Update calls to dexpreopt_gen

dexpreopt_gen now requires a -out_dir argument, and does not need
DexPath, StripInputPath and StripOutputPath set.

Also use paths to Soong binaries for dex2oat, profman and aapt
so that they can be loaded as Path objects in Soong, and let
Soong handle the default for BootImageProfiles.

Test: m checkbuild
Change-Id: I97b1865fd98d5108d9c63ff7a90a5591c7622526
diff --git a/core/dex_preopt_config.mk b/core/dex_preopt_config.mk
index 592e7fb..6da87db 100644
--- a/core/dex_preopt_config.mk
+++ b/core/dex_preopt_config.mk
@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@
 # Default to debug version to help find bugs.
 # Set USE_DEX2OAT_DEBUG to false for only building non-debug versions.
 ifeq ($(USE_DEX2OAT_DEBUG),false)
@@ -62,25 +62,6 @@
 DIRTY_IMAGE_OBJECTS := $(call word-colon,1,$(firstword \
     $(filter %system/etc/dirty-image-objects,$(PRODUCT_COPY_FILES))))
-# If we use a boot image profile.
-my_use_profile_for_boot_image := $(PRODUCT_USE_PROFILE_FOR_BOOT_IMAGE)
-ifeq (,$(my_use_profile_for_boot_image))
-  # If not set, set the default to true if we are not a PDK build. PDK builds
-  # can't build the profile since they don't have frameworks/base.
-  ifneq (true,$(TARGET_BUILD_PDK))
-    my_use_profile_for_boot_image := true
-  endif
-ifeq (true,$(my_use_profile_for_boot_image))
-  ifeq (,$(boot_image_profiles))
-  # If not set, use the default.
-  boot_image_profiles := frameworks/base/config/boot-image-profile.txt
-  endif
 define get-product-default-property
 $(strip \
   $(eval _prop := $(patsubst $(1)=%,%,$(filter $(1)=%,$(PRODUCT_DEFAULT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES))))\
@@ -155,15 +136,16 @@
   $(call add_json_str,  DirtyImageObjects,                  $(DIRTY_IMAGE_OBJECTS))
   $(call add_json_str,  PreloadedClasses,                   $(PRELOADED_CLASSES))
-  $(call add_json_list, BootImageProfiles,                  $(boot_image_profiles))
+  $(call add_json_list, BootImageProfiles,                  $(PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_BOOT_IMAGE_PROFILE_LOCATION))
+  $(call add_json_bool, UseProfileForBootImage,             $(call invert_bool,$(filter false,$(PRODUCT_USE_PROFILE_FOR_BOOT_IMAGE))))
   $(call add_json_str,  BootFlags,                          $(PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_BOOT_FLAGS))
   $(call add_json_str,  Dex2oatImageXmx,                    $(DEX2OAT_IMAGE_XMX))
   $(call add_json_str,  Dex2oatImageXms,                    $(DEX2OAT_IMAGE_XMS))
   $(call add_json_map,  Tools)
-  $(call add_json_str,  Profman,                            $(PROFMAN))
+  $(call add_json_str,  Profman,                            $(SOONG_HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/profman)
   $(call add_json_str,  Dex2oat,                            $(DEX2OAT))
-  $(call add_json_str,  Aapt,                               $(AAPT))
+  $(call add_json_str,  Aapt,                               $(SOONG_HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/aapt)
   $(call add_json_str,  SoongZip,                           $(SOONG_ZIP))
   $(call add_json_str,  Zip2zip,                            $(ZIP2ZIP))
   $(call add_json_str,  VerifyUsesLibraries,                $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/verify_uses_libraries.sh)
@@ -190,9 +172,9 @@
-  $(PROFMAN) \
   $(DEX2OAT) \
-  $(AAPT) \
   $(SOONG_ZIP) \
   $(ZIP2ZIP) \
   $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/verify_uses_libraries.sh \
diff --git a/core/dex_preopt_odex_install.mk b/core/dex_preopt_odex_install.mk
index 0beead9..bda871c 100644
--- a/core/dex_preopt_odex_install.mk
+++ b/core/dex_preopt_odex_install.mk
@@ -190,10 +190,12 @@
   $(call json_start)
+  # DexPath, StripInputPath, and StripOutputPath are not set, they will
+  # be filled in by dexpreopt_gen.
   $(call add_json_str,  Name,                           $(LOCAL_MODULE))
   $(call add_json_str,  DexLocation,                    $(patsubst $(PRODUCT_OUT)%,%,$(LOCAL_INSTALLED_MODULE)))
   $(call add_json_str,  BuildPath,                      $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE))
-  $(call add_json_str,  DexPath,                        $$1)
   $(call add_json_str,  ExtrasOutputPath,               $$2)
   $(call add_json_bool, Privileged,                     $(filter true,$(LOCAL_PRIVILEGED_MODULE)))
   $(call add_json_bool, UncompressedDex,                $(filter true,$(LOCAL_UNCOMPRESS_DEX)))
@@ -218,8 +220,6 @@
   $(call add_json_bool, PresignedPrebuilt,              $(filter PRESIGNED,$(LOCAL_CERTIFICATE)))
   $(call add_json_bool, NoStripping,                    $(filter nostripping,$(LOCAL_DEX_PREOPT)))
-  $(call add_json_str,  StripInputPath,                 $$1)
-  $(call add_json_str,  StripOutputPath,                $$2)
   $(call json_end)
@@ -244,7 +244,8 @@
   $(my_dexpreopt_script): $(my_dexpreopt_config) $(PRODUCT_OUT)/dexpreopt.config
 	@echo "$(PRIVATE_MODULE) dexpreopt gen"
-	-dexpreopt_script $@ -strip_script $(PRIVATE_STRIP_SCRIPT)
+	-dexpreopt_script $@ -strip_script $(PRIVATE_STRIP_SCRIPT) \
+	-out_dir $(OUT_DIR)
   my_dexpreopt_deps := $(my_dex_jar)
   my_dexpreopt_deps += $(if $(my_process_profile),$(LOCAL_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE))