Update font list for the SDK

Java has a problem loading OpenType fonts. This change updates the list
of fonts to include by omitting the otf fonts and adding their

This change also moves the code for configuring the fonts for the SDK in
a separate file so that the core Makefile remains cleaner.

Change-Id: Iaf30a3ec59adf251b79cb20f27ad88fc92205ac1
diff --git a/core/sdk_font.mk b/core/sdk_font.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa6b94d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/sdk_font.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# Fonts shipped with the SDK need to be renamed for Java to handle them
+# properly. Hence, a special script is used to rename the fonts. We bundle all
+# the fonts that are shipped on a newer non-space-constrained device. However,
+# OpenType fonts used on these devices are not supported by Java. Their
+# replacements are added separately.
+# The script that renames the font.
+sdk_font_rename_script := frameworks/base/tools/layoutlib/rename_font/build_font_single.py
+# Location of the fonttools library that the above script depends on.
+fonttools_lib := external/fonttools/Lib
+# A temporary location to store the renamed fonts. atree picks all files in
+# this directory and bundles it with the SDK.
+SDK_FONT_TEMP := $(call intermediates-dir-for,PACKAGING,sdk-fonts,HOST,COMMON)
+# The font configuration files - system_fonts.xml, fallback_fonts.xml etc.
+sdk_font_config := $(wildcard frameworks/base/data/fonts/*.xml)
+sdk_font_config :=  $(addprefix $(SDK_FONT_TEMP)/, $(notdir $(sdk_font_config)))
+$(sdk_font_config): $(SDK_FONT_TEMP)/%.xml: \
+			frameworks/base/data/fonts/%.xml
+	$(hide) mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+	$(hide) cp -vf $< $@
+# List of fonts on the device that we want to ship. This is all .ttf fonts.
+sdk_fonts_device := $(filter $(TARGET_OUT)/fonts/%.ttf, $(INTERNAL_SYSTEMIMAGE_FILES))
+sdk_fonts_device := $(addprefix $(SDK_FONT_TEMP)/, $(notdir $(sdk_fonts_device)))
+# Macro to rename the font.
+sdk_rename_font = PYTHONPATH=$$PYTHONPATH:$(fonttools_lib) $(sdk_font_rename_script) \
+	    $1 $2
+# TODO: If the font file is a symlink, reuse the font renamed from the symlink
+# target.
+$(sdk_fonts_device): $(SDK_FONT_TEMP)/%.ttf: $(TARGET_OUT)/fonts/%.ttf \
+			$(sdk_font_rename_script)
+	$(hide) mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+	$(hide) $(call sdk_rename_font,$<,$@)
+# Extra fonts that are not part of the device build. These are used as a
+# replacement for the OpenType fonts.
+sdk_fonts_extra := NanumGothic.ttf DroidSansFallback.ttf
+sdk_fonts_extra := $(addprefix $(SDK_FONT_TEMP)/, $(sdk_fonts_extra))
+$(SDK_FONT_TEMP)/NanumGothic.ttf: external/naver-fonts/NanumGothic.ttf \
+			$(sdk_font_rename_script)
+	$(hide) mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+	$(hide) $(call sdk_rename_font,$<,$@)
+$(SDK_FONT_TEMP)/DroidSansFallback.ttf: frameworks/base/data/fonts/DroidSansFallbackFull.ttf \
+			$(sdk_font_rename_script)
+	$(hide) mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+	$(hide) $(call sdk_rename_font,$<,$@)
+# List of all dependencies - all fonts and configuration files.
+SDK_FONT_DEPS := $(sdk_fonts_device) $(sdk_fonts_extra) $(sdk_font_config)