Revert "Revert "Load the array class in the compiler for allocations.""

This reverts commit fee255039e30c1c3dfc70c426c3d176221c3cdf9.

Change-Id: I02b45f9a659d872feeb35df40b42c1be9878413a
diff --git a/runtime/arch/arm64/quick_entrypoints_arm64.S b/runtime/arch/arm64/quick_entrypoints_arm64.S
index ed24a07..436d331 100644
--- a/runtime/arch/arm64/quick_entrypoints_arm64.S
+++ b/runtime/arch/arm64/quick_entrypoints_arm64.S
@@ -1645,7 +1645,7 @@
-// GENERATE_ALLOC_ENTRYPOINTS_ALLOC_ARRAY(_region_tlab, RegionTLAB) implemented in asm
@@ -1735,13 +1735,6 @@
 // The common fast path code for art_quick_alloc_array_region_tlab.
-.macro ALLOC_ARRAY_TLAB_FAST_PATH slowPathLabel, xClass, wClass, xCount, wCount, xTemp0, wTemp0, xTemp1, wTemp1, xTemp2, wTemp2
-    // Check null class
-    cbz    \wClass, \slowPathLabel
-    ALLOC_ARRAY_TLAB_FAST_PATH_RESOLVED \slowPathLabel, \xClass, \wClass, \xCount, \wCount, \xTemp0, \wTemp0, \xTemp1, \wTemp1, \xTemp2, \wTemp2
-// The common fast path code for art_quick_alloc_array_region_tlab.
 .macro ALLOC_ARRAY_TLAB_FAST_PATH_RESOLVED slowPathLabel, xClass, wClass, xCount, wCount, xTemp0, wTemp0, xTemp1, wTemp1, xTemp2, wTemp2
     // Array classes are never finalizable or uninitialized, no need to check.
     ldr    \wTemp0, [\xClass, #MIRROR_CLASS_COMPONENT_TYPE_OFFSET] // Load component type
@@ -1878,64 +1871,31 @@
 // TODO: We could use this macro for the normal tlab allocator too.
 // The common code for art_quick_alloc_array_*region_tlab
-.macro GENERATE_ALLOC_ARRAY_REGION_TLAB name, entrypoint, fast_path, is_resolved
+.macro GENERATE_ALLOC_ARRAY_REGION_TLAB name, entrypoint, fast_path
 ENTRY \name
     // Fast path array allocation for region tlab allocation.
-    // x0: uint32_t type_idx
+    // x0: mirror::Class* type
     // x1: int32_t component_count
-    // x2: ArtMethod* method
-    // x3-x7: free.
+    // x2-x7: free.
 #if !defined(USE_READ_BARRIER)
     mvn    x0, xzr                                            // Read barrier must be enabled here.
     ret                                                       // Return -1.
-.if \is_resolved
     mov    x3, x0
-    // If already resolved, class is stored in x0
-    ldr    x3, [x2, #ART_METHOD_DEX_CACHE_TYPES_OFFSET_64]    // Load dex cache resolved types array
-                                                              // Load the class (x2)
-    ldr    w3, [x3, x0, lsl #COMPRESSED_REFERENCE_SIZE_SHIFT]
-    // Most common case: GC is not marking.
-    cbnz   x4, .Lmarking\name
     \fast_path .Lslow_path\name, x3, w3, x1, w1, x4, w4, x5, w5, x6, w6
-    // GC is marking, check the lock word of the class for the mark bit.
-    // If the class is null, go slow path. The check is required to read the lock word.
-    cbz    w3, .Lslow_path\name
-    // Class is not null, check mark bit in lock word.
-    ldr    w4, [x3, #MIRROR_OBJECT_LOCK_WORD_OFFSET]
-    // If the bit is not zero, do the allocation.
-    tbnz   w4, #LOCK_WORD_MARK_BIT_SHIFT, .Ldo_allocation\name
-                                                              // The read barrier slow path. Mark
-                                                              // the class.
-    stp    x0, x1, [sp, #-32]!                                // Save registers (x0, x1, x2, lr).
-    stp    x2, xLR, [sp, #16]
-    mov    x0, x3                                             // Pass the class as the first param.
-    bl     artReadBarrierMark
-    mov    x3, x0                                             // Get the (marked) class back.
-    ldp    x2, xLR, [sp, #16]
-    ldp    x0, x1, [sp], #32                                  // Restore registers.
-    b      .Ldo_allocation\name
-    // x0: uint32_t type_idx / mirror::Class* klass (if resolved)
+    // x0: mirror::Class* klass
     // x1: int32_t component_count
-    // x2: ArtMethod* method
-    // x3: Thread* self
+    // x2: Thread* self
     SETUP_SAVE_REFS_ONLY_FRAME        // save callee saves in case of GC
-    mov    x3, xSELF                  // pass Thread::Current
+    mov    x2, xSELF                  // pass Thread::Current
     bl     \entrypoint
 END \name
-GENERATE_ALLOC_ARRAY_REGION_TLAB art_quick_alloc_array_region_tlab, artAllocArrayFromCodeRegionTLAB, ALLOC_ARRAY_TLAB_FAST_PATH, 0
-// TODO: art_quick_alloc_array_resolved_region_tlab seems to not get called. Investigate compiler.
-GENERATE_ALLOC_ARRAY_REGION_TLAB art_quick_alloc_array_resolved_region_tlab, artAllocArrayFromCodeResolvedRegionTLAB, ALLOC_ARRAY_TLAB_FAST_PATH_RESOLVED, 1
+GENERATE_ALLOC_ARRAY_REGION_TLAB art_quick_alloc_array_resolved_region_tlab, artAllocArrayFromCodeResolvedRegionTLAB, ALLOC_ARRAY_TLAB_FAST_PATH_RESOLVED
      * Called by managed code when the thread has been asked to suspend.