Add adbconnection plugin

This plugin will take care of creating and managing a debugger connection
through the adb daemon. This involves sending DDMS messages from the
runtime, loading the JDWP agent when required, and setting up the
connection. We need this since DDMS packets can be sent even if there has
not been a full handshake done with the JDWP agent.

Add an 'adbconnection' value to '-XjdwpProvider:...' to allow one to
request that the adbconnection plugin be used to provide JDWP

Bug: 62821960
Test: Manual, Flash walleye, debug apps

Change-Id: Id9bed589b7c5e3830e6cdfbfee460b091459a27b
diff --git a/adbconnection/ b/adbconnection/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a9982a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adbconnection/
@@ -0,0 +1,639 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <array>
+#include "adbconnection.h"
+#include "android-base/endian.h"
+#include "android-base/stringprintf.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/macros.h"
+#include "base/mutex.h"
+#include "java_vm_ext.h"
+#include "jni_env_ext.h"
+#include "mirror/throwable.h"
+#include "nativehelper/ScopedLocalRef.h"
+#include "runtime-inl.h"
+#include "runtime_callbacks.h"
+#include "scoped_thread_state_change-inl.h"
+#include "well_known_classes.h"
+#include "jdwp/jdwp_priv.h"
+#include "fd_transport.h"
+#include "poll.h"
+#include "cutils/sockets.h"
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/un.h>
+#include <sys/eventfd.h>
+#include <jni.h>
+namespace adbconnection {
+using dt_fd_forward::kListenStartMessage;
+using dt_fd_forward::kListenEndMessage;
+using dt_fd_forward::kAcceptMessage;
+using dt_fd_forward::kCloseMessage;
+using android::base::StringPrintf;
+static constexpr int kEventfdLocked = 0;
+static constexpr int kEventfdUnlocked = 1;
+static constexpr int kControlSockSendTimeout = 10;
+static AdbConnectionState* gState;
+static bool IsDebuggingPossible() {
+  // TODO We need to do this on IsJdwpAllowed not IsDebuggable in order to support userdebug
+  // workloads. For now we will only allow it when we are debuggable so that testing is easier.
+  return art::Runtime::Current()->IsJavaDebuggable() && art::Dbg::IsJdwpAllowed();
+// Begin running the debugger.
+void AdbConnectionDebuggerController::StartDebugger() {
+  if (IsDebuggingPossible()) {
+    connection_->StartDebuggerThreads();
+  } else {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.";
+  }
+// The debugger should begin shutting down since the runtime is ending. We don't actually do
+// anything here. The real shutdown has already happened as far as the agent is concerned.
+void AdbConnectionDebuggerController::StopDebugger() { }
+bool AdbConnectionDebuggerController::IsDebuggerConfigured() {
+  return IsDebuggingPossible() && !art::Runtime::Current()->GetJdwpOptions().empty();
+void AdbConnectionDdmCallback::DdmPublishChunk(uint32_t type,
+                                               const art::ArrayRef<const uint8_t>& data) {
+  connection_->PublishDdmData(type, data);
+class ScopedEventFdLock {
+ public:
+  explicit ScopedEventFdLock(int fd) : fd_(fd), data_(0) {
+    TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read(fd_, &data_, sizeof(data_)));
+  }
+  ~ScopedEventFdLock() {
+    TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(write(fd_, &data_, sizeof(data_)));
+  }
+ private:
+  int fd_;
+  uint64_t data_;
+AdbConnectionState::AdbConnectionState(const std::string& agent_name)
+  : agent_name_(agent_name),
+    controller_(this),
+    ddm_callback_(this),
+    sleep_event_fd_(-1),
+    control_sock_(-1),
+    local_agent_control_sock_(-1),
+    remote_agent_control_sock_(-1),
+    adb_connection_socket_(-1),
+    adb_write_event_fd_(-1),
+    shutting_down_(false),
+    agent_loaded_(false),
+    agent_listening_(false),
+    next_ddm_id_(1) {
+  // Setup the addr.
+  control_addr_.controlAddrUn.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
+  control_addr_len_ = sizeof(control_addr_.controlAddrUn.sun_family) + sizeof(kJdwpControlName) - 1;
+  memcpy(control_addr_.controlAddrUn.sun_path, kJdwpControlName, sizeof(kJdwpControlName) - 1);
+  // Add the startup callback.
+  art::ScopedObjectAccess soa(art::Thread::Current());
+  art::Runtime::Current()->GetRuntimeCallbacks()->AddDebuggerControlCallback(&controller_);
+static jobject CreateAdbConnectionThread(art::Thread* thr) {
+  JNIEnv* env = thr->GetJniEnv();
+  // Move to native state to talk with the jnienv api.
+  art::ScopedThreadStateChange stsc(thr, art::kNative);
+  ScopedLocalRef<jstring> thr_name(env, env->NewStringUTF(kAdbConnectionThreadName));
+  ScopedLocalRef<jobject> thr_group(
+      env,
+      env->GetStaticObjectField(art::WellKnownClasses::java_lang_ThreadGroup,
+                                art::WellKnownClasses::java_lang_ThreadGroup_systemThreadGroup));
+  return env->NewObject(art::WellKnownClasses::java_lang_Thread,
+                        art::WellKnownClasses::java_lang_Thread_init,
+                        thr_group.get(),
+                        thr_name.get(),
+                        /*Priority*/ 0,
+                        /*Daemon*/ true);
+struct CallbackData {
+  AdbConnectionState* this_;
+  jobject thr_;
+static void* CallbackFunction(void* vdata) {
+  std::unique_ptr<CallbackData> data(reinterpret_cast<CallbackData*>(vdata));
+  art::Thread* self = art::Thread::Attach(kAdbConnectionThreadName,
+                                          true,
+                                          data->thr_);
+  CHECK(self != nullptr) << "threads_being_born_ should have ensured thread could be attached.";
+  // The name in Attach() is only for logging. Set the thread name. This is important so
+  // that the thread is no longer seen as starting up.
+  {
+    art::ScopedObjectAccess soa(self);
+    self->SetThreadName(kAdbConnectionThreadName);
+  }
+  // Release the peer.
+  JNIEnv* env = self->GetJniEnv();
+  env->DeleteGlobalRef(data->thr_);
+  data->thr_ = nullptr;
+  {
+    // The StartThreadBirth was called in the parent thread. We let the runtime know we are up
+    // before going into the provided code.
+    art::MutexLock mu(self, *art::Locks::runtime_shutdown_lock_);
+    art::Runtime::Current()->EndThreadBirth();
+  }
+  data->this_->RunPollLoop(self);
+  int detach_result = art::Runtime::Current()->GetJavaVM()->DetachCurrentThread();
+  CHECK_EQ(detach_result, 0);
+  return nullptr;
+void AdbConnectionState::StartDebuggerThreads() {
+  // First do all the final setup we need.
+  CHECK_EQ(adb_write_event_fd_.get(), -1);
+  CHECK_EQ(sleep_event_fd_.get(), -1);
+  CHECK_EQ(local_agent_control_sock_.get(), -1);
+  CHECK_EQ(remote_agent_control_sock_.get(), -1);
+  sleep_event_fd_.reset(eventfd(kEventfdLocked, EFD_CLOEXEC));
+  CHECK_NE(sleep_event_fd_.get(), -1) << "Unable to create wakeup eventfd.";
+  adb_write_event_fd_.reset(eventfd(kEventfdUnlocked, EFD_CLOEXEC));
+  CHECK_NE(adb_write_event_fd_.get(), -1) << "Unable to create write-lock eventfd.";
+  {
+    art::ScopedObjectAccess soa(art::Thread::Current());
+    art::Runtime::Current()->GetRuntimeCallbacks()->AddDdmCallback(&ddm_callback_);
+  }
+  // Setup the socketpair we use to talk to the agent.
+  bool has_sockets;
+  do {
+    has_sockets = android::base::Socketpair(AF_UNIX,
+                                            SOCK_SEQPACKET | SOCK_CLOEXEC,
+                                            0,
+                                            &local_agent_control_sock_,
+                                            &remote_agent_control_sock_);
+  } while (!has_sockets && errno == EINTR);
+  if (!has_sockets) {
+    PLOG(FATAL) << "Unable to create socketpair for agent control!";
+  }
+  // Next start the threads.
+  art::Thread* self = art::Thread::Current();
+  art::ScopedObjectAccess soa(self);
+  {
+    art::Runtime* runtime = art::Runtime::Current();
+    art::MutexLock mu(self, *art::Locks::runtime_shutdown_lock_);
+    if (runtime->IsShuttingDownLocked()) {
+      // The runtime is shutting down so we cannot create new threads. This shouldn't really happen.
+      LOG(ERROR) << "The runtime is shutting down when we are trying to start up the debugger!";
+      return;
+    }
+    runtime->StartThreadBirth();
+  }
+  ScopedLocalRef<jobject> thr(soa.Env(), CreateAdbConnectionThread(soa.Self()));
+  pthread_t pthread;
+  std::unique_ptr<CallbackData> data(new CallbackData { this, soa.Env()->NewGlobalRef(thr.get()) });
+  int pthread_create_result = pthread_create(&pthread,
+                                             nullptr,
+                                             &CallbackFunction,
+                                             data.get());
+  if (pthread_create_result != 0) {
+    // If the create succeeded the other thread will call EndThreadBirth.
+    art::Runtime* runtime = art::Runtime::Current();
+    soa.Env()->DeleteGlobalRef(data->thr_);
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create thread for adb-jdwp connection manager!";
+    art::MutexLock mu(art::Thread::Current(), *art::Locks::runtime_shutdown_lock_);
+    runtime->EndThreadBirth();
+    return;
+  }
+  data.release();
+static bool FlagsSet(int16_t data, int16_t flags) {
+  return (data & flags) == flags;
+void AdbConnectionState::CloseFds() {
+  // Lock the write_event_fd so that concurrent PublishDdms will see that the connection is closed.
+  ScopedEventFdLock lk(adb_write_event_fd_);
+  // shutdown(adb_connection_socket_, SHUT_RDWR);
+  adb_connection_socket_.reset();
+uint32_t AdbConnectionState::NextDdmId() {
+  // Just have a normal counter but always set the sign bit.
+  return (next_ddm_id_++) | 0x80000000;
+void AdbConnectionState::PublishDdmData(uint32_t type, const art::ArrayRef<const uint8_t>& data) {
+  // Get the write_event early to fail fast.
+  ScopedEventFdLock lk(adb_write_event_fd_);
+  if (adb_connection_socket_ == -1) {
+    LOG(WARNING) << "Not sending ddms data of type "
+                 << StringPrintf("%c%c%c%c",
+                                 static_cast<char>(type >> 24),
+                                 static_cast<char>(type >> 16),
+                                 static_cast<char>(type >> 8),
+                                 static_cast<char>(type)) << " due to no connection!";
+    // Adb is not connected.
+    return;
+  }
+  // the adb_write_event_fd_ will ensure that the adb_connection_socket_ will not go away until
+  // after we have sent our data.
+  static constexpr uint32_t kDdmPacketHeaderSize =
+      kJDWPHeaderLen       // jdwp command packet size
+      + sizeof(uint32_t)   // Type
+      + sizeof(uint32_t);  // length
+  std::array<uint8_t, kDdmPacketHeaderSize> pkt;
+  uint8_t* pkt_data =;
+  // Write the length first.
+  *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(pkt_data) = htonl(kDdmPacketHeaderSize + data.size());
+  pkt_data += sizeof(uint32_t);
+  // Write the id next;
+  *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(pkt_data) = htonl(NextDdmId());
+  pkt_data += sizeof(uint32_t);
+  // next the flags. (0 for cmd packet because DDMS).
+  *(pkt_data++) = 0;
+  // Now the cmd-set
+  *(pkt_data++) = kJDWPDdmCmdSet;
+  // Now the command
+  *(pkt_data++) = kJDWPDdmCmd;
+  // now the type.
+  *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(pkt_data) = htonl(type);
+  pkt_data += sizeof(uint32_t);
+  // Now the data.size()
+  *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(pkt_data) = htonl(data.size());
+  pkt_data += sizeof(uint32_t);
+  static uint32_t constexpr kIovSize = 2;
+  struct iovec iovs[kIovSize] = {
+    {, pkt.size() },
+    { const_cast<uint8_t*>(, data.size() },
+  };
+  // now pkt_header has the header.
+  // use writev to send the actual data.
+  ssize_t res = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(writev(adb_connection_socket_, iovs, kIovSize));
+  if (static_cast<size_t>(res) != (kDdmPacketHeaderSize + data.size())) {
+    PLOG(ERROR) << StringPrintf("Failed to send DDMS packet %c%c%c%c to debugger (%zd of %zu)",
+                                static_cast<char>(type >> 24),
+                                static_cast<char>(type >> 16),
+                                static_cast<char>(type >> 8),
+                                static_cast<char>(type),
+                                res, data.size() + kDdmPacketHeaderSize);
+  } else {
+    VLOG(jdwp) << StringPrintf("sent DDMS packet %c%c%c%c to debugger %zu",
+                               static_cast<char>(type >> 24),
+                               static_cast<char>(type >> 16),
+                               static_cast<char>(type >> 8),
+                               static_cast<char>(type),
+                               data.size() + kDdmPacketHeaderSize);
+  }
+void AdbConnectionState::SendAgentFds() {
+  // TODO
+  DCHECK(!sent_agent_fds_);
+  char dummy = '!';
+  union {
+    cmsghdr cm;
+    char buffer[CMSG_SPACE(dt_fd_forward::FdSet::kDataLength)];
+  } cm_un;
+  iovec iov;
+  iov.iov_base       = &dummy;
+  iov.iov_len        = 1;
+  msghdr msg;
+  msg.msg_name       = nullptr;
+  msg.msg_namelen    = 0;
+  msg.msg_iov        = &iov;
+  msg.msg_iovlen     = 1;
+  msg.msg_flags      = 0;
+  msg.msg_control    = cm_un.buffer;
+  msg.msg_controllen = sizeof(cm_un.buffer);
+  cmsghdr* cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg);
+  cmsg->cmsg_len   = CMSG_LEN(dt_fd_forward::FdSet::kDataLength);
+  cmsg->cmsg_level = SOL_SOCKET;
+  cmsg->cmsg_type  = SCM_RIGHTS;
+  // Duplicate the fds before sending them.
+  android::base::unique_fd read_fd(dup(adb_connection_socket_));
+  CHECK_NE(read_fd.get(), -1) << "Failed to dup read_fd_: " << strerror(errno);
+  android::base::unique_fd write_fd(dup(adb_connection_socket_));
+  CHECK_NE(write_fd.get(), -1) << "Failed to dup write_fd: " << strerror(errno);
+  android::base::unique_fd write_lock_fd(dup(adb_write_event_fd_));
+  CHECK_NE(write_lock_fd.get(), -1) << "Failed to dup write_lock_fd: " << strerror(errno);
+  dt_fd_forward::FdSet {
+    read_fd.get(), write_fd.get(), write_lock_fd.get()
+  }.WriteData(CMSG_DATA(cmsg));
+  int res = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(sendmsg(local_agent_control_sock_, &msg, MSG_EOR));
+  if (res < 0) {
+    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to send agent adb connection fds.";
+  } else {
+    sent_agent_fds_ = true;
+    VLOG(jdwp) << "Fds have been sent to jdwp agent!";
+  }
+android::base::unique_fd AdbConnectionState::ReadFdFromAdb() {
+  // We don't actually care about the data that is sent. We do need to receive something though.
+  char dummy = '!';
+  union {
+    cmsghdr cm;
+    char buffer[CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(int))];
+  } cm_un;
+  iovec iov;
+  iov.iov_base       = &dummy;
+  iov.iov_len        = 1;
+  msghdr msg;
+  msg.msg_name       = nullptr;
+  msg.msg_namelen    = 0;
+  msg.msg_iov        = &iov;
+  msg.msg_iovlen     = 1;
+  msg.msg_flags      = 0;
+  msg.msg_control    = cm_un.buffer;
+  msg.msg_controllen = sizeof(cm_un.buffer);
+  cmsghdr* cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg);
+  cmsg->cmsg_len   = msg.msg_controllen;
+  cmsg->cmsg_level = SOL_SOCKET;
+  cmsg->cmsg_type  = SCM_RIGHTS;
+  (reinterpret_cast<int*>(CMSG_DATA(cmsg)))[0] = -1;
+  int rc = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(recvmsg(control_sock_, &msg, 0));
+  if (rc <= 0) {
+    PLOG(WARNING) << "Receiving file descriptor from ADB failed (socket " << control_sock_ << ")";
+    return android::base::unique_fd(-1);
+  } else {
+    VLOG(jdwp) << "Fds have been received from ADB!";
+  }
+  return android::base::unique_fd((reinterpret_cast<int*>(CMSG_DATA(cmsg)))[0]);
+bool AdbConnectionState::SetupAdbConnection() {
+  int        sleep_ms     = 500;
+  const int  sleep_max_ms = 2*1000;
+  char       buff[sizeof(pid_t) + 1];
+  android::base::unique_fd sock(socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0));
+  if (sock < 0) {
+    PLOG(ERROR) << "Could not create ADB control socket";
+    return false;
+  }
+  struct timeval timeout;
+  timeout.tv_sec = kControlSockSendTimeout;
+  timeout.tv_usec = 0;
+  setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, &timeout, sizeof(timeout));
+  snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%04x", getpid());
+  buff[sizeof(pid_t)] = 0;
+  while (!shutting_down_) {
+    // If adbd isn't running, because USB debugging was disabled or
+    // perhaps the system is restarting it for "adb root", the
+    // connect() will fail.  We loop here forever waiting for it
+    // to come back.
+    //
+    // Waking up and polling every couple of seconds is generally a
+    // bad thing to do, but we only do this if the application is
+    // debuggable *and* adbd isn't running.  Still, for the sake
+    // of battery life, we should consider timing out and giving
+    // up after a few minutes in case somebody ships an app with
+    // the debuggable flag set.
+    int ret = connect(sock, &control_addr_.controlAddrPlain, control_addr_len_);
+    if (ret == 0) {
+      bool trusted = sock >= 0;
+      // Needed for socket_peer_is_trusted.
+      trusted = trusted && socket_peer_is_trusted(sock);
+      if (!trusted) {
+        LOG(ERROR) << "adb socket is not trusted. Aborting connection.";
+        if (sock >= 0 && shutdown(sock, SHUT_RDWR)) {
+          PLOG(ERROR) << "trouble shutting down socket";
+        }
+        return false;
+      }
+      /* now try to send our pid to the ADB daemon */
+      ret = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(send(sock, buff, sizeof(pid_t), 0));
+      if (ret == sizeof(pid_t)) {
+        LOG(INFO) << "PID " << getpid() << " send to adb";
+        control_sock_ = std::move(sock);
+        return true;
+      } else {
+        PLOG(ERROR) << "Weird, can't send JDWP process pid to ADB. Aborting connection.";
+        return false;
+      }
+    } else {
+      PLOG(ERROR) << "Can't connect to ADB control socket. Will retry.";
+      usleep(sleep_ms * 1000);
+      sleep_ms += (sleep_ms >> 1);
+      if (sleep_ms > sleep_max_ms) {
+        sleep_ms = sleep_max_ms;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
+void AdbConnectionState::RunPollLoop(art::Thread* self) {
+  CHECK_EQ(self->GetState(), art::kNative);
+  art::Locks::mutator_lock_->AssertNotHeld(self);
+  self->SetState(art::kWaitingInMainDebuggerLoop);
+  // shutting_down_ set by StopDebuggerThreads
+  while (!shutting_down_) {
+    // First get the control_sock_ from adb if we don't have one. We only need to do this once.
+    if (control_sock_ == -1 && !SetupAdbConnection()) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to setup adb connection.";
+      return;
+    }
+    while (!shutting_down_ && control_sock_ != -1) {
+      struct pollfd pollfds[4] = {
+        { sleep_event_fd_, POLLIN, 0 },
+        // -1 as an fd causes it to be ignored by poll
+        { (agent_loaded_ ? local_agent_control_sock_ : -1), POLLIN, 0 },
+        // Check for the control_sock_ actually going away. Only do this if we don't have an active
+        // connection.
+        { (adb_connection_socket_ == -1 ? control_sock_ : -1), POLLIN | POLLRDHUP, 0 },
+        // if we have not loaded the agent either the adb_connection_socket_ is -1 meaning we don't
+        // have a real connection yet or the socket through adb needs to be listened to for incoming
+        // data that the agent can handle.
+        { ((!agent_has_socket_ && !sent_agent_fds_) ? adb_connection_socket_ : -1), POLLIN, 0 }
+      };
+      int res = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(poll(pollfds, 4, -1));
+      if (res < 0) {
+        PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to poll!";
+        return;
+      }
+      // We don't actually care about doing this we just use it to wake us up.
+      // const struct pollfd& sleep_event_poll     = pollfds[0];
+      const struct pollfd& agent_control_sock_poll = pollfds[1];
+      const struct pollfd& control_sock_poll       = pollfds[2];
+      const struct pollfd& adb_socket_poll         = pollfds[3];
+      if (FlagsSet(agent_control_sock_poll.revents, POLLIN)) {
+        DCHECK(agent_loaded_);
+        char buf[257];
+        res = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(recv(local_agent_control_sock_, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, 0));
+        if (res < 0) {
+          PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read message from agent control socket! Retrying";
+          continue;
+        } else {
+          buf[res + 1] = '\0';
+          VLOG(jdwp) << "Local agent control sock has data: " << static_cast<const char*>(buf);
+        }
+        if (memcmp(kListenStartMessage, buf, sizeof(kListenStartMessage)) == 0) {
+          agent_listening_ = true;
+          if (adb_connection_socket_ != -1) {
+            SendAgentFds();
+          }
+        } else if (memcmp(kListenEndMessage, buf, sizeof(kListenEndMessage)) == 0) {
+          agent_listening_ = false;
+        } else if (memcmp(kCloseMessage, buf, sizeof(kCloseMessage)) == 0) {
+          CloseFds();
+          agent_has_socket_ = false;
+        } else if (memcmp(kAcceptMessage, buf, sizeof(kAcceptMessage)) == 0) {
+          agent_has_socket_ = true;
+          sent_agent_fds_ = false;
+        } else {
+          LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown message received from debugger! '" << std::string(buf) << "'";
+        }
+      } else if (FlagsSet(control_sock_poll.revents, POLLIN)) {
+        bool maybe_send_fds = false;
+        {
+          // Hold onto this lock so that concurrent ddm publishes don't try to use an illegal fd.
+          ScopedEventFdLock sefdl(adb_write_event_fd_);
+          android::base::unique_fd new_fd(ReadFdFromAdb());
+          if (new_fd == -1) {
+            // Something went wrong. We need to retry getting the control socket.
+            PLOG(ERROR) << "Something went wrong getting fds from adb. Retry!";
+            control_sock_.reset();
+            break;
+          } else if (adb_connection_socket_ != -1) {
+            // We already have a connection.
+            VLOG(jdwp) << "Ignoring second debugger. Accept then drop!";
+            if (new_fd >= 0) {
+              new_fd.reset();
+            }
+          } else {
+            VLOG(jdwp) << "Adb connection established with fd " << new_fd;
+            adb_connection_socket_ = std::move(new_fd);
+            maybe_send_fds = true;
+          }
+        }
+        if (maybe_send_fds && agent_loaded_ && agent_listening_) {
+          VLOG(jdwp) << "Sending fds as soon as we received them.";
+          SendAgentFds();
+        }
+      } else if (FlagsSet(control_sock_poll.revents, POLLRDHUP)) {
+        // The other end of the adb connection just dropped it.
+        // Reset the connection since we don't have an active socket through the adb server.
+        DCHECK(!agent_has_socket_) << "We shouldn't be doing anything if there is already a "
+                                   << "connection active";
+        control_sock_.reset();
+        break;
+      } else if (FlagsSet(adb_socket_poll.revents, POLLIN)) {
+        DCHECK(!agent_has_socket_);
+        if (!agent_loaded_) {
+          DCHECK(!agent_listening_);
+          // Load the agent now!
+          self->AssertNoPendingException();
+          art::Runtime::Current()->AttachAgent(MakeAgentArg());
+          if (self->IsExceptionPending()) {
+            LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to load agent " << agent_name_;
+            art::ScopedObjectAccess soa(self);
+            self->GetException()->Dump();
+            self->ClearException();
+            return;
+          }
+          agent_loaded_ = true;
+        } else if (agent_listening_ && !sent_agent_fds_) {
+          VLOG(jdwp) << "Sending agent fds again on data.";
+          SendAgentFds();
+        }
+      } else {
+        VLOG(jdwp) << "Woke up poll without anything to do!";
+      }
+    }
+  }
+std::string AdbConnectionState::MakeAgentArg() {
+  // TODO Get this from something user settable?
+  const std::string& opts = art::Runtime::Current()->GetJdwpOptions();
+  return agent_name_ + "=" + opts + (opts.empty() ? "" : ",")
+      + "transport=dt_fd_forward,address=" + std::to_string(remote_agent_control_sock_);
+void AdbConnectionState::StopDebuggerThreads() {
+  // The regular agent system will take care of unloading the agent (if needed).
+  shutting_down_ = true;
+  // Wakeup the poll loop.
+  uint64_t data = 1;
+  TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(write(sleep_event_fd_, &data, sizeof(data)));
+// The plugin initialization function.
+extern "C" bool ArtPlugin_Initialize() REQUIRES_SHARED(art::Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+  DCHECK(art::Runtime::Current()->GetJdwpProvider() == art::JdwpProvider::kAdbConnection);
+  // TODO Provide some way for apps to set this maybe?
+  gState = new AdbConnectionState(kDefaultJdwpAgentName);
+  CHECK(gState != nullptr);
+  return true;
+extern "C" bool ArtPlugin_Deinitialize() {
+  CHECK(gState != nullptr);
+  // Just do this a second time?
+  // TODO I don't think this should be needed.
+  gState->StopDebuggerThreads();
+  delete gState;
+  return true;
+}  // namespace adbconnection