AI 143289: am: CL 143128 Use PNG instead of BMP for recovery image icons.  This saves
  about 60k from the recovery and system images.
  Original author: dougz
  Merged from: //branches/donutburger/...

Automated import of CL 143289
diff --git a/ b/
index 816d143..6198ab3 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := libminzip libunz libamend libmtdutils libmincrypt
-LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES += libminui libpixelflinger_static libcutils
+LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES += libminui libpixelflinger_static libpng libcutils
 LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES += libstdc++ libc
 # Specify a C-includable file containing the OTA public keys.