AI 145618: am: CL 145333 Cloned from CL 144759 by 'g4 patch'.
  Original change by joeo@abreu on 2009/04/06 19:54:13.
  Implement SDK add-ons in the build system.
  - Add an option to use the standard javadoc doclet instead
  of droiddoc, since droiddocs non-sdk templates aren't
  ready for prime time.
  - Add the notion of a stubs for a library.  It's only
  implemented for java libraries, but when we do native
  libraries in the NDK or sdk-addons, it will work there too.
  Original author: joeo
  Merged from: //branches/cupcake/...

Automated import of CL 145618
diff --git a/core/ b/core/
index b1ded8a..9150a5c 100644
--- a/core/
+++ b/core/
@@ -66,6 +66,21 @@
 # variable definitions.
 full_classes_jar := $(intermediates.COMMON)/classes.jar
+# Droiddoc isn't currently able to generate stubs for modules, so we're just
+# allowing it to use the classes.jar as the "stubs" that would be use to link
+# against, for the cases where someone needs the jar to link against.
+# - Use the classes.jar instead of the handful of other intermediates that
+#   we have, because it's the most processed, but still hasn't had dex run on
+#   it, so it's closest to what's on the device.
+# - This extra copy, with the dependency on LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE allows the
+#   PRIVATE_ vars to be preserved.
+full_classes_stubs_jar := $(intermediates.COMMON)/stubs.jar
+$(full_classes_stubs_jar): PRIVATE_SOURCE_FILE := $(full_classes_jar)
+$(full_classes_stubs_jar) : $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE) | $(ACP)
+	@echo Copying $(PRIVATE_SOURCE_FILE)
+	$(hide) $(ACP) -fp $(PRIVATE_SOURCE_FILE) $@
+ALL_MODULES.$(LOCAL_MODULE).STUBS := $(full_classes_stubs_jar)
 # Emma source code coverage
 ifneq ($(EMMA_INSTRUMENT),true)