support use of prebuilt bootable images

img_from_target_files now, with the -z flag, will produce an output
zip with only the bootable partitions (boot and recovery).

img_ and ota_from_target_files can take, instead of a simple
"", a name of the form
"", where the second zip contains
bootable images that should be used instead of building them from the  (This should be the zip produced by the above -z
flag, perhaps with the images messed with in some way, such as by an
unnamed OEM's extra signature wrapper for their "secure boot"

Bug: 3391371
Change-Id: Iaf96dfc8f30e806ae342dcf3241566e76ae372d4
diff --git a/tools/releasetools/ b/tools/releasetools/
index f3b9ed5..3cc86bf 100644
--- a/tools/releasetools/
+++ b/tools/releasetools/
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
 import imp
 import os
 import re
-import sha
 import shutil
 import subprocess
 import sys
@@ -28,6 +27,13 @@
 import time
 import zipfile
+  import hashlib
+  sha1 = hashlib.sha1
+except ImportError:
+  import sha
+  sha1 = sha.sha
 # missing in Python 2.4 and before
 if not hasattr(os, "SEEK_SET"):
   os.SEEK_SET = 0
@@ -163,23 +169,6 @@
   for k, v in sorted(d.items()):
     print "%-25s = (%s) %s" % (k, type(v).__name__, v)
-def BuildAndAddBootableImage(sourcedir, targetname, output_zip, info_dict):
-  """Take a kernel, cmdline, and ramdisk directory from the input (in
-  'sourcedir'), and turn them into a boot image.  Put the boot image
-  into the output zip file under the name 'targetname'.  Returns
-  targetname on success or None on failure (if sourcedir does not
-  appear to contain files for the requested image)."""
-  print "creating %s..." % (targetname,)
-  img = BuildBootableImage(sourcedir)
-  if img is None:
-    return None
-  CheckSize(img, targetname, info_dict)
-  ZipWriteStr(output_zip, targetname, img)
-  return targetname
 def BuildBootableImage(sourcedir):
   """Take a kernel, cmdline, and ramdisk directory from the input (in
   'sourcedir'), and turn them into a boot image.  Return the image
@@ -237,28 +226,53 @@
   return data
-def AddRecovery(output_zip, info_dict):
-  BuildAndAddBootableImage(os.path.join(OPTIONS.input_tmp, "RECOVERY"),
-                           "recovery.img", output_zip, info_dict)
+def GetBootableImage(name, prebuilt_name, unpack_dir, tree_subdir):
+  """Return a File object (with name 'name') with the desired bootable
+  image.  Look for it in 'unpack_dir'/BOOTABLE_IMAGES under the name
+  'prebuilt_name', otherwise construct it from the source files in
+  'unpack_dir'/'tree_subdir'."""
-def AddBoot(output_zip, info_dict):
-  BuildAndAddBootableImage(os.path.join(OPTIONS.input_tmp, "BOOT"),
-                           "boot.img", output_zip, info_dict)
+  prebuilt_path = os.path.join(unpack_dir, "BOOTABLE_IMAGES", prebuilt_name)
+  if os.path.exists(prebuilt_path):
+    print "using prebuilt %s..." % (prebuilt_name,)
+    return File.FromLocalFile(name, prebuilt_path)
+  else:
+    print "building image from target_files %s..." % (tree_subdir,)
+    return File(name, BuildBootableImage(os.path.join(unpack_dir, tree_subdir)))
 def UnzipTemp(filename, pattern=None):
-  """Unzip the given archive into a temporary directory and return the name."""
+  """Unzip the given archive into a temporary directory and return the name.
+  If filename is of the form "", unzip into a
+  temp dir, then unzip into that_dir/BOOTABLE_IMAGES.
+  Returns (tempdir, zipobj) where zipobj is a zipfile.ZipFile (of the
+  main file), open for reading.
+  """
   tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="targetfiles-")
-  cmd = ["unzip", "-o", "-q", filename, "-d", tmp]
-  if pattern is not None:
-    cmd.append(pattern)
-  p = Run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
-  p.communicate()
-  if p.returncode != 0:
-    raise ExternalError("failed to unzip input target-files \"%s\"" %
-                        (filename,))
-  return tmp
+  def unzip_to_dir(filename, dirname):
+    cmd = ["unzip", "-o", "-q", filename, "-d", dirname]
+    if pattern is not None:
+      cmd.append(pattern)
+    p = Run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+    p.communicate()
+    if p.returncode != 0:
+      raise ExternalError("failed to unzip input target-files \"%s\"" %
+                          (filename,))
+  m = re.match(r"^(.*[.]zip)\+(.*[.]zip)$", filename, re.IGNORECASE)
+  if m:
+    unzip_to_dir(, tmp)
+    unzip_to_dir(, os.path.join(tmp, "BOOTABLE_IMAGES"))
+    filename =
+  else:
+    unzip_to_dir(filename, tmp)
+  return tmp, zipfile.ZipFile(filename, "r")
 def GetKeyPasswords(keylist):
@@ -650,7 +664,14 @@ = name = data
     self.size = len(data)
-    self.sha1 = sha.sha(data).hexdigest()
+    self.sha1 = sha1(data).hexdigest()
+  @classmethod
+  def FromLocalFile(cls, name, diskname):
+    f = open(diskname, "rb")
+    data =
+    f.close()
+    return File(name, data)
   def WriteToTemp(self):
     t = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()