Implemented annotations display in dexdump.

Showing this in true dexdump style as a separate construct
under switch -a (rather than interpreting the data and showing
each annotation where it is used). Also added new test to
cover many more value encodings in static fields.


Change-Id: I6d7d44cbd358d9880aab78812471bdb0dc6b6ad8
diff --git a/test/dexdump/bytecodes.txt b/test/dexdump/bytecodes.txt
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 4c8b79b..e1a381e
--- a/test/dexdump/bytecodes.txt
+++ b/test/dexdump/bytecodes.txt
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
 string_ids_off      : 112 (0x000070)
 type_ids_size       : 42
 type_ids_off        : 724 (0x0002d4)
-proto_ids_size       : 12
-proto_ids_off        : 892 (0x00037c)
+proto_ids_size      : 12
+proto_ids_off       : 892 (0x00037c)
 field_ids_size      : 40
 field_ids_off       : 1036 (0x00040c)
 method_ids_size     : 28
@@ -36,6 +36,11 @@
 direct_methods_size : 0
 virtual_methods_size: 1
+Class #0 annotations:
+Annotations on class
+  VISIBILITY_RUNTIME Ljava/lang/annotation/Retention; value=CLASS
 Class #0            -
   Class descriptor  : 'Landroid/annotation/SuppressLint;'
   Access flags      : 0x2601 (PUBLIC INTERFACE ABSTRACT ANNOTATION)
@@ -67,6 +72,11 @@
 direct_methods_size : 0
 virtual_methods_size: 1
+Class #1 annotations:
+Annotations on class
+  VISIBILITY_RUNTIME Ljava/lang/annotation/Retention; value=CLASS
+  VISIBILITY_RUNTIME Ljava/lang/annotation/Target; value={ TYPE METHOD CONSTRUCTOR }
 Class #1            -
   Class descriptor  : 'Landroid/annotation/TargetApi;'
   Access flags      : 0x2601 (PUBLIC INTERFACE ABSTRACT ANNOTATION)
@@ -144,6 +154,11 @@
 direct_methods_size : 1
 virtual_methods_size: 0
+Class #3 annotations:
+Annotations on class
+  VISIBILITY_SYSTEM Ldalvik/annotation/EnclosingClass; value=Lcom/google/android/test/R;
+  VISIBILITY_SYSTEM Ldalvik/annotation/InnerClass; accessFlags=25 name="attr"
 Class #3            -
   Class descriptor  : 'Lcom/google/android/test/R$attr;'
   Access flags      : 0x0011 (PUBLIC FINAL)
@@ -186,6 +201,11 @@
 direct_methods_size : 1
 virtual_methods_size: 0
+Class #4 annotations:
+Annotations on class
+  VISIBILITY_SYSTEM Ldalvik/annotation/EnclosingClass; value=Lcom/google/android/test/R;
+  VISIBILITY_SYSTEM Ldalvik/annotation/InnerClass; accessFlags=25 name="drawable"
 Class #4            -
   Class descriptor  : 'Lcom/google/android/test/R$drawable;'
   Access flags      : 0x0011 (PUBLIC FINAL)
@@ -233,6 +253,10 @@
 direct_methods_size : 1
 virtual_methods_size: 0
+Class #5 annotations:
+Annotations on class
+  VISIBILITY_SYSTEM Ldalvik/annotation/MemberClasses; value={ Lcom/google/android/test/R$attr; Lcom/google/android/test/R$drawable; }
 Class #5            -
   Class descriptor  : 'Lcom/google/android/test/R;'
   Access flags      : 0x0011 (PUBLIC FINAL)
@@ -275,6 +299,10 @@
 direct_methods_size : 13
 virtual_methods_size: 2
+Class #6 annotations:
+Annotations on method #13 'doit'
+  VISIBILITY_SYSTEM Ldalvik/annotation/Throws; value={ Ljava/lang/Exception; }
 Class #6            -
   Class descriptor  : 'Lcom/google/android/test/Test;'
   Access flags      : 0x0001 (PUBLIC)
@@ -418,17 +446,17 @@
 000a02: 6a00 1800                              |0001: sput-boolean v0, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.sBool:Z // field@0018
 000a06: 1300 1f00                              |0003: const/16 v0, #int 31 // #1f
 000a0a: 6b00 1700                              |0005: sput-byte v0, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.sB:B // field@0017
-000a0e: 1400 ffff 0000                         |0007: const v0, #float 0.000000 // #0000ffff
+000a0e: 1400 ffff 0000                         |0007: const v0, #float 9.18341e-41 // #0000ffff
 000a14: 6c00 1900                              |000a: sput-char v0, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.sC:C // field@0019
 000a18: 1300 3412                              |000c: const/16 v0, #int 4660 // #1234
 000a1c: 6d00 1f00                              |000e: sput-short v0, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.sS:S // field@001f
-000a20: 1400 7856 3412                         |0010: const v0, #float 0.000000 // #12345678
+000a20: 1400 7856 3412                         |0010: const v0, #float 5.69046e-28 // #12345678
 000a26: 6700 1c00                              |0013: sput v0, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.sI:I // field@001c
-000a2a: 1800 ffff cdab 7956 3412               |0015: const-wide v0, #double 0.000000 // #12345679abcdffff
+000a2a: 1800 ffff cdab 7956 3412               |0015: const-wide v0, #double 5.62635e-221 // #12345679abcdffff
 000a34: 6800 1d00                              |001a: sput-wide v0, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.sL:J // field@001d
-000a38: 1400 00e4 4046                         |001c: const v0, #float 12345.000000 // #4640e400
+000a38: 1400 00e4 4046                         |001c: const v0, #float 12345 // #4640e400
 000a3e: 6700 1b00                              |001f: sput v0, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.sF:F // field@001b
-000a42: 1800 0000 0000 801c c840               |0021: const-wide v0, #double 12345.000000 // #40c81c8000000000
+000a42: 1800 0000 0000 801c c840               |0021: const-wide v0, #double 12345 // #40c81c8000000000
 000a4c: 6800 1a00                              |0026: sput-wide v0, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.sD:D // field@001a
 000a50: 1200                                   |0028: const/4 v0, #int 0 // #0
 000a52: 6900 1e00                              |0029: sput-object v0, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.sO:Ljava/lang/Object; // field@001e
@@ -471,17 +499,17 @@
 000ab4: 5c81 0d00                              |0008: iput-boolean v1, v8, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.mBool:Z // field@000d
 000ab8: 1301 1f00                              |000a: const/16 v1, #int 31 // #1f
 000abc: 5d81 0c00                              |000c: iput-byte v1, v8, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.mB:B // field@000c
-000ac0: 1401 ffff 0000                         |000e: const v1, #float 0.000000 // #0000ffff
+000ac0: 1401 ffff 0000                         |000e: const v1, #float 9.18341e-41 // #0000ffff
 000ac6: 5e81 0e00                              |0011: iput-char v1, v8, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.mC:C // field@000e
 000aca: 1301 3412                              |0013: const/16 v1, #int 4660 // #1234
 000ace: 5f81 1500                              |0015: iput-short v1, v8, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.mS:S // field@0015
-000ad2: 1401 7856 3412                         |0017: const v1, #float 0.000000 // #12345678
+000ad2: 1401 7856 3412                         |0017: const v1, #float 5.69046e-28 // #12345678
 000ad8: 5981 1100                              |001a: iput v1, v8, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.mI:I // field@0011
-000adc: 1802 ffff cdab 7956 3412               |001c: const-wide v2, #double 0.000000 // #12345679abcdffff
+000adc: 1802 ffff cdab 7956 3412               |001c: const-wide v2, #double 5.62635e-221 // #12345679abcdffff
 000ae6: 5a82 1200                              |0021: iput-wide v2, v8, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.mL:J // field@0012
-000aea: 1401 00e4 4046                         |0023: const v1, #float 12345.000000 // #4640e400
+000aea: 1401 00e4 4046                         |0023: const v1, #float 12345 // #4640e400
 000af0: 5981 1000                              |0026: iput v1, v8, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.mF:F // field@0010
-000af4: 1802 0000 0000 801c c840               |0028: const-wide v2, #double 12345.000000 // #40c81c8000000000
+000af4: 1802 0000 0000 801c c840               |0028: const-wide v2, #double 12345 // #40c81c8000000000
 000afe: 5a82 0f00                              |002d: iput-wide v2, v8, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.mD:D // field@000f
 000b02: 1201                                   |002f: const/4 v1, #int 0 // #0
 000b04: 5b81 1300                              |0030: iput-object v1, v8, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.mO:Ljava/lang/Object; // field@0013
@@ -626,7 +654,7 @@
 000cc6: 8d00                                   |0011: int-to-byte v0, v0
 000cc8: 5db0 0c00                              |0012: iput-byte v0, v11, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.mB:B // field@000c
 000ccc: 57b0 0e00                              |0014: iget-char v0, v11, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.mC:C // field@000e
-000cd0: 1401 ffff 0000                         |0016: const v1, #float 0.000000 // #0000ffff
+000cd0: 1401 ffff 0000                         |0016: const v1, #float 9.18341e-41 // #0000ffff
 000cd6: b010                                   |0019: add-int/2addr v0, v1
 000cd8: 8e00                                   |001a: int-to-char v0, v0
 000cda: 5eb0 0e00                              |001b: iput-char v0, v11, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.mC:C // field@000e
@@ -635,7 +663,7 @@
 000ce6: 8f00                                   |0021: int-to-short v0, v0
 000ce8: 5fb0 1500                              |0022: iput-short v0, v11, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.mS:S // field@0015
 000cec: 52b0 1100                              |0024: iget v0, v11, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.mI:I // field@0011
-000cf0: 1401 7856 3412                         |0026: const v1, #float 0.000000 // #12345678
+000cf0: 1401 7856 3412                         |0026: const v1, #float 5.69046e-28 // #12345678
 000cf6: b010                                   |0029: add-int/2addr v0, v1
 000cf8: 59b0 1100                              |002a: iput v0, v11, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.mI:I // field@0011
 000cfc: 52b0 1100                              |002c: iget v0, v11, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.mI:I // field@0011
@@ -643,7 +671,7 @@
 000d04: b010                                   |0030: add-int/2addr v0, v1
 000d06: 59b0 1100                              |0031: iput v0, v11, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.mI:I // field@0011
 000d0a: 53b0 1200                              |0033: iget-wide v0, v11, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.mL:J // field@0012
-000d0e: 1802 ffff cdab 7956 3412               |0035: const-wide v2, #double 0.000000 // #12345679abcdffff
+000d0e: 1802 ffff cdab 7956 3412               |0035: const-wide v2, #double 5.62635e-221 // #12345679abcdffff
 000d18: bb20                                   |003a: add-long/2addr v0, v2
 000d1a: 5ab0 1200                              |003b: iput-wide v0, v11, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.mL:J // field@0012
 000d1e: 53b0 1200                              |003d: iget-wide v0, v11, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.mL:J // field@0012
@@ -651,7 +679,7 @@
 000d26: bb20                                   |0041: add-long/2addr v0, v2
 000d28: 5ab0 1200                              |0042: iput-wide v0, v11, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.mL:J // field@0012
 000d2c: 52b0 1000                              |0044: iget v0, v11, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.mF:F // field@0010
-000d30: 1401 00e4 4046                         |0046: const v1, #float 12345.000000 // #4640e400
+000d30: 1401 00e4 4046                         |0046: const v1, #float 12345 // #4640e400
 000d36: 52b2 1000                              |0049: iget v2, v11, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.mF:F // field@0010
 000d3a: 1503 803f                              |004b: const/high16 v3, #int 1065353216 // #3f80
 000d3e: c732                                   |004d: sub-float/2addr v2, v3
@@ -664,7 +692,7 @@
 000d50: c610                                   |0056: add-float/2addr v0, v1
 000d52: 59b0 1000                              |0057: iput v0, v11, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.mF:F // field@0010
 000d56: 53b0 0f00                              |0059: iget-wide v0, v11, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.mD:D // field@000f
-000d5a: 1802 0000 0000 801c c840               |005b: const-wide v2, #double 12345.000000 // #40c81c8000000000
+000d5a: 1802 0000 0000 801c c840               |005b: const-wide v2, #double 12345 // #40c81c8000000000
 000d64: 53b4 0f00                              |0060: iget-wide v4, v11, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.mD:D // field@000f
 000d68: 1906 f03f                              |0062: const-wide/high16 v6, #long 4607182418800017408 // #3ff0
 000d6c: cc64                                   |0064: sub-double/2addr v4, v6
@@ -681,7 +709,7 @@
 000d8a: 2d00 0001                              |0073: cmpl-float v0, v0, v1
 000d8e: 3800 2900                              |0075: if-eqz v0, 009e // +0029
 000d92: 52b0 1000                              |0077: iget v0, v11, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.mF:F // field@0010
-000d96: 1401 9a99 993e                         |0079: const v1, #float 0.300000 // #3e99999a
+000d96: 1401 9a99 993e                         |0079: const v1, #float 0.3 // #3e99999a
 000d9c: 2d00 0001                              |007c: cmpl-float v0, v0, v1
 000da0: 3900 2000                              |007e: if-nez v0, 009e // +0020
 000da4: 52b0 1000                              |0080: iget v0, v11, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.mF:F // field@0010
@@ -707,7 +735,7 @@
 000df2: 2f00 0002                              |00a7: cmpl-double v0, v0, v2
 000df6: 3800 2b00                              |00a9: if-eqz v0, 00d4 // +002b
 000dfa: 53b0 0f00                              |00ab: iget-wide v0, v11, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.mD:D // field@000f
-000dfe: 1802 3333 3333 3333 d33f               |00ad: const-wide v2, #double 0.300000 // #3fd3333333333333
+000dfe: 1802 3333 3333 3333 d33f               |00ad: const-wide v2, #double 0.3 // #3fd3333333333333
 000e08: 2f00 0002                              |00b2: cmpl-double v0, v0, v2
 000e0c: 3900 2000                              |00b4: if-nez v0, 00d4 // +0020
 000e10: 53b0 0f00                              |00b6: iget-wide v0, v11, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.mD:D // field@000f
@@ -790,7 +818,7 @@
 000eb8: 8d00                                   |000c: int-to-byte v0, v0
 000eba: 6b00 1700                              |000d: sput-byte v0, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.sB:B // field@0017
 000ebe: 6500 1900                              |000f: sget-char v0, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.sC:C // field@0019
-000ec2: 1401 ffff 0000                         |0011: const v1, #float 0.000000 // #0000ffff
+000ec2: 1401 ffff 0000                         |0011: const v1, #float 9.18341e-41 // #0000ffff
 000ec8: b010                                   |0014: add-int/2addr v0, v1
 000eca: 8e00                                   |0015: int-to-char v0, v0
 000ecc: 6c00 1900                              |0016: sput-char v0, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.sC:C // field@0019
@@ -799,7 +827,7 @@
 000ed8: 8f00                                   |001c: int-to-short v0, v0
 000eda: 6d00 1f00                              |001d: sput-short v0, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.sS:S // field@001f
 000ede: 6000 1c00                              |001f: sget v0, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.sI:I // field@001c
-000ee2: 1401 7856 3412                         |0021: const v1, #float 0.000000 // #12345678
+000ee2: 1401 7856 3412                         |0021: const v1, #float 5.69046e-28 // #12345678
 000ee8: b010                                   |0024: add-int/2addr v0, v1
 000eea: 6700 1c00                              |0025: sput v0, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.sI:I // field@001c
 000eee: 6000 1c00                              |0027: sget v0, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.sI:I // field@001c
@@ -807,7 +835,7 @@
 000ef6: b010                                   |002b: add-int/2addr v0, v1
 000ef8: 6700 1c00                              |002c: sput v0, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.sI:I // field@001c
 000efc: 6100 1d00                              |002e: sget-wide v0, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.sL:J // field@001d
-000f00: 1802 ffff cdab 7956 3412               |0030: const-wide v2, #double 0.000000 // #12345679abcdffff
+000f00: 1802 ffff cdab 7956 3412               |0030: const-wide v2, #double 5.62635e-221 // #12345679abcdffff
 000f0a: bb20                                   |0035: add-long/2addr v0, v2
 000f0c: 6800 1d00                              |0036: sput-wide v0, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.sL:J // field@001d
 000f10: 6100 1d00                              |0038: sget-wide v0, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.sL:J // field@001d
@@ -815,7 +843,7 @@
 000f18: bb20                                   |003c: add-long/2addr v0, v2
 000f1a: 6800 1d00                              |003d: sput-wide v0, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.sL:J // field@001d
 000f1e: 6000 1b00                              |003f: sget v0, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.sF:F // field@001b
-000f22: 1401 00e4 4046                         |0041: const v1, #float 12345.000000 // #4640e400
+000f22: 1401 00e4 4046                         |0041: const v1, #float 12345 // #4640e400
 000f28: 6002 1b00                              |0044: sget v2, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.sF:F // field@001b
 000f2c: 7f22                                   |0046: neg-float v2, v2
 000f2e: 1503 803f                              |0047: const/high16 v3, #int 1065353216 // #3f80
@@ -830,7 +858,7 @@
 000f48: c610                                   |0054: add-float/2addr v0, v1
 000f4a: 6700 1b00                              |0055: sput v0, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.sF:F // field@001b
 000f4e: 6100 1a00                              |0057: sget-wide v0, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.sD:D // field@001a
-000f52: 1802 0000 0000 801c c840               |0059: const-wide v2, #double 12345.000000 // #40c81c8000000000
+000f52: 1802 0000 0000 801c c840               |0059: const-wide v2, #double 12345 // #40c81c8000000000
 000f5c: 6104 1a00                              |005e: sget-wide v4, Lcom/google/android/test/Test;.sD:D // field@001a
 000f60: 8044                                   |0060: neg-double v4, v4
 000f62: 1906 f03f                              |0061: const-wide/high16 v6, #long 4607182418800017408 // #3ff0
diff --git a/test/dexdump/checkers.txt b/test/dexdump/checkers.txt
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 5c8336f..aee6e64
--- a/test/dexdump/checkers.txt
+++ b/test/dexdump/checkers.txt
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
 string_ids_off      : 112 (0x000070)
 type_ids_size       : 58
 type_ids_off        : 1404 (0x00057c)
-proto_ids_size       : 88
-proto_ids_off        : 1636 (0x000664)
+proto_ids_size      : 88
+proto_ids_off       : 1636 (0x000664)
 field_ids_size      : 108
 field_ids_off       : 2692 (0x000a84)
 method_ids_size     : 177
@@ -836,7 +836,7 @@
 001c8a: 1300 5829                              |0147: const/16 v0, #int 10584 // #2958
 001c8e: 2300 3600                              |0149: new-array v0, v0, [B // type@0036
 001c92: 6900 6800                              |014b: sput-object v0, Lcom/google/android/checkers/g;.p:[B // field@0068
-001c96: 1400 00c1 0300                         |014d: const v0, #float 0.000000 // #0003c100
+001c96: 1400 00c1 0300                         |014d: const v0, #float 3.44742e-40 // #0003c100
 001c9c: 2300 3600                              |0150: new-array v0, v0, [B // type@0036
 001ca0: 6900 6900                              |0152: sput-object v0, Lcom/google/android/checkers/g;.q:[B // field@0069
 001ca4: 6e10 1100 0a00                         |0154: invoke-virtual {v10}, Landroid/content/Context;.getResources:()Landroid/content/res/Resources; // method@0011
@@ -2044,7 +2044,7 @@
 002bd0: 5433 3b00                              |004c: iget-object v3, v3, Lcom/google/android/checkers/a;.b:[I // field@003b
 002bd4: 4403 0309                              |004e: aget v3, v3, v9
 002bd8: 5983 2a00                              |0050: iput v3, v8, Lcom/google/android/checkers/CheckersView;.x:I // field@002a
-002bdc: 1403 6666 663f                         |0052: const v3, #float 0.900000 // #3f666666
+002bdc: 1403 6666 663f                         |0052: const v3, #float 0.9 // #3f666666
 002be2: 5983 1e00                              |0055: iput v3, v8, Lcom/google/android/checkers/CheckersView;.l:F // field@001e
 002be6: 3800 4500                              |0057: if-eqz v0, 009c // +0045
 002bea: 5483 2200                              |0059: iget-object v3, v8, Lcom/google/android/checkers/CheckersView;.p:Lcom/google/android/checkers/a; // field@0022
@@ -2943,7 +2943,7 @@
 0036f2: 0800 1c00                              |0197: move-object/from16 v0, v28
 0036f6: 5202 1e00                              |0199: iget v2, v0, Lcom/google/android/checkers/CheckersView;.l:F // field@001e
 0036fa: 8922                                   |019b: float-to-double v2, v2
-0036fc: 1804 9a99 9999 9999 a93f               |019c: const-wide v4, #double 0.050000 // #3fa999999999999a
+0036fc: 1804 9a99 9999 9999 a93f               |019c: const-wide v4, #double 0.05 // #3fa999999999999a
 003706: cc42                                   |01a1: sub-double/2addr v2, v4
 003708: 8c22                                   |01a2: double-to-float v2, v2
 00370a: 0800 1c00                              |01a3: move-object/from16 v0, v28
@@ -3568,7 +3568,7 @@
 003f38: 28e9                                   |001e: goto 0007 // -0017
 003f3a: 1300 3075                              |001f: const/16 v0, #int 30000 // #7530
 003f3e: 28e6                                   |0021: goto 0007 // -001a
-003f40: 1400 60ea 0000                         |0022: const v0, #float 0.000000 // #0000ea60
+003f40: 1400 60ea 0000                         |0022: const v0, #float 8.40779e-41 // #0000ea60
 003f46: 28e2                                   |0025: goto 0007 // -001e
 003f48: 0d00                                   |0026: move-exception v0
 003f4a: 1e02                                   |0027: monitor-exit v2
@@ -3811,7 +3811,7 @@
 004024: 1302 0040                              |0046: const/16 v2, #int 16384 // #4000
 004028: 4b02 0001                              |0048: aput v2, v0, v1
 00402c: 1301 1300                              |004a: const/16 v1, #int 19 // #13
-004030: 1402 0080 0000                         |004c: const v2, #float 0.000000 // #00008000
+004030: 1402 0080 0000                         |004c: const v2, #float 4.59177e-41 // #00008000
 004036: 4b02 0001                              |004f: aput v2, v0, v1
 00403a: 1501 0100                              |0051: const/high16 v1, #int 65536 // #1
 00403e: 4b01 0006                              |0053: aput v1, v0, v6
@@ -3931,7 +3931,7 @@
 0041f6: 1302 0040                              |012f: const/16 v2, #int 16384 // #4000
 0041fa: 4b02 0001                              |0131: aput v2, v0, v1
 0041fe: 1301 1200                              |0133: const/16 v1, #int 18 // #12
-004202: 1402 0080 0000                         |0135: const v2, #float 0.000000 // #00008000
+004202: 1402 0080 0000                         |0135: const v2, #float 4.59177e-41 // #00008000
 004208: 4b02 0001                              |0138: aput v2, v0, v1
 00420c: 1301 1400                              |013a: const/16 v1, #int 20 // #14
 004210: 1502 0100                              |013c: const/high16 v2, #int 65536 // #1
@@ -3996,7 +3996,7 @@
 0042fa: 1301 0040                              |01b1: const/16 v1, #int 16384 // #4000
 0042fe: 4b01 0006                              |01b3: aput v1, v0, v6
 004302: 1301 1600                              |01b5: const/16 v1, #int 22 // #16
-004306: 1402 0080 0000                         |01b7: const v2, #float 0.000000 // #00008000
+004306: 1402 0080 0000                         |01b7: const v2, #float 4.59177e-41 // #00008000
 00430c: 4b02 0001                              |01ba: aput v2, v0, v1
 004310: 1301 1800                              |01bc: const/16 v1, #int 24 // #18
 004314: 1502 0200                              |01be: const/high16 v2, #int 131072 // #2
@@ -4045,7 +4045,7 @@
 0043b4: 1301 0040                              |020e: const/16 v1, #int 16384 // #4000
 0043b8: 4b01 0004                              |0210: aput v1, v0, v4
 0043bc: 1301 0b00                              |0212: const/16 v1, #int 11 // #b
-0043c0: 1402 0080 0000                         |0214: const v2, #float 0.000000 // #00008000
+0043c0: 1402 0080 0000                         |0214: const v2, #float 4.59177e-41 // #00008000
 0043c6: 4b02 0001                              |0217: aput v2, v0, v1
 0043ca: 1301 0d00                              |0219: const/16 v1, #int 13 // #d
 0043ce: 1502 0100                              |021b: const/high16 v2, #int 65536 // #1
@@ -4167,7 +4167,7 @@
 004588: 1301 0900                              |02f8: const/16 v1, #int 9 // #9
 00458c: 1302 0040                              |02fa: const/16 v2, #int 16384 // #4000
 004590: 4b02 0001                              |02fc: aput v2, v0, v1
-004594: 1401 0080 0000                         |02fe: const v1, #float 0.000000 // #00008000
+004594: 1401 0080 0000                         |02fe: const v1, #float 4.59177e-41 // #00008000
 00459a: 4b01 0004                              |0301: aput v1, v0, v4
 00459e: 1301 0c00                              |0303: const/16 v1, #int 12 // #c
 0045a2: 1502 0100                              |0305: const/high16 v2, #int 65536 // #1
@@ -4226,7 +4226,7 @@
 00466e: 1302 0040                              |036b: const/16 v2, #int 16384 // #4000
 004672: 4b02 0001                              |036d: aput v2, v0, v1
 004676: 1261                                   |036f: const/4 v1, #int 6 // #6
-004678: 1402 0080 0000                         |0370: const v2, #float 0.000000 // #00008000
+004678: 1402 0080 0000                         |0370: const v2, #float 4.59177e-41 // #00008000
 00467e: 4b02 0001                              |0373: aput v2, v0, v1
 004682: 1301 0800                              |0375: const/16 v1, #int 8 // #8
 004686: 1502 0200                              |0377: const/high16 v2, #int 131072 // #2
@@ -4496,7 +4496,7 @@
 004c16: 3803 3400                              |0047: if-eqz v3, 007b // +0034
 004c1a: 0800 1800                              |0049: move-object/from16 v0, v24
 004c1e: 5203 5100                              |004b: iget v3, v0, Lcom/google/android/checkers/a;.x:I // field@0051
-004c22: 1404 ffff 0f00                         |004d: const v4, #float 0.000000 // #000fffff
+004c22: 1404 ffff 0f00                         |004d: const v4, #float 1.46937e-39 // #000fffff
 004c28: b534                                   |0050: and-int/2addr v4, v3
 004c2a: 0800 1800                              |0051: move-object/from16 v0, v24
 004c2e: 5405 5200                              |0053: iget-object v5, v0, Lcom/google/android/checkers/a;.y:[I // field@0052
@@ -4516,7 +4516,7 @@
 004c66: 5405 5300                              |006f: iget-object v5, v0, Lcom/google/android/checkers/a;.z:[S // field@0053
 004c6a: 4a04 0504                              |0071: aget-short v4, v5, v4
 004c6e: 2c03 8104 0000                         |0073: sparse-switch v3, 000004f4 // +00000481
-004c74: 1403 3f42 0f00                         |0076: const v3, #float 0.000000 // #000f423f
+004c74: 1403 3f42 0f00                         |0076: const v3, #float 1.4013e-39 // #000f423f
 004c7a: 3334 a1ff                              |0079: if-ne v4, v3, 001a // -005f
 004c7e: 0800 1800                              |007b: move-object/from16 v0, v24
 004c82: 0201 1b00                              |007d: move/from16 v1, v27
@@ -4897,7 +4897,7 @@
 0051da: 28c4                                   |0329: goto 02ed // -003c
 0051dc: 0200 1900                              |032a: move/from16 v0, v25
 0051e0: 3704 4afd                              |032c: if-le v4, v0, 0076 // -02b6
-0051e4: 1404 3f42 0f00                         |032e: const v4, #float 0.000000 // #000f423f
+0051e4: 1404 3f42 0f00                         |032e: const v4, #float 1.4013e-39 // #000f423f
 0051ea: 2900 45fd                              |0331: goto/16 0076 // -02bb
 0051ee: 0200 1a00                              |0333: move/from16 v0, v26
 0051f2: 3404 f9ff                              |0335: if-lt v4, v0, 032e // -0007
@@ -5020,7 +5020,7 @@
 0053a2: 3545 bd00                              |040d: if-ge v5, v4, 04ca // +00bd
 0053a6: 0800 1800                              |040f: move-object/from16 v0, v24
 0053aa: 5204 3e00                              |0411: iget v4, v0, Lcom/google/android/checkers/a;.e:I // field@003e
-0053ae: 1405 1100 0088                         |0413: const v5, #float -0.000000 // #88000011
+0053ae: 1405 1100 0088                         |0413: const v5, #float -3.85187e-34 // #88000011
 0053b4: b554                                   |0416: and-int/2addr v4, v5
 0053b6: 3804 0900                              |0417: if-eqz v4, 0420 // +0009
 0053ba: 7110 9e00 0400                         |0419: invoke-static {v4}, Ljava/lang/Integer;.bitCount:(I)I // method@009e
@@ -5052,11 +5052,11 @@
 005418: 1507 00a0                              |0448: const/high16 v7, #int -1610612736 // #a000
 00541c: 3376 0400                              |044a: if-ne v6, v7, 044e // +0004
 005420: d803 03f4                              |044c: add-int/lit8 v3, v3, #int -12 // #f4
-005424: 1406 0066 6600                         |044e: const v6, #float 0.000000 // #00666600
+005424: 1406 0066 6600                         |044e: const v6, #float 9.40381e-39 // #00666600
 00542a: b564                                   |0451: and-int/2addr v4, v6
 00542c: 7110 9e00 0400                         |0452: invoke-static {v4}, Ljava/lang/Integer;.bitCount:(I)I // method@009e
 005432: 0a04                                   |0455: move-result v4
-005434: 1406 0066 6600                         |0456: const v6, #float 0.000000 // #00666600
+005434: 1406 0066 6600                         |0456: const v6, #float 9.40381e-39 // #00666600
 00543a: b565                                   |0459: and-int/2addr v5, v6
 00543c: 7110 9e00 0500                         |045a: invoke-static {v5}, Ljava/lang/Integer;.bitCount:(I)I // method@009e
 005442: 0a05                                   |045d: move-result v5
@@ -5064,13 +5064,13 @@
 005446: b043                                   |045f: add-int/2addr v3, v4
 005448: 0800 1800                              |0460: move-object/from16 v0, v24
 00544c: 5204 3d00                              |0462: iget v4, v0, Lcom/google/android/checkers/a;.d:I // field@003d
-005450: 1405 1818 1818                         |0464: const v5, #float 0.000000 // #18181818
+005450: 1405 1818 1818                         |0464: const v5, #float 1.96577e-24 // #18181818
 005456: b554                                   |0467: and-int/2addr v4, v5
 005458: 7110 9e00 0400                         |0468: invoke-static {v4}, Ljava/lang/Integer;.bitCount:(I)I // method@009e
 00545e: 0a04                                   |046b: move-result v4
 005460: 0800 1800                              |046c: move-object/from16 v0, v24
 005464: 5205 3f00                              |046e: iget v5, v0, Lcom/google/android/checkers/a;.f:I // field@003f
-005468: 1406 1818 1818                         |0470: const v6, #float 0.000000 // #18181818
+005468: 1406 1818 1818                         |0470: const v6, #float 1.96577e-24 // #18181818
 00546e: b565                                   |0473: and-int/2addr v5, v6
 005470: 7110 9e00 0500                         |0474: invoke-static {v5}, Ljava/lang/Integer;.bitCount:(I)I // method@009e
 005476: 0a05                                   |0477: move-result v5
@@ -5078,7 +5078,7 @@
 00547a: b143                                   |0479: sub-int/2addr v3, v4
 00547c: 0800 1800                              |047a: move-object/from16 v0, v24
 005480: 5204 3e00                              |047c: iget v4, v0, Lcom/google/android/checkers/a;.e:I // field@003e
-005484: 1405 0800 0010                         |047e: const v5, #float 0.000000 // #10000008
+005484: 1405 0800 0010                         |047e: const v5, #float 2.52436e-29 // #10000008
 00548a: b554                                   |0481: and-int/2addr v4, v5
 00548c: 3804 0900                              |0482: if-eqz v4, 048b // +0009
 005490: 7110 9e00 0400                         |0484: invoke-static {v4}, Ljava/lang/Integer;.bitCount:(I)I // method@009e
@@ -5087,7 +5087,7 @@
 00549c: b143                                   |048a: sub-int/2addr v3, v4
 00549e: 0800 1800                              |048b: move-object/from16 v0, v24
 0054a2: 5204 4000                              |048d: iget v4, v0, Lcom/google/android/checkers/a;.g:I // field@0040
-0054a6: 1405 0800 0010                         |048f: const v5, #float 0.000000 // #10000008
+0054a6: 1405 0800 0010                         |048f: const v5, #float 2.52436e-29 // #10000008
 0054ac: b554                                   |0492: and-int/2addr v4, v5
 0054ae: 3804 4c00                              |0493: if-eqz v4, 04df // +004c
 0054b2: 7110 9e00 0400                         |0495: invoke-static {v4}, Ljava/lang/Integer;.bitCount:(I)I // method@009e
@@ -5124,7 +5124,7 @@
 00551c: 3745 56ff                              |04ca: if-le v5, v4, 0420 // -00aa
 005520: 0800 1800                              |04cc: move-object/from16 v0, v24
 005524: 5204 4000                              |04ce: iget v4, v0, Lcom/google/android/checkers/a;.g:I // field@0040
-005528: 1405 1100 0088                         |04d0: const v5, #float -0.000000 // #88000011
+005528: 1405 1100 0088                         |04d0: const v5, #float -3.85187e-34 // #88000011
 00552e: b554                                   |04d3: and-int/2addr v4, v5
 005530: 3804 4cff                              |04d4: if-eqz v4, 0420 // -00b4
 005534: 7110 9e00 0400                         |04d6: invoke-static {v4}, Ljava/lang/Integer;.bitCount:(I)I // method@009e
@@ -5407,7 +5407,7 @@
 005868: 0126                                   |0010: move v6, v2
 00586a: 0135                                   |0011: move v5, v3
 00586c: 5240 5100                              |0012: iget v0, v4, Lcom/google/android/checkers/a;.x:I // field@0051
-005870: 1401 ffff 0f00                         |0014: const v1, #float 0.000000 // #000fffff
+005870: 1401 ffff 0f00                         |0014: const v1, #float 1.46937e-39 // #000fffff
 005876: b501                                   |0017: and-int/2addr v1, v0
 005878: 5442 5200                              |0018: iget-object v2, v4, Lcom/google/android/checkers/a;.y:[I // field@0052
 00587c: 4b00 0201                              |001a: aput v0, v2, v1
@@ -5568,19 +5568,19 @@
 005a54: e203 1404                              |0016: ushr-int/lit8 v3, v20, #int 4 // #04
 005a58: b543                                   |0018: and-int/2addr v3, v4
 005a5a: 3803 1200                              |0019: if-eqz v3, 002b // +0012
-005a5e: 1401 e0e0 e0e0                         |001b: const v1, #float -129633581999069331456.000000 // #e0e0e0e0
+005a5e: 1401 e0e0 e0e0                         |001b: const v1, #float -1.29634e+20 // #e0e0e0e0
 005a64: b531                                   |001e: and-int/2addr v1, v3
 005a66: e201 0105                              |001f: ushr-int/lit8 v1, v1, #int 5 // #05
-005a6a: 1405 0007 0707                         |0021: const v5, #float 0.000000 // #07070700
+005a6a: 1405 0007 0707                         |0021: const v5, #float 1.01583e-34 // #07070700
 005a70: b553                                   |0024: and-int/2addr v3, v5
 005a72: e203 0303                              |0025: ushr-int/lit8 v3, v3, #int 3 // #03
 005a76: b631                                   |0027: or-int/2addr v1, v3
 005a78: b521                                   |0028: and-int/2addr v1, v2
 005a7a: de01 0100                              |0029: or-int/lit8 v1, v1, #int 0 // #00
-005a7e: 1403 e0e0 e0e0                         |002b: const v3, #float -129633581999069331456.000000 // #e0e0e0e0
+005a7e: 1403 e0e0 e0e0                         |002b: const v3, #float -1.29634e+20 // #e0e0e0e0
 005a84: 9503 0314                              |002e: and-int v3, v3, v20
 005a88: e203 0305                              |0030: ushr-int/lit8 v3, v3, #int 5 // #05
-005a8c: 1405 0007 0707                         |0032: const v5, #float 0.000000 // #07070700
+005a8c: 1405 0007 0707                         |0032: const v5, #float 1.01583e-34 // #07070700
 005a92: 9505 0514                              |0035: and-int v5, v5, v20
 005a96: e205 0503                              |0037: ushr-int/lit8 v5, v5, #int 3 // #03
 005a9a: b653                                   |0039: or-int/2addr v3, v5
@@ -5597,19 +5597,19 @@
 005abc: 3802 1500                              |004a: if-eqz v2, 005f // +0015
 005ac0: 0800 1100                              |004c: move-object/from16 v0, v17
 005ac4: 5203 3e00                              |004e: iget v3, v0, Lcom/google/android/checkers/a;.e:I // field@003e
-005ac8: 1405 0707 0707                         |0050: const v5, #float 0.000000 // #07070707
+005ac8: 1405 0707 0707                         |0050: const v5, #float 1.01583e-34 // #07070707
 005ace: b525                                   |0053: and-int/2addr v5, v2
 005ad0: e005 0505                              |0054: shl-int/lit8 v5, v5, #int 5 // #05
-005ad4: 1406 e0e0 e000                         |0056: const v6, #float 0.000000 // #00e0e0e0
+005ad4: 1406 e0e0 e000                         |0056: const v6, #float 2.06518e-38 // #00e0e0e0
 005ada: b562                                   |0059: and-int/2addr v2, v6
 005adc: e002 0203                              |005a: shl-int/lit8 v2, v2, #int 3 // #03
 005ae0: b652                                   |005c: or-int/2addr v2, v5
 005ae2: b532                                   |005d: and-int/2addr v2, v3
 005ae4: b621                                   |005e: or-int/2addr v1, v2
-005ae6: 1402 0707 0707                         |005f: const v2, #float 0.000000 // #07070707
+005ae6: 1402 0707 0707                         |005f: const v2, #float 1.01583e-34 // #07070707
 005aec: 9502 0214                              |0062: and-int v2, v2, v20
 005af0: e002 0205                              |0064: shl-int/lit8 v2, v2, #int 5 // #05
-005af4: 1403 e0e0 e000                         |0066: const v3, #float 0.000000 // #00e0e0e0
+005af4: 1403 e0e0 e000                         |0066: const v3, #float 2.06518e-38 // #00e0e0e0
 005afa: 9503 0314                              |0069: and-int v3, v3, v20
 005afe: e003 0303                              |006b: shl-int/lit8 v3, v3, #int 3 // #03
 005b02: b632                                   |006d: or-int/2addr v2, v3
@@ -5802,19 +5802,19 @@
 005dd4: 3803 1600                              |01d6: if-eqz v3, 01ec // +0016
 005dd8: 0800 1100                              |01d8: move-object/from16 v0, v17
 005ddc: 5201 4000                              |01da: iget v1, v0, Lcom/google/android/checkers/a;.g:I // field@0040
-005de0: 1405 e0e0 e0e0                         |01dc: const v5, #float -129633581999069331456.000000 // #e0e0e0e0
+005de0: 1405 e0e0 e0e0                         |01dc: const v5, #float -1.29634e+20 // #e0e0e0e0
 005de6: b535                                   |01df: and-int/2addr v5, v3
 005de8: e205 0505                              |01e0: ushr-int/lit8 v5, v5, #int 5 // #05
-005dec: 1406 0007 0707                         |01e2: const v6, #float 0.000000 // #07070700
+005dec: 1406 0007 0707                         |01e2: const v6, #float 1.01583e-34 // #07070700
 005df2: b563                                   |01e5: and-int/2addr v3, v6
 005df4: e203 0303                              |01e6: ushr-int/lit8 v3, v3, #int 3 // #03
 005df8: b653                                   |01e8: or-int/2addr v3, v5
 005dfa: b531                                   |01e9: and-int/2addr v1, v3
 005dfc: de01 0100                              |01ea: or-int/lit8 v1, v1, #int 0 // #00
-005e00: 1403 e0e0 e0e0                         |01ec: const v3, #float -129633581999069331456.000000 // #e0e0e0e0
+005e00: 1403 e0e0 e0e0                         |01ec: const v3, #float -1.29634e+20 // #e0e0e0e0
 005e06: 9503 0314                              |01ef: and-int v3, v3, v20
 005e0a: e203 0305                              |01f1: ushr-int/lit8 v3, v3, #int 5 // #05
-005e0e: 1405 0007 0707                         |01f3: const v5, #float 0.000000 // #07070700
+005e0e: 1405 0007 0707                         |01f3: const v5, #float 1.01583e-34 // #07070700
 005e14: 9505 0514                              |01f6: and-int v5, v5, v20
 005e18: e205 0503                              |01f8: ushr-int/lit8 v5, v5, #int 3 // #03
 005e1c: b653                                   |01fa: or-int/2addr v3, v5
@@ -5828,19 +5828,19 @@
 005e34: e003 1404                              |0206: shl-int/lit8 v3, v20, #int 4 // #04
 005e38: b543                                   |0208: and-int/2addr v3, v4
 005e3a: 3803 1100                              |0209: if-eqz v3, 021a // +0011
-005e3e: 1405 0707 0707                         |020b: const v5, #float 0.000000 // #07070707
+005e3e: 1405 0707 0707                         |020b: const v5, #float 1.01583e-34 // #07070707
 005e44: b535                                   |020e: and-int/2addr v5, v3
 005e46: e005 0505                              |020f: shl-int/lit8 v5, v5, #int 5 // #05
-005e4a: 1406 e0e0 e000                         |0211: const v6, #float 0.000000 // #00e0e0e0
+005e4a: 1406 e0e0 e000                         |0211: const v6, #float 2.06518e-38 // #00e0e0e0
 005e50: b563                                   |0214: and-int/2addr v3, v6
 005e52: e003 0303                              |0215: shl-int/lit8 v3, v3, #int 3 // #03
 005e56: b653                                   |0217: or-int/2addr v3, v5
 005e58: b523                                   |0218: and-int/2addr v3, v2
 005e5a: b631                                   |0219: or-int/2addr v1, v3
-005e5c: 1403 0707 0707                         |021a: const v3, #float 0.000000 // #07070707
+005e5c: 1403 0707 0707                         |021a: const v3, #float 1.01583e-34 // #07070707
 005e62: 9503 0314                              |021d: and-int v3, v3, v20
 005e66: e003 0305                              |021f: shl-int/lit8 v3, v3, #int 5 // #05
-005e6a: 1405 e0e0 e000                         |0221: const v5, #float 0.000000 // #00e0e0e0
+005e6a: 1405 e0e0 e000                         |0221: const v5, #float 2.06518e-38 // #00e0e0e0
 005e70: 9505 0514                              |0224: and-int v5, v5, v20
 005e74: e005 0503                              |0226: shl-int/lit8 v5, v5, #int 3 // #03
 005e78: b653                                   |0228: or-int/2addr v3, v5
@@ -6423,9 +6423,9 @@
       outs          : 6
       insns size    : 461 16-bit code units
 006604:                                        |[006604]
-006614: 1404 e0e0 e000                         |0000: const v4, #float 0.000000 // #00e0e0e0
+006614: 1404 e0e0 e000                         |0000: const v4, #float 2.06518e-38 // #00e0e0e0
 00661a: 1216                                   |0003: const/4 v6, #int 1 // #1
-00661c: 1403 e0e0 e0e0                         |0004: const v3, #float -129633581999069331456.000000 // #e0e0e0e0
+00661c: 1403 e0e0 e0e0                         |0004: const v3, #float -1.29634e+20 // #e0e0e0e0
 006622: 130a 0008                              |0007: const/16 v10, #int 2048 // #800
 006626: 1309 0002                              |0009: const/16 v9, #int 512 // #200
 00662a: 380d e400                              |000b: if-eqz v13, 00ef // +00e4
@@ -6436,7 +6436,7 @@
 00663e: 9502 0e03                              |0015: and-int v2, v14, v3
 006642: e202 0205                              |0017: ushr-int/lit8 v2, v2, #int 5 // #05
 006646: b621                                   |0019: or-int/2addr v1, v2
-006648: 1402 0007 0707                         |001a: const v2, #float 0.000000 // #07070700
+006648: 1402 0007 0707                         |001a: const v2, #float 1.01583e-34 // #07070700
 00664e: b5e2                                   |001d: and-int/2addr v2, v14
 006650: e202 0203                              |001e: ushr-int/lit8 v2, v2, #int 3 // #03
 006654: b621                                   |0020: or-int/2addr v1, v2
@@ -6453,14 +6453,14 @@
 006676: 9502 0e03                              |0031: and-int v2, v14, v3
 00667a: e202 0205                              |0033: ushr-int/lit8 v2, v2, #int 5 // #05
 00667e: b621                                   |0035: or-int/2addr v1, v2
-006680: 1402 0007 0707                         |0036: const v2, #float 0.000000 // #07070700
+006680: 1402 0007 0707                         |0036: const v2, #float 1.01583e-34 // #07070700
 006686: b5e2                                   |0039: and-int/2addr v2, v14
 006688: e202 0203                              |003a: ushr-int/lit8 v2, v2, #int 3 // #03
 00668c: b621                                   |003c: or-int/2addr v1, v2
 00668e: b510                                   |003d: and-int/2addr v0, v1
 006690: 52b1 3e00                              |003e: iget v1, v11, Lcom/google/android/checkers/a;.e:I // field@003e
 006694: e002 0e04                              |0040: shl-int/lit8 v2, v14, #int 4 // #04
-006698: 1403 0707 0707                         |0042: const v3, #float 0.000000 // #07070707
+006698: 1403 0707 0707                         |0042: const v3, #float 1.01583e-34 // #07070707
 00669e: b5e3                                   |0045: and-int/2addr v3, v14
 0066a0: e003 0305                              |0046: shl-int/lit8 v3, v3, #int 5 // #05
 0066a4: b632                                   |0048: or-int/2addr v2, v3
@@ -6563,7 +6563,7 @@
 0067f6: 3900 5400                              |00f1: if-nez v0, 0145 // +0054
 0067fa: 52b0 3f00                              |00f3: iget v0, v11, Lcom/google/android/checkers/a;.f:I // field@003f
 0067fe: e001 0e04                              |00f5: shl-int/lit8 v1, v14, #int 4 // #04
-006802: 1402 0707 0707                         |00f7: const v2, #float 0.000000 // #07070707
+006802: 1402 0707 0707                         |00f7: const v2, #float 1.01583e-34 // #07070707
 006808: b5e2                                   |00fa: and-int/2addr v2, v14
 00680a: e002 0205                              |00fb: shl-int/lit8 v2, v2, #int 5 // #05
 00680e: b621                                   |00fd: or-int/2addr v1, v2
@@ -6611,7 +6611,7 @@
 0068a2: 52b1 3f00                              |0147: iget v1, v11, Lcom/google/android/checkers/a;.f:I // field@003f
 0068a6: b610                                   |0149: or-int/2addr v0, v1
 0068a8: e001 0e04                              |014a: shl-int/lit8 v1, v14, #int 4 // #04
-0068ac: 1402 0707 0707                         |014c: const v2, #float 0.000000 // #07070707
+0068ac: 1402 0707 0707                         |014c: const v2, #float 1.01583e-34 // #07070707
 0068b2: b5e2                                   |014f: and-int/2addr v2, v14
 0068b4: e002 0205                              |0150: shl-int/lit8 v2, v2, #int 5 // #05
 0068b8: b621                                   |0152: or-int/2addr v1, v2
@@ -6624,7 +6624,7 @@
 0068ce: b5e3                                   |015d: and-int/2addr v3, v14
 0068d0: e203 0305                              |015e: ushr-int/lit8 v3, v3, #int 5 // #05
 0068d4: b632                                   |0160: or-int/2addr v2, v3
-0068d6: 1403 0007 0707                         |0161: const v3, #float 0.000000 // #07070700
+0068d6: 1403 0007 0707                         |0161: const v3, #float 1.01583e-34 // #07070700
 0068dc: b5e3                                   |0164: and-int/2addr v3, v14
 0068de: e203 0303                              |0165: ushr-int/lit8 v3, v3, #int 3 // #03
 0068e2: b632                                   |0167: or-int/2addr v2, v3
diff --git a/test/dexdump/run-all-tests b/test/dexdump/run-all-tests
index 11ab55a..c9976cd 100755
--- a/test/dexdump/run-all-tests
+++ b/test/dexdump/run-all-tests
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 # Set up dexdump binary and flags to test.
 DEXDFLAGS2="-e -l xml"
 # Set up dexlist binary and flags to test.
diff --git a/test/dexdump/staticfields.txt b/test/dexdump/staticfields.txt
index 022605f..f6d8f19 100644
--- a/test/dexdump/staticfields.txt
+++ b/test/dexdump/staticfields.txt
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
 string_ids_off      : 112 (0x000070)
 type_ids_size       : 12
 type_ids_off        : 224 (0x0000e0)
-proto_ids_size       : 1
-proto_ids_off        : 272 (0x000110)
+proto_ids_size      : 1
+proto_ids_off       : 272 (0x000110)
 field_ids_size      : 12
 field_ids_off       : 284 (0x00011c)
 method_ids_size     : 2
@@ -71,12 +71,12 @@
       name          : 'test05_public_static_final_float_46_47'
       type          : 'F'
       access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
-      value         : 46.470001
+      value         : 46.47
     #6              : (in LStaticFields;)
       name          : 'test06_public_static_final_double_48_49'
       type          : 'D'
       access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
-      value         : 48.490000
+      value         : 48.49
     #7              : (in LStaticFields;)
       name          : 'test07_public_static_final_string'
       type          : 'Ljava/lang/String;'
diff --git a/test/dexdump/staticfields.xml b/test/dexdump/staticfields.xml
index c906f0a..9082f0e 100644
--- a/test/dexdump/staticfields.xml
+++ b/test/dexdump/staticfields.xml
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
- value="46.470001"
+ value="46.47"
 <field name="test06_public_static_final_double_48_49"
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
- value="48.490000"
+ value="48.49"
 <field name="test07_public_static_final_string"
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
- value="abc \>&lt;&quot;'&amp;&#x9;&#xD;&#xA;"
+ value="abc \&gt;&lt;&quot;'&amp;&#x9;&#xD;&#xA;"
 <field name="test08_public_static_final_object_null"
diff --git a/test/dexdump/values.dex b/test/dexdump/values.dex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84602d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/dexdump/values.dex
Binary files differ
diff --git a/test/dexdump/values.lst b/test/dexdump/values.lst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0dbe3a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/dexdump/values.lst
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+0x000003bc 8 Test <clinit> ()V 66
+0x000003d4 8 Test <init> ()V 1
diff --git a/test/dexdump/values.txt b/test/dexdump/values.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f831b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/dexdump/values.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+Processing 'values.dex'...
+Opened 'values.dex', DEX version '035'
+DEX file header:
+magic               : 'dex\n035\0'
+checksum            : 7605eec0
+signature           : c197...a065
+file_size           : 1864
+header_size         : 112
+link_size           : 0
+link_off            : 0 (0x000000)
+string_ids_size     : 70
+string_ids_off      : 112 (0x000070)
+type_ids_size       : 12
+type_ids_off        : 392 (0x000188)
+proto_ids_size      : 1
+proto_ids_off       : 440 (0x0001b8)
+field_ids_size      : 54
+field_ids_off       : 452 (0x0001c4)
+method_ids_size     : 3
+method_ids_off      : 884 (0x000374)
+class_defs_size     : 1
+class_defs_off      : 908 (0x00038c)
+data_size           : 924
+data_off            : 940 (0x0003ac)
+Class #0 header:
+class_idx           : 6
+access_flags        : 1 (0x0001)
+superclass_idx      : 7
+interfaces_off      : 0 (0x000000)
+source_file_idx     : 13
+annotations_off     : 0 (0x000000)
+class_data_off      : 1578 (0x00062a)
+static_fields_size  : 54
+instance_fields_size: 0
+direct_methods_size : 2
+virtual_methods_size: 0
+Class #0            -
+  Class descriptor  : 'LTest;'
+  Access flags      : 0x0001 (PUBLIC)
+  Superclass        : 'Ljava/lang/Object;'
+  Interfaces        -
+  Static fields     -
+    #0              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mB0'
+      type          : 'B'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : 0
+    #1              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mB1'
+      type          : 'B'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : 127
+    #2              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mB2'
+      type          : 'B'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : -128
+    #3              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mB3'
+      type          : 'B'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : -1
+    #4              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mC0'
+      type          : 'C'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : 0
+    #5              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mC1'
+      type          : 'C'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : 32767
+    #6              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mC2'
+      type          : 'C'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : 32768
+    #7              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mC3'
+      type          : 'C'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : 255
+    #8              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mC4'
+      type          : 'C'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : 65520
+    #9              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mC5'
+      type          : 'C'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : 65535
+    #10              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mD0'
+      type          : 'D'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : -inf
+    #11              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mD1'
+      type          : 'D'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : 4.94066e-324
+    #12              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mD2'
+      type          : 'D'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : -0
+    #13              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mD3'
+      type          : 'D'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : 0
+    #14              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mD4'
+      type          : 'D'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : 1.79769e+308
+    #15              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mD5'
+      type          : 'D'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : inf
+    #16              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mD6'
+      type          : 'D'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : nan
+    #17              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mF0'
+      type          : 'F'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : -inf
+    #18              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mF1'
+      type          : 'F'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : 1.4013e-45
+    #19              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mF2'
+      type          : 'F'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : -0
+    #20              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mF3'
+      type          : 'F'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : 0
+    #21              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mF4'
+      type          : 'F'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : 3.40282e+38
+    #22              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mF5'
+      type          : 'F'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : inf
+    #23              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mF6'
+      type          : 'F'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : nan
+    #24              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mI0'
+      type          : 'I'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : 0
+    #25              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mI1'
+      type          : 'I'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : 2147483647
+    #26              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mI2'
+      type          : 'I'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : -2147483648
+    #27              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mI3'
+      type          : 'I'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : 255
+    #28              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mI4'
+      type          : 'I'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : -16
+    #29              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mI5'
+      type          : 'I'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : -4096
+    #30              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mI6'
+      type          : 'I'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : -1048576
+    #31              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mI7'
+      type          : 'I'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : -1
+    #32              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mJ0'
+      type          : 'J'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : 0
+    #33              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mJ1'
+      type          : 'J'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : 9223372036854775807
+    #34              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mJ2'
+      type          : 'J'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : -9223372036854775808
+    #35              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mJ3'
+      type          : 'J'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : 255
+    #36              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mJ4'
+      type          : 'J'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : -16
+    #37              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mJ5'
+      type          : 'J'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : -4096
+    #38              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mJ6'
+      type          : 'J'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : -1048576
+    #39              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mJ7'
+      type          : 'J'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : -268435456
+    #40              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mJ8'
+      type          : 'J'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : -68719476736
+    #41              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mJ9'
+      type          : 'J'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : -17592186044416
+    #42              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mJa'
+      type          : 'J'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : -4503599627370496
+    #43              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mJb'
+      type          : 'J'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : -1
+    #44              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mObject'
+      type          : 'Ljava/lang/Object;'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : null
+    #45              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mS0'
+      type          : 'S'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : 0
+    #46              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mS1'
+      type          : 'S'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : 32767
+    #47              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mS2'
+      type          : 'S'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : -32768
+    #48              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mS3'
+      type          : 'S'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : 255
+    #49              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mS4'
+      type          : 'S'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : -16
+    #50              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mS5'
+      type          : 'S'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : -1
+    #51              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mString'
+      type          : 'Ljava/lang/String;'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : "<&\"JOHO\"&>\n"
+    #52              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mZ0'
+      type          : 'Z'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : false
+    #53              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : 'mZ1'
+      type          : 'Z'
+      access        : 0x0019 (PUBLIC STATIC FINAL)
+      value         : true
+  Instance fields   -
+  Direct methods    -
+    #0              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : '<clinit>'
+      type          : '()V'
+      access        : 0x10008 (STATIC CONSTRUCTOR)
+      code          -
+      registers     : 1
+      ins           : 0
+      outs          : 0
+      insns size    : 4 16-bit code units
+0003ac:                                        |[0003ac] Test.<clinit>:()V
+0003bc: 1200                                   |0000: const/4 v0, #int 0 // #0
+0003be: 6900 2c00                              |0001: sput-object v0, LTest;.mObject:Ljava/lang/Object; // field@002c
+0003c2: 0e00                                   |0003: return-void
+      catches       : (none)
+      positions     : 
+        0x0000 line=66
+      locals        : 
+    #1              : (in LTest;)
+      name          : '<init>'
+      type          : '()V'
+      access        : 0x10001 (PUBLIC CONSTRUCTOR)
+      code          -
+      registers     : 1
+      ins           : 1
+      outs          : 1
+      insns size    : 4 16-bit code units
+0003c4:                                        |[0003c4] Test.<init>:()V
+0003d4: 7010 0200 0000                         |0000: invoke-direct {v0}, Ljava/lang/Object;.<init>:()V // method@0002
+0003da: 0e00                                   |0003: return-void
+      catches       : (none)
+      positions     : 
+        0x0000 line=1
+      locals        : 
+        0x0000 - 0x0004 reg=0 this LTest; 
+  Virtual methods   -
+  source_file_idx   : 13 (
diff --git a/test/dexdump/values.xml b/test/dexdump/values.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6ba48d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/dexdump/values.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+<package name=""
+<class name="Test"
+ extends="java.lang.Object"
+ interface="false"
+ abstract="false"
+ static="false"
+ final="false"
+ visibility="public"
+<field name="mB0"
+ type="byte"
+ transient="false"
+ volatile="false"
+ static="true"
+ final="true"
+ visibility="public"
+ value="0"
+<field name="mB1"
+ type="byte"
+ transient="false"
+ volatile="false"
+ static="true"
+ final="true"
+ visibility="public"
+ value="127"
+<field name="mB2"
+ type="byte"
+ transient="false"
+ volatile="false"
+ static="true"
+ final="true"
+ visibility="public"
+ value="-128"
+<field name="mB3"
+ type="byte"
+ transient="false"
+ volatile="false"
+ static="true"
+ final="true"
+ visibility="public"
+ value="-1"
+<field name="mC0"
+ type="char"
+ transient="false"
+ volatile="false"
+ static="true"
+ final="true"
+ visibility="public"
+ value="0"
+<field name="mC1"
+ type="char"
+ transient="false"
+ volatile="false"
+ static="true"
+ final="true"
+ visibility="public"
+ value="32767"
+<field name="mC2"
+ type="char"
+ transient="false"
+ volatile="false"
+ static="true"
+ final="true"
+ visibility="public"
+ value="32768"
+<field name="mC3"
+ type="char"
+ transient="false"
+ volatile="false"
+ static="true"
+ final="true"
+ visibility="public"
+ value="255"
+<field name="mC4"
+ type="char"
+ transient="false"
+ volatile="false"
+ static="true"
+ final="true"
+ visibility="public"
+ value="65520"
+<field name="mC5"
+ type="char"
+ transient="false"
+ volatile="false"
+ static="true"
+ final="true"
+ visibility="public"
+ value="65535"
+<field name="mD0"
+ type="double"
+ transient="false"
+ volatile="false"
+ static="true"
+ final="true"
+ visibility="public"
+ value="-inf"
+<field name="mD1"
+ type="double"
+ transient="false"
+ volatile="false"
+ static="true"
+ final="true"
+ visibility="public"
+ value="4.94066e-324"
+<field name="mD2"
+ type="double"
+ transient="false"
+ volatile="false"
+ static="true"
+ final="true"
+ visibility="public"
+ value="-0"
+<field name="mD3"
+ type="double"
+ transient="false"
+ volatile="false"
+ static="true"
+ final="true"
+ visibility="public"
+ value="0"
+<field name="mD4"
+ type="double"
+ transient="false"
+ volatile="false"
+ static="true"
+ final="true"
+ visibility="public"
+ value="1.79769e+308"
+<field name="mD5"
+ type="double"
+ transient="false"
+ volatile="false"
+ static="true"
+ final="true"
+ visibility="public"
+ value="inf"
+<field name="mD6"
+ type="double"
+ transient="false"
+ volatile="false"
+ static="true"
+ final="true"
+ visibility="public"
+ value="nan"
+<field name="mF0"
+ type="float"
+ transient="false"
+ volatile="false"
+ static="true"
+ final="true"
+ visibility="public"
+ value="-inf"
+<field name="mF1"
+ type="float"
+ transient="false"
+ volatile="false"
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