Support build targets with no installable apps/packages
Specifically, do not error out if no installable apps are found.
- When creating an archive of all the apps, and if no apps exist
for the target, generate an empty archive file.
- If building for a target with no installable jar(s) or apk(s),
generate an empty package stats file.
The former is just an output artifact. The latter is used
by the script which correctly handles
an empty input file.
BUG: 23421592
Change-Id: I48db9f9e1f61914d8fd938130e09b41849685450
diff --git a/core/Makefile b/core/Makefile
index 94585c6..649a0aa 100644
--- a/core/Makefile
+++ b/core/Makefile
@@ -314,7 +314,12 @@
@echo Package stats: $@
@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
$(hide) rm -f $@
+ifeq ($(PACKAGES_TO_STAT),)
+# Create empty package stats file if target builds no jar(s) or apk(s).
+ $(hide) touch $@
$(hide) build/tools/dump-package-stats $^ > $@
.PHONY: package-stats
package-stats: $(PACKAGE_STATS_FILE)
@@ -1736,8 +1741,13 @@
@echo "Package apps: $@"
$(hide) rm -rf $@
$(hide) mkdir -p $(dir $@)
- $(hide) zip -qj $@ $(TARGET_OUT_APPS)/*/*.apk $(TARGET_OUT_APPS_PRIVILEGED)/*/*.apk
+ $(hide) apps_to_zip=`find $(TARGET_OUT_APPS) $(TARGET_OUT_APPS_PRIVILEGED) -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 3 -name "*.apk"`; \
+ if [ -z "$$apps_to_zip" ]; then \
+ echo "No apps to zip up. Generating empty apps archive." ; \
+ a=$$(mktemp /tmp/XXXXXXX) && touch $$a && zip $@ $$a && zip -d $@ $$a; \
+ else \
+ zip -qj $@ $$apps_to_zip; \
+ fi
# A zip of emma code coverage meta files. Generated for fully emma