x86_64: enable Peek and Poke intrinsics

This implements intrinsics for:

Change-Id: I6da6250f262dfd7aded35c2e3ade2d0916bd73cb
Signed-off-by: Alexei Zavjalov <alexei.zavjalov@intel.com>
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/x86/int_x86.cc b/compiler/dex/quick/x86/int_x86.cc
index cf29e52..b416a7b 100755
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/x86/int_x86.cc
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/x86/int_x86.cc
@@ -761,54 +761,59 @@
 bool X86Mir2Lir::GenInlinedPeek(CallInfo* info, OpSize size) {
-  return false;
-// Turned off until tests available in Art.
-//  RegLocation rl_src_address = info->args[0];  // long address
-//  RegLocation rl_address;
-//  if (!cu_->target64) {
-//    rl_src_address = NarrowRegLoc(rl_src_address);  // ignore high half in info->args[0]
-//    rl_address = LoadValue(rl_src_address, kCoreReg);
-//  } else {
-//    rl_address = LoadValueWide(rl_src_address, kCoreReg);
-//  }
-//  RegLocation rl_dest = size == k64 ? InlineTargetWide(info) : InlineTarget(info);
-//  RegLocation rl_result = EvalLoc(rl_dest, kCoreReg, true);
-//  // Unaligned access is allowed on x86.
-//  LoadBaseDisp(rl_address.reg, 0, rl_result.reg, size, kNotVolatile);
-//  if (size == k64) {
-//    StoreValueWide(rl_dest, rl_result);
-//  } else {
-//    DCHECK(size == kSignedByte || size == kSignedHalf || size == k32);
-//    StoreValue(rl_dest, rl_result);
-//  }
-//  return true;
+  RegLocation rl_src_address = info->args[0];  // long address
+  RegLocation rl_address;
+  if (!cu_->target64) {
+    rl_src_address = NarrowRegLoc(rl_src_address);  // ignore high half in info->args[0]
+    rl_address = LoadValue(rl_src_address, kCoreReg);
+  } else {
+    rl_address = LoadValueWide(rl_src_address, kCoreReg);
+  }
+  RegLocation rl_dest = size == k64 ? InlineTargetWide(info) : InlineTarget(info);
+  RegLocation rl_result = EvalLoc(rl_dest, kCoreReg, true);
+  // Unaligned access is allowed on x86.
+  LoadBaseDisp(rl_address.reg, 0, rl_result.reg, size, kNotVolatile);
+  if (size == k64) {
+    StoreValueWide(rl_dest, rl_result);
+  } else {
+    DCHECK(size == kSignedByte || size == kSignedHalf || size == k32);
+    StoreValue(rl_dest, rl_result);
+  }
+  return true;
 bool X86Mir2Lir::GenInlinedPoke(CallInfo* info, OpSize size) {
-  return false;
-// Turned off until tests available in Art.
-//  RegLocation rl_src_address = info->args[0];  // long address
-//  RegLocation rl_address;
-//  if (!cu_->target64) {
-//    rl_src_address = NarrowRegLoc(rl_src_address);  // ignore high half in info->args[0]
-//    rl_address = LoadValue(rl_src_address, kCoreReg);
-//  } else {
-//    rl_address = LoadValueWide(rl_src_address, kCoreReg);
-//  }
-//  RegLocation rl_src_value = info->args[2];  // [size] value
-//  if (size == k64) {
-//    // Unaligned access is allowed on x86.
-//    RegLocation rl_value = LoadValueWide(rl_src_value, kCoreReg);
-//    StoreBaseDisp(rl_address.reg, 0, rl_value.reg, size, kNotVolatile);
-//  } else {
-//    DCHECK(size == kSignedByte || size == kSignedHalf || size == k32);
-//    // Unaligned access is allowed on x86.
-//    RegLocation rl_value = LoadValue(rl_src_value, kCoreReg);
-//    StoreBaseDisp(rl_address.reg, 0, rl_value.reg, size, kNotVolatile);
-//  }
-//  return true;
+  RegLocation rl_src_address = info->args[0];  // long address
+  RegLocation rl_address;
+  if (!cu_->target64) {
+    rl_src_address = NarrowRegLoc(rl_src_address);  // ignore high half in info->args[0]
+    rl_address = LoadValue(rl_src_address, kCoreReg);
+  } else {
+    rl_address = LoadValueWide(rl_src_address, kCoreReg);
+  }
+  RegLocation rl_src_value = info->args[2];  // [size] value
+  RegLocation rl_value;
+  if (size == k64) {
+    // Unaligned access is allowed on x86.
+    rl_value = LoadValueWide(rl_src_value, kCoreReg);
+  } else {
+    DCHECK(size == kSignedByte || size == kSignedHalf || size == k32);
+    // In 32-bit mode the only EAX..EDX registers can be used with Mov8MR.
+    if (!cu_->target64 && size == kSignedByte) {
+      rl_src_value = UpdateLocTyped(rl_src_value, kCoreReg);
+      if (rl_src_value.location == kLocPhysReg && !IsByteRegister(rl_src_value.reg)) {
+        RegStorage temp = AllocateByteRegister();
+        OpRegCopy(temp, rl_src_value.reg);
+        rl_value.reg = temp;
+      } else {
+        rl_value = LoadValue(rl_src_value, kCoreReg);
+      }
+    } else {
+      rl_value = LoadValue(rl_src_value, kCoreReg);
+    }
+  }
+  StoreBaseDisp(rl_address.reg, 0, rl_value.reg, size, kNotVolatile);
+  return true;
 void X86Mir2Lir::OpLea(RegStorage r_base, RegStorage reg1, RegStorage reg2, int scale, int offset) {
diff --git a/test/082-inline-execute/src/Main.java b/test/082-inline-execute/src/Main.java
index 3b11879..2e1c6d9 100644
--- a/test/082-inline-execute/src/Main.java
+++ b/test/082-inline-execute/src/Main.java
@@ -15,9 +15,11 @@
 import junit.framework.Assert;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.lang.reflect.Method;
 public class Main {
-  public static void main(String args[]) {
+  public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
@@ -50,6 +52,15 @@
+    initSupportMethodsForPeekPoke();
+    test_Memory_peekByte();
+    test_Memory_peekShort();
+    test_Memory_peekInt();
+    test_Memory_peekLong();
+    test_Memory_pokeByte();
+    test_Memory_pokeShort();
+    test_Memory_pokeInt();
+    test_Memory_pokeLong();
@@ -510,4 +521,131 @@
     Assert.assertEquals(Long.reverse(Long.MIN_VALUE), 1L);
+  static Object runtime;
+  static Method address_of;
+  static Method peek_byte;
+  static Method peek_short;
+  static Method peek_int;
+  static Method peek_long;
+  static Method poke_byte;
+  static Method poke_short;
+  static Method poke_int;
+  static Method poke_long;
+  public static void initSupportMethodsForPeekPoke() throws Exception {
+    Class<?> vm_runtime = Class.forName("dalvik.system.VMRuntime");
+    Method get_runtime = vm_runtime.getDeclaredMethod("getRuntime");
+    runtime = get_runtime.invoke(null);
+    address_of = vm_runtime.getDeclaredMethod("addressOf", Object.class);
+    Class<?> io_memory = Class.forName("libcore.io.Memory");
+    peek_byte = io_memory.getDeclaredMethod("peekByte", Long.TYPE);
+    peek_int = io_memory.getDeclaredMethod("peekInt", Long.TYPE, Boolean.TYPE);
+    peek_short = io_memory.getDeclaredMethod("peekShort", Long.TYPE, Boolean.TYPE);
+    peek_long = io_memory.getDeclaredMethod("peekLong", Long.TYPE, Boolean.TYPE);
+    poke_byte = io_memory.getDeclaredMethod("pokeByte", Long.TYPE, Byte.TYPE);
+    poke_short = io_memory.getDeclaredMethod("pokeShort", Long.TYPE, Short.TYPE, Boolean.TYPE);
+    poke_int = io_memory.getDeclaredMethod("pokeInt", Long.TYPE, Integer.TYPE, Boolean.TYPE);
+    poke_long = io_memory.getDeclaredMethod("pokeLong", Long.TYPE, Long.TYPE, Boolean.TYPE);
+  }
+  public static void test_Memory_peekByte() throws Exception {
+    byte[] b = new byte [2];
+    b[0] = 0x12;
+    b[1] = 0x11;
+    long address = (long)address_of.invoke(runtime, b);
+    Assert.assertEquals((byte)peek_byte.invoke(null, address), 0x12);
+    Assert.assertEquals((byte)peek_byte.invoke(null, address + 1), 0x11);
+  }
+  public static void test_Memory_peekShort() throws Exception {
+    byte[] b = new byte [3];
+    b[0] = 0x13;
+    b[1] = 0x12;
+    b[2] = 0x11;
+    long address = (long)address_of.invoke(runtime, b);
+    Assert.assertEquals((short)peek_short.invoke(null, address, false), 0x1213);  // Aligned read
+    Assert.assertEquals((short)peek_short.invoke(null, address + 1, false), 0x1112);  // Unaligned read
+  }
+  public static void test_Memory_peekInt() throws Exception {
+    byte[] b = new byte [5];
+    b[0] = 0x15;
+    b[1] = 0x14;
+    b[2] = 0x13;
+    b[3] = 0x12;
+    b[4] = 0x11;
+    long address = (long)address_of.invoke(runtime, b);
+    Assert.assertEquals((int)peek_int.invoke(null, address, false), 0x12131415);
+    Assert.assertEquals((int)peek_int.invoke(null, address + 1, false), 0x11121314);
+  }
+  public static void test_Memory_peekLong() throws Exception {
+    byte[] b = new byte [9];
+    b[0] = 0x19;
+    b[1] = 0x18;
+    b[2] = 0x17;
+    b[3] = 0x16;
+    b[4] = 0x15;
+    b[5] = 0x14;
+    b[6] = 0x13;
+    b[7] = 0x12;
+    b[8] = 0x11;
+    long address = (long)address_of.invoke(runtime, b);
+    Assert.assertEquals((long)peek_long.invoke(null, address, false), 0x1213141516171819L);
+    Assert.assertEquals((long)peek_long.invoke(null, address + 1, false), 0x1112131415161718L);
+  }
+  public static void test_Memory_pokeByte() throws Exception {
+    byte[] r = {0x11, 0x12};
+    byte[] b = new byte [2];
+    long address = (long)address_of.invoke(runtime, b);
+    poke_byte.invoke(null, address, (byte)0x11);
+    poke_byte.invoke(null, address + 1, (byte)0x12);
+    Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(r, b));
+  }
+  public static void test_Memory_pokeShort() throws Exception {
+    byte[] ra = {0x12, 0x11, 0x13};
+    byte[] ru = {0x12, 0x22, 0x21};
+    byte[] b = new byte [3];
+    long address = (long)address_of.invoke(runtime, b);
+    // Aligned write
+    b[2] = 0x13;
+    poke_short.invoke(null, address, (short)0x1112, false);
+    Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(ra, b));
+    // Unaligned write
+    poke_short.invoke(null, address + 1, (short)0x2122, false);
+    Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(ru, b));
+  }
+  public static void test_Memory_pokeInt() throws Exception {
+    byte[] ra = {0x14, 0x13, 0x12, 0x11, 0x15};
+    byte[] ru = {0x14, 0x24, 0x23, 0x22, 0x21};
+    byte[] b = new byte [5];
+    long address = (long)address_of.invoke(runtime, b);
+    b[4] = 0x15;
+    poke_int.invoke(null, address, (int)0x11121314, false);
+    Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(ra, b));
+    poke_int.invoke(null, address + 1, (int)0x21222324, false);
+    Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(ru, b));
+  }
+  public static void test_Memory_pokeLong() throws Exception {
+    byte[] ra = {0x18, 0x17, 0x16, 0x15, 0x14, 0x13, 0x12, 0x11, 0x19};
+    byte[] ru = {0x18, 0x28, 0x27, 0x26, 0x25, 0x24, 0x23, 0x22, 0x21};
+    byte[] b = new byte [9];
+    long address = (long)address_of.invoke(runtime, b);
+    b[8] = 0x19;
+    poke_long.invoke(null, address, (long)0x1112131415161718L, false);
+    Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(ra, b));
+    poke_long.invoke(null, address + 1, (long)0x2122232425262728L, false);
+    Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(ru, b));
+  }