add device extension mechanism to updater

Allow devices (in to define additional static
libraries to be linked in to updater, to make device-specific
functions available in edify scripts.  Modify the updater makefile to
arrange for device libraries to register their edify functions.
diff --git a/updater/ b/updater/
index 1159d7b..71a9a23 100644
--- a/updater/
+++ b/updater/
@@ -13,11 +13,47 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(updater_src_files)
-LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := libapplypatch libedify libmtdutils libminzip libz
+LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES += libapplypatch libedify libmtdutils libminzip libz
 LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES += libmincrypt libbz
 LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES += libcutils libstdc++ libc
+# Each library in TARGET_RECOVERY_UPDATER_LIBS should have a function
+# named "Register_<libname>()".  Here we emit a little C function that
+# gets #included by updater.c.  It calls all those registration
+# functions.
+# Devices can also add libraries to TARGET_RECOVERY_UPDATER_EXTRA_LIBS.
+# These libs are also linked in with updater, but we don't try to call
+# any sort of registration function for these.  Use this variable for
+# any subsidiary static libraries required for your registered
+# extension libs.
+inc := $(call intermediates-dir-for,PACKAGING,updater_extensions)/
+# During the first pass of reading the makefiles, we dump the list of
+# extension libs to a temp file, then copy that to the ".list" file if
+# it is different than the existing .list (if any).  The
+# file then uses the .list as a prerequisite, so it is only rebuilt
+# (and updater.o recompiled) when the list of extension libs changes.
+junk := $(shell mkdir -p $(dir $(inc));\
+	        echo $(TARGET_RECOVERY_UPDATER_LIBS) > $(inc).temp;\
+	        diff -q $(inc).temp $(inc).list || cp -f $(inc).temp $(inc).list)
+$(inc) : $(inc).list
+	$(hide) mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+	$(hide) echo "" > $@
+	$(hide) $(foreach lib,$(libs),echo "extern void Register_$(lib)(void);" >> $@)
+	$(hide) echo "void RegisterDeviceExtensions() {" >> $@
+	$(hide) $(foreach lib,$(libs),echo "  Register_$(lib)();" >> $@)
+	$(hide) echo "}" >> $@
+$(call intermediates-dir-for,EXECUTABLES,updater)/updater.o : $(inc)
+LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += $(dir $(inc))
 LOCAL_MODULE := updater