE: {
+      const RegType& reg_type1 = work_line_->GetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_);
+      const RegType& reg_type2 = work_line_->GetRegisterType(dec_insn.vB_);
+      if (!reg_type1.IsIntegralTypes() || !reg_type2.IsIntegralTypes()) {
+        Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "args to 'if' (" << reg_type1 << ","
+                                   << reg_type2 << ") must be integral";
+    }
     case Instruction::IF_EQZ:
-    case Instruction::IF_NEZ:
-      tmp_type = GetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_);
-      if (RegTypeIsReference(tmp_type))
-        break;
-      CheckTypeCategory(tmp_type, kTypeCategory1nr, &failure);
-      if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: expected cat-1 arg to if";
+    case Instruction::IF_NEZ: {
+      const RegType& reg_type = work_line_->GetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_);
+      if (!reg_type.IsReferenceTypes() && !reg_type.IsIntegralTypes()) {
+        Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "type " << reg_type << " unexpected as arg to if-eqz/if-nez";
+      }
+    }
     case Instruction::IF_LTZ:
     case Instruction::IF_GEZ:
     case Instruction::IF_GTZ:
-    case Instruction::IF_LEZ:
-      tmp_type = GetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_);
-      CheckTypeCategory(tmp_type, kTypeCategory1nr, &failure);
-      if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: expected cat-1 arg to if";
+    case Instruction::IF_LEZ: {
+      const RegType& reg_type = work_line_->GetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_);
+      if (!reg_type.IsIntegralTypes()) {
+        Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "type " << reg_type
+                                   << " unexpected as arg to if-ltz/if-gez/if-gtz/if-lez";
+      }
-    case Instruction::AGET:
-      tmp_type = kRegTypeConstInteger;
-      goto aget_1nr_common;
+    }
     case Instruction::AGET_BOOLEAN:
-      tmp_type = kRegTypeBoolean;
-      goto aget_1nr_common;
+      VerifyAGet(dec_insn, reg_types_.Boolean(), true);
+      break;
     case Instruction::AGET_BYTE:
-      tmp_type = kRegTypeByte;
-      goto aget_1nr_common;
+      VerifyAGet(dec_insn, reg_types_.Byte(), true);
+      break;
     case Instruction::AGET_CHAR:
-      tmp_type = kRegTypeChar;
-      goto aget_1nr_common;
+      VerifyAGet(dec_insn, reg_types_.Char(), true);
+      break;
     case Instruction::AGET_SHORT:
-      tmp_type = kRegTypeShort;
-      goto aget_1nr_common;
-      {
-        RegType src_type, index_type;
-        index_type = GetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vC_);
-        CheckArrayIndexType(method, index_type, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-          break;
-        res_class = GetClassFromRegister(work_line, dec_insn.vB_, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-          break;
-        if (res_class != NULL) {
-          /* verify the class */
-          Class::PrimitiveType prim_type =
-              res_class->GetComponentType()->GetPrimitiveType();
-          if (!res_class->IsArrayClass() || prim_type == Class::kPrimNot) {
-            LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid aget-1nr target "
-                       << res_class->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8();
-            failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-            break;
-          }
-          /* make sure array type matches instruction */
-          src_type = PrimitiveTypeToRegType(prim_type);
-          /* differentiate between float and int */
-          if (src_type == kRegTypeFloat || src_type == kRegTypeInteger)
-            tmp_type = src_type;
-          if (tmp_type != src_type) {
-            LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid aget-1nr, array type=" << src_type
-                       << " with inst type=" << tmp_type << " (on "
-                       << res_class->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8() << ")";
-            failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        SetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, tmp_type);
-      }
+      VerifyAGet(dec_insn, reg_types_.Short(), true);
+    case Instruction::AGET:
+      VerifyAGet(dec_insn, reg_types_.Integer(), true);
+      break;
     case Instruction::AGET_WIDE:
-      {
-        RegType dst_type, index_type;
-        index_type = GetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vC_);
-        CheckArrayIndexType(method, index_type, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-          break;
-        res_class = GetClassFromRegister(work_line, dec_insn.vB_, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-          break;
-        if (res_class != NULL) {
-          /* verify the class */
-          Class::PrimitiveType prim_type =
-              res_class->GetComponentType()->GetPrimitiveType();
-          if (!res_class->IsArrayClass() || prim_type == Class::kPrimNot) {
-            LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid aget-wide target "
-                       << res_class->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8();
-            failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-            break;
-          }
-          /* try to refine "dst_type" */
-          switch (prim_type) {
-            case Class::kPrimLong:
-              dst_type = kRegTypeLongLo;
-              break;
-            case Class::kPrimDouble:
-              dst_type = kRegTypeDoubleLo;
-              break;
-            default:
-              LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid aget-wide on "
-                         << res_class->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8();
-              dst_type = kRegTypeUnknown;
-              failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-              break;
-          }
-        } else {
-          /*
-           * Null array ref; this code path will fail at runtime. We
-           * know this is either long or double, so label it const.
-           */
-          dst_type = kRegTypeConstLo;
-        }
-        SetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, dst_type);
-      }
+      VerifyAGet(dec_insn, reg_types_.Long(), true);
+      break;
+    case Instruction::AGET_OBJECT:
+      VerifyAGet(dec_insn, reg_types_.JavaLangObject(), false);
-    case Instruction::AGET_OBJECT:
-      {
-        RegType dst_type, index_type;
-        index_type = GetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vC_);
-        CheckArrayIndexType(method, index_type, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-          break;
-        /* get the class of the array we're pulling an object from */
-        res_class = GetClassFromRegister(work_line, dec_insn.vB_, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-          break;
-        if (res_class != NULL) {
-          Class* element_class;
-          DCHECK(res_class != NULL);
-          if (!res_class->IsArrayClass()) {
-            LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: aget-object on non-array class";
-            failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-            break;
-          }
-          DCHECK(res_class->GetComponentType() != NULL);
-          /*
-           * Find the element class.
-           */
-          element_class = res_class->GetComponentType();
-          if (element_class->IsPrimitive()) {
-            LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: aget-object on non-ref array class ("
-                       << res_class->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8() << ")";
-            failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-            break;
-          }
-          dst_type = RegTypeFromClass(element_class);
-        } else {
-          /*
-           * The array reference is NULL, so the current code path will
-           * throw an exception. For proper merging with later code
-           * paths, and correct handling of "if-eqz" tests on the
-           * result of the array get, we want to treat this as a null
-           * reference.
-           */
-          dst_type = kRegTypeZero;
-        }
-      SetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, dst_type);
-      }
+    case Instruction::APUT_BOOLEAN:
+      VerifyAPut(dec_insn, reg_types_.Boolean(), true);
+      break;
+    case Instruction::APUT_BYTE:
+      VerifyAPut(dec_insn, reg_types_.Byte(), true);
+      break;
+    case Instruction::APUT_CHAR:
+      VerifyAPut(dec_insn, reg_types_.Char(), true);
+      break;
+    case Instruction::APUT_SHORT:
+      VerifyAPut(dec_insn, reg_types_.Short(), true);
     case Instruction::APUT:
-      tmp_type = kRegTypeInteger;
-      goto aput_1nr_common;
-    case Instruction::APUT_BOOLEAN:
-      tmp_type = kRegTypeBoolean;
-      goto aput_1nr_common;
-    case Instruction::APUT_BYTE:
-      tmp_type = kRegTypeByte;
-      goto aput_1nr_common;
-    case Instruction::APUT_CHAR:
-      tmp_type = kRegTypeChar;
-      goto aput_1nr_common;
-    case Instruction::APUT_SHORT:
-      tmp_type = kRegTypeShort;
-      goto aput_1nr_common;
-      {
-        RegType src_type, dst_type, index_type;
-        index_type = GetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vC_);
-        CheckArrayIndexType(method, index_type, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-          break;
-        res_class = GetClassFromRegister(work_line, dec_insn.vB_, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-          break;
-        /* res_class can be null if the reg type is Zero */
-        if (res_class == NULL)
-          break;
-        Class::PrimitiveType prim_type =
-            res_class->GetComponentType()->GetPrimitiveType();
-        if (!res_class->IsArrayClass() || prim_type == Class::kPrimNot) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid aput-1nr on "
-                     << res_class->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8();
-          failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-          break;
-        }
-        /* verify that instruction matches array */
-        dst_type = PrimitiveTypeToRegType(prim_type);
-        /* correct if float */
-        if (dst_type == kRegTypeFloat)
-          tmp_type = kRegTypeFloat;
-        /* make sure the source register has the correct type */
-        src_type = GetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_);
-        if (!CanConvertTo1nr(src_type, tmp_type)) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid reg type " << src_type
-                     << " on aput instr (need " << tmp_type << ")";
-          failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-          break;
-        }
-        VerifyRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, dst_type, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE || dst_type == kRegTypeUnknown ||
-          tmp_type != dst_type) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid aput-1nr on "
-                     << res_class->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8()
-                     << " (inst=" << tmp_type << " dst=" << dst_type << ")";
-          failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-          break;
-        }
-      }
+      VerifyAPut(dec_insn, reg_types_.Integer(), true);
     case Instruction::APUT_WIDE:
-      tmp_type = GetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vC_);
-      CheckArrayIndexType(method, tmp_type, &failure);
-      if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-        break;
-      res_class = GetClassFromRegister(work_line, dec_insn.vB_, &failure);
-      if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-        break;
-      if (res_class != NULL) {
-        Class::PrimitiveType prim_type =
-            res_class->GetComponentType()->GetPrimitiveType();
-        /* verify the class and try to refine "dst_type" */
-        if (!res_class->IsArrayClass() || prim_type == Class::kPrimNot)
-        {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid aput-wide on "
-                     << res_class->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8();
-          failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-          break;
-        }
-        switch (prim_type) {
-          case Class::kPrimLong:
-            VerifyRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, kRegTypeLongLo,
-                &failure);
-            break;
-          case Class::kPrimDouble:
-            VerifyRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, kRegTypeDoubleLo,
-                &failure);
-            break;
-          default:
-            LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid aput-wide on "
-                       << res_class->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8();
-            failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-            break;
-        }
-      }
+      VerifyAPut(dec_insn, reg_types_.Long(), true);
     case Instruction::APUT_OBJECT:
-      tmp_type = GetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vC_);
-      CheckArrayIndexType(method, tmp_type, &failure);
-      if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-        break;
-      /* get the ref we're storing; Zero is okay, Uninit is not */
-      res_class = GetClassFromRegister(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, &failure);
-      if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-        break;
-      if (res_class != NULL) {
-        Class* array_class;
-        Class* element_class;
-        /*
-         * Get the array class. If the array ref is null, we won't
-         * have type information (and we'll crash at runtime with a
-         * null pointer exception).
-         */
-        array_class = GetClassFromRegister(work_line, dec_insn.vB_, &failure);
-        if (array_class != NULL) {
-          /* see if the array holds a compatible type */
-          if (!array_class->IsArrayClass()) {
-            LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid aput-object on "
-                       << array_class->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8();
-            failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-            break;
-          }
-          /*
-           * Find the element class.
-           *
-           * All we want to check here is that the element type is a
-           * reference class. We *don't* check instanceof here, because
-           * you can still put a String into a String[] after the latter
-           * has been cast to an Object[].
-           */
-          element_class = array_class->GetComponentType();
-          if (element_class->IsPrimitive()) {
-            LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid aput-object of "
-                       << res_class->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8()
-                       << " into "
-                       << array_class->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8();
-            failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
+      VerifyAPut(dec_insn, reg_types_.JavaLangObject(), false);
-    case Instruction::IGET:
-      tmp_type = kRegTypeInteger;
-      goto iget_1nr_common;
     case Instruction::IGET_BOOLEAN:
-      tmp_type = kRegTypeBoolean;
-      goto iget_1nr_common;
+      VerifyIGet(dec_insn, reg_types_.Boolean(), true);
+      break;
     case Instruction::IGET_BYTE:
-      tmp_type = kRegTypeByte;
-      goto iget_1nr_common;
+      VerifyIGet(dec_insn, reg_types_.Byte(), true);
+      break;
     case Instruction::IGET_CHAR:
-      tmp_type = kRegTypeChar;
-      goto iget_1nr_common;
+      VerifyIGet(dec_insn, reg_types_.Char(), true);
+      break;
     case Instruction::IGET_SHORT:
-      tmp_type = kRegTypeShort;
-      goto iget_1nr_common;
-      {
-        Field* inst_field;
-        RegType obj_type, field_type;
-        obj_type = GetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vB_);
-        inst_field = GetInstField(vdata, obj_type, dec_insn.vC_, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-          break;
-        /* make sure the field's type is compatible with expectation */
-        field_type = PrimitiveTypeToRegType(inst_field->GetType()->GetPrimitiveType());
-        /* correct if float */
-        if (field_type == kRegTypeFloat)
-          tmp_type = kRegTypeFloat;
-        if (field_type == kRegTypeUnknown || tmp_type != field_type) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid iget-1nr of " << PrettyField(inst_field)
-                     << " (inst=" << tmp_type << " field=" << field_type << ")";
-          failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-          break;
-        }
-        SetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, tmp_type);
-      }
+      VerifyIGet(dec_insn, reg_types_.Short(), true);
+      break;
+    case Instruction::IGET:
+      VerifyIGet(dec_insn, reg_types_.Integer(), true);
     case Instruction::IGET_WIDE:
-      {
-        Field* inst_field;
-        RegType obj_type;
-        obj_type = GetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vB_);
-        inst_field = GetInstField(vdata, obj_type, dec_insn.vC_, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-          break;
-        /* check the type, which should be prim */
-        switch (inst_field->GetType()->GetPrimitiveType()) {
-          case Class::kPrimDouble:
-            SetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, kRegTypeDoubleLo);
-            break;
-          case Class::kPrimLong:
-            SetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, kRegTypeLongLo);
-            break;
-          default:
-            LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid iget-wide of " << PrettyField(inst_field);
-            failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-            break;
-        }
-      }
+      VerifyIGet(dec_insn, reg_types_.Long(), true);
     case Instruction::IGET_OBJECT:
-      {
-        Class* field_class;
-        Field* inst_field;
-        RegType obj_type;
+      VerifyIGet(dec_insn, reg_types_.JavaLangObject(), false);
+      break;
-        obj_type = GetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vB_);
-        inst_field = GetInstField(vdata, obj_type, dec_insn.vC_, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-          break;
-        field_class = inst_field->GetType();
-        if (field_class == NULL) {
-          /* class not found or primitive type */
-          LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: unable to recover field class from "
-                     << inst_field->GetName()->ToModifiedUtf8();
-          failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-          break;
-        }
-        DCHECK(!field_class->IsPrimitive()) << PrettyClass(field_class);
-        SetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, RegTypeFromClass(field_class));
-      }
+    case Instruction::IPUT_BOOLEAN:
+      VerifyIPut(dec_insn, reg_types_.Boolean(), true);
+      break;
+    case Instruction::IPUT_BYTE:
+      VerifyIPut(dec_insn, reg_types_.Byte(), true);
+      break;
+    case Instruction::IPUT_CHAR:
+      VerifyIPut(dec_insn, reg_types_.Char(), true);
+      break;
+    case Instruction::IPUT_SHORT:
+      VerifyIPut(dec_insn, reg_types_.Short(), true);
     case Instruction::IPUT:
-      tmp_type = kRegTypeInteger;
-      goto iput_1nr_common;
-    case Instruction::IPUT_BOOLEAN:
-      tmp_type = kRegTypeBoolean;
-      goto iput_1nr_common;
-    case Instruction::IPUT_BYTE:
-      tmp_type = kRegTypeByte;
-      goto iput_1nr_common;
-    case Instruction::IPUT_CHAR:
-      tmp_type = kRegTypeChar;
-      goto iput_1nr_common;
-    case Instruction::IPUT_SHORT:
-      tmp_type = kRegTypeShort;
-      goto iput_1nr_common;
-      {
-        RegType src_type, field_type, obj_type;
-        Field* inst_field;
-        obj_type = GetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vB_);
-        inst_field = GetInstField(vdata, obj_type, dec_insn.vC_, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-          break;
-        CheckFinalFieldAccess(method, inst_field, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-          break;
-        /* get type of field we're storing into */
-        field_type = PrimitiveTypeToRegType(inst_field->GetType()->GetPrimitiveType());
-        src_type = GetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_);
-        /* correct if float */
-        if (field_type == kRegTypeFloat)
-          tmp_type = kRegTypeFloat;
-        /*
-         * compiler can generate synthetic functions that write byte values
-         * into boolean fields.
-         */
-        if (tmp_type == kRegTypeBoolean && src_type == kRegTypeByte)
-          tmp_type = kRegTypeByte;
-        if (field_type == kRegTypeBoolean && src_type == kRegTypeByte)
-          field_type = kRegTypeByte;
-        /* make sure the source register has the correct type */
-        if (!CanConvertTo1nr(src_type, tmp_type)) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid reg type " << src_type
-                     << " on iput instr (need " << tmp_type << ")",
-          failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-          break;
-        }
-        VerifyRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, field_type, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE || field_type == kRegTypeUnknown ||
-            tmp_type != field_type) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid iput-1nr of " << PrettyField(inst_field)
-                     << " (inst=" << tmp_type << " field=" << field_type << ")";
-          failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-          break;
-        }
-      }
+      VerifyIPut(dec_insn, reg_types_.Integer(), true);
     case Instruction::IPUT_WIDE:
-      {
-        Field* inst_field;
-        RegType obj_type;
-        obj_type = GetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vB_);
-        inst_field = GetInstField(vdata, obj_type, dec_insn.vC_, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-          break;
-        CheckFinalFieldAccess(method, inst_field, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-          break;
-        /* check the type, which should be prim */
-        switch (inst_field->GetType()->GetPrimitiveType()) {
-          case Class::kPrimDouble:
-            VerifyRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, kRegTypeDoubleLo,
-                &failure);
-            break;
-          case Class::kPrimLong:
-            VerifyRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, kRegTypeLongLo, &failure);
-            break;
-          default:
-            LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid iput-wide of " << PrettyField(inst_field);
-            failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-            break;
-        }
-        break;
-      }
+      VerifyIPut(dec_insn, reg_types_.Long(), true);
+      break;
     case Instruction::IPUT_OBJECT:
-      {
-        Class* field_class;
-        Class* value_class;
-        Field* inst_field;
-        RegType obj_type, value_type;
-        obj_type = GetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vB_);
-        inst_field = GetInstField(vdata, obj_type, dec_insn.vC_, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-          break;
-        DCHECK(inst_field != NULL);
-        CheckFinalFieldAccess(method, inst_field, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-          break;
-        field_class = inst_field->GetType();
-        if (field_class == NULL) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: unable to recover field class from '"
-                     << inst_field->GetName()->ToModifiedUtf8() << "'";
-          failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-          break;
-        }
-        value_type = GetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_);
-        if (!RegTypeIsReference(value_type)) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: storing non-ref v" << dec_insn.vA_
-                     << " into ref field '"
-                     << inst_field->GetName()->ToModifiedUtf8() << "' ("
-                     << field_class->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8() << ")";
-          failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-          break;
-        }
-        if (value_type != kRegTypeZero) {
-          value_class = RegTypeInitializedReferenceToClass(value_type);
-          if (value_class == NULL) {
-            LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: storing uninit ref v" << dec_insn.vA_
-                       << " into ref field";
-            failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-            break;
-          }
-          /* allow if field is any interface or field is base class */
-          if (!field_class->IsInterface() &&
-              !field_class->IsAssignableFrom(value_class)) {
-            LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: storing type '"
-                       << value_class->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8()
-                       << "' into field type '"
-                       << field_class->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8()
-                       << "' (" << PrettyField(inst_field) << ")";
-            failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
+      VerifyIPut(dec_insn, reg_types_.JavaLangObject(), false);
-    case Instruction::SGET:
-      tmp_type = kRegTypeInteger;
-      goto sget_1nr_common;
     case Instruction::SGET_BOOLEAN:
-      tmp_type = kRegTypeBoolean;
-      goto sget_1nr_common;
+      VerifySGet(dec_insn, reg_types_.Boolean(), true);
+      break;
     case Instruction::SGET_BYTE:
-      tmp_type = kRegTypeByte;
-      goto sget_1nr_common;
+      VerifySGet(dec_insn, reg_types_.Byte(), true);
+      break;
     case Instruction::SGET_CHAR:
-      tmp_type = kRegTypeChar;
-      goto sget_1nr_common;
+      VerifySGet(dec_insn, reg_types_.Char(), true);
+      break;
     case Instruction::SGET_SHORT:
-      tmp_type = kRegTypeShort;
-      goto sget_1nr_common;
-      {
-        Field* static_field;
-        RegType field_type;
-        static_field = GetStaticField(vdata, dec_insn.vB_, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-          break;
-        /*
-         * Make sure the field's type is compatible with expectation.
-         * We can get ourselves into trouble if we mix & match loads
-         * and stores with different widths, so rather than just checking
-         * "CanConvertTo1nr" we require that the field types have equal
-         * widths.
-         */
-        field_type =
-            PrimitiveTypeToRegType(static_field->GetType()->GetPrimitiveType());
-        /* correct if float */
-        if (field_type == kRegTypeFloat)
-          tmp_type = kRegTypeFloat;
-        if (tmp_type != field_type) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid sget-1nr of " << PrettyField(static_field)
-                     << " (inst=" << tmp_type << " actual=" << field_type
-                     << ")";
-          failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-          break;
-        }
-        SetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, tmp_type);
-      }
+      VerifySGet(dec_insn, reg_types_.Short(), true);
+      break;
+    case Instruction::SGET:
+      VerifySGet(dec_insn, reg_types_.Integer(), true);
     case Instruction::SGET_WIDE:
-      {
-        Field* static_field = GetStaticField(vdata, dec_insn.vB_, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-          break;
-        /* check the type, which should be prim */
-        switch (static_field->GetType()->GetPrimitiveType()) {
-          case Class::kPrimDouble:
-            SetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, kRegTypeDoubleLo);
-            break;
-          case Class::kPrimLong:
-            SetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, kRegTypeLongLo);
-            break;
-          default:
-            LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid sget-wide of " << PrettyField(static_field);
-            failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-            break;
-        }
-      }
+      VerifySGet(dec_insn, reg_types_.Long(), true);
     case Instruction::SGET_OBJECT:
-      {
-        Field* static_field = GetStaticField(vdata, dec_insn.vB_, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-          break;
-        Class* field_class = static_field->GetType();
-        if (field_class == NULL) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: unable to recover field class from '"
-                     << static_field->GetName()->ToModifiedUtf8() << "'";
-          failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-          break;
-        }
-        if (field_class->IsPrimitive()) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: attempt to get prim field with sget-object";
-          failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-          break;
-        }
-      SetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, RegTypeFromClass(field_class));
-      }
+      VerifySGet(dec_insn, reg_types_.JavaLangObject(), false);
+      break;
+    case Instruction::SPUT_BOOLEAN:
+      VerifySPut(dec_insn, reg_types_.Boolean(), true);
+      break;
+    case Instruction::SPUT_BYTE:
+      VerifySPut(dec_insn, reg_types_.Byte(), true);
+      break;
+    case Instruction::SPUT_CHAR:
+      VerifySPut(dec_insn, reg_types_.Char(), true);
+      break;
+    case Instruction::SPUT_SHORT:
+      VerifySPut(dec_insn, reg_types_.Short(), true);
     case Instruction::SPUT:
-      tmp_type = kRegTypeInteger;
-      goto sput_1nr_common;
-    case Instruction::SPUT_BOOLEAN:
-      tmp_type = kRegTypeBoolean;
-      goto sput_1nr_common;
-    case Instruction::SPUT_BYTE:
-      tmp_type = kRegTypeByte;
-      goto sput_1nr_common;
-    case Instruction::SPUT_CHAR:
-      tmp_type = kRegTypeChar;
-      goto sput_1nr_common;
-    case Instruction::SPUT_SHORT:
-      tmp_type = kRegTypeShort;
-      goto sput_1nr_common;
-      {
-        RegType src_type, field_type;
-        Field* static_field;
-        static_field = GetStaticField(vdata, dec_insn.vB_, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-          break;
-        CheckFinalFieldAccess(method, static_field, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-          break;
-        /*
-         * Get type of field we're storing into. We know that the
-         * contents of the register match the instruction, but we also
-         * need to ensure that the instruction matches the field type.
-         * Using e.g. sput-short to write into a 32-bit integer field
-         * can lead to trouble if we do 16-bit writes.
-         */
-        field_type =
-            PrimitiveTypeToRegType(static_field->GetType()->GetPrimitiveType());
-        src_type = GetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_);
-        /* correct if float */
-        if (field_type == kRegTypeFloat)
-          tmp_type = kRegTypeFloat;
-        /*
-         * compiler can generate synthetic functions that write byte values
-         * into boolean fields.
-         */
-        if (tmp_type == kRegTypeBoolean && src_type == kRegTypeByte)
-          tmp_type = kRegTypeByte;
-        if (field_type == kRegTypeBoolean && src_type == kRegTypeByte)
-          field_type = kRegTypeByte;
-        /* make sure the source register has the correct type */
-        if (!CanConvertTo1nr(src_type, tmp_type)) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid reg type " << src_type
-                     << " on sput instr (need " << tmp_type << ")";
-          failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-          break;
-        }
-        VerifyRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, field_type, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE || field_type == kRegTypeUnknown ||
-            tmp_type != field_type) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid sput-1nr of " << PrettyField(static_field)
-                     << " (inst=" << tmp_type << " actual=" << field_type
-                     << ")";
-          failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-          break;
-        }
-      }
+      VerifySPut(dec_insn, reg_types_.Integer(), true);
     case Instruction::SPUT_WIDE:
-      Field* static_field;
-      static_field = GetStaticField(vdata, dec_insn.vB_, &failure);
-      if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-        break;
-      CheckFinalFieldAccess(method, static_field, &failure);
-      if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-        break;
-      /* check the type, which should be prim */
-      switch (static_field->GetType()->GetPrimitiveType()) {
-        case Class::kPrimDouble:
-          VerifyRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, kRegTypeDoubleLo,
-              &failure);
-          break;
-        case Class::kPrimLong:
-          VerifyRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_, kRegTypeLongLo, &failure);
-          break;
-        default:
-          LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid sput-wide of " << PrettyField(static_field);
-          failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-          break;
-      }
+      VerifySPut(dec_insn, reg_types_.Long(), true);
     case Instruction::SPUT_OBJECT:
-      {
-        Class* field_class;
-        Class* value_class;
-        Field* static_field;
-        RegType value_type;
-        static_field = GetStaticField(vdata, dec_insn.vB_, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-          break;
-        CheckFinalFieldAccess(method, static_field, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-          break;
-        field_class = static_field->GetType();
-        if (field_class == NULL) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: unable to recover field class from '"
-                     << static_field->GetName()->ToModifiedUtf8() << "'";
-          failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-          break;
-        }
-        value_type = GetRegisterType(work_line, dec_insn.vA_);
-        if (!RegTypeIsReference(value_type)) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: storing non-ref v" << dec_insn.vA_
-                     << " into ref field '"
-                     << static_field->GetName()->ToModifiedUtf8() << "' ("
-                     << field_class->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8() << ")",
-          failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-          break;
-        }
-        if (value_type != kRegTypeZero) {
-          value_class = RegTypeInitializedReferenceToClass(value_type);
-          if (value_class == NULL) {
-            LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: storing uninit ref v" << dec_insn.vA_
-                       << " into ref field";
-            failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-            break;
-          }
-          /* allow if field is any interface or field is base class */
-          if (!field_class->IsInterface() &&
-              !field_class->IsAssignableFrom(value_class)) {
-            LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: storing type '"
-                       << value_class->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8()
-                       << "' into field type '"
-                       << field_class->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8()
-                       << "' (" << PrettyField(static_field) << ")";
-            failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
+      VerifySPut(dec_insn, reg_types_.JavaLangObject(), false);
     case Instruction::INVOKE_VIRTUAL:
     case Instruction::INVOKE_VIRTUAL_RANGE:
     case Instruction::INVOKE_SUPER:
-    case Instruction::INVOKE_SUPER_RANGE:
-      {
-        Method* called_method;
-        RegType return_type;
-        bool is_range;
-        bool is_super;
-        is_range =  (dec_insn.opcode_ == Instruction::INVOKE_VIRTUAL_RANGE ||
-                     dec_insn.opcode_ == Instruction::INVOKE_SUPER_RANGE);
-        is_super =  (dec_insn.opcode_ == Instruction::INVOKE_SUPER ||
-                     dec_insn.opcode_ == Instruction::INVOKE_SUPER_RANGE);
-        called_method = VerifyInvocationArgs(vdata, work_line, registers_size,
-            &dec_insn, METHOD_VIRTUAL, is_range, is_super, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-            break;
-        return_type = GetMethodReturnType(dex_file, called_method);
-        SetResultRegisterType(work_line, registers_size, return_type);
+    case Instruction::INVOKE_SUPER_RANGE: {
+      bool is_range = (dec_insn.opcode_ == Instruction::INVOKE_VIRTUAL_RANGE ||
+                       dec_insn.opcode_ == Instruction::INVOKE_SUPER_RANGE);
+      bool is_super =  (dec_insn.opcode_ == Instruction::INVOKE_SUPER ||
+                        dec_insn.opcode_ == Instruction::INVOKE_SUPER_RANGE);
+      Method* called_method = VerifyInvocationArgs(dec_insn, METHOD_VIRTUAL, is_range, is_super);
+      if (failure_ == VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) {
+        const RegType& return_type = reg_types_.FromClass(called_method->GetReturnType());
+        work_line_->SetResultRegisterType(return_type);
         just_set_result = true;
+    }
     case Instruction::INVOKE_DIRECT:
-    case Instruction::INVOKE_DIRECT_RANGE:
-      {
-        RegType return_type;
-        Method* called_method;
-        bool is_range;
-        is_range = (dec_insn.opcode_ == Instruction::INVOKE_DIRECT_RANGE);
-        called_method = VerifyInvocationArgs(vdata, work_line, registers_size,
-            &dec_insn, METHOD_DIRECT, is_range, false, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-          break;
+    case Instruction::INVOKE_DIRECT_RANGE: {
+      bool is_range = (dec_insn.opcode_ == Instruction::INVOKE_DIRECT_RANGE);
+      Method* called_method = VerifyInvocationArgs(dec_insn, METHOD_DIRECT, is_range, false);
+      if (failure_ == VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) {
-         * Some additional checks when calling <init>. We know from
-         * the invocation arg check that the "this" argument is an
-         * instance of called_method->klass. Now we further restrict
-         * that to require that called_method->klass is the same as
-         * this->klass or this->super, allowing the latter only if
-         * the "this" argument is the same as the "this" argument to
-         * this method (which implies that we're in <init> ourselves).
+         * Some additional checks when calling a constructor. We know from the invocation arg check
+         * that the "this" argument is an instance of called_method->klass. Now we further restrict
+         * that to require that called_method->klass is the same as this->klass or this->super,
+         * allowing the latter only if the "this" argument is the same as the "this" argument to
+         * this method (which implies that we're in a constructor ourselves).
-        if (IsInitMethod(called_method)) {
-          RegType this_type;
-          this_type = GetInvocationThis(work_line, &dec_insn, &failure);
-          if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
+        if (called_method->IsConstructor()) {
+          const RegType& this_type = work_line_->GetInvocationThis(dec_insn);
+          if (failure_ != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
           /* no null refs allowed (?) */
-          if (this_type == kRegTypeZero) {
-            LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: unable to initialize null ref";
-            failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
+          if (this_type.IsZero()) {
+            Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "unable to initialize null ref";
-          Class* this_class;
-          this_class = RegTypeReferenceToClass(this_type, uninit_map);
+          Class* this_class = this_type.GetClass();
           DCHECK(this_class != NULL);
           /* must be in same class or in superclass */
-          if (called_method->GetDeclaringClass() == this_class->GetSuperClass())
-          {
-            if (this_class != method->GetDeclaringClass()) {
-              LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invoke-direct <init> on super only "
-                         << "allowed for 'this' in <init>";
-              failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
+          if (called_method->GetDeclaringClass() == this_class->GetSuperClass()) {
+            if (this_class != method_->GetDeclaringClass()) {
+              Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC)
+                  << "invoke-direct <init> on super only allowed for 'this' in <init>";
           }  else if (called_method->GetDeclaringClass() != this_class) {
-            LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invoke-direct <init> must be on current "
-                       << "class or super";
-            failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
+            Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "invoke-direct <init> must be on current class or super";
           /* arg must be an uninitialized reference */
-          if (!RegTypeIsUninitReference(this_type)) {
-            LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: can only initialize the uninitialized";
-            failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
+          if (this_type.IsInitialized()) {
+            Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "Expected initialization on uninitialized reference "
+                << this_type;
@@ -2866,167 +2385,129 @@
            * do this for all registers that have the same object
            * instance in them, not just the "this" register.
-          MarkRefsAsInitialized(work_line, registers_size, uninit_map,
-              this_type, &failure);
-          if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
+          work_line_->MarkRefsAsInitialized(this_type);
+          if (failure_ != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-        return_type = GetMethodReturnType(dex_file, called_method);
-        SetResultRegisterType(work_line, registers_size, return_type);
+        const RegType& return_type = reg_types_.FromClass(called_method->GetReturnType());
+        work_line_->SetResultRegisterType(return_type);
         just_set_result = true;
+    }
     case Instruction::INVOKE_STATIC:
-    case Instruction::INVOKE_STATIC_RANGE:
-      {
-        RegType return_type;
-        Method* called_method;
-        bool is_range;
-        is_range = (dec_insn.opcode_ == Instruction::INVOKE_STATIC_RANGE);
-        called_method = VerifyInvocationArgs(vdata, work_line, registers_size,
-            &dec_insn, METHOD_STATIC, is_range, false, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-          break;
-        return_type = GetMethodReturnType(dex_file, called_method);
-        SetResultRegisterType(work_line, registers_size, return_type);
-        just_set_result = true;
+    case Instruction::INVOKE_STATIC_RANGE: {
+        bool is_range = (dec_insn.opcode_ == Instruction::INVOKE_STATIC_RANGE);
+        Method* called_method = VerifyInvocationArgs(dec_insn, METHOD_STATIC, is_range, false);
+        if (failure_ == VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) {
+          const RegType& return_type =  reg_types_.FromClass(called_method->GetReturnType());
+          work_line_->SetResultRegisterType(return_type);
+          just_set_result = true;
+        }
     case Instruction::INVOKE_INTERFACE:
-    case Instruction::INVOKE_INTERFACE_RANGE:
-      {
-        RegType /*this_type,*/ return_type;
-        Method* abs_method;
-        bool is_range;
-        is_range =  (dec_insn.opcode_ == Instruction::INVOKE_INTERFACE_RANGE);
-        abs_method = VerifyInvocationArgs(vdata, work_line, registers_size,
-            &dec_insn, METHOD_INTERFACE, is_range, false, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
+    case Instruction::INVOKE_INTERFACE_RANGE: {
+      bool is_range =  (dec_insn.opcode_ == Instruction::INVOKE_INTERFACE_RANGE);
+      Method* abs_method = VerifyInvocationArgs(dec_insn, METHOD_INTERFACE, is_range, false);
+      if (failure_ == VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) {
+        Class* called_interface = abs_method->GetDeclaringClass();
+        if (!called_interface->IsInterface()) {
+          Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_CLASS_CHANGE) << "expected interface class in invoke-interface '"
+                                          << PrettyMethod(abs_method) << "'";
-#if 0   /* can't do this here, fails on dalvik test 052-verifier-fun */
-        /*
-         * Get the type of the "this" arg, which should always be an
-         * interface class. Because we don't do a full merge on
-         * interface classes, this might have reduced to Object.
-         */
-        this_type = GetInvocationThis(work_line, &dec_insn, &failure);
-        if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-          break;
-        if (this_type == kRegTypeZero) {
-          /* null pointer always passes (and always fails at runtime) */
         } else {
-          Class* this_class;
-          this_class = RegTypeInitializedReferenceToClass(this_type);
-          if (this_class == NULL) {
-            LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: interface call on uninitialized";
-            failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-            break;
-          }
-          /*
-           * Either "this_class" needs to be the interface class that
-           * defined abs_method, or abs_method's class needs to be one
-           * of the interfaces implemented by "this_class". (Or, if
-           * we couldn't complete the merge, this will be Object.)
+          /* Get the type of the "this" arg, which should either be a sub-interface of called
+           * interface or Object (see comments in RegType::JoinClass).
-          if (this_class != abs_method->GetDeclaringClass() &&
-              this_class != class_linker->FindSystemClass("Ljava/lang/Object;") &&
-              !this_class->Implements(abs_method->GetDeclaringClass())) {
-            LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: unable to match abs_method '"
-                       << abs_method->GetName()->ToModifiedUtf8() << "' with "
-                       << this_class->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8()
-                       << " interfaces";
-            failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-            break;
+          const RegType& this_type = work_line_->GetInvocationThis(dec_insn);
+          if (failure_ == VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) {
+            if (this_type.IsZero()) {
+              /* null pointer always passes (and always fails at runtime) */
+            } else {
+              Class* this_class = this_type.GetClass();
+              if (this_type.IsUninitializedReference() || this_class == NULL) {
+                Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "interface call on uninitialized";
+                break;
+              }
+              if (!this_class->IsObjectClass() && !called_interface->IsAssignableFrom(this_class)) {
+                Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "unable to match abstract method '"
+                                           << PrettyMethod(abs_method) << "' with "
+                                           << PrettyDescriptor(this_class->GetDescriptor())
+                                           << " interfaces";
+                break;
+              }
+            }
-         * We don't have an object instance, so we can't find the
-         * concrete method. However, all of the type information is
-         * in the abstract method, so we're good.
+         * We don't have an object instance, so we can't find the concrete method. However, all of
+         * the type information is in the abstract method, so we're good.
-        return_type = GetMethodReturnType(dex_file, abs_method);
-        SetResultRegisterType(work_line, registers_size, return_type);
+        const RegType& return_type = reg_types_.FromClass(abs_method->GetReturnType());
+        work_line_->SetResultRegisterType(return_type);
         just_set_result = true;
+    }
     case Instruction::NEG_INT:
     case Instruction::NOT_INT:
-      CheckUnop(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeInteger, kRegTypeInteger,
-          &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckUnaryOp(dec_insn, reg_types_.Integer(), reg_types_.Integer());
     case Instruction::NEG_LONG:
     case Instruction::NOT_LONG:
-      CheckUnop(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeLongLo, kRegTypeLongLo, &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckUnaryOp(dec_insn, reg_types_.Long(), reg_types_.Long());
     case Instruction::NEG_FLOAT:
-      CheckUnop(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeFloat, kRegTypeFloat, &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckUnaryOp(dec_insn, reg_types_.Float(), reg_types_.Float());
     case Instruction::NEG_DOUBLE:
-      CheckUnop(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeDoubleLo, kRegTypeDoubleLo,
-          &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckUnaryOp(dec_insn, reg_types_.Double(), reg_types_.Double());
     case Instruction::INT_TO_LONG:
-      CheckUnop(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeLongLo, kRegTypeInteger,
-          &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckUnaryOp(dec_insn, reg_types_.Long(), reg_types_.Integer());
     case Instruction::INT_TO_FLOAT:
-      CheckUnop(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeFloat, kRegTypeInteger, &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckUnaryOp(dec_insn, reg_types_.Float(), reg_types_.Integer());
     case Instruction::INT_TO_DOUBLE:
-      CheckUnop(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeDoubleLo, kRegTypeInteger,
-          &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckUnaryOp(dec_insn, reg_types_.Double(), reg_types_.Integer());
     case Instruction::LONG_TO_INT:
-      CheckUnop(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeInteger, kRegTypeLongLo,
-          &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckUnaryOp(dec_insn, reg_types_.Integer(), reg_types_.Long());
     case Instruction::LONG_TO_FLOAT:
-      CheckUnop(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeFloat, kRegTypeLongLo, &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckUnaryOp(dec_insn, reg_types_.Float(), reg_types_.Long());
     case Instruction::LONG_TO_DOUBLE:
-      CheckUnop(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeDoubleLo, kRegTypeLongLo,
-          &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckUnaryOp(dec_insn, reg_types_.Double(), reg_types_.Long());
     case Instruction::FLOAT_TO_INT:
-      CheckUnop(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeInteger, kRegTypeFloat, &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckUnaryOp(dec_insn, reg_types_.Integer(), reg_types_.Float());
     case Instruction::FLOAT_TO_LONG:
-      CheckUnop(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeLongLo, kRegTypeFloat, &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckUnaryOp(dec_insn, reg_types_.Long(), reg_types_.Float());
     case Instruction::FLOAT_TO_DOUBLE:
-      CheckUnop(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeDoubleLo, kRegTypeFloat,
-          &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckUnaryOp(dec_insn, reg_types_.Double(), reg_types_.Float());
     case Instruction::DOUBLE_TO_INT:
-      CheckUnop(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeInteger, kRegTypeDoubleLo,
-          &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckUnaryOp(dec_insn, reg_types_.Integer(), reg_types_.Double());
     case Instruction::DOUBLE_TO_LONG:
-      CheckUnop(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeLongLo, kRegTypeDoubleLo,
-          &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckUnaryOp(dec_insn, reg_types_.Long(), reg_types_.Double());
     case Instruction::DOUBLE_TO_FLOAT:
-      CheckUnop(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeFloat, kRegTypeDoubleLo,
-          &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckUnaryOp(dec_insn, reg_types_.Float(), reg_types_.Double());
     case Instruction::INT_TO_BYTE:
-      CheckUnop(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeByte, kRegTypeInteger, &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckUnaryOp(dec_insn, reg_types_.Byte(), reg_types_.Integer());
     case Instruction::INT_TO_CHAR:
-      CheckUnop(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeChar, kRegTypeInteger, &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckUnaryOp(dec_insn, reg_types_.Char(), reg_types_.Integer());
     case Instruction::INT_TO_SHORT:
-      CheckUnop(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeShort, kRegTypeInteger, &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckUnaryOp(dec_insn, reg_types_.Short(), reg_types_.Integer());
     case Instruction::ADD_INT:
@@ -3037,14 +2518,12 @@
     case Instruction::SHL_INT:
     case Instruction::SHR_INT:
     case Instruction::USHR_INT:
-      CheckBinop(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeInteger, kRegTypeInteger,
-          kRegTypeInteger, false, &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckBinaryOp(dec_insn, reg_types_.Integer(), reg_types_.Integer(), reg_types_.Integer(), false);
     case Instruction::AND_INT:
     case Instruction::OR_INT:
     case Instruction::XOR_INT:
-      CheckBinop(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeInteger, kRegTypeInteger,
-          kRegTypeInteger, true, &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckBinaryOp(dec_insn, reg_types_.Integer(), reg_types_.Integer(), reg_types_.Integer(), true);
     case Instruction::ADD_LONG:
     case Instruction::SUB_LONG:
@@ -3054,31 +2533,27 @@
     case Instruction::AND_LONG:
     case Instruction::OR_LONG:
     case Instruction::XOR_LONG:
-      CheckBinop(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeLongLo, kRegTypeLongLo,
-          kRegTypeLongLo, false, &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckBinaryOp(dec_insn, reg_types_.Long(), reg_types_.Long(), reg_types_.Long(), false);
     case Instruction::SHL_LONG:
     case Instruction::SHR_LONG:
     case Instruction::USHR_LONG:
-      /* shift distance is Int, making these different from other binops */
-      CheckBinop(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeLongLo, kRegTypeLongLo,
-          kRegTypeInteger, false, &failure);
+      /* shift distance is Int, making these different from other binary operations */
+      work_line_->CheckBinaryOp(dec_insn, reg_types_.Long(), reg_types_.Long(), reg_types_.Integer(), false);
     case Instruction::ADD_FLOAT:
     case Instruction::SUB_FLOAT:
     case Instruction::MUL_FLOAT:
     case Instruction::DIV_FLOAT:
     case Instruction::REM_FLOAT:
-      CheckBinop(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeFloat, kRegTypeFloat,
-          kRegTypeFloat, false, &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckBinaryOp(dec_insn, reg_types_.Float(), reg_types_.Float(), reg_types_.Float(), false);
     case Instruction::ADD_DOUBLE:
     case Instruction::SUB_DOUBLE:
     case Instruction::MUL_DOUBLE:
     case Instruction::DIV_DOUBLE:
     case Instruction::REM_DOUBLE:
-      CheckBinop(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeDoubleLo, kRegTypeDoubleLo,
-          kRegTypeDoubleLo, false, &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckBinaryOp(dec_insn, reg_types_.Double(), reg_types_.Double(), reg_types_.Double(), false);
     case Instruction::ADD_INT_2ADDR:
     case Instruction::SUB_INT_2ADDR:
@@ -3087,18 +2562,15 @@
     case Instruction::SHL_INT_2ADDR:
     case Instruction::SHR_INT_2ADDR:
     case Instruction::USHR_INT_2ADDR:
-      CheckBinop2addr(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeInteger, kRegTypeInteger,
-          kRegTypeInteger, false, &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckBinaryOp2addr(dec_insn, reg_types_.Integer(), reg_types_.Integer(), reg_types_.Integer(), false);
     case Instruction::AND_INT_2ADDR:
     case Instruction::OR_INT_2ADDR:
     case Instruction::XOR_INT_2ADDR:
-      CheckBinop2addr(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeInteger, kRegTypeInteger,
-          kRegTypeInteger, true, &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckBinaryOp2addr(dec_insn, reg_types_.Integer(), reg_types_.Integer(), reg_types_.Integer(), true);
     case Instruction::DIV_INT_2ADDR:
-      CheckBinop2addr(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeInteger, kRegTypeInteger,
-          kRegTypeInteger, false, &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckBinaryOp2addr(dec_insn, reg_types_.Integer(), reg_types_.Integer(), reg_types_.Integer(), false);
     case Instruction::ADD_LONG_2ADDR:
     case Instruction::SUB_LONG_2ADDR:
@@ -3108,44 +2580,38 @@
     case Instruction::AND_LONG_2ADDR:
     case Instruction::OR_LONG_2ADDR:
     case Instruction::XOR_LONG_2ADDR:
-      CheckBinop2addr(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeLongLo, kRegTypeLongLo,
-          kRegTypeLongLo, false, &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckBinaryOp2addr(dec_insn, reg_types_.Long(), reg_types_.Long(), reg_types_.Long(), false);
     case Instruction::SHL_LONG_2ADDR:
     case Instruction::SHR_LONG_2ADDR:
     case Instruction::USHR_LONG_2ADDR:
-      CheckBinop2addr(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeLongLo, kRegTypeLongLo,
-          kRegTypeInteger, false, &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckBinaryOp2addr(dec_insn, reg_types_.Long(), reg_types_.Long(), reg_types_.Integer(), false);
     case Instruction::ADD_FLOAT_2ADDR:
     case Instruction::SUB_FLOAT_2ADDR:
     case Instruction::MUL_FLOAT_2ADDR:
     case Instruction::DIV_FLOAT_2ADDR:
     case Instruction::REM_FLOAT_2ADDR:
-      CheckBinop2addr(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeFloat, kRegTypeFloat,
-          kRegTypeFloat, false, &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckBinaryOp2addr(dec_insn, reg_types_.Float(), reg_types_.Float(), reg_types_.Float(), false);
     case Instruction::ADD_DOUBLE_2ADDR:
     case Instruction::SUB_DOUBLE_2ADDR:
     case Instruction::MUL_DOUBLE_2ADDR:
     case Instruction::DIV_DOUBLE_2ADDR:
     case Instruction::REM_DOUBLE_2ADDR:
-      CheckBinop2addr(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeDoubleLo, kRegTypeDoubleLo,
-          kRegTypeDoubleLo, false, &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckBinaryOp2addr(dec_insn, reg_types_.Double(), reg_types_.Double(),  reg_types_.Double(), false);
     case Instruction::ADD_INT_LIT16:
     case Instruction::RSUB_INT:
     case Instruction::MUL_INT_LIT16:
     case Instruction::DIV_INT_LIT16:
     case Instruction::REM_INT_LIT16:
-      CheckLitop(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeInteger, kRegTypeInteger, false,
-          &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckLiteralOp(dec_insn, reg_types_.Integer(), reg_types_.Integer(), false);
     case Instruction::AND_INT_LIT16:
     case Instruction::OR_INT_LIT16:
     case Instruction::XOR_INT_LIT16:
-      CheckLitop(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeInteger, kRegTypeInteger, true,
-          &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckLiteralOp(dec_insn, reg_types_.Integer(), reg_types_.Integer(), true);
     case Instruction::ADD_INT_LIT8:
     case Instruction::RSUB_INT_LIT8:
@@ -3153,26 +2619,14 @@
     case Instruction::DIV_INT_LIT8:
     case Instruction::REM_INT_LIT8:
     case Instruction::SHL_INT_LIT8:
-      CheckLitop(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeInteger, kRegTypeInteger, false,
-          &failure);
-      break;
     case Instruction::SHR_INT_LIT8:
-      tmp_type = AdjustForRightShift(work_line, dec_insn.vB_, dec_insn.vC_,
-          false);
-      CheckLitop(work_line, &dec_insn, tmp_type, kRegTypeInteger, false,
-          &failure);
-      break;
     case Instruction::USHR_INT_LIT8:
-      tmp_type = AdjustForRightShift(work_line, dec_insn.vB_, dec_insn.vC_,
-          true);
-      CheckLitop(work_line, &dec_insn, tmp_type, kRegTypeInteger, false,
-          &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckLiteralOp(dec_insn, reg_types_.Integer(), reg_types_.Integer(), false);
     case Instruction::AND_INT_LIT8:
     case Instruction::OR_INT_LIT8:
     case Instruction::XOR_INT_LIT8:
-      CheckLitop(work_line, &dec_insn, kRegTypeInteger, kRegTypeInteger, true,
-          &failure);
+      work_line_->CheckLiteralOp(dec_insn, reg_types_.Integer(), reg_types_.Integer(), true);
@@ -3183,38 +2637,7 @@
     case Instruction::THROW_VERIFICATION_ERROR:
-    /*
-     * Verifying "quickened" instructions is tricky, because we have
-     * discarded the original field/method information. The byte offsets
-     * and vtable indices only have meaning in the context of an object
-     * instance.
-     *
-     * If a piece of code declares a local reference variable, assigns
-     * null to it, and then issues a virtual method call on it, we
-     * cannot evaluate the method call during verification. This situation
-     * isn't hard to handle, since we know the call will always result in an
-     * NPE, and the arguments and return value don't matter. Any code that
-     * depends on the result of the method call is inaccessible, so the
-     * fact that we can't fully verify anything that comes after the bad
-     * call is not a problem.
-     *
-     * We must also consider the case of multiple code paths, only some of
-     * which involve a null reference. We can completely verify the method
-     * if we sidestep the results of executing with a null reference.
-     * For example, if on the first pass through the code we try to do a
-     * virtual method invocation through a null ref, we have to skip the
-     * method checks and have the method return a "wildcard" type (which
-     * merges with anything to become that other thing). The move-result
-     * will tell us if it's a reference, single-word numeric, or double-word
-     * value. We continue to perform the verification, and at the end of
-     * the function any invocations that were never fully exercised are
-     * marked as null-only.
-     *
-     * We would do something similar for the field accesses. The field's
-     * type, once known, can be used to recover the width of short integers.
-     * If the object reference was null, the field-get returns the "wildcard"
-     * type, which is acceptable for any operation.
-     */
+    /* These should never appear during verification. */
     case Instruction::UNUSED_EE:
     case Instruction::UNUSED_EF:
     case Instruction::UNUSED_F2:
@@ -3227,27 +2650,6 @@
     case Instruction::UNUSED_F9:
     case Instruction::UNUSED_FA:
     case Instruction::UNUSED_FB:
-    //case Instruction::EXECUTE_INLINE:
-    //case Instruction::EXECUTE_INLINE_RANGE:
-    //case Instruction::IGET_QUICK:
-    //case Instruction::IGET_WIDE_QUICK:
-    //case Instruction::IGET_OBJECT_QUICK:
-    //case Instruction::IPUT_QUICK:
-    //case Instruction::IPUT_WIDE_QUICK:
-    //case Instruction::IPUT_OBJECT_QUICK:
-    //case Instruction::INVOKE_VIRTUAL_QUICK:
-    //case Instruction::INVOKE_VIRTUAL_QUICK_RANGE:
-    //case Instruction::INVOKE_SUPER_QUICK:
-    //case Instruction::INVOKE_SUPER_QUICK_RANGE:
-      /* fall through to failure */
-    /*
-     * These instructions are equivalent (from the verifier's point of view)
-     * to the original form. The change was made for correctness rather
-     * than improved performance (except for invoke-object-init, which
-     * provides both). The substitution takes place after verification
-     * completes, though, so we don't expect to see them here.
-     */
     case Instruction::UNUSED_F0:
     case Instruction::UNUSED_F1:
     case Instruction::UNUSED_E3:
@@ -3262,23 +2664,6 @@
     case Instruction::UNUSED_E6:
     case Instruction::UNUSED_EB:
     case Instruction::UNUSED_FE:
-    //case Instruction::INVOKE_OBJECT_INIT_RANGE:
-    //case Instruction::RETURN_VOID_BARRIER:
-    //case Instruction::IGET_VOLATILE:
-    //case Instruction::IGET_WIDE_VOLATILE:
-    //case Instruction::IGET_OBJECT_VOLATILE:
-    //case Instruction::IPUT_VOLATILE:
-    //case Instruction::IPUT_WIDE_VOLATILE:
-    //case Instruction::IPUT_OBJECT_VOLATILE:
-    //case Instruction::SGET_VOLATILE:
-    //case Instruction::SGET_WIDE_VOLATILE:
-    //case Instruction::SGET_OBJECT_VOLATILE:
-    //case Instruction::SPUT_VOLATILE:
-    //case Instruction::SPUT_WIDE_VOLATILE:
-    //case Instruction::SPUT_OBJECT_VOLATILE:
-      /* fall through to failure */
-    /* These should never appear during verification. */
     case Instruction::UNUSED_3E:
     case Instruction::UNUSED_3F:
     case Instruction::UNUSED_40:
@@ -3290,85 +2675,65 @@
     case Instruction::UNUSED_7A:
     case Instruction::UNUSED_EC:
     case Instruction::UNUSED_FF:
-    //case Instruction::BREAKPOINT:
-    //case Instruction::DISPATCH_FF:
-      failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
+      Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "Unexpected opcode " << *inst;
      * DO NOT add a "default" clause here. Without it the compiler will
      * complain if an instruction is missing (which is desirable).
-    }
+  }  // end - switch (dec_insn.opcode_)
-  if (failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) {
-    if (failure == VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) {
+  if (failure_ != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) {
+    if (failure_ == VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) {
       /* immediate failure, reject class */
-      LOG(ERROR) << "VFY:  rejecting opcode 0x" << std::hex
-                 << (int) dec_insn.opcode_ << " at 0x" << insn_idx << std::dec;
+      fail_messages_ << std::endl << "Rejecting opcode " << *inst;
       return false;
     } else {
       /* replace opcode and continue on */
-      LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: replacing opcode 0x" << std::hex
-                 << (int) dec_insn.opcode_ << " at 0x" << insn_idx << std::dec;
-      if (!ReplaceFailingInstruction(code_item, insn_idx, failure)) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY:  rejecting opcode 0x" << std::hex
-                   << (int) dec_insn.opcode_ << " at 0x" << insn_idx
-                   << std::dec;
-        return false;
-      }
+      fail_messages_ << std::endl << "Replacing opcode " << *inst;
+      ReplaceFailingInstruction();
       /* IMPORTANT: method->insns may have been changed */
-      insns = code_item->insns_ + insn_idx;
+      insns = code_item_->insns_ + work_insn_idx_;
       /* continue on as if we just handled a throw-verification-error */
-      failure = VERIFY_ERROR_NONE;
+      failure_ = VERIFY_ERROR_NONE;
       opcode_flag = Instruction::kThrow;
-   * If we didn't just set the result register, clear it out. This
-   * ensures that you can only use "move-result" immediately after the
-   * result is set. (We could check this statically, but it's not
-   * expensive and it makes our debugging output cleaner.)
+   * If we didn't just set the result register, clear it out. This ensures that you can only use
+   * "move-result" immediately after the result is set. (We could check this statically, but it's
+   * not expensive and it makes our debugging output cleaner.)
   if (!just_set_result) {
-    int reg = RESULT_REGISTER(registers_size);
-    SetRegisterType(work_line, reg, kRegTypeUnknown);
-    SetRegisterType(work_line, reg + 1, kRegTypeUnknown);
+    work_line_->SetResultTypeToUnknown();
   /* Handle "continue". Tag the next consecutive instruction. */
   if ((opcode_flag & Instruction::kContinue) != 0) {
-    size_t insn_width = InsnGetWidth(insn_flags, insn_idx);
-    if (insn_idx + insn_width >= insns_size) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: execution can walk off end of code area (from 0x"
-                 << std::hex << insn_idx << std::dec << ")";
+    uint32_t next_insn_idx = work_insn_idx_ + CurrentInsnFlags().GetLengthInCodeUnits();
+    if (next_insn_idx >= code_item_->insns_size_in_code_units_) {
+      Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "Execution can walk off end of code area";
       return false;
-    /*
-     * The only way to get to a move-exception instruction is to get
-     * thrown there. Make sure the next instruction isn't one.
-     */
-    if (!CheckMoveException(code_item->insns_, insn_idx + insn_width))
+    // The only way to get to a move-exception instruction is to get thrown there. Make sure the
+    // next instruction isn't one.
+    if (!CheckMoveException(code_item_->insns_, next_insn_idx)) {
       return false;
-    if (GetRegisterLine(reg_table, insn_idx + insn_width)->reg_types_.get() != NULL) {
-      /*
-       * Merge registers into what we have for the next instruction,
-       * and set the "changed" flag if needed.
-       */
-      if (!UpdateRegisters(insn_flags, reg_table, insn_idx + insn_width,
-          work_line))
+    }
+    RegisterLine* next_line = reg_table_.GetLine(next_insn_idx);
+    if (next_line != NULL) {
+      // Merge registers into what we have for the next instruction, and set the "changed" flag if
+      // needed.
+      if (!UpdateRegisters(next_insn_idx, work_line_.get())) {
         return false;
+      }
     } else {
-       * We're not recording register data for the next instruction,
-       * so we don't know what the prior state was. We have to
-       * assume that something has changed and re-evaluate it.
+       * We're not recording register data for the next instruction, so we don't know what the prior
+       * state was. We have to assume that something has changed and re-evaluate it.
-      InsnSetChanged(insn_flags, insn_idx + insn_width, true);
+      insn_flags_[next_insn_idx].SetChanged();
@@ -3386,22 +2751,19 @@
   if ((opcode_flag & Instruction::kBranch) != 0) {
     bool isConditional, selfOkay;
-    if (!GetBranchOffset(code_item, insn_flags, insn_idx, &branch_target,
-        &isConditional, &selfOkay)) {
+    if (!GetBranchOffset(work_insn_idx_, &branch_target, &isConditional, &selfOkay)) {
       /* should never happen after static verification */
-      LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: bad branch at 0x" << std::hex << insn_idx << std::dec;
+      Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "bad branch";
       return false;
     DCHECK_EQ(isConditional, (opcode_flag & Instruction::kContinue) != 0);
-    if (!CheckMoveException(code_item->insns_, insn_idx + branch_target))
+    if (!CheckMoveException(code_item_->insns_, work_insn_idx_ + branch_target)) {
       return false;
+    }
     /* update branch target, set "changed" if appropriate */
-    if (!UpdateRegisters(insn_flags, reg_table, insn_idx + branch_target,
-        work_line))
+    if (!UpdateRegisters(work_insn_idx_ + branch_target, work_line_.get())) {
       return false;
+    }
@@ -3433,73 +2795,62 @@
       /* offsets are 32-bit, and only partly endian-swapped */
       offset = switch_insns[offset_to_targets + targ * 2] |
          (((int32_t) switch_insns[offset_to_targets + targ * 2 + 1]) << 16);
-      abs_offset = insn_idx + offset;
-      DCHECK_LT(abs_offset, insns_size);
-      if (!CheckMoveException(code_item->insns_, abs_offset))
+      abs_offset = work_insn_idx_ + offset;
+      DCHECK_LT(abs_offset, code_item_->insns_size_in_code_units_);
+      if (!CheckMoveException(code_item_->insns_, abs_offset)) {
         return false;
-      if (!UpdateRegisters(insn_flags, reg_table, abs_offset, work_line))
+      }
+      if (!UpdateRegisters(abs_offset, work_line_.get()))
         return false;
-   * Handle instructions that can throw and that are sitting in a
-   * "try" block. (If they're not in a "try" block when they throw,
-   * control transfers out of the method.)
+   * Handle instructions that can throw and that are sitting in a "try" block. (If they're not in a
+   * "try" block when they throw, control transfers out of the method.)
-  if ((opcode_flag & Instruction::kThrow) != 0 &&
-      InsnIsInTry(insn_flags, insn_idx)) {
-    bool has_catch_all = false;
-    DexFile::CatchHandlerIterator iterator = DexFile::dexFindCatchHandler(
-        *code_item, insn_idx);
+  if ((opcode_flag & Instruction::kThrow) != 0 && insn_flags_[work_insn_idx_].IsInTry()) {
+    bool within_catch_all = false;
+    DexFile::CatchHandlerIterator iterator =
+        DexFile::dexFindCatchHandler(*code_item_, work_insn_idx_);
     for (; !iterator.HasNext(); iterator.Next()) {
-      if (iterator.Get().type_idx_ == DexFile::kDexNoIndex)
-        has_catch_all = true;
+      if (iterator.Get().type_idx_ == DexFile::kDexNoIndex) {
+        within_catch_all = true;
+      }
-       * Merge registers into the "catch" block. We want to use the
-       * "savedRegs" rather than "work_regs", because at runtime the
-       * exception will be thrown before the instruction modifies any
-       * registers.
+       * Merge registers into the "catch" block. We want to use the "savedRegs" rather than
+       * "work_regs", because at runtime the exception will be thrown before the instruction
+       * modifies any registers.
-      if (!UpdateRegisters(insn_flags, reg_table, iterator.Get().address_,
-          &reg_table->saved_line_))
+      if (!UpdateRegisters(iterator.Get().address_, saved_line_.get())) {
         return false;
+      }
-     * If the monitor stack depth is nonzero, there must be a "catch all"
-     * handler for this instruction. This does apply to monitor-exit
-     * because of async exception handling.
+     * If the monitor stack depth is nonzero, there must be a "catch all" handler for this
+     * instruction. This does apply to monitor-exit because of async exception handling.
-    if (work_line->monitor_stack_top_ != 0 && !has_catch_all) {
+    if (work_line_->MonitorStackDepth() > 0 && !within_catch_all) {
-       * The state in work_line reflects the post-execution state.
-       * If the current instruction is a monitor-enter and the monitor
-       * stack was empty, we don't need a catch-all (if it throws,
+       * The state in work_line reflects the post-execution state. If the current instruction is a
+       * monitor-enter and the monitor stack was empty, we don't need a catch-all (if it throws,
        * it will do so before grabbing the lock).
-      if (!(dec_insn.opcode_ == Instruction::MONITOR_ENTER &&
-          work_line->monitor_stack_top_ == 1))
-      {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: no catch-all for instruction at 0x" << std::hex
-                   << insn_idx << std::dec;
+      if (dec_insn.opcode_ != Instruction::MONITOR_ENTER || work_line_->MonitorStackDepth() != 1) {
+            << "expected to be within a catch-all for an instruction where a monitor is held";
         return false;
   /* If we're returning from the method, make sure monitor stack is empty. */
-  if ((opcode_flag & Instruction::kReturn) != 0 &&
-      work_line->monitor_stack_top_ != 0) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: return with stack depth="
-               << work_line->monitor_stack_top_ << " at 0x" << std::hex
-               << insn_idx << std::dec;
-    return false;
+  if ((opcode_flag & Instruction::kReturn) != 0) {
+    if(!work_line_->VerifyMonitorStackEmpty()) {
+      return false;
+    }
@@ -3509,43 +2860,629 @@
    * alone and let the caller sort it out.
   if ((opcode_flag & Instruction::kContinue) != 0) {
-    *start_guess = insn_idx + InsnGetWidth(insn_flags, insn_idx);
+    *start_guess = work_insn_idx_ + insn_flags_[work_insn_idx_].GetLengthInCodeUnits();
   } else if ((opcode_flag & Instruction::kBranch) != 0) {
     /* we're still okay if branch_target is zero */
-    *start_guess = insn_idx + branch_target;
+    *start_guess = work_insn_idx_ + branch_target;
-  DCHECK_LT(*start_guess, insns_size);
-  DCHECK_NE(InsnGetWidth(insn_flags, *start_guess), 0);
+  DCHECK_LT(*start_guess, code_item_->insns_size_in_code_units_);
+  DCHECK(insn_flags_[*start_guess].IsOpcode());
   return true;
-bool DexVerifier::ReplaceFailingInstruction(const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,
-    int insn_idx, VerifyError failure) {
-  const uint16_t* insns = code_item->insns_ + insn_idx;
-  const byte* ptr = reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(insns);
-  const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(ptr);
-  Instruction::Code opcode = inst->Opcode();
-  VerifyErrorRefType ref_type;
+Class* DexVerifier::ResolveClassAndCheckAccess(uint32_t class_idx) {
+  const Class* referrer = method_->GetDeclaringClass();
+  ClassLinker* class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
+  Class* res_class = class_linker->ResolveType(*dex_file_, class_idx, referrer);
+  if (res_class == NULL) {
+    Thread::Current()->ClearException();
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_NO_CLASS) << "can't find class with index " << (void*) class_idx;
+  } else if (!referrer->CanAccess(res_class)) {   /* Check if access is allowed. */
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_ACCESS_CLASS) << "illegal class access: "
+                                    << referrer->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8() << " -> "
+                                    << res_class->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8();
+  }
+  return res_class;
+Class* DexVerifier::GetCaughtExceptionType() {
+  Class* common_super = NULL;
+  if (code_item_->tries_size_ != 0) {
+    const byte* handlers_ptr = DexFile::dexGetCatchHandlerData(*code_item_, 0);
+    uint32_t handlers_size = DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&handlers_ptr);
+    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < handlers_size; i++) {
+      DexFile::CatchHandlerIterator iterator(handlers_ptr);
+      for (; !iterator.HasNext(); iterator.Next()) {
+        DexFile::CatchHandlerItem handler = iterator.Get();
+        if (handler.address_ == (uint32_t) work_insn_idx_) {
+          if (handler.type_idx_ == DexFile::kDexNoIndex) {
+            common_super = JavaLangThrowable();
+          } else {
+            Class* klass = ResolveClassAndCheckAccess(handler.type_idx_);
+            /* TODO: on error do we want to keep going?  If we don't fail this we run the risk of
+             * having a non-Throwable introduced at runtime. However, that won't pass an instanceof
+             * test, so is essentially harmless.
+             */
+            if (klass == NULL) {
+              Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "unable to resolve exception class "
+                                         << handler.type_idx_ << " ("
+                                         << dex_file_->dexStringByTypeIdx(handler.type_idx_) << ")";
+              return NULL;
+            } else if(!JavaLangThrowable()->IsAssignableFrom(klass)) {
+              Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "unexpected non-exception class " << PrettyClass(klass);
+              return NULL;
+            } else if (common_super == NULL) {
+              common_super = klass;
+            } else {
+              common_super = RegType::ClassJoin(common_super, klass);
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      handlers_ptr = iterator.GetData();
+    }
+  }
+  if (common_super == NULL) {
+    /* no catch blocks, or no catches with classes we can find */
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "unable to find exception handler";
+  }
+  return common_super;
+Method* DexVerifier::ResolveMethodAndCheckAccess(uint32_t method_idx, bool is_direct) {
+  Class* referrer = method_->GetDeclaringClass();
+  DexCache* dex_cache = referrer->GetDexCache();
+  Method* res_method = dex_cache->GetResolvedMethod(method_idx);
+  if (res_method == NULL) {
+    const DexFile::MethodId& method_id = dex_file_->GetMethodId(method_idx);
+    Class* klass = ResolveClassAndCheckAccess(method_id.class_idx_);
+    if (klass == NULL) {
+      DCHECK(failure_ != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE);
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    const char* name = dex_file_->dexStringById(method_id.name_idx_);
+    std::string signature(dex_file_->CreateMethodDescriptor(method_id.proto_idx_, NULL));
+    if (is_direct) {
+      res_method = klass->FindDirectMethod(name, signature);
+    } else if (klass->IsInterface()) {
+      res_method = klass->FindInterfaceMethod(name, signature);
+    } else {
+      res_method = klass->FindVirtualMethod(name, signature);
+    }
+    if (res_method != NULL) {
+      dex_cache->SetResolvedMethod(method_idx, res_method);
+    } else {
+      Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_NO_METHOD) << "couldn't find method "
+                                   << PrettyDescriptor(klass->GetDescriptor()) << "." << name
+                                   << " " << signature;
+      return NULL;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Check if access is allowed. */
+  if (!referrer->CanAccessMember(res_method->GetDeclaringClass(), res_method->GetAccessFlags())) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_ACCESS_METHOD) << "illegal method access (call " << PrettyMethod(res_method)
+                                  << " from " << PrettyDescriptor(referrer->GetDescriptor()) << ")";
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  return res_method;
+Method* DexVerifier::VerifyInvocationArgs(const Instruction::DecodedInstruction& dec_insn,
+                                          MethodType method_type, bool is_range, bool is_super) {
+  // Resolve the method. This could be an abstract or concrete method depending on what sort of call
+  // we're making.
+  Method* res_method = ResolveMethodAndCheckAccess(dec_insn.vB_,
+                           (method_type == METHOD_DIRECT || method_type == METHOD_STATIC));
+  if (res_method == NULL) {
+    const DexFile::MethodId& method_id = dex_file_->GetMethodId(dec_insn.vB_);
+    const char* method_name = dex_file_->GetMethodName(method_id);
+    std::string method_signature = dex_file_->GetMethodSignature(method_id);
+    const char* class_descriptor = dex_file_->GetMethodClassDescriptor(method_id);
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "unable to resolve method " << dec_insn.vB_ << ": "
+                               << class_descriptor << "." << method_name << " " << method_signature;
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  // Make sure calls to constructors are "direct". There are additional restrictions but we don't
+  // enforce them here.
+  if (res_method->IsConstructor() && method_type != METHOD_DIRECT) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "rejecting non-direct call to constructor "
+                               << PrettyMethod(res_method);
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  // See if the method type implied by the invoke instruction matches the access flags for the
+  // target method.
+  if ((method_type == METHOD_DIRECT && !res_method->IsDirect()) ||
+      (method_type == METHOD_STATIC && !res_method->IsStatic()) ||
+      ((method_type == METHOD_VIRTUAL || method_type == METHOD_INTERFACE) && res_method->IsDirect())
+      ) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "invoke type does not match method type of "
+                               << PrettyMethod(res_method);
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  // If we're using invoke-super(method), make sure that the executing method's class' superclass
+  // has a vtable entry for the target method.
+  if (is_super) {
+    DCHECK(method_type == METHOD_VIRTUAL);
+    Class* super = method_->GetDeclaringClass()->GetSuperClass();
+    if (super == NULL || res_method->GetMethodIndex() > super->GetVTable()->GetLength()) {
+      if (super == NULL) {  // Only Object has no super class
+        Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_NO_METHOD) << "invalid invoke-super from " << PrettyMethod(method_)
+                                     << " to super " << PrettyMethod(res_method);
+      } else {
+        Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_NO_METHOD) << "invalid invoke-super from " << PrettyMethod(method_)
+                                     << " to super " << PrettyDescriptor(super->GetDescriptor())
+                                     << "." << res_method->GetName()->ToModifiedUtf8()
+                                     << " " << res_method->GetSignature()->ToModifiedUtf8();
+      }
+      return NULL;
+    }
+  }
+  // We use vAA as our expected arg count, rather than res_method->insSize, because we need to
+  // match the call to the signature. Also, we might might be calling through an abstract method
+  // definition (which doesn't have register count values).
+  int expected_args = dec_insn.vA_;
+  /* caught by static verifier */
+  DCHECK(is_range || expected_args <= 5);
+  if (expected_args > code_item_->outs_size_) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "invalid arg count (" << expected_args
+        << ") exceeds outsSize (" << code_item_->outs_size_ << ")";
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  std::string sig = res_method->GetSignature()->ToModifiedUtf8();
+  if (sig[0] != '(') {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "rejecting call to " << res_method
+        << " as descriptor doesn't start with '(': " << sig;
+    return NULL;
+  }
-   * Generate the new instruction out of the old.
-   *
-   * First, make sure this is an instruction we're expecting to stomp on.
+   * Check the "this" argument, which must be an instance of the class
+   * that declared the method. For an interface class, we don't do the
+   * full interface merge, so we can't do a rigorous check here (which
+   * is okay since we have to do it at runtime).
-  switch (opcode) {
-    case Instruction::CONST_CLASS:            // insn[1] == class ref, 2 bytes
+  int actual_args = 0;
+  if (!res_method->IsStatic()) {
+    const RegType& actual_arg_type = work_line_->GetInvocationThis(dec_insn);
+    if (failure_ != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) {
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    if (actual_arg_type.IsUninitializedReference() && !res_method->IsConstructor()) {
+      Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "'this' arg must be initialized";
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    if (method_type != METHOD_INTERFACE && !actual_arg_type.IsZero()) {
+      Class* actual_this_ref = actual_arg_type.GetClass();
+      if (!res_method->GetDeclaringClass()->IsAssignableFrom(actual_this_ref)) {
+        Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "'this' arg '"
+            << PrettyDescriptor(actual_this_ref->GetDescriptor()) << "' not instance of '"
+            << PrettyDescriptor(res_method->GetDeclaringClass()->GetDescriptor()) << "'";
+        return NULL;
+      }
+    }
+    actual_args++;
+  }
+  /*
+   * Process the target method's signature. This signature may or may not
+   * have been verified, so we can't assume it's properly formed.
+   */
+  size_t sig_offset = 0;
+  for (sig_offset = 1; sig_offset < sig.size() && sig[sig_offset] != ')'; sig_offset++) {
+    if (actual_args >= expected_args) {
+      Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "Rejecting invalid call to '" << PrettyMethod(res_method)
+          << "'. Expected " << expected_args << " args, found more ("
+          << sig.substr(sig_offset) << ")";
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    std::string descriptor;
+    if ((sig[sig_offset] == 'L') || (sig[sig_offset] == '[')) {
+      size_t end;
+      if (sig[sig_offset] == 'L') {
+        end = sig.find(';', sig_offset);
+      } else {
+        for(end = sig_offset + 1; sig[end] == '['; end++) ;
+        if (sig[end] == 'L') {
+          end = sig.find(';', end);
+        }
+      }
+      if (end == std::string::npos) {
+        Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "Rejecting invocation of " << PrettyMethod(res_method)
+            << "bad signature component '" << sig << "' (missing ';')";
+        return NULL;
+      }
+      descriptor = sig.substr(sig_offset, end - sig_offset + 1);
+      sig_offset = end;
+    } else {
+      descriptor = sig[sig_offset];
+    }
+    const RegType& reg_type =
+        reg_types_.FromDescriptor(method_->GetDeclaringClass()->GetClassLoader(), descriptor);
+    if (reg_type.IsUnknown()) {
+      DCHECK(Thread::Current()->IsExceptionPending());
+      Thread::Current()->ClearException();
+      Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "Rejecting invocation of " << PrettyMethod(res_method)
+         << " bad descriptor '" << descriptor << "' in signature " << sig;
+      return NULL;
+    } else {
+      uint32_t get_reg = is_range ? dec_insn.vC_ + actual_args : dec_insn.arg_[actual_args];
+      if (!work_line_->VerifyRegisterType(get_reg, reg_type)) {
+        return NULL;
+      }
+    }
+    actual_args = reg_type.IsLongOrDoubleTypes() ? actual_args + 2 : actual_args + 1;
+  }
+  if (sig[sig_offset] != ')') {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "invocation target: bad signature" << PrettyMethod(res_method);
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  if (actual_args != expected_args) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "Rejecting invocation of " << PrettyMethod(res_method)
+        << " expected " << expected_args << " args, found " << actual_args;
+    return NULL;
+  } else {
+    return res_method;
+  }
+void DexVerifier::VerifyAGet(const Instruction::DecodedInstruction& dec_insn,
+                             const RegType& insn_type, bool is_primitive) {
+  const RegType& index_type = work_line_->GetRegisterType(dec_insn.vC_);
+  if (!index_type.IsArrayIndexTypes()) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "Invalid reg type for array index (" << index_type << ")";
+  } else {
+    Class* array_class = work_line_->GetClassFromRegister(dec_insn.vB_);
+    if (failure_ == VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) {
+      if (array_class == NULL) {
+        // Null array class; this code path will fail at runtime. Infer a merge-able type from the
+        // instruction type. TODO: have a proper notion of bottom here.
+        if (!is_primitive || insn_type.IsCategory1Types()) {
+          // Reference or category 1
+          work_line_->SetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_, reg_types_.Zero());
+        } else {
+          // Category 2
+          work_line_->SetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_, reg_types_.ConstLo());
+        }
+      } else {
+        /* verify the class */
+        Class* component_class = array_class->GetComponentType();
+        const RegType& component_type = reg_types_.FromClass(component_class);
+        if (!array_class->IsArrayClass()) {
+          Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "not array type "
+              << PrettyDescriptor(array_class->GetDescriptor()) << " with aget";
+        } else if (component_class->IsPrimitive() && !is_primitive) {
+          Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "primitive array type "
+                                     << PrettyDescriptor(array_class->GetDescriptor())
+                                     << " source for aget-object";
+        } else if (!component_class->IsPrimitive() && is_primitive) {
+          Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "reference array type "
+                                     << PrettyDescriptor(array_class->GetDescriptor())
+                                     << " source for category 1 aget";
+        } else if (is_primitive && !insn_type.Equals(component_type) &&
+                   !((insn_type.IsInteger() && component_type.IsFloat()) ||
+                     (insn_type.IsLong() && component_type.IsDouble()))) {
+          Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "array type "
+              << PrettyDescriptor(array_class->GetDescriptor())
+              << " incompatible with aget of type " << insn_type;
+        } else {
+          // Use knowledge of the field type which is stronger than the type inferred from the
+          // instruction, which can't differentiate object types and ints from floats, longs from
+          // doubles.
+          work_line_->SetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_, component_type);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void DexVerifier::VerifyAPut(const Instruction::DecodedInstruction& dec_insn,
+                             const RegType& insn_type, bool is_primitive) {
+  const RegType& index_type = work_line_->GetRegisterType(dec_insn.vC_);
+  if (!index_type.IsArrayIndexTypes()) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "Invalid reg type for array index (" << index_type << ")";
+  } else {
+    Class* array_class = work_line_->GetClassFromRegister(dec_insn.vB_);
+    if (failure_ == VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) {
+      if (array_class == NULL) {
+        // Null array class; this code path will fail at runtime. Infer a merge-able type from the
+        // instruction type.
+      } else {
+        /* verify the class */
+        Class* component_class = array_class->GetComponentType();
+        const RegType& component_type = reg_types_.FromClass(component_class);
+        if (!array_class->IsArrayClass()) {
+          Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "not array type "
+              << PrettyDescriptor(array_class->GetDescriptor()) << " with aput";
+        } else if (component_class->IsPrimitive() && !is_primitive) {
+          Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "primitive array type "
+                                     << PrettyDescriptor(array_class->GetDescriptor())
+                                     << " source for aput-object";
+        } else if (!component_class->IsPrimitive() && is_primitive) {
+          Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "reference array type "
+                                     << PrettyDescriptor(array_class->GetDescriptor())
+                                     << " source for category 1 aput";
+        } else if (is_primitive && !insn_type.Equals(component_type) &&
+                   !((insn_type.IsInteger() && component_type.IsFloat()) ||
+                     (insn_type.IsLong() && component_type.IsDouble()))) {
+          Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "array type "
+              << PrettyDescriptor(array_class->GetDescriptor())
+              << " incompatible with aput of type " << insn_type;
+        } else {
+          // The instruction agrees with the type of array, confirm the value to be stored does too
+          work_line_->VerifyRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_, component_type);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+Field* DexVerifier::GetStaticField(int field_idx) {
+  Field* field = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker()->ResolveField(field_idx, method_, true);
+  if (field == NULL) {
+    const DexFile::FieldId& field_id = dex_file_->GetFieldId(field_idx);
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_NO_FIELD) << "unable to resolve static field " << field_idx << " ("
+                                << dex_file_->GetFieldName(field_id) << ") in "
+                                << dex_file_->GetFieldClassDescriptor(field_id);
+    DCHECK(Thread::Current()->IsExceptionPending());
+    Thread::Current()->ClearException();
+    return NULL;
+  } else if (!method_->GetDeclaringClass()->CanAccessMember(field->GetDeclaringClass(),
+                                                            field->GetAccessFlags())) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_ACCESS_FIELD) << "cannot access static field " << PrettyField(field)
+                                   << " from " << PrettyClass(method_->GetDeclaringClass());
+    return NULL;
+  } else if (!field->IsStatic()) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_CLASS_CHANGE) << "expected field " << PrettyField(field) << " to be static";
+    return NULL;
+  } else {
+    return field;
+  }
+void DexVerifier::VerifySGet(const Instruction::DecodedInstruction& dec_insn,
+                             const RegType& insn_type, bool is_primitive) {
+  Field* field = GetStaticField(dec_insn.vB_);
+  if (field != NULL) {
+    DCHECK(field->GetDeclaringClass()->IsResolved());
+    Class* field_class = field->GetType();
+    Class* insn_class = insn_type.GetClass();
+    if (is_primitive) {
+      if (field_class == insn_class ||
+          (field_class->IsPrimitiveFloat() && insn_class->IsPrimitiveInt()) ||
+          (field_class->IsPrimitiveDouble() && insn_class->IsPrimitiveLong())) {
+        // expected that read is of the correct primitive type or that int reads are reading
+        // floats or long reads are reading doubles
+      } else {
+        // This is a global failure rather than a class change failure as the instructions and
+        // the descriptors for the type should have been consistent within the same file at
+        // compile time
+        Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "expected field " << PrettyField(field)
+                                   << " to be of type " << PrettyClass(insn_class)
+                                   << " but found type " << PrettyClass(field_class) << " in sget";
+        return;
+      }
+    } else {
+      if (!insn_class->IsAssignableFrom(field_class)) {
+        Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "expected field " << PrettyField(field)
+                                   << " to be of type " << PrettyClass(insn_class)
+                                   << " but found type " << PrettyClass(field_class)
+                                   << " in sget-object";
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+    work_line_->SetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_, reg_types_.FromClass(field_class));
+  }
+void DexVerifier::VerifySPut(const Instruction::DecodedInstruction& dec_insn,
+                             const RegType& insn_type, bool is_primitive) {
+  Field* field = GetStaticField(dec_insn.vB_);
+  if (field != NULL) {
+    DCHECK(field->GetDeclaringClass()->IsResolved());
+    if (field->IsFinal() && field->GetDeclaringClass() != method_->GetDeclaringClass()) {
+      Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_ACCESS_FIELD) << "cannot modify final static field " << PrettyField(field)
+                               << " from other class " << PrettyClass(method_->GetDeclaringClass());
+      return;
+    }
+    Class* field_class = field->GetType();
+    Class* insn_class = insn_type.GetClass();
+    if (is_primitive) {
+      if (field_class == insn_class ||
+          (field_class->IsPrimitiveFloat() && insn_class->IsPrimitiveInt()) ||
+          (field_class->IsPrimitiveDouble() && insn_class->IsPrimitiveLong())) {
+        // expected that read is of the correct primitive type or that int reads are reading
+        // floats or long reads are reading doubles
+      } else {
+        // This is a global failure rather than a class change failure as the instructions and
+        // the descriptors for the type should have been consistent within the same file at
+        // compile time
+        Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "expected field " << PrettyField(field)
+                                   << " to be of type " << PrettyClass(insn_class)
+                                   << " but found type " << PrettyClass(field_class) << " in sput";
+        return;
+      }
+    } else {
+      if (!insn_class->IsAssignableFrom(field_class)) {
+        Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "expected field " << PrettyField(field)
+                                  << " to be compatible with type " << insn_type
+                                  << " but found type " << PrettyClass(field_class)
+                                  << " in sput-object";
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+    work_line_->VerifyRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_, reg_types_.FromClass(field_class));
+  }
+Field* DexVerifier::GetInstanceField(const RegType& obj_type, int field_idx) {
+  Field* field = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker()->ResolveField(field_idx, method_, false);
+  if (field == NULL) {
+    const DexFile::FieldId& field_id = dex_file_->GetFieldId(field_idx);
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_NO_FIELD) << "unable to resolve instance field " << field_idx << " ("
+                                << dex_file_->GetFieldName(field_id) << ") in "
+                                << dex_file_->GetFieldClassDescriptor(field_id);
+    DCHECK(Thread::Current()->IsExceptionPending());
+    Thread::Current()->ClearException();
+    return NULL;
+  } else if (!method_->GetDeclaringClass()->CanAccessMember(field->GetDeclaringClass(),
+                                                            field->GetAccessFlags())) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_ACCESS_FIELD) << "cannot access instance field " << PrettyField(field)
+                                    << " from " << PrettyClass(method_->GetDeclaringClass());
+    return NULL;
+  } else if (field->IsStatic()) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_CLASS_CHANGE) << "expected field " << PrettyField(field)
+                                    << " to not be static";
+    return NULL;
+  } else if (obj_type.IsZero()) {
+    // Cannot infer and check type, however, access will cause null pointer exception
+    return field;
+  } else if(obj_type.IsUninitializedReference() &&
+            (!method_->IsConstructor() || method_->GetDeclaringClass() != obj_type.GetClass() ||
+             field->GetDeclaringClass() != method_->GetDeclaringClass())) {
+    // Field accesses through uninitialized references are only allowable for constructors where
+    // the field is declared in this class
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "cannot access instance field " << PrettyField(field)
+                               << " of a not fully initialized object within the context of "
+                               << PrettyMethod(method_);
+    return NULL;
+  } else if(!field->GetDeclaringClass()->IsAssignableFrom(obj_type.GetClass())) {
+    // Trying to access C1.field1 using reference of type C2, which is neither C1 or a sub-class
+    // of C1. For resolution to occur the declared class of the field must be compatible with
+    // obj_type, we've discovered this wasn't so, so report the field didn't exist.
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_NO_FIELD) << "cannot access instance field " << PrettyField(field)
+                                << " from object of type " << PrettyClass(obj_type.GetClass());
+    return NULL;
+  } else {
+    return field;
+  }
+void DexVerifier::VerifyIGet(const Instruction::DecodedInstruction& dec_insn,
+                             const RegType& insn_type, bool is_primitive) {
+  const RegType& object_type = work_line_->GetRegisterType(dec_insn.vB_);
+  Field* field = GetInstanceField(object_type, dec_insn.vC_);
+  if (field != NULL) {
+    DCHECK(field->GetDeclaringClass()->IsResolved());
+    Class* field_class = field->GetType();
+    Class* insn_class = insn_type.GetClass();
+    if (is_primitive) {
+      if (field_class == insn_class ||
+          (field_class->IsPrimitiveFloat() && insn_class->IsPrimitiveInt()) ||
+          (field_class->IsPrimitiveDouble() && insn_class->IsPrimitiveLong())) {
+        // expected that read is of the correct primitive type or that int reads are reading
+        // floats or long reads are reading doubles
+      } else {
+        // This is a global failure rather than a class change failure as the instructions and
+        // the descriptors for the type should have been consistent within the same file at
+        // compile time
+        Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "expected field " << PrettyField(field)
+                                   << " to be of type " << PrettyClass(insn_class)
+                                   << " but found type " << PrettyClass(field_class) << " in iget";
+        return;
+      }
+    } else {
+      if (!insn_class->IsAssignableFrom(field_class)) {
+        Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "expected field " << PrettyField(field)
+                                   << " to be compatible with type " << PrettyClass(insn_class)
+                                   << " but found type " << PrettyClass(field_class) << " in iget-object";
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+    work_line_->SetRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_, reg_types_.FromClass(field_class));
+  }
+void DexVerifier::VerifyIPut(const Instruction::DecodedInstruction& dec_insn,
+                             const RegType& insn_type, bool is_primitive) {
+  const RegType& object_type = work_line_->GetRegisterType(dec_insn.vB_);
+  Field* field = GetInstanceField(object_type, dec_insn.vC_);
+  if (field != NULL) {
+    DCHECK(field->GetDeclaringClass()->IsResolved());
+    if (field->IsFinal() && field->GetDeclaringClass() != method_->GetDeclaringClass()) {
+      Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_ACCESS_FIELD) << "cannot modify final field " << PrettyField(field)
+                               << " from other class " << PrettyClass(method_->GetDeclaringClass());
+      return;
+    }
+    Class* field_class = field->GetType();
+    Class* insn_class = insn_type.GetClass();
+    if (is_primitive) {
+      if (field_class == insn_class ||
+          (field_class->IsPrimitiveFloat() && insn_class->IsPrimitiveInt()) ||
+          (field_class->IsPrimitiveDouble() && insn_class->IsPrimitiveLong())) {
+        // expected that read is of the correct primitive type or that int reads are reading
+        // floats or long reads are reading doubles
+      } else {
+        // This is a global failure rather than a class change failure as the instructions and
+        // the descriptors for the type should have been consistent within the same file at
+        // compile time
+        Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "expected field " << PrettyField(field)
+                                   << " to be of type " << PrettyClass(insn_class)
+                                   << " but found type " << PrettyClass(field_class) << " in iput";
+        return;
+      }
+    } else {
+      if (!insn_class->IsAssignableFrom(field_class)) {
+        Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "expected field " << PrettyField(field)
+                                   << " to be compatible with type " << PrettyClass(insn_class)
+                                   << " but found type " << PrettyClass(field_class)
+                                   << " in iput-object";
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+    work_line_->VerifyRegisterType(dec_insn.vA_, reg_types_.FromClass(field_class));
+  }
+bool DexVerifier::CheckMoveException(const uint16_t* insns, int insn_idx) {
+  if ((insns[insn_idx] & 0xff) == Instruction::MOVE_EXCEPTION) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "invalid use of move-exception";
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+void DexVerifier::VerifyFilledNewArrayRegs(const Instruction::DecodedInstruction& dec_insn,
+                                           Class* res_class, bool is_range) {
+  DCHECK(res_class->IsArrayClass()) << PrettyClass(res_class);  // Checked before calling.
+  /*
+   * Verify each register. If "arg_count" is bad, VerifyRegisterType() will run off the end of the
+   * list and fail. It's legal, if silly, for arg_count to be zero.
+   */
+  const RegType& expected_type = reg_types_.FromClass(res_class->GetComponentType());
+  uint32_t arg_count = dec_insn.vA_;
+  for (size_t ui = 0; ui < arg_count; ui++) {
+    uint32_t get_reg;
+    if (is_range)
+      get_reg = dec_insn.vC_ + ui;
+    else
+      get_reg = dec_insn.arg_[ui];
+    if (!work_line_->VerifyRegisterType(get_reg, expected_type)) {
+      Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "filled-new-array arg " << ui << "(" << get_reg
+                                 << ") not valid";
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+void DexVerifier::ReplaceFailingInstruction() {
+  const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(code_item_->insns_ + work_insn_idx_);
+  DCHECK(inst->IsThrow()) << "Expected instruction that will throw " << inst->Name();
+  VerifyErrorRefType ref_type;
+  switch (inst->Opcode()) {
+    case Instruction::CONST_CLASS:            // insn[1] == class ref, 2 code units (4 bytes)
     case Instruction::CHECK_CAST:
     case Instruction::INSTANCE_OF:
     case Instruction::NEW_INSTANCE:
     case Instruction::NEW_ARRAY:
-    case Instruction::FILLED_NEW_ARRAY:       // insn[1] == class ref, 3 bytes
+    case Instruction::FILLED_NEW_ARRAY:       // insn[1] == class ref, 3 code units (6 bytes)
     case Instruction::FILLED_NEW_ARRAY_RANGE:
       ref_type = VERIFY_ERROR_REF_CLASS;
-    case Instruction::IGET:                   // insn[1] == field ref, 2 bytes
+    case Instruction::IGET:                   // insn[1] == field ref, 2 code units (4 bytes)
     case Instruction::IGET_BOOLEAN:
     case Instruction::IGET_BYTE:
     case Instruction::IGET_CHAR:
@@ -3575,8 +3512,7 @@
     case Instruction::SPUT_OBJECT:
       ref_type = VERIFY_ERROR_REF_FIELD;
-    case Instruction::INVOKE_VIRTUAL:         // insn[1] == method ref, 3 bytes
+    case Instruction::INVOKE_VIRTUAL:         // insn[1] == method ref, 3 code units (6 bytes)
     case Instruction::INVOKE_VIRTUAL_RANGE:
     case Instruction::INVOKE_SUPER:
     case Instruction::INVOKE_SUPER_RANGE:
@@ -3588,2394 +3524,212 @@
     case Instruction::INVOKE_INTERFACE_RANGE:
       ref_type = VERIFY_ERROR_REF_METHOD;
-      /* could handle this in a generic way, but this is probably safer */
-      LOG(ERROR) << "GLITCH: verifier asked to replace opcode 0x" << std::hex
-                 << (int) opcode << std::dec;
-      return false;
-  }
-  DCHECK(inst->IsThrow());
-  /* write a NOP over the third code unit, if necessary */
-  int width = inst->Size();
-  switch (width) {
-    case 2:
-      /* nothing to do */
-      break;
-    case 3:
-      UpdateCodeUnit(insns + 2, Instruction::NOP);
-      break;
-    default:
-      /* whoops */
-      LOG(FATAL) << "ERROR: stomped a " << width
-                 << "-unit instruction with a verifier error";
-  }
-  /* encode the opcode, with the failure code in the high byte */
-  DCHECK(width == 2 || width == 3);
-  uint16_t new_val = Instruction::THROW_VERIFICATION_ERROR |
-      (failure << 8) | (ref_type << (8 + kVerifyErrorRefTypeShift));
-  UpdateCodeUnit(insns, new_val);
-  return true;
-void DexVerifier::UpdateCodeUnit(const uint16_t* ptr, uint16_t new_val) {
-  *(uint16_t*) ptr = new_val;
-void DexVerifier::HandleMonitorEnter(RegisterLine* work_line, uint32_t reg_idx,
-    uint32_t insn_idx, VerifyError* failure) {
-  if (!RegTypeIsReference(GetRegisterType(work_line, reg_idx))) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: monitor-enter on non-object";
-    *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-    return;
-  }
-  if (work_line->monitor_entries_.get() == NULL) {
-    return;
-  }
-  if (work_line->monitor_stack_top_ == kMaxMonitorStackDepth) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: monitor-enter stack overflow (" << kMaxMonitorStackDepth
-               << ")";
-    *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-    return;
-  }
-  /*
-   * Push an entry on the stack, and set a bit in the register flags to
-   * indicate that it's associated with this register.
-   */
-  work_line->monitor_entries_[reg_idx] |= 1 << work_line->monitor_stack_top_;
-  work_line->monitor_stack_[work_line->monitor_stack_top_++] = insn_idx;
-void DexVerifier::HandleMonitorExit(RegisterLine* work_line, uint32_t reg_idx,
-    uint32_t insn_idx, VerifyError* failure) {
-  if (!RegTypeIsReference(GetRegisterType(work_line, reg_idx))) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: monitor-exit on non-object";
-    *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-    return;
-  }
-  if (work_line->monitor_entries_.get() == NULL) {
-    return;
-  }
-  if (work_line->monitor_stack_top_ == 0) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: monitor-exit stack underflow";
-    *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-    return;
-  }
-  /*
-   * Confirm that the entry at the top of the stack is associated with
-   * the register. Pop the top entry off.
-   */
-  work_line->monitor_stack_top_--;
-#ifdef BUG_3215458_FIXED
-  /*
-   * TODO: This code can safely be enabled if know we are working on
-   * a dex file of format version 036 or later. (That is, we'll need to
-   * add a check for the version number.)
-   */
-  if ((work_line->monitor_entries_[reg_idx] &
-      (1 << work_line->monitor_stack_top_)) == 0) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: monitor-exit bit " << work_line->monitor_stack_top_
-               << " not set: addr=0x" << std::hex << insn_idx << std::dec
-               << " (bits[" << reg_idx << "]=" << std::hex
-               << work_line->monitor_entries_[reg_idx] << std::dec << ")";
-    *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-    return;
-  }
-  work_line->monitor_stack_[work_line->monitor_stack_top_] = 0;
-  /* Clear the bit from the register flags. */
-  work_line->monitor_entries_[reg_idx] &= ~(1 << work_line->monitor_stack_top_);
-Field* DexVerifier::GetInstField(VerifierData* vdata, RegType obj_type,
-    int field_idx, VerifyError* failure) {
-  Method* method = vdata->method_;
-  const DexFile* dex_file = vdata->dex_file_;
-  UninitInstanceMap* uninit_map = vdata->uninit_map_.get();
-  bool must_be_local = false;
-  if (!RegTypeIsReference(obj_type)) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: attempt to access field in non-reference type "
-               << obj_type;
-    *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  Field* field = ResolveFieldAndCheckAccess(dex_file, field_idx,
-      method->GetDeclaringClass(), failure, false);
-  if (field == NULL) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: unable to resolve instance field " << field_idx;
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  if (obj_type == kRegTypeZero)
-    return field;
-  /*
-   * Access to fields in uninitialized objects is allowed if this is
-   * the <init> method for the object and the field in question is
-   * declared by this class.
-   */
-  Class* obj_class = RegTypeReferenceToClass(obj_type, uninit_map);
-  DCHECK(obj_class != NULL);
-  if (RegTypeIsUninitReference(obj_type)) {
-    if (!IsInitMethod(method) || method->GetDeclaringClass() != obj_class) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: attempt to access field via uninitialized ref";
-      *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-      return field;
-    }
-    must_be_local = true;
-  }
-  if (!field->GetDeclaringClass()->IsAssignableFrom(obj_class)) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid field access (field " << PrettyField(field)
-               << ", through " << obj_class->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8()
-               << " ref)";
-    *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_NO_FIELD;
-    return field;
-  }
-  if (must_be_local) {
-    bool found = false;
-    /* for uninit ref, make sure it's defined by this class, not super */
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < obj_class->NumInstanceFields(); i++) {
-      found |= (field == obj_class->GetInstanceField(i));
-    }
-    if (!found) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid constructor field access (field "
-                 << field->GetName()->ToModifiedUtf8() << " in "
-                 << obj_class->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8() << ")";
-      *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-      return field;
-    }
-  }
-  return field;
-Field* DexVerifier::GetStaticField(VerifierData* vdata, int field_idx,
-    VerifyError* failure) {
-  Method* method = vdata->method_;
-  const DexFile* dex_file = vdata->dex_file_;
-  Field* field = ResolveFieldAndCheckAccess(dex_file, field_idx,
-      method->GetDeclaringClass(), failure, true);
-  if (field == NULL) {
-    const DexFile::FieldId& field_id = dex_file->GetFieldId(field_idx);
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: unable to resolve static field " << field_idx << " ("
-               << dex_file->GetFieldName(field_id) << ") in "
-               << dex_file->GetFieldClassDescriptor(field_id);
-    *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_NO_FIELD;
-  }
-  return field;
-Class* DexVerifier::GetCaughtExceptionType(VerifierData* vdata, int insn_idx,
-    VerifyError* failure) {
-  const DexFile* dex_file = vdata->dex_file_;
-  const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item = vdata->code_item_;
-  Method* method = vdata->method_;
-  Class* common_super = NULL;
-  uint32_t handlers_size;
-  const byte* handlers_ptr = DexFile::dexGetCatchHandlerData(*code_item, 0);
-  VerifyError local_failure;
-  if (code_item->tries_size_ != 0) {
-    handlers_size = DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&handlers_ptr);
-  } else {
-    handlers_size = 0;
-  }
-  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < handlers_size; i++) {
-    DexFile::CatchHandlerIterator iterator(handlers_ptr);
-    for (; !iterator.HasNext(); iterator.Next()) {
-      DexFile::CatchHandlerItem handler = iterator.Get();
-      if (handler.address_ == (uint32_t) insn_idx) {
-        ClassLinker* class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
-        Class* klass;
-        if (handler.type_idx_ == DexFile::kDexNoIndex) {
-          klass = class_linker->FindSystemClass("Ljava/lang/Throwable;");
-        } else {
-          klass = ResolveClassAndCheckAccess(dex_file, handler.type_idx_,
-              method->GetDeclaringClass(), &local_failure);
-        }
-        if (klass == NULL) {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: unable to resolve exception class "
-                     << handler.type_idx_ << " ("
-                     << dex_file->dexStringByTypeIdx(handler.type_idx_) << ")";
-          /* TODO: do we want to keep going?  If we don't fail this we run
-           * the risk of having a non-Throwable introduced at runtime.
-           * However, that won't pass an instanceof test, so is essentially
-           * harmless.
-           */
-        } else {
-          if (common_super == NULL)
-            common_super = klass;
-          else
-            common_super = FindCommonSuperclass(klass, common_super);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    handlers_ptr = iterator.GetData();
-  }
-  if (common_super == NULL) {
-    /* no catch blocks, or no catches with classes we can find */
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: unable to find exception handler at addr 0x" << std::hex
-               << insn_idx << std::dec;
-    *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-  }
-  return common_super;
-DexVerifier::RegType DexVerifier::GetMethodReturnType(const DexFile* dex_file,
-    const Method* method) {
-  Class* klass = method->GetReturnType();
-  if (klass->IsPrimitive())
-    return PrimitiveTypeToRegType(klass->GetPrimitiveType());
-  else
-    return RegTypeFromClass(klass);
-Class* DexVerifier::GetClassFromRegister(const RegisterLine* register_line,
-    uint32_t vsrc, VerifyError* failure) {
-  /* get the element type of the array held in vsrc */
-  RegType type = GetRegisterType(register_line, vsrc);
-  /* if "always zero", we allow it to fail at runtime */
-  if (type == kRegTypeZero)
-    return NULL;
-  if (!RegTypeIsReference(type)) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: tried to get class from non-ref register v" << vsrc
-               << " (type=" << type << ")",
-    *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  if (RegTypeIsUninitReference(type)) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: register " << vsrc << " holds uninitialized reference";
-    *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  return RegTypeInitializedReferenceToClass(type);
-DexVerifier::RegType DexVerifier::GetInvocationThis(
-    const RegisterLine* register_line,
-    const Instruction::DecodedInstruction* dec_insn, VerifyError* failure) {
-  if (dec_insn->vA_ < 1) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invoke lacks 'this'";
-    *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-    return kRegTypeUnknown;
-  }
-  /* get the element type of the array held in vsrc */
-  RegType this_type = GetRegisterType(register_line, dec_insn->vC_);
-  if (!RegTypeIsReference(this_type)) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: tried to get class from non-ref register v"
-               << dec_insn->vC_ << " (type=" << this_type << ")";
-    *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-    return kRegTypeUnknown;
-  }
-  return this_type;
-void DexVerifier::SetRegisterType(RegisterLine* register_line, uint32_t vdst,
-    RegType new_type) {
-  RegType* insn_regs = register_line->reg_types_.get();
-  switch (new_type) {
-    case kRegTypeUnknown:
-    case kRegTypeBoolean:
-    case kRegTypeOne:
-    case kRegTypeConstByte:
-    case kRegTypeConstPosByte:
-    case kRegTypeConstShort:
-    case kRegTypeConstPosShort:
-    case kRegTypeConstChar:
-    case kRegTypeConstInteger:
-    case kRegTypeByte:
-    case kRegTypePosByte:
-    case kRegTypeShort:
-    case kRegTypePosShort:
-    case kRegTypeChar:
-    case kRegTypeInteger:
-    case kRegTypeFloat:
-    case kRegTypeZero:
-    case kRegTypeUninit:
-      insn_regs[vdst] = new_type;
-      break;
-    case kRegTypeConstLo:
-    case kRegTypeLongLo:
-    case kRegTypeDoubleLo:
-      insn_regs[vdst] = new_type;
-      insn_regs[vdst + 1] = new_type + 1;
-      break;
-    case kRegTypeConstHi:
-    case kRegTypeLongHi:
-    case kRegTypeDoubleHi:
-      /* should never set these explicitly */
-      LOG(FATAL) << "BUG: explicit set of high register type";
-      break;
-    default:
-      /* can't switch for ref types, so we check explicitly */
-      if (RegTypeIsReference(new_type)) {
-        insn_regs[vdst] = new_type;
-        /*
-         * In most circumstances we won't see a reference to a primitive
-         * class here (e.g. "D"), since that would mean the object in the
-         * register is actually a primitive type. It can happen as the
-         * result of an assumed-successful check-cast instruction in
-         * which the second argument refers to a primitive class. (In
-         * practice, such an instruction will always throw an exception.)
-         *
-         * This is not an issue for instructions like const-class, where
-         * the object in the register is a java.lang.Class instance.
-         */
-        break;
-      }
-      /* bad type - fall through */
-    case kRegTypeConflict:      // should only be set during a merge
-      LOG(FATAL) << "BUG: set register to unknown type " << new_type;
-      break;
-  }
-  /*
-   * Clear the monitor entry bits for this register.
-   */
-  if (register_line->monitor_entries_.get() != NULL)
-    register_line->monitor_entries_[vdst] = 0;
-void DexVerifier::VerifyRegisterType(RegisterLine* register_line, uint32_t vsrc,
-    RegType check_type, VerifyError* failure) {
-  const RegType* insn_regs = register_line->reg_types_.get();
-  RegType src_type = insn_regs[vsrc];
-  switch (check_type) {
-    case kRegTypeFloat:
-    case kRegTypeBoolean:
-    case kRegTypePosByte:
-    case kRegTypeByte:
-    case kRegTypePosShort:
-    case kRegTypeShort:
-    case kRegTypeChar:
-    case kRegTypeInteger:
-      if (!CanConvertTo1nr(src_type, check_type)) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: register1 v" << vsrc << " type " << src_type
-                   << ", wanted " << check_type;
-        *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-      }
-      /* Update type if result is float */
-      if (check_type == kRegTypeFloat) {
-        SetRegisterType(register_line, vsrc, check_type);
-      } else {
-        /* Update const type to actual type after use */
-        SetRegisterType(register_line, vsrc, ConstTypeToRegType(src_type));
-      }
-      break;
-    case kRegTypeLongLo:
-    case kRegTypeDoubleLo:
-      if (insn_regs[vsrc + 1] != src_type + 1) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: register2 v" << vsrc << "-" << vsrc + 1
-                   << " values " << insn_regs[vsrc] << ","
-                   << insn_regs[vsrc + 1];
-        *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-      } else if (!CanConvertTo2(src_type, check_type)) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: register2 v" << vsrc << " type " << src_type
-                   << ", wanted " << check_type;
-        *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-      }
-      /* Update type if source is from const */
-      if (src_type == kRegTypeConstLo) {
-        SetRegisterType(register_line, vsrc, check_type);
-      }
-      break;
-    case kRegTypeConstLo:
-    case kRegTypeConstHi:
-    case kRegTypeLongHi:
-    case kRegTypeDoubleHi:
-    case kRegTypeZero:
-    case kRegTypeOne:
-    case kRegTypeUnknown:
-    case kRegTypeConflict:
-      /* should never be checking for these explicitly */
-      DCHECK(false);
-      *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
+      LOG(FATAL) << "Error: verifier asked to replace instruction " << *inst;
-    case kRegTypeUninit:
-    default:
-      /* make sure check_type is initialized reference */
-      if (!RegTypeIsReference(check_type)) {
-        LOG(FATAL) << "VFY: unexpected check type " << check_type;
-        *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-        break;
-      }
-      if (RegTypeIsUninitReference(check_type)) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: uninitialized ref not expected as reg check";
-        *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-        break;
-      }
-      /* make sure src_type is initialized reference or always-NULL */
-      if (!RegTypeIsReference(src_type)) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: register1 v" << vsrc << " type " << src_type
-                   << ", wanted ref";
-        *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-        break;
-      }
-      if (RegTypeIsUninitReference(src_type)) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: register1 v" << vsrc << " holds uninitialized ref";
-        *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-        break;
-      }
-      /* if the register isn't Zero, make sure it's an instance of check */
-      if (src_type != kRegTypeZero) {
-        Class* src_class = RegTypeInitializedReferenceToClass(src_type);
-        Class* check_class = RegTypeInitializedReferenceToClass(check_type);
-        DCHECK(src_class != NULL);
-        DCHECK(check_class != NULL);
-        if (check_class->IsInterface()) {
-          /*
-           * All objects implement all interfaces as far as the verifier is
-           * concerned. The runtime has to sort it out. See coments above
-           * FindCommonSuperclass.
-           */
-        } else {
-          if (!check_class->IsAssignableFrom(src_class)) {
-            LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: " << src_class->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8()
-                       << " is not instance of "
-                       << check_class->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8();
-            *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      break;
+  uint16_t* insns = const_cast<uint16_t*>(code_item_->insns_);
+  // THROW_VERIFICATION_ERROR is a 2 code unit instruction. We shouldn't be rewriting a 1 code unit
+  // instruction, so assert it.
+  size_t width = inst->SizeInCodeUnits();
+  CHECK_GT(width, 1u);
+  // If the instruction is larger than 2 code units, rewrite subqeuent code unit sized chunks with
+  // NOPs
+  for (size_t i = 2; i < width; i++) {
+    insns[work_insn_idx_ + i] = Instruction::NOP;
+  }
+  // Encode the opcode, with the failure code in the high byte
+  uint16_t new_instruction = Instruction::THROW_VERIFICATION_ERROR |
+                             (failure_ << 8) |  // AA - component
+                             (ref_type << (8 + kVerifyErrorRefTypeShift));
+  insns[work_insn_idx_] = new_instruction;
+  // The 2nd code unit (higher in memory) with the reference in, comes from the instruction we
+  // rewrote, so nothing to do here.
-void DexVerifier::SetResultRegisterType(RegisterLine* register_line,
-    const int insn_reg_count, RegType new_type) {
-  SetRegisterType(register_line, RESULT_REGISTER(insn_reg_count), new_type);
-void DexVerifier::MarkRefsAsInitialized(RegisterLine* register_line,
-    int insn_reg_count, UninitInstanceMap* uninit_map, RegType uninit_type,
-    VerifyError* failure) {
-  RegType* insn_regs = register_line->reg_types_.get();
-  Class* klass = GetUninitInstance(uninit_map,
-      RegTypeToUninitIndex(uninit_type));
-  if (klass == NULL) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: unable to find type=" << std::hex << uninit_type
-               << std::dec << " (idx=" << RegTypeToUninitIndex(uninit_type)
-               << ")";
-    *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-    return;
-  }
-  RegType init_type = RegTypeFromClass(klass);
-  int changed = 0;
-  for (int i = 0; i < insn_reg_count; i++) {
-    if (insn_regs[i] == uninit_type) {
-      insn_regs[i] = init_type;
-      changed++;
-    }
-  }
-  DCHECK_GT(changed, 0);
-  return;
-void DexVerifier::MarkUninitRefsAsInvalid(RegisterLine* register_line,
-    int insn_reg_count, UninitInstanceMap* uninit_map, RegType uninit_type) {
-  RegType* insn_regs = register_line->reg_types_.get();
-  for (int i = 0; i < insn_reg_count; i++) {
-    if (insn_regs[i] == uninit_type) {
-      insn_regs[i] = kRegTypeConflict;
-      if (register_line->monitor_entries_.get() != NULL)
-        register_line->monitor_entries_[i] = 0;
-    }
-  }
-void DexVerifier::CopyRegister1(RegisterLine* register_line, uint32_t vdst,
-    uint32_t vsrc, TypeCategory cat, VerifyError* failure) {
-  DCHECK(cat == kTypeCategory1nr || cat == kTypeCategoryRef);
-  RegType type = GetRegisterType(register_line, vsrc);
-  CheckTypeCategory(type, cat, failure);
-  if (*failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: copy1 v" << vdst << "<-v" << vsrc << " type=" << type
-               << " cat=" << (int) cat;
-  } else {
-    SetRegisterType(register_line, vdst, type);
-    if (cat == kTypeCategoryRef && register_line->monitor_entries_.get() != NULL) {
-      register_line->monitor_entries_[vdst] =
-          register_line->monitor_entries_[vsrc];
-    }
-  }
-void DexVerifier::CopyRegister2(RegisterLine* register_line, uint32_t vdst,
-    uint32_t vsrc, VerifyError* failure) {
-  RegType type_l = GetRegisterType(register_line, vsrc);
-  RegType type_h = GetRegisterType(register_line, vsrc + 1);
-  CheckTypeCategory(type_l, kTypeCategory2, failure);
-  CheckWidePair(type_l, type_h, failure);
-  if (*failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: copy2 v" << vdst << "<-v" << vsrc << " type=" << type_l
-               << "/" << type_h;
-  } else {
-    SetRegisterType(register_line, vdst, type_l);
-  }
-void DexVerifier::CopyResultRegister1(RegisterLine* register_line,
-    const int insn_reg_count, uint32_t vdst, TypeCategory cat,
-    VerifyError* failure) {
-  DCHECK_LT(vdst, static_cast<uint32_t>(insn_reg_count));
-  uint32_t vsrc = RESULT_REGISTER(insn_reg_count);
-  RegType type = GetRegisterType(register_line, vsrc);
-  CheckTypeCategory(type, cat, failure);
-  if (*failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: copyRes1 v" << vdst << "<-v" << vsrc << " cat="
-               << (int) cat << " type=" << type;
-  } else {
-    SetRegisterType(register_line, vdst, type);
-    SetRegisterType(register_line, vsrc, kRegTypeUnknown);
-  }
- * Implement "move-result-wide". Copy the category-2 value from the result
- * register to another register, and reset the result register.
- */
-void DexVerifier::CopyResultRegister2(RegisterLine* register_line,
-    const int insn_reg_count, uint32_t vdst, VerifyError* failure) {
-  DCHECK_LT(vdst, static_cast<uint32_t>(insn_reg_count));
-  uint32_t vsrc = RESULT_REGISTER(insn_reg_count);
-  RegType type_l = GetRegisterType(register_line, vsrc);
-  RegType type_h = GetRegisterType(register_line, vsrc + 1);
-  CheckTypeCategory(type_l, kTypeCategory2, failure);
-  CheckWidePair(type_l, type_h, failure);
-  if (*failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: copyRes2 v" << vdst << "<-v" << vsrc << " type="
-               << type_l << "/" << type_h;
-  } else {
-    SetRegisterType(register_line, vdst, type_l);
-    SetRegisterType(register_line, vsrc, kRegTypeUnknown);
-    SetRegisterType(register_line, vsrc + 1, kRegTypeUnknown);
-  }
-int DexVerifier::GetClassDepth(Class* klass) {
-  int depth = 0;
-  while (klass->GetSuperClass() != NULL) {
-    klass = klass->GetSuperClass();
-    depth++;
-  }
-  return depth;
-Class* DexVerifier::DigForSuperclass(Class* c1, Class* c2) {
-  int depth1, depth2;
-  depth1 = GetClassDepth(c1);
-  depth2 = GetClassDepth(c2);
-  /* pull the deepest one up */
-  if (depth1 > depth2) {
-    while (depth1 > depth2) {
-      c1 = c1->GetSuperClass();
-      depth1--;
-    }
-  } else {
-    while (depth2 > depth1) {
-      c2 = c2->GetSuperClass();
-      depth2--;
-    }
-  }
-  /* walk up in lock-step */
-  while (c1 != c2) {
-    c1 = c1->GetSuperClass();
-    c2 = c2->GetSuperClass();
-    DCHECK(c1 != NULL);
-    DCHECK(c2 != NULL);
-  }
-  return c1;
-Class* DexVerifier::FindCommonArraySuperclass(Class* c1, Class* c2) {
-  DCHECK(c1->IsArrayClass());
-  DCHECK(c2->IsArrayClass());
-  Class* e1 = c1->GetComponentType();
-  Class* e2 = c2->GetComponentType();
-  if (e1->IsPrimitive() || e2->IsPrimitive()) {
-    return c1->GetSuperClass();  // == java.lang.Object
-  }
-  Class* common_elem = FindCommonSuperclass(c1->GetComponentType(), c2->GetComponentType());
-  ClassLinker* class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
-  const ClassLoader* class_loader = c1->GetClassLoader();
-  std::string descriptor = "[" + common_elem->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8();
-  Class* array_class = class_linker->FindClass(descriptor.c_str(), class_loader);
-  DCHECK(array_class != NULL);
-  return array_class;
-Class* DexVerifier::FindCommonSuperclass(Class* c1, Class* c2) {
-  DCHECK(!c1->IsPrimitive()) << PrettyClass(c1);
-  DCHECK(!c2->IsPrimitive()) << PrettyClass(c2);
-  if (c1 == c2)
-    return c1;
-  if (c1->IsInterface() && c1->IsAssignableFrom(c2)) {
-    return c1;
-  }
-  if (c2->IsInterface() && c2->IsAssignableFrom(c1)) {
-    return c2;
-  }
-  if (c1->IsArrayClass() && c2->IsArrayClass()) {
-    return FindCommonArraySuperclass(c1, c2);
-  }
-  return DigForSuperclass(c1, c2);
-Class* DexVerifier::ResolveClassAndCheckAccess(const DexFile* dex_file,
-    uint32_t class_idx, const Class* referrer, VerifyError* failure) {
-  ClassLinker* class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
-  Class* res_class = class_linker->ResolveType(*dex_file, class_idx, referrer);
-  if (res_class == NULL) {
-    Thread::Current()->ClearException();
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: can't find class with index 0x" << std::hex << class_idx << std::dec;
-    *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_NO_CLASS;
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  /* Check if access is allowed. */
-  if (!referrer->CanAccess(res_class)) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: illegal class access: "
-               << referrer->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8() << " -> "
-               << res_class->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8();
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  return res_class;
-Method* DexVerifier::ResolveMethodAndCheckAccess(const DexFile* dex_file,
-    uint32_t method_idx, const Class* referrer, VerifyError* failure,
-    bool is_direct) {
-  DexCache* dex_cache = referrer->GetDexCache();
-  Method* res_method = dex_cache->GetResolvedMethod(method_idx);
-  if (res_method == NULL) {
-    const DexFile::MethodId& method_id = dex_file->GetMethodId(method_idx);
-    Class* klass = ResolveClassAndCheckAccess(dex_file, method_id.class_idx_, referrer, failure);
-    if (klass == NULL) {
-      DCHECK(*failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE);
-      return NULL;
-    }
-    const char* name = dex_file->dexStringById(method_id.name_idx_);
-    std::string signature(dex_file->CreateMethodDescriptor(method_id.proto_idx_, NULL));
-    if (is_direct) {
-      res_method = klass->FindDirectMethod(name, signature);
-    } else if (klass->IsInterface()) {
-      res_method = klass->FindInterfaceMethod(name, signature);
-    } else {
-      res_method = klass->FindVirtualMethod(name, signature);
-    }
-    if (res_method != NULL) {
-      dex_cache->SetResolvedMethod(method_idx, res_method);
-    } else {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: couldn't find method "
-                 << klass->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8() << "." << name
-                 << " " << signature;
-      *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_NO_METHOD;
-      return NULL;
-    }
-  }
-  /* Check if access is allowed. */
-  if (!referrer->CanAccessMember(res_method->GetDeclaringClass(), res_method->GetAccessFlags())) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: illegal method access (call " << PrettyMethod(res_method)
-               << " from " << referrer->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8() << ")";
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  return res_method;
-Field* DexVerifier::ResolveFieldAndCheckAccess(const DexFile* dex_file,
-    uint32_t field_idx, const Class* referrer, VerifyError* failure,
-    bool is_static) {
-  DexCache* dex_cache = referrer->GetDexCache();
-  Field* res_field = dex_cache->GetResolvedField(field_idx);
-  if (res_field == NULL) {
-    const DexFile::FieldId& field_id = dex_file->GetFieldId(field_idx);
-    Class* klass = ResolveClassAndCheckAccess(dex_file, field_id.class_idx_, referrer, failure);
-    if (klass == NULL) {
-      DCHECK(*failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) << PrettyClass(referrer);
-      return NULL;
-    }
-    Class* field_type = ResolveClassAndCheckAccess(dex_file, field_id.type_idx_, referrer, failure);
-    if (field_type == NULL) {
-      DCHECK(*failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) << PrettyClass(referrer) << " " << PrettyClass(klass);
-      return NULL;
-    }
-    const char* name = dex_file->dexStringById(field_id.name_idx_);
-    if (is_static) {
-      res_field = klass->FindStaticField(name, field_type);
-    } else {
-      res_field = klass->FindInstanceField(name, field_type);
-    }
-    if (res_field != NULL) {
-      dex_cache->SetResolvedField(field_idx, res_field);
-    } else {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: couldn't find field "
-                 << klass->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8() << "." << name;
-      *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_NO_FIELD;
-      return NULL;
-    }
-  }
-  /* Check if access is allowed. */
-  if (!referrer->CanAccessMember(res_field->GetDeclaringClass(), res_field->GetAccessFlags())) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: access denied from "
-               << referrer->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8() << " to field "
-               << PrettyField(res_field);
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  return res_field;
-DexVerifier::RegType DexVerifier::MergeTypes(RegType type1, RegType type2,
-    bool* changed) {
-  RegType result;
-  /* Check for trivial case so we don't have to hit memory. */
-  if (type1 == type2)
-    return type1;
-  /*
-   * Use the table if we can, and reject any attempts to merge something
-   * from the table with a reference type.
-   *
-   * Uninitialized references are composed of the enum ORed with an
-   * index value. The uninitialized table entry at index zero *will*
-   * show up as a simple kRegTypeUninit value. Since this cannot be
-   * merged with anything but itself, the rules do the right thing.
-   */
-  if (type1 < kRegTypeMAX) {
-    if (type2 < kRegTypeMAX) {
-      result = merge_table_[type1][type2];
-    } else {
-      /* simple + reference == conflict, usually */
-      if (type1 == kRegTypeZero)
-        result = type2;
-      else
-        result = kRegTypeConflict;
-    }
-  } else {
-    if (type2 < kRegTypeMAX) {
-      /* reference + simple == conflict, usually */
-      if (type2 == kRegTypeZero)
-        result = type1;
-      else
-        result = kRegTypeConflict;
-    } else {
-      /* merging two references */
-      if (RegTypeIsUninitReference(type1) ||
-          RegTypeIsUninitReference(type2))
-      {
-        /* can't merge uninit with anything but self */
-        result = kRegTypeConflict;
-      } else {
-        Class* klass1 = RegTypeInitializedReferenceToClass(type1);
-        Class* klass2 = RegTypeInitializedReferenceToClass(type2);
-        Class* merged_class = FindCommonSuperclass(klass1, klass2);
-        DCHECK(merged_class != NULL);
-        result = RegTypeFromClass(merged_class);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (result != type1)
-    *changed = true;
-  return result;
-DexVerifier::MonitorEntries DexVerifier::MergeMonitorEntries(
-    MonitorEntries ents1, MonitorEntries ents2, bool* changed) {
-  MonitorEntries result = ents1 & ents2;
-  if (result != ents1)
-    *changed = true;
-  return result;
-bool DexVerifier::UpdateRegisters(InsnFlags* insn_flags,
-    RegisterTable* reg_table, int next_insn, const RegisterLine* work_line) {
-  const size_t insn_reg_count_plus = reg_table->insn_reg_count_plus_;
-  DCHECK(work_line != NULL);
-  const RegType* work_regs = work_line->reg_types_.get();
-  if (!InsnIsVisitedOrChanged(insn_flags, next_insn)) {
+bool DexVerifier::UpdateRegisters(uint32_t next_insn, const RegisterLine* merge_line) {
+  const bool merge_debug = true;
+  bool changed = true;
+  RegisterLine* target_line = reg_table_.GetLine(next_insn);
+  if (!insn_flags_[next_insn].IsVisitedOrChanged()) {
-     * We haven't processed this instruction before, and we haven't
-     * touched the registers here, so there's nothing to "merge". Copy
-     * the registers over and mark it as changed. (This is the only
-     * way a register can transition out of "unknown", so this is not
-     * just an optimization.)
+     * We haven't processed this instruction before, and we haven't touched the registers here, so
+     * there's nothing to "merge". Copy the registers over and mark it as changed. (This is the
+     * only way a register can transition out of "unknown", so this is not just an optimization.)
-    CopyLineToTable(reg_table, next_insn, work_line);
-    InsnSetChanged(insn_flags, next_insn, true);
+    target_line->CopyFromLine(merge_line);
   } else {
-    /* Merge registers, set Changed only if different */
-    RegisterLine* target_line = GetRegisterLine(reg_table, next_insn);
-    RegType* target_regs = target_line->reg_types_.get();
-    MonitorEntries* work_mon_ents = work_line->monitor_entries_.get();
-    MonitorEntries* target_mon_ents = target_line->monitor_entries_.get();
-    bool changed = false;
-    unsigned int idx;
-    DCHECK(target_regs != NULL);
-    if (target_mon_ents != NULL) {
-      /* Monitor stacks must be identical. */
-      if (target_line->monitor_stack_top_ != work_line->monitor_stack_top_) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: mismatched stack depth "
-                   << target_line->monitor_stack_top_ << " vs. "
-                   << work_line->monitor_stack_top_ << " at 0x"
-                   << std::hex << next_insn << std::dec;
-        return false;
-      }
-      if (memcmp(target_line->monitor_stack_.get(), work_line->monitor_stack_.get(),
-                 target_line->monitor_stack_top_ * sizeof(uint32_t)) != 0) {
-         LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: mismatched monitor stacks at 0x" << std::hex
-                    << next_insn << std::dec;
-         return false;
-      }
+    UniquePtr<RegisterLine> copy(merge_debug ? new RegisterLine(target_line->NumRegs(), this) : NULL);
+    copy->CopyFromLine(target_line);
+    changed = target_line->MergeRegisters(merge_line);
+    if (failure_ != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) {
+      return false;
-    for (idx = 0; idx < insn_reg_count_plus; idx++) {
-      target_regs[idx] = MergeTypes(target_regs[idx], work_regs[idx], &changed);
-      if (target_mon_ents != NULL) {
-        target_mon_ents[idx] = MergeMonitorEntries(target_mon_ents[idx],
-             work_mon_ents[idx], &changed);
-      }
-    }
     if (changed) {
-      InsnSetChanged(insn_flags, next_insn, true);
+      LogVerifyInfo() << "Merging at [" << (void*)work_insn_idx_ << "] to [" <<(void*)next_insn << "]: " << std::endl
+                      << *copy.get() << "  MERGE" << std::endl
+                      << *merge_line << "  ==" << std::endl
+                      << *target_line << std::endl;
-  return true;
-bool DexVerifier::CanConvertTo1nr(RegType src_type, RegType check_type) {
-  static const char conv_tab[kRegType1nrEND - kRegType1nrSTART + 1]
-                            [kRegType1nrEND - kRegType1nrSTART + 1] =
-  {
-    /* chk: 0  1  Z  y  Y  h  H  c  i  b  B  s  S  C  I  F */
-    { /*0*/ 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 },
-    { /*1*/ 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 },
-    { /*Z*/ 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0 },
-    { /*y*/ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 },
-    { /*Y*/ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1 },
-    { /*h*/ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 },
-    { /*H*/ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1 },
-    { /*c*/ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 },
-    { /*i*/ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1 },
-    { /*b*/ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0 },
-    { /*B*/ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 },
-    { /*s*/ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0 },
-    { /*S*/ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 },
-    { /*C*/ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 },
-    { /*I*/ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 },
-    { /*F*/ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
-  };
-  DCHECK(check_type >= kRegType1nrSTART);
-  DCHECK(check_type <= kRegType1nrEND);
-  if (src_type >= kRegType1nrSTART && src_type <= kRegType1nrEND)
-    return (bool) conv_tab[src_type - kRegType1nrSTART]
-                          [check_type - kRegType1nrSTART];
-  return false;
-bool DexVerifier::CanConvertTo2(RegType src_type, RegType check_type) {
-  return ((src_type == kRegTypeConstLo || src_type == check_type) &&
-          (check_type == kRegTypeLongLo || check_type == kRegTypeDoubleLo));
-DexVerifier::RegType DexVerifier::PrimitiveTypeToRegType(
-    Class::PrimitiveType prim_type) {
-  switch (prim_type) {
-    case Class::kPrimBoolean: return kRegTypeBoolean;
-    case Class::kPrimByte:    return kRegTypeByte;
-    case Class::kPrimShort:   return kRegTypeShort;
-    case Class::kPrimChar:    return kRegTypeChar;
-    case Class::kPrimInt:     return kRegTypeInteger;
-    case Class::kPrimLong:    return kRegTypeLongLo;
-    case Class::kPrimFloat:   return kRegTypeFloat;
-    case Class::kPrimDouble:  return kRegTypeDoubleLo;
-    case Class::kPrimVoid:
-    default: {
-      return kRegTypeUnknown;
-    }
-  }
-DexVerifier::RegType DexVerifier::ConstTypeToRegType(RegType const_type) {
-  switch (const_type) {
-    case kRegTypeConstPosByte: return kRegTypePosByte;
-    case kRegTypeConstByte: return kRegTypeByte;
-    case kRegTypeConstPosShort: return kRegTypePosShort;
-    case kRegTypeConstShort: return kRegTypeShort;
-    case kRegTypeConstChar: return kRegTypeChar;
-    case kRegTypeConstInteger: return kRegTypeInteger;
-    default: {
-      return const_type;
-    }
-  }
-char DexVerifier::DetermineCat1Const(int32_t value) {
-  if (value < -32768)
-    return kRegTypeConstInteger;
-  else if (value < -128)
-    return kRegTypeConstShort;
-  else if (value < 0)
-    return kRegTypeConstByte;
-  else if (value == 0)
-    return kRegTypeZero;
-  else if (value == 1)
-    return kRegTypeOne;
-  else if (value < 128)
-    return kRegTypeConstPosByte;
-  else if (value < 32768)
-    return kRegTypeConstPosShort;
-  else if (value < 65536)
-    return kRegTypeConstChar;
-  else
-    return kRegTypeConstInteger;
-void DexVerifier::CheckFinalFieldAccess(const Method* method,
-    const Field* field, VerifyError* failure) {
-  DCHECK(field != NULL);
-  if (!field->IsFinal()) {
-    return;
-  }
-  /* make sure we're in the same class */
-  if (method->GetDeclaringClass() != field->GetDeclaringClass()) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: can't modify final field " << PrettyField(field);
-    return;
-  }
-void DexVerifier::CheckArrayIndexType(const Method* method, RegType reg_type,
-    VerifyError* failure) {
-  if (*failure == VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) {
-    /*
-     * The 1nr types are interchangeable at this level. We could
-     * do something special if we can definitively identify it as a
-     * float, but there's no real value in doing so.
-     */
-    CheckTypeCategory(reg_type, kTypeCategory1nr, failure);
-    if (*failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid reg type for array index (" << reg_type << ")";
-    }
-  }
-bool DexVerifier::CheckConstructorReturn(const Method* method,
-    const RegisterLine* register_line, const int insn_reg_count) {
-  const RegType* insn_regs = register_line->reg_types_.get();
-  if (!IsInitMethod(method))
-    return true;
-  RegType uninit_this = RegTypeFromUninitIndex(kUninitThisArgSlot);
-  for (int i = 0; i < insn_reg_count; i++) {
-    if (insn_regs[i] == uninit_this) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: <init> returning without calling superclass init";
-      return false;
-    }
+  if (changed) {
+    insn_flags_[next_insn].SetChanged();
   return true;
-bool DexVerifier::CheckMoveException(const uint16_t* insns, int insn_idx) {
-  if ((insns[insn_idx] & 0xff) == Instruction::MOVE_EXCEPTION) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid use of move-exception";
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-void DexVerifier::CheckTypeCategory(RegType type, TypeCategory cat,
-    VerifyError* failure) {
-  switch (cat) {
-    case kTypeCategory1nr:
-      switch (type) {
-        case kRegTypeZero:
-        case kRegTypeOne:
-        case kRegTypeBoolean:
-        case kRegTypeConstPosByte:
-        case kRegTypeConstByte:
-        case kRegTypeConstPosShort:
-        case kRegTypeConstShort:
-        case kRegTypeConstChar:
-        case kRegTypeConstInteger:
-        case kRegTypePosByte:
-        case kRegTypeByte:
-        case kRegTypePosShort:
-        case kRegTypeShort:
-        case kRegTypeChar:
-        case kRegTypeInteger:
-        case kRegTypeFloat:
-          break;
-        default:
-          *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-          break;
-      }
-      break;
-    case kTypeCategory2:
-      switch (type) {
-        case kRegTypeConstLo:
-        case kRegTypeLongLo:
-        case kRegTypeDoubleLo:
-          break;
-        default:
-          *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-         break;
-      }
-      break;
-    case kTypeCategoryRef:
-      if (type != kRegTypeZero && !RegTypeIsReference(type))
-        *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-      break;
-    default:
-      DCHECK(false);
-      *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-      break;
-  }
-void DexVerifier::CheckWidePair(RegType type_l, RegType type_h,
-    VerifyError* failure) {
-  if ((type_h != type_l + 1))
-    *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-void DexVerifier::CheckUnop(RegisterLine* register_line,
-    Instruction::DecodedInstruction* dec_insn, RegType dst_type,
-    RegType src_type, VerifyError* failure) {
-  VerifyRegisterType(register_line, dec_insn->vB_, src_type, failure);
-  SetRegisterType(register_line, dec_insn->vA_, dst_type);
-bool DexVerifier::UpcastBooleanOp(RegisterLine* register_line, uint32_t reg1,
-    uint32_t reg2) {
-  RegType type1, type2;
-  type1 = GetRegisterType(register_line, reg1);
-  type2 = GetRegisterType(register_line, reg2);
-  if ((type1 == kRegTypeBoolean || type1 == kRegTypeZero || type1 == kRegTypeOne) &&
-      (type2 == kRegTypeBoolean || type2 == kRegTypeZero || type2 == kRegTypeOne)) {
-    return true;
-  }
-  return false;
-void DexVerifier::CheckLitop(RegisterLine* register_line,
-    Instruction::DecodedInstruction* dec_insn, RegType dst_type,
-    RegType src_type, bool check_boolean_op, VerifyError* failure) {
-  VerifyRegisterType(register_line, dec_insn->vB_, src_type, failure);
-  if ((*failure == VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) && check_boolean_op) {
-    DCHECK(dst_type == kRegTypeInteger);
-    /* check vB with the call, then check the constant manually */
-    if (UpcastBooleanOp(register_line, dec_insn->vB_, dec_insn->vB_)
-        && (dec_insn->vC_ == 0 || dec_insn->vC_ == 1)) {
-      dst_type = kRegTypeBoolean;
+void DexVerifier::ComputeGcMapSizes(size_t* gc_points, size_t* ref_bitmap_bits,
+                                    size_t* log2_max_gc_pc) {
+  size_t local_gc_points = 0;
+  size_t max_insn = 0;
+  size_t max_ref_reg = -1;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < code_item_->insns_size_in_code_units_; i++) {
+    if (insn_flags_[i].IsGcPoint()) {
+      local_gc_points++;
+      max_insn = i;
+      RegisterLine* line = reg_table_.GetLine(i);
+      max_ref_reg = line->GetMaxReferenceReg(max_ref_reg);
-  SetRegisterType(register_line, dec_insn->vA_, dst_type);
+  *gc_points = local_gc_points;
+  *ref_bitmap_bits = max_ref_reg + 1;  // if max register is 0 we need 1 bit to encode (ie +1)
+  size_t i = 0;
+  while ((1U << i) < max_insn) {
+    i++;
+  }
+  *log2_max_gc_pc = i;
-void DexVerifier::CheckBinop(RegisterLine* register_line,
-    Instruction::DecodedInstruction* dec_insn, RegType dst_type,
-    RegType src_type1, RegType src_type2, bool check_boolean_op,
-    VerifyError* failure) {
-  VerifyRegisterType(register_line, dec_insn->vB_, src_type1, failure);
-  VerifyRegisterType(register_line, dec_insn->vC_, src_type2, failure);
-  if ((*failure == VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) && check_boolean_op) {
-    DCHECK(dst_type == kRegTypeInteger);
-    if (UpcastBooleanOp(register_line, dec_insn->vB_, dec_insn->vC_))
-      dst_type = kRegTypeBoolean;
-  }
-  SetRegisterType(register_line, dec_insn->vA_, dst_type);
-void DexVerifier::CheckBinop2addr(RegisterLine* register_line,
-    Instruction::DecodedInstruction* dec_insn, RegType dst_type,
-    RegType src_type1, RegType src_type2, bool check_boolean_op,
-    VerifyError* failure) {
-  VerifyRegisterType(register_line, dec_insn->vA_, src_type1, failure);
-  VerifyRegisterType(register_line, dec_insn->vB_, src_type2, failure);
-  if ((*failure == VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) && check_boolean_op) {
-    DCHECK(dst_type == kRegTypeInteger);
-    if (UpcastBooleanOp(register_line, dec_insn->vA_, dec_insn->vB_))
-      dst_type = kRegTypeBoolean;
-  }
-  SetRegisterType(register_line, dec_insn->vA_, dst_type);
-DexVerifier::RegType DexVerifier::AdjustForRightShift(
-    RegisterLine* register_line, int reg, unsigned int shift_count,
-    bool is_unsigned_shift) {
-  RegType src_type = GetRegisterType(register_line, reg);
-  RegType new_type;
-  /* convert const derived types to their actual types */
-  src_type = ConstTypeToRegType(src_type);
-  /* no-op */
-  if (shift_count == 0)
-    return src_type;
-  /* safe defaults */
-  if (is_unsigned_shift)
-    new_type = kRegTypeInteger;
-  else
-    new_type = src_type;
-  if (shift_count >= 32) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Got unexpectedly large shift count " << shift_count;
-    /* fail? */
-    return new_type;
-  }
-  switch (src_type) {
-    case kRegTypeInteger:               /* 32-bit signed value */
-      if (is_unsigned_shift) {
-        if (shift_count > 24)
-          new_type = kRegTypePosByte;
-        else if (shift_count >= 16)
-          new_type = kRegTypeChar;
-      } else {
-        if (shift_count >= 24)
-          new_type = kRegTypeByte;
-        else if (shift_count >= 16)
-          new_type = kRegTypeShort;
-      }
-      break;
-    case kRegTypeShort:                 /* 16-bit signed value */
-      if (is_unsigned_shift) {
-        /* default (kRegTypeInteger) is correct */
-      } else {
-        if (shift_count >= 8)
-          new_type = kRegTypeByte;
-      }
-      break;
-    case kRegTypePosShort:              /* 15-bit unsigned value */
-      if (shift_count >= 8)
-        new_type = kRegTypePosByte;
-      break;
-    case kRegTypeChar:                  /* 16-bit unsigned value */
-      if (shift_count > 8)
-        new_type = kRegTypePosByte;
-      break;
-    case kRegTypeByte:                  /* 8-bit signed value */
-      /* defaults (u=kRegTypeInteger / s=src_type) are correct */
-      break;
-    case kRegTypePosByte:               /* 7-bit unsigned value */
-      /* always use new_type=src_type */
-      new_type = src_type;
-      break;
-    case kRegTypeZero:                  /* 1-bit unsigned value */
-    case kRegTypeOne:
-    case kRegTypeBoolean:
-      /* unnecessary? */
-      new_type = kRegTypeZero;
-      break;
-    default:
-      /* long, double, references; shouldn't be here! */
-      DCHECK(false);
-      break;
-  }
-  return new_type;
-void DexVerifier::VerifyFilledNewArrayRegs(const Method* method,
-    RegisterLine* register_line,
-    const Instruction::DecodedInstruction* dec_insn, Class* res_class,
-    bool is_range, VerifyError* failure) {
-  uint32_t arg_count = dec_insn->vA_;
-  RegType expected_type;
-  Class::PrimitiveType elem_type;
-  unsigned int ui;
-  DCHECK(res_class->IsArrayClass()) << PrettyClass(res_class);
-  elem_type = res_class->GetComponentType()->GetPrimitiveType();
-  if (elem_type == Class::kPrimNot) {
-    expected_type = RegTypeFromClass(res_class->GetComponentType());
-  } else {
-    expected_type = PrimitiveTypeToRegType(elem_type);
-  }
-  /*
-   * Verify each register. If "arg_count" is bad, VerifyRegisterType()
-   * will run off the end of the list and fail. It's legal, if silly,
-   * for arg_count to be zero.
-   */
-  for (ui = 0; ui < arg_count; ui++) {
-    uint32_t get_reg;
-    if (is_range)
-      get_reg = dec_insn->vC_ + ui;
-    else
-      get_reg = dec_insn->arg_[ui];
-    VerifyRegisterType(register_line, get_reg, expected_type, failure);
-    if (*failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: filled-new-array arg " << ui << "(" << get_reg
-                 << ") not valid";
-      return;
-    }
-  }
-bool DexVerifier::IsCorrectInvokeKind(MethodType method_type,
-    Method* res_method) {
-  switch (method_type) {
-    case METHOD_DIRECT:
-      return res_method->IsDirect();
-    case METHOD_STATIC:
-      return res_method->IsStatic();
-      return !res_method->IsDirect();
-    default:
-      return false;
-  }
-Method* DexVerifier::VerifyInvocationArgs(VerifierData* vdata,
-    RegisterLine* register_line, const int insn_reg_count,
-    const Instruction::DecodedInstruction* dec_insn, MethodType method_type,
-    bool is_range, bool is_super, VerifyError* failure) {
-  Method* method = vdata->method_;
-  const DexFile* dex_file = vdata->dex_file_;
-  const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item = vdata->code_item_;
-  UninitInstanceMap* uninit_map = vdata->uninit_map_.get();
-  Method* res_method;
-  std::string sig;
-  size_t sig_offset;
-  int expected_args;
-  int actual_args;
-  /*
-   * Resolve the method. This could be an abstract or concrete method
-   * depending on what sort of call we're making.
-   */
-  res_method = ResolveMethodAndCheckAccess(dex_file, dec_insn->vB_, method->GetDeclaringClass(),
-      failure, (method_type == METHOD_DIRECT || method_type == METHOD_STATIC));
-  if (res_method == NULL) {
-    const DexFile::MethodId& method_id = dex_file->GetMethodId(dec_insn->vB_);
-    const char* method_name = dex_file->GetMethodName(method_id);
-    std::string method_signature = dex_file->GetMethodSignature(method_id);
-    const char* class_descriptor = dex_file->GetMethodClassDescriptor(method_id);
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: unable to resolve method " << dec_insn->vB_ << ": "
-               << class_descriptor << "." << method_name << " " << method_signature;
+ByteArray* DexVerifier::GenerateGcMap() {
+  size_t num_entries, ref_bitmap_bits, pc_bits;
+  ComputeGcMapSizes(&num_entries, &ref_bitmap_bits, &pc_bits);
+  // There's a single byte to encode the size of each bitmap
+  if (ref_bitmap_bits >= (8 /* bits per byte */ * 256 /* max unsigned byte + 1 */ )) {
+    // TODO: either a better GC map format or per method failures
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "Cannot encode GC map for method with "
+       << ref_bitmap_bits << " registers";
     return NULL;
-  /*
-   * Make sure calls to "<init>" are "direct". There are additional restrictions
-   * but we don't enfore them here.
-   */
-  if (res_method->GetName()->Equals("<init>") && method_type != METHOD_DIRECT) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid call to " << PrettyMethod(res_method);
-    goto bad_sig;
-  }
-  /*
-   * See if the method type implied by the invoke instruction matches the
-   * access flags for the target method.
-   */
-  if (!IsCorrectInvokeKind(method_type, res_method)) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invoke type does not match method type of "
-               << PrettyMethod(res_method);
-    *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
+  size_t ref_bitmap_bytes = (ref_bitmap_bits + 7) / 8;
+  // There are 2 bytes to encode the number of entries
+  if (num_entries >= 65536) {
+    // TODO: either a better GC map format or per method failures
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "Cannot encode GC map for method with "
+       << num_entries << " entries";
     return NULL;
-  /*
-   * If we're using invoke-super(method), make sure that the executing
-   * method's class' superclass has a vtable entry for the target method.
-   */
-  if (is_super) {
-    DCHECK(method_type == METHOD_VIRTUAL);
-    Class* super = method->GetDeclaringClass()->GetSuperClass();
-    if (super == NULL || res_method->GetMethodIndex() > super->GetVTable()->GetLength()) {
-      if (super == NULL) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid invoke-super from " << PrettyMethod(method)
-                   << " to super -." << res_method->GetName()->ToModifiedUtf8()
-                   << " " << res_method->GetSignature()->ToModifiedUtf8();
-      } else {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid invoke-super from " << PrettyMethod(method)
-                   << " to super " << super->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8()
-                   << "." << res_method->GetName()->ToModifiedUtf8()
-                   << " " << res_method->GetSignature()->ToModifiedUtf8();
-      }
-      *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_NO_METHOD;
-      return NULL;
-    }
-  }
-  /*
-   * We use vAA as our expected arg count, rather than res_method->insSize,
-   * because we need to match the call to the signature. Also, we might
-   * might be calling through an abstract method definition (which doesn't
-   * have register count values).
-   */
-  expected_args = dec_insn->vA_;
-  actual_args = 0;
-  /* caught by static verifier */
-  DCHECK(is_range || expected_args <= 5);
-  if (expected_args > code_item->outs_size_) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invalid arg count (" << expected_args
-               << ") exceeds outsSize (" << code_item->outs_size_ << ")";
-    *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  sig = res_method->GetSignature()->ToModifiedUtf8();
-  if (sig[0] != '(') {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: descriptor doesn't start with '(': " << sig;
-    goto bad_sig;
-  }
-  /*
-   * Check the "this" argument, which must be an instance of the class
-   * that declared the method. For an interface class, we don't do the
-   * full interface merge, so we can't do a rigorous check here (which
-   * is okay since we have to do it at runtime).
-   */
-  if (!res_method->IsStatic()) {
-    Class* actual_this_ref;
-    RegType actual_arg_type;
-    actual_arg_type = GetInvocationThis(register_line, dec_insn, failure);
-    if (*failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-      return NULL;
-    if (RegTypeIsUninitReference(actual_arg_type) &&
-        !res_method->GetName()->Equals("<init>")) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: 'this' arg must be initialized";
-      *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-      return NULL;
-    }
-    if (method_type != METHOD_INTERFACE && actual_arg_type != kRegTypeZero) {
-      actual_this_ref = RegTypeReferenceToClass(actual_arg_type, uninit_map);
-      if (!res_method->GetDeclaringClass()->IsAssignableFrom(actual_this_ref)) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: 'this' arg '"
-                   << actual_this_ref->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8()
-                   << "' not instance of '"
-                   << res_method->GetDeclaringClass()->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8()
-                   << "'";
-        *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-        return NULL;
-      }
-    }
-    actual_args++;
-  }
-  /*
-   * Process the target method's signature. This signature may or may not
-   * have been verified, so we can't assume it's properly formed.
-   */
-  for (sig_offset = 1; sig_offset < sig.size(); sig_offset++) {
-    if (sig[sig_offset] == ')')
-      break;
-    if (actual_args >= expected_args) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: expected " << expected_args << " args, found more ("
-                 << sig.substr(sig_offset) << ")";
-      goto bad_sig;
-    }
-    uint32_t get_reg;
-    if (is_range)
-      get_reg = dec_insn->vC_ + actual_args;
-    else
-      get_reg = dec_insn->arg_[actual_args];
-    switch (sig[sig_offset]) {
-      case 'L':
-        {
-          Class* klass = LookupSignatureClass(method, sig.substr(sig_offset),
-              failure);
-          if (*failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-            goto bad_sig;
-          VerifyRegisterType(register_line, get_reg, RegTypeFromClass(klass),
-              failure);
-          if (*failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) {
-            LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: bad arg " << actual_args << " (into "
-                       << klass->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8() << ")";
-            goto bad_sig;
-          }
-          sig_offset += sig.substr(sig_offset).find(';');
-        }
-        actual_args++;
-        break;
-      case '[':
-        {
-          Class* klass = LookupSignatureArrayClass(method,
-              sig.substr(sig_offset), failure);
-          if (*failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-            goto bad_sig;
-          VerifyRegisterType(register_line, get_reg, RegTypeFromClass(klass),
-              failure);
-          if (*failure != VERIFY_ERROR_NONE) {
-            LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: bad arg " << actual_args << " (into "
-                       << klass->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8() << ")";
-            goto bad_sig;
-          }
-          while (sig[sig_offset] == '[')
-            sig_offset++;
-          if (sig[sig_offset] == 'L')
-            sig_offset += sig.substr(sig_offset).find(';');
-        }
-        actual_args++;
-        break;
-      case 'Z':
-        VerifyRegisterType(register_line, get_reg, kRegTypeBoolean, failure);
-        actual_args++;
-        break;
-      case 'C':
-        VerifyRegisterType(register_line, get_reg, kRegTypeChar, failure);
-        actual_args++;
-        break;
-      case 'B':
-        VerifyRegisterType(register_line, get_reg, kRegTypeByte, failure);
-        actual_args++;
-        break;
-      case 'I':
-        VerifyRegisterType(register_line, get_reg, kRegTypeInteger, failure);
-        actual_args++;
-        break;
-      case 'S':
-        VerifyRegisterType(register_line, get_reg, kRegTypeShort, failure);
-        actual_args++;
-        break;
-      case 'F':
-        VerifyRegisterType(register_line, get_reg, kRegTypeFloat, failure);
-        actual_args++;
-        break;
-      case 'D':
-        VerifyRegisterType(register_line, get_reg, kRegTypeDoubleLo, failure);
-        actual_args += 2;
-        break;
-      case 'J':
-        VerifyRegisterType(register_line, get_reg, kRegTypeLongLo, failure);
-        actual_args += 2;
-        break;
-      default:
-        LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invocation target: bad signature type char '"
-                   << sig << "'";
-        goto bad_sig;
-    }
-  }
-  if (sig[sig_offset] != ')') {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: invocation target: bad signature '"
-               << res_method->GetSignature()->ToModifiedUtf8() << "'";
-    goto bad_sig;
-  }
-  if (actual_args != expected_args) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "VFY: expected " << expected_args << " args, found "
-               << actual_args;
-    goto bad_sig;
-  }
-  return res_method;
-  LOG(ERROR) << "VFY:  rejecting call to " << PrettyMethod(res_method);
-  if (*failure == VERIFY_ERROR_NONE)
-    *failure = VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC;
-  return NULL;
-DexVerifier::RegisterMap* DexVerifier::GenerateRegisterMapV(VerifierData* vdata)
-  const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item = vdata->code_item_;
-  int i, bytes_for_addr, gc_point_count;
-  if (code_item->registers_size_ >= 2048) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "ERROR: register map can't handle "
-               << code_item->registers_size_ << " registers";
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  uint8_t reg_width = (code_item->registers_size_ + 7) / 8;
-  /*
-   * Decide if we need 8 or 16 bits to hold the address. Strictly speaking
-   * we only need 16 bits if we actually encode an address >= 256 -- if
-   * the method has a section at the end without GC points (e.g. array
-   * data) we don't need to count it. The situation is unusual, and
-   * detecting it requires scanning the entire method, so we don't bother.
-   */
+  size_t pc_bytes;
   RegisterMapFormat format;
-  if (code_item->insns_size_ < 256) {
+  if (pc_bits < 8) {
     format = kRegMapFormatCompact8;
-    bytes_for_addr = 1;
-  } else {
+    pc_bytes = 1;
+  } else if (pc_bits < 16) {
     format = kRegMapFormatCompact16;
-    bytes_for_addr = 2;
-  }
-  /*
-   * Count up the number of GC point instructions.
-   *
-   * NOTE: this does not automatically include the first instruction,
-   * since we don't count method entry as a GC point.
-   */
-  gc_point_count = 0;
-  for (i = 0; i < (int) code_item->insns_size_; i++) {
-    if (InsnIsGcPoint(vdata->insn_flags_.get(), i))
-      gc_point_count++;
-  }
-  if (gc_point_count >= 65536) {
-    /* We could handle this, but in practice we don't get near this. */
-    LOG(ERROR) << "ERROR: register map can't handle " << gc_point_count
-               << " gc points in one method";
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  /* Calculate size of buffer to hold the map data. */
-  uint32_t data_size = gc_point_count * (bytes_for_addr + reg_width);
-  RegisterMap* map = new RegisterMap(format, reg_width, gc_point_count,
-      data_size);
-  /* Populate it. */
-  uint8_t* map_data = map->data_;
-  for (i = 0; i < (int) vdata->code_item_->insns_size_; i++) {
-    if (InsnIsGcPoint(vdata->insn_flags_.get(), i)) {
-      DCHECK(vdata->register_lines_[i].reg_types_.get() != NULL);
-      if (format == kRegMapFormatCompact8) {
-        *map_data++ = i;
-      } else /*kRegMapFormatCompact16*/ {
-        *map_data++ = i & 0xff;
-        *map_data++ = i >> 8;
-      }
-      OutputTypeVector(vdata->register_lines_[i].reg_types_.get(),
-          code_item->registers_size_, map_data);
-      map_data += reg_width;
-    }
-  }
-  DCHECK_EQ((uint32_t) map_data - (uint32_t) map->data_, data_size);
-  // TODO: Remove this check when it's really running...
-#if 1
-  if (!VerifyMap(vdata, map)) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Map failed to verify";
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  /* Try to compress the map. */
-#if 0
-  RegisterMap* compress_map = CompressMapDifferential(map);
-  if (compress_map != NULL) {
-    // TODO: Remove this check when it's really running...
-#if 1
-    /*
-     * Expand the compressed map we just created, and compare it
-     * to the original. Abort the VM if it doesn't match up.
-     */
-    UniquePtr<RegisterMap> uncompressed_map(UncompressMapDifferential(compress_map));
-    if (uncompressed_map.get() == NULL) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "Map failed to uncompress - " << PrettyMethod(vdata->method_);
-      delete map;
-      delete compress_map;
-      /* bad - compression is broken or we're out of memory */
-      return NULL;
-    } else {
-      if (!CompareMaps(map, uncompressed_map.get())) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "Map comparison failed - " << PrettyMethod(vdata->method_);
-        delete map;
-        delete compress_map;
-        /* bad - compression is broken */
-        return NULL;
-      }
-    }
-    delete map;
-    map = compress_map;
-  }
-  return map;
-DexVerifier::RegisterMap* DexVerifier::GetExpandedRegisterMapHelper(
-    Method* method, RegisterMap* map) {
-  RegisterMap* new_map;
-  if (map == NULL)
-    return NULL;
-  /* TODO: sanity check to ensure this isn't called w/o external locking */
-  uint8_t format = map->header_->format_;
-  switch (format) {
-    case kRegMapFormatCompact8:
-    case kRegMapFormatCompact16:
-      /* already expanded */
-      return map;
-    case kRegMapFormatDifferential:
-      new_map = UncompressMapDifferential(map);
-      break;
-    default:
-      LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown format " << format
-                 << " in dvmGetExpandedRegisterMap";
-      return NULL;
-  }
-  if (new_map == NULL) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Map failed to uncompress (fmt=" << format << ") "
-               << PrettyMethod(method);
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  /* Update method, and free compressed map if it was sitting on the heap. */
-  //SirtRef<ByteArray> header(ByteArray::Alloc(sizeof(RegisterMapHeader)));
-  //if (header.get() == NULL) {
-  //  return NULL;
-  //}
-  //SirtRef<ByteArray> data(ByteArray::Alloc(ComputeRegisterMapSize(map)));
-  //if (data.get() == NULL) {
-  //  return NULL;
-  //}
-  //memcpy(header->GetData(), map->header_, sizeof(RegisterMapHeader));
-  //memcpy(data->GetData(), map->data_, ComputeRegisterMapSize(map));
-  //method->SetRegisterMapHeader(header);
-  //method->SetRegisterMapData(data);
-  delete map;
-  return new_map;
-const uint8_t* DexVerifier::RegisterMapGetLine(const RegisterMap* map, int addr) {
-  int addr_width, line_width;
-  uint8_t format = map->header_->format_;
-  uint16_t num_entries = map->header_->num_entries_;
-  DCHECK_GT(num_entries, 0);
-  switch (format) {
-    case kRegMapFormatNone:
-      return NULL;
-    case kRegMapFormatCompact8:
-      addr_width = 1;
-      break;
-    case kRegMapFormatCompact16:
-      addr_width = 2;
-      break;
-    default:
-      LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown format " << format;
-      return NULL;
-  }
-  line_width = addr_width + map->header_->reg_width_;
-  /*
-   * Find the appropriate entry. Many maps are very small, some are very large.
-   */
-  static const int kSearchThreshold = 8;
-  const uint8_t* data = NULL;
-  int line_addr;
-  if (num_entries < kSearchThreshold) {
-    int i;
-    data = map->data_;
-    for (i = num_entries; i > 0; i--) {
-      line_addr = data[0];
-      if (addr_width > 1)
-        line_addr |= data[1] << 8;
-      if (line_addr == addr)
-        return data + addr_width;
-      data += line_width;
-    }
-    DCHECK_EQ(data, map->data_ + line_width * num_entries);
+    pc_bytes = 2;
   } else {
-    int hi, lo, mid;
+    // TODO: either a better GC map format or per method failures
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "Cannot encode GC map for method with "
+       << (1 << pc_bits) << " instructions (number is rounded up to nearest power of 2)";
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  size_t table_size = ((pc_bytes + ref_bitmap_bytes) * num_entries ) + 4;
+  ByteArray* table = ByteArray::Alloc(table_size);
+  if (table == NULL) {
+    Fail(VERIFY_ERROR_GENERIC) << "Failed to encode GC map (size=" << table_size << ")";
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  // Write table header
+  table->Set(0, format);
+  table->Set(1, ref_bitmap_bytes);
+  table->Set(2, num_entries & 0xFF);
+  table->Set(3, (num_entries >> 8) & 0xFF);
+  // Write table data
+  size_t offset = 4;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < code_item_->insns_size_in_code_units_; i++) {
+    if (insn_flags_[i].IsGcPoint()) {
+      table->Set(offset, i & 0xFF);
+      offset++;
+      if (pc_bytes == 2) {
+        table->Set(offset, (i >> 8) & 0xFF);
+        offset++;
+      }
+      RegisterLine* line = reg_table_.GetLine(i);
+      line->WriteReferenceBitMap(table->GetData() + offset, ref_bitmap_bytes);
+      offset += ref_bitmap_bytes;
+    }
+  }
+  DCHECK(offset == table_size);
+  return table;
-    lo = 0;
-    hi = num_entries -1;
+void DexVerifier::VerifyGcMap() {
+  // Check that for every GC point there is a map entry, there aren't entries for non-GC points,
+  // that the table data is well formed and all references are marked (or not) in the bitmap
+  PcToReferenceMap map(method_);
+  size_t map_index = 0;
+  for(size_t i = 0; i < code_item_->insns_size_in_code_units_; i++) {
+    const uint8_t* reg_bitmap = map.FindBitMap(i, false);
+    if (insn_flags_[i].IsGcPoint()) {
+      CHECK_LT(map_index, map.NumEntries());
+      CHECK_EQ(map.GetPC(map_index), i);
+      CHECK_EQ(map.GetBitMap(map_index), reg_bitmap);
+      map_index++;
+      RegisterLine* line = reg_table_.GetLine(i);
+      for(size_t j = 0; j < code_item_->registers_size_; j++) {
+        if (line->GetRegisterType(j).IsReference()) {
+          CHECK_LT(j / 8, map.RegWidth());
+          CHECK_EQ((reg_bitmap[j / 8] >> (j % 8)) & 1, 1);
+        } else if ((j / 8) < map.RegWidth()) {
+          CHECK_EQ((reg_bitmap[j / 8] >> (j % 8)) & 1, 0);
+        } else {
+          // If a register doesn't contain a reference then the bitmap may be shorter than the line
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      CHECK(reg_bitmap == NULL);
+    }
+  }
+Class* DexVerifier::JavaLangThrowable() {
+  if (java_lang_throwable_ == NULL) {
+    java_lang_throwable_ =
+        Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker()->FindSystemClass("Ljava/lang/Throwable;");
+   DCHECK(java_lang_throwable_ != NULL);
+  }
+  return java_lang_throwable_;
+const uint8_t* PcToReferenceMap::FindBitMap(uint16_t dex_pc, bool error_if_not_present) const {
+  size_t num_entries = NumEntries();
+  // Do linear or binary search?
+  static const size_t kSearchThreshold = 8;
+  if (num_entries < kSearchThreshold) {
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_entries; i++)  {
+      if (GetPC(i) == dex_pc) {
+        return GetBitMap(i);
+      }
+    }
+  } else {
+    int lo = 0;
+    int hi = num_entries -1;
     while (hi >= lo) {
-      mid = (hi + lo) / 2;
-      data = map->data_ + line_width * mid;
-      line_addr = data[0];
-      if (addr_width > 1)
-        line_addr |= data[1] << 8;
-      if (addr > line_addr) {
+      int mid = (hi + lo) / 2;
+      int mid_pc = GetPC(mid);
+      if (dex_pc > mid_pc) {
         lo = mid + 1;
-      } else if (addr < line_addr) {
+      } else if (dex_pc < mid_pc) {
         hi = mid - 1;
       } else {
-        return data + addr_width;
+        return GetBitMap(mid);
+  if (error_if_not_present) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Didn't find reference bit map for dex_pc " << dex_pc;
+  }
   return NULL;
-void DexVerifier::OutputTypeVector(const RegType* regs, int insn_reg_count,
-    uint8_t* data) {
-  uint8_t val = 0;
-  int i;
-  for (i = 0; i < insn_reg_count; i++) {
-    RegType type = *regs++;
-    val >>= 1;
-    if (IsReferenceType(type))
-      val |= 0x80;        /* set hi bit */
-    if ((i & 0x07) == 7)
-      *data++ = val;
-  }
-  if ((i & 0x07) != 0) {
-    /* Flush bits from last byte. */
-    val >>= 8 - (i & 0x07);
-    *data++ = val;
-  }
-bool DexVerifier::VerifyMap(VerifierData* vdata, const RegisterMap* map) {
-  const uint8_t* raw_map = map->data_;
-  uint8_t format = map->header_->format_;
-  const int num_entries = map->header_->num_entries_;
-  int ent;
-  if ((vdata->code_item_->registers_size_ + 7) / 8 != map->header_->reg_width_) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "GLITCH: registersSize=" << vdata->code_item_->registers_size_
-               << ", reg_width=" << map->header_->reg_width_;
-    return false;
-  }
-  for (ent = 0; ent < num_entries; ent++) {
-    int addr;
-    switch (format) {
-      case kRegMapFormatCompact8:
-        addr = *raw_map++;
-        break;
-      case kRegMapFormatCompact16:
-        addr = *raw_map++;
-        addr |= (*raw_map++) << 8;
-        break;
-      default:
-        LOG(FATAL) << "GLITCH: bad format (" << format << ")";
-        return false;
-    }
-    const RegType* regs = vdata->register_lines_[addr].reg_types_.get();
-    if (regs == NULL) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "GLITCH: addr " << addr << " has no data";
-      return false;
-    }
-    uint8_t val = 0;
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < vdata->code_item_->registers_size_; i++) {
-      bool bit_is_ref, reg_is_ref;
-      val >>= 1;
-      if ((i & 0x07) == 0) {
-        /* Load next byte of data. */
-        val = *raw_map++;
-      }
-      bit_is_ref = val & 0x01;
-      RegType type = regs[i];
-      reg_is_ref = IsReferenceType(type);
-      if (bit_is_ref != reg_is_ref) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "GLITCH: addr " << addr << " reg " << i << ": bit="
-                   << bit_is_ref << " reg=" << reg_is_ref << "(" << type << ")";
-        return false;
-      }
-    }
-    /* Raw_map now points to the address field of the next entry. */
-  }
-  return true;
-bool DexVerifier::CompareMaps(const RegisterMap* map1, const RegisterMap* map2)
-  size_t size1, size2;
-  size1 = ComputeRegisterMapSize(map1);
-  size2 = ComputeRegisterMapSize(map2);
-  if (size1 != size2) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "CompareMaps: size mismatch (" << size1 << " vs " << size2
-               << ")";
-    return false;
-  }
-  if (map1->header_->format_ != map2->header_->format_ ||
-      map1->header_->reg_width_ != map2->header_->reg_width_ ||
-      map1->header_->num_entries_ != map2->header_->num_entries_) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "CompareMaps: fields mismatch";
-  }
-  if (memcmp(map1->data_, map2->data_, size1) != 0) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "CompareMaps: data mismatch";
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-size_t DexVerifier::ComputeRegisterMapSize(const RegisterMap* map) {
-  uint8_t format = map->header_->format_;
-  uint16_t num_entries = map->header_->num_entries_;
-  DCHECK(map != NULL);
-  switch (format) {
-    case kRegMapFormatNone:
-      return 1;
-    case kRegMapFormatCompact8:
-      return (1 + map->header_->reg_width_) * num_entries;
-    case kRegMapFormatCompact16:
-      return (2 + map->header_->reg_width_) * num_entries;
-    case kRegMapFormatDifferential:
-      {
-        /* Decoded ULEB128 length. */
-        const uint8_t* ptr = map->data_;
-        return DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&ptr);
-      }
-    default:
-      LOG(FATAL) << "Bad register map format " << format;
-      return 0;
-  }
-int DexVerifier::ComputeBitDiff(const uint8_t* bits1, const uint8_t* bits2,
-    int byte_width, int* first_bit_changed_ptr, int* num_bits_changed_ptr,
-    uint8_t* leb_out_buf) {
-  int num_bits_changed = 0;
-  int first_bit_changed = -1;
-  int leb_size = 0;
-  int byte_num;
-  /*
-   * Run through the vectors, first comparing them at the byte level. This
-   * will yield a fairly quick result if nothing has changed between them.
-   */
-  for (byte_num = 0; byte_num < byte_width; byte_num++) {
-    uint8_t byte1 = *bits1++;
-    uint8_t byte2 = *bits2++;
-    if (byte1 != byte2) {
-      /* Walk through the byte, identifying the changed bits. */
-      int bit_num;
-      for (bit_num = 0; bit_num < 8; bit_num++) {
-        if (((byte1 >> bit_num) & 0x01) != ((byte2 >> bit_num) & 0x01)) {
-          int bit_offset = (byte_num << 3) + bit_num;
-          if (first_bit_changed < 0)
-            first_bit_changed = bit_offset;
-          num_bits_changed++;
-          if (leb_out_buf == NULL) {
-            leb_size += UnsignedLeb128Size(bit_offset);
-          } else {
-            uint8_t* cur_buf = leb_out_buf;
-            leb_out_buf = WriteUnsignedLeb128(leb_out_buf, bit_offset);
-            leb_size += leb_out_buf - cur_buf;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (num_bits_changed > 0) {
-    DCHECK_GE(first_bit_changed, 0);
-  }
-  if (first_bit_changed_ptr != NULL) {
-    *first_bit_changed_ptr = first_bit_changed;
-  }
-  if (num_bits_changed_ptr != NULL) {
-    *num_bits_changed_ptr = num_bits_changed;
-  }
-  return leb_size;
-DexVerifier::RegisterMap* DexVerifier::CompressMapDifferential(
-    const RegisterMap* map) {
-  int orig_size = ComputeRegisterMapSize(map);
-  uint8_t* tmp_ptr;
-  int addr_width;
-  uint8_t format = map->header_->format_;
-  switch (format) {
-    case kRegMapFormatCompact8:
-      addr_width = 1;
-      break;
-    case kRegMapFormatCompact16:
-      addr_width = 2;
-      break;
-    default:
-      LOG(ERROR) << "ERROR: can't compress map with format=" << format;
-      return NULL;
-  }
-  int reg_width = map->header_->reg_width_;
-  int num_entries = map->header_->num_entries_;
-  if (num_entries <= 1) {
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  /*
-   * We don't know how large the compressed data will be. It's possible
-   * for it to expand and become larger than the original. The header
-   * itself is variable-sized, so we generate everything into a temporary
-   * buffer and then copy it to form-fitting storage once we know how big
-   * it will be (and that it's smaller than the original).
-   *
-   * If we use a size that is equal to the size of the input map plus
-   * a value longer than a single entry can possibly expand to, we need
-   * only check for overflow at the end of each entry. The worst case
-   * for a single line is (1 + <ULEB8 address> + <full copy of vector>).
-   * Addresses are 16 bits, so that's (1 + 3 + reg_width).
-   *
-   * The initial address offset and bit vector will take up less than
-   * or equal to the amount of space required when uncompressed -- large
-   * initial offsets are rejected.
-   */
-  UniquePtr<uint8_t[]> tmp_buf(new uint8_t[orig_size + (1 + 3 + reg_width)]);
-  tmp_ptr = tmp_buf.get();
-  const uint8_t* map_data = map->data_;
-  const uint8_t* prev_bits;
-  uint16_t addr, prev_addr;
-  addr = *map_data++;
-  if (addr_width > 1)
-    addr |= (*map_data++) << 8;
-  if (addr >= 128) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Can't compress map with starting address >= 128";
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  /*
-   * Start by writing the initial address and bit vector data. The high
-   * bit of the initial address is used to indicate the required address
-   * width (which the decoder can't otherwise determine without parsing
-   * the compressed data).
-   */
-  *tmp_ptr++ = addr | (addr_width > 1 ? 0x80 : 0x00);
-  memcpy(tmp_ptr, map_data, reg_width);
-  prev_bits = map_data;
-  prev_addr = addr;
-  tmp_ptr += reg_width;
-  map_data += reg_width;
-  /* Loop over all following entries. */
-  for (int entry = 1; entry < num_entries; entry++) {
-    int addr_diff;
-    uint8_t key;
-    /* Pull out the address and figure out how to encode it. */
-    addr = *map_data++;
-    if (addr_width > 1)
-      addr |= (*map_data++) << 8;
-    addr_diff = addr - prev_addr;
-    DCHECK_GT(addr_diff, 0);
-    if (addr_diff < 8) {
-      /* Small difference, encode in 3 bits. */
-      key = addr_diff -1;          /* set 00000AAA */
-    } else {
-      /* Large difference, output escape code. */
-      key = 0x07;                 /* escape code for AAA */
-    }
-    int num_bits_changed, first_bit_changed, leb_size;
-    leb_size = ComputeBitDiff(prev_bits, map_data, reg_width,
-        &first_bit_changed, &num_bits_changed, NULL);
-    if (num_bits_changed == 0) {
-      /* set B to 1 and CCCC to zero to indicate no bits were changed */
-      key |= 0x08;
-    } else if (num_bits_changed == 1 && first_bit_changed < 16) {
-      /* set B to 0 and CCCC to the index of the changed bit */
-      key |= first_bit_changed << 4;
-    } else if (num_bits_changed < 15 && leb_size < reg_width) {
-      /* set B to 1 and CCCC to the number of bits */
-      key |= 0x08 | (num_bits_changed << 4);
-    } else {
-      /* set B to 1 and CCCC to 0x0f so we store the entire vector */
-      key |= 0x08 | 0xf0;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Encode output. Start with the key, follow with the address
-     * diff (if it didn't fit in 3 bits), then the changed bit info.
-     */
-    *tmp_ptr++ = key;
-    if ((key & 0x07) == 0x07)
-      tmp_ptr = WriteUnsignedLeb128(tmp_ptr, addr_diff);
-    if ((key & 0x08) != 0) {
-      int bit_count = key >> 4;
-      if (bit_count == 0) {
-        /* nothing changed, no additional output required */
-      } else if (bit_count == 15) {
-        /* full vector is most compact representation */
-        memcpy(tmp_ptr, map_data, reg_width);
-        tmp_ptr += reg_width;
-      } else {
-        /* write bit indices in ULEB128 format */
-        (void) ComputeBitDiff(prev_bits, map_data, reg_width,
-               NULL, NULL, tmp_ptr);
-        tmp_ptr += leb_size;
-      }
-    } else {
-      /* single-bit changed, value encoded in key byte */
-    }
-    prev_bits = map_data;
-    prev_addr = addr;
-    map_data += reg_width;
-    /* See if we've run past the original size. */
-    if (tmp_ptr - tmp_buf.get() >= orig_size) {
-      return NULL;
-    }
-  }
-  /*
-   * Create a RegisterMap with the contents.
-   *
-   * TODO: consider using a threshold other than merely ">=". We would
-   * get poorer compression but potentially use less native heap space.
-   */
-  int new_data_size = tmp_ptr - tmp_buf.get();
-  int new_map_size = new_data_size + UnsignedLeb128Size(new_data_size);
-  if (new_map_size >= orig_size) {
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  RegisterMap* new_map = new RegisterMap(kRegMapFormatDifferential, reg_width,
-      num_entries, new_map_size);
-  tmp_ptr = new_map->data_;
-  tmp_ptr = WriteUnsignedLeb128(tmp_ptr, new_data_size);
-  memcpy(tmp_ptr, tmp_buf.get(), new_data_size);
-  return new_map;
-DexVerifier::RegisterMap* DexVerifier::UncompressMapDifferential(
-    const RegisterMap* map) {
-  uint8_t format = map->header_->format_;
-  RegisterMapFormat new_format;
-  int reg_width, num_entries, new_addr_width, new_data_size;
-  if (format != kRegMapFormatDifferential) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Not differential (" << format << ")";
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  reg_width = map->header_->reg_width_;
-  num_entries = map->header_->num_entries_;
-  /* Get the data size; we can check this at the end. */
-  const uint8_t* src_ptr = map->data_;
-  int expected_src_len = DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&src_ptr);
-  const uint8_t* src_start = src_ptr;
-  /* Get the initial address and the 16-bit address flag. */
-  int addr = *src_ptr & 0x7f;
-  if ((*src_ptr & 0x80) == 0) {
-    new_format = kRegMapFormatCompact8;
-    new_addr_width = 1;
-  } else {
-    new_format = kRegMapFormatCompact16;
-    new_addr_width = 2;
-  }
-  src_ptr++;
-  /* Now we know enough to allocate the new map. */
-  new_data_size = (new_addr_width + reg_width) * num_entries;
-  RegisterMap* new_map = new RegisterMap(new_format, reg_width, num_entries,
-      new_data_size);
-  /* Write the start address and initial bits to the new map. */
-  uint8_t* dst_ptr = new_map->data_;
-  *dst_ptr++ = addr & 0xff;
-  if (new_addr_width > 1)
-    *dst_ptr++ = (uint8_t) (addr >> 8);
-  memcpy(dst_ptr, src_ptr, reg_width);
-  int prev_addr = addr;
-  const uint8_t* prev_bits = dst_ptr;    /* point at uncompressed data */
-  dst_ptr += reg_width;
-  src_ptr += reg_width;
-  /* Walk through, uncompressing one line at a time. */
-  int entry;
-  for (entry = 1; entry < num_entries; entry++) {
-    int addr_diff;
-    uint8_t key;
-    key = *src_ptr++;
-    /* Get the address. */
-    if ((key & 0x07) == 7) {
-      /* Address diff follows in ULEB128. */
-      addr_diff = DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&src_ptr);
-    } else {
-      addr_diff = (key & 0x07) +1;
-    }
-    addr = prev_addr + addr_diff;
-    *dst_ptr++ = addr & 0xff;
-    if (new_addr_width > 1)
-      *dst_ptr++ = (uint8_t) (addr >> 8);
-    /* Unpack the bits. */
-    if ((key & 0x08) != 0) {
-      int bit_count = (key >> 4);
-      if (bit_count == 0) {
-        /* No bits changed, just copy previous. */
-        memcpy(dst_ptr, prev_bits, reg_width);
-      } else if (bit_count == 15) {
-        /* Full copy of bit vector is present; ignore prev_bits. */
-        memcpy(dst_ptr, src_ptr, reg_width);
-        src_ptr += reg_width;
-      } else {
-        /* Copy previous bits and modify listed indices. */
-        memcpy(dst_ptr, prev_bits, reg_width);
-        while (bit_count--) {
-          int bit_index = DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&src_ptr);
-          ToggleBit(dst_ptr, bit_index);
-        }
-      }
-    } else {
-      /* Copy previous bits and modify the specified one. */
-      memcpy(dst_ptr, prev_bits, reg_width);
-      /* One bit, from 0-15 inclusive, was changed. */
-      ToggleBit(dst_ptr, key >> 4);
-    }
-    prev_addr = addr;
-    prev_bits = dst_ptr;
-    dst_ptr += reg_width;
-  }
-  if (dst_ptr - new_map->data_ != new_data_size) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "ERROR: output " << dst_ptr - new_map->data_
-               << " bytes, expected " << new_data_size;
-    free(new_map);
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  if (src_ptr - src_start != expected_src_len) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "ERROR: consumed " << src_ptr - src_start
-               << " bytes, expected " << expected_src_len;
-    free(new_map);
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  return new_map;
-/* Dump the register types for the specifed address to the log file. */
-void DexVerifier::DumpRegTypes(const VerifierData* vdata,
-    const RegisterLine* register_line, int addr, const char* addr_name,
-    const UninitInstanceMap* uninit_map) {
-  const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item = vdata->code_item_;
-  uint16_t reg_count = code_item->registers_size_;
-  uint32_t insns_size = code_item->insns_size_;
-  const InsnFlags* insn_flags = vdata->insn_flags_.get();
-  const RegType* addr_regs = register_line->reg_types_.get();
-  int full_reg_count = reg_count + kExtraRegs;
-  bool branch_target = InsnIsBranchTarget(insn_flags, addr);
-  int i;
-  CHECK(addr >= 0 && addr < (int) insns_size);
-  int reg_char_size = full_reg_count + (full_reg_count - 1) / 4 + 2 + 1;
-  char reg_chars[reg_char_size + 1];
-  memset(reg_chars, ' ', reg_char_size);
-  reg_chars[0] = '[';
-  if (reg_count == 0) {
-    reg_chars[1] = ']';
-  } else {
-    reg_chars[1 + (reg_count - 1) + (reg_count - 1) / 4 + 1] = ']';
-  }
-  reg_chars[reg_char_size] = '\0';
-  for (i = 0; i < reg_count + kExtraRegs; i++) {
-    char tch;
-    switch (addr_regs[i]) {
-      case kRegTypeUnknown:       tch = '.';  break;
-      case kRegTypeConflict:      tch = 'X';  break;
-      case kRegTypeZero:          tch = '0';  break;
-      case kRegTypeOne:           tch = '1';  break;
-      case kRegTypeBoolean:       tch = 'Z';  break;
-      case kRegTypeConstPosByte:  tch = 'y';  break;
-      case kRegTypeConstByte:     tch = 'Y';  break;
-      case kRegTypeConstPosShort: tch = 'h';  break;
-      case kRegTypeConstShort:    tch = 'H';  break;
-      case kRegTypeConstChar:     tch = 'c';  break;
-      case kRegTypeConstInteger:  tch = 'i';  break;
-      case kRegTypePosByte:       tch = 'b';  break;
-      case kRegTypeByte:          tch = 'B';  break;
-      case kRegTypePosShort:      tch = 's';  break;
-      case kRegTypeShort:         tch = 'S';  break;
-      case kRegTypeChar:          tch = 'C';  break;
-      case kRegTypeInteger:       tch = 'I';  break;
-      case kRegTypeFloat:         tch = 'F';  break;
-      case kRegTypeConstLo:       tch = 'N';  break;
-      case kRegTypeConstHi:       tch = 'n';  break;
-      case kRegTypeLongLo:        tch = 'J';  break;
-      case kRegTypeLongHi:        tch = 'j';  break;
-      case kRegTypeDoubleLo:      tch = 'D';  break;
-      case kRegTypeDoubleHi:      tch = 'd';  break;
-      default:
-        if (RegTypeIsReference(addr_regs[i])) {
-          if (RegTypeIsUninitReference(addr_regs[i]))
-            tch = 'U';
-          else
-            tch = 'L';
-        } else {
-          tch = '*';
-          CHECK(false);
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-    if (i < reg_count)
-      reg_chars[1 + i + (i / 4)] = tch;
-    else
-      reg_chars[1 + i + (i / 4) + 2] = tch;
-  }
-  if (addr == 0 && addr_name != NULL) {
-    char start = branch_target ? '>' : ' ';
-    LOG(INFO) << start << addr_name << " " << reg_chars << " mst="
-              << register_line->monitor_stack_top_;
-  } else {
-    char start = branch_target ? '>' : ' ';
-    LOG(INFO) << start << "0x" << std::hex << addr << std::dec << " "
-              << reg_chars << " mst=" << register_line->monitor_stack_top_;
-  }
-  for (i = 0; i < reg_count + kExtraRegs; i++) {
-    if (RegTypeIsReference(addr_regs[i]) && addr_regs[i] != kRegTypeZero) {
-      Class* klass = RegTypeReferenceToClass(addr_regs[i], uninit_map);
-      if (i < reg_count) {
-        const char* undef = RegTypeIsUninitReference(addr_regs[i]) ? "[U]" : "";
-        LOG(INFO) << "        " << i << ": 0x" << std::hex << addr_regs[i] << std::dec
-                  << " " << undef << klass->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8();
-      } else {
-        const char* undef = RegTypeIsUninitReference(addr_regs[i]) ? "[U]" : "";
-        LOG(INFO) << "        RS: 0x" << std::hex << addr_regs[i] << std::dec
-                  << " " << undef << klass->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8();
-      }
-    }
-  }
+}  // namespace verifier
 }  // namespace art