Re-apply: Implement cumulative timings for CompilerDriver.

The bug was due to how the test infrastructure works:
a compiler driver surives the stack where it is allocated.

Change-Id: I345fe0e4afb2bd15937233db8afb350f09429558
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index b3070b6..f6b511c 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -91,10 +91,12 @@
   verification_results_.reset(new VerificationResults);
   method_inliner_map_.reset(compiler_backend == kQuick ? new DexFileToMethodInlinerMap : nullptr);
   callbacks_.Reset(verification_results_.get(), method_inliner_map_.get());
+  timer_.reset(new CumulativeLogger("Compilation times"));
   compiler_driver_.reset(new CompilerDriver(verification_results_.get(),
                                             compiler_backend, insn_set,
-                                            insn_features, false, NULL, 2, true));
+                                            insn_features, false, NULL, 2, true, true,
+                                            timer_.get()));
   jobject class_loader = NULL;
   if (kCompile) {
     TimingLogger timings("OatTest::WriteRead", false, false);