Reserve bits in the lock word for read barriers.

This prepares for the CC collector to use the standard object header
model by storing the read barrier state in the lock word.

Bug: 19355854
Bug: 12687968
Change-Id: Ia7585662dd2cebf0479a3e74f734afe5059fb70f
diff --git a/runtime/arch/x86/quick_entrypoints_x86.S b/runtime/arch/x86/quick_entrypoints_x86.S
index c2acdd1..c437428 100644
--- a/runtime/arch/x86/quick_entrypoints_x86.S
+++ b/runtime/arch/x86/quick_entrypoints_x86.S
@@ -922,29 +922,39 @@
     jz   .Lslow_lock
     movl MIRROR_OBJECT_LOCK_WORD_OFFSET(%eax), %ecx  // ecx := lock word
-    test LITERAL(0xC0000000), %ecx        // test the 2 high bits.
+    test LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_STATE_MASK), %ecx         // test the 2 high bits.
     jne  .Lslow_lock                      // slow path if either of the two high bits are set.
-    movl %fs:THREAD_ID_OFFSET, %edx       // edx := thread id
+    movl %ecx, %edx                       // save lock word (edx) to keep read barrier bits.
+    andl LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_READ_BARRIER_STATE_MASK_TOGGLED), %ecx  // zero the read barrier bits.
     test %ecx, %ecx
     jnz  .Lalready_thin                   // lock word contains a thin lock
-    // unlocked case - %edx holds thread id with count of 0
+    // unlocked case - edx: original lock word, eax: obj.
     movl %eax, %ecx                       // remember object in case of retry
-    xor  %eax, %eax                       // eax == 0 for comparison with lock word in cmpxchg
-    lock cmpxchg  %edx, MIRROR_OBJECT_LOCK_WORD_OFFSET(%ecx)
-    jnz  .Lcmpxchg_fail                   // cmpxchg failed retry
+    movl %edx, %eax                       // eax: lock word zero except for read barrier bits.
+    movl %fs:THREAD_ID_OFFSET, %edx       // load thread id.
+    or   %eax, %edx                       // edx: thread id with count of 0 + read barrier bits.
+    lock cmpxchg  %edx, MIRROR_OBJECT_LOCK_WORD_OFFSET(%ecx)  // eax: old val, edx: new val.
+    jnz  .Llock_cmpxchg_fail              // cmpxchg failed retry
-    movl  %ecx, %eax                      // restore eax
-    jmp  .Lretry_lock
+.Lalready_thin:  // edx: lock word (with high 2 bits zero and original rb bits), eax: obj.
+    movl %fs:THREAD_ID_OFFSET, %ecx       // ecx := thread id
     cmpw %cx, %dx                         // do we hold the lock already?
     jne  .Lslow_lock
-    addl LITERAL(65536), %ecx             // increment recursion count
-    test LITERAL(0xC0000000), %ecx        // overflowed if either of top two bits are set
+    movl %edx, %ecx                       // copy the lock word to check count overflow.
+    andl LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_READ_BARRIER_STATE_MASK_TOGGLED), %ecx  // zero the read barrier bits.
+    addl LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_THIN_LOCK_COUNT_ONE), %ecx  // increment recursion count for overflow check.
+    test LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_READ_BARRIER_STATE_MASK), %ecx  // overflowed if either of the upper two bits (28-29) are set.
     jne  .Lslow_lock                      // count overflowed so go slow
-    // update lockword, cmpxchg not necessary as we hold lock
-    movl %ecx, MIRROR_OBJECT_LOCK_WORD_OFFSET(%eax)
+    movl %eax, %ecx                       // save obj to use eax for cmpxchg.
+    movl %edx, %eax                       // copy the lock word as the old val for cmpxchg.
+    addl LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_THIN_LOCK_COUNT_ONE), %edx  // increment recursion count again for real.
+    // update lockword, cmpxchg necessary for read barrier bits.
+    lock cmpxchg  %edx, MIRROR_OBJECT_LOCK_WORD_OFFSET(%ecx)  // eax: old val, edx: new val.
+    jnz  .Llock_cmpxchg_fail              // cmpxchg failed retry
+    movl  %ecx, %eax                      // restore eax
+    jmp  .Lretry_lock
     SETUP_REFS_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME  ebx, ebx  // save ref containing registers for GC
     // Outgoing argument set up
@@ -963,20 +973,43 @@
 DEFINE_FUNCTION art_quick_unlock_object
     testl %eax, %eax                      // null check object/eax
     jz   .Lslow_unlock
     movl MIRROR_OBJECT_LOCK_WORD_OFFSET(%eax), %ecx  // ecx := lock word
     movl %fs:THREAD_ID_OFFSET, %edx       // edx := thread id
-    test LITERAL(0xC0000000), %ecx
     jnz  .Lslow_unlock                    // lock word contains a monitor
     cmpw %cx, %dx                         // does the thread id match?
     jne  .Lslow_unlock
-    cmpl LITERAL(65536), %ecx
+    movl %ecx, %edx                       // copy the lock word to detect new count of 0.
+    andl LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_READ_BARRIER_STATE_MASK_TOGGLED), %edx  // zero the read barrier bits.
     jae  .Lrecursive_thin_unlock
+    // update lockword, cmpxchg necessary for read barrier bits.
+    movl %eax, %edx                       // edx: obj
+    movl %ecx, %eax                       // eax: old lock word.
+    andl LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_READ_BARRIER_STATE_MASK), %ecx  // ecx: new lock word zero except original rb bits.
+    movl %ecx, MIRROR_OBJECT_LOCK_WORD_OFFSET(%edx)
+    lock cmpxchg  %ecx, MIRROR_OBJECT_LOCK_WORD_OFFSET(%edx)  // eax: old val, ecx: new val.
+    jnz  .Lunlock_cmpxchg_fail            // cmpxchg failed retry
-    subl LITERAL(65536), %ecx
-    mov  %ecx, MIRROR_OBJECT_LOCK_WORD_OFFSET(%eax)
+.Lrecursive_thin_unlock:  // ecx: original lock word, eax: obj
+    // update lockword, cmpxchg necessary for read barrier bits.
+    movl %eax, %edx                       // edx: obj
+    movl %ecx, %eax                       // eax: old lock word.
+    subl LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_THIN_LOCK_COUNT_ONE), %ecx  // ecx: new lock word with decremented count.
+    mov  %ecx, MIRROR_OBJECT_LOCK_WORD_OFFSET(%edx)
+    lock cmpxchg  %ecx, MIRROR_OBJECT_LOCK_WORD_OFFSET(%edx)  // eax: old val, ecx: new val.
+    jnz  .Lunlock_cmpxchg_fail            // cmpxchg failed retry
+.Lunlock_cmpxchg_fail:  // edx: obj
+    movl %edx, %eax                       // restore eax
+    jmp  .Lretry_unlock
     SETUP_REFS_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME  ebx, ebx  // save ref containing registers for GC
     // Outgoing argument set up