Revise stash for BBOTAs when needed.

When generating incremental BBOTAs (v2 and above), we need to ensure
that the needed runtime stash is below the given threshold. If it's
running out of space on /cache, we replace the command that uses a
stash with a "new" command instead.

This may increase the OTA package size, since it is carrying more full
blocks instead of patches. It gets even worse for large files that span
a number of blocks, because currently we will store all the blocks for
the file as "new" blocks if stashing cannot be satisfied. We may further
optimize by splitting them into smaller chunks so that most of them can
still be stashed.

Bug: 22430577
Change-Id: I5a49e361adc7d3d41de2e9c08ee9b08c1e6c091a
diff --git a/tools/releasetools/ b/tools/releasetools/
index e042e03..199783d 100644
--- a/tools/releasetools/
+++ b/tools/releasetools/
@@ -174,6 +174,12 @@
     return (sum(sr.size() for (_, sr) in self.stash_before) -
             sum(sr.size() for (_, sr) in self.use_stash))
+  def ConvertToNew(self):
+    assert != "new"
+    self.use_stash = []
+ = "new"
+    self.src_ranges = RangeSet()
   def __str__(self):
     return (str( + ": <" + str(self.src_ranges) + " " + +
             " to " + str(self.tgt_ranges) + ">")
@@ -268,6 +274,10 @@
+    # Ensure the runtime stash size is under the limit.
+    if self.version >= 2 and common.OPTIONS.cache_size is not None:
+      self.ReviseStashSize()
     # Double-check our work.
@@ -519,6 +529,73 @@
         print("max stashed blocks: %d  (%d bytes), limit: <unknown>\n" % (
               max_stashed_blocks, max_stashed_size))
+  def ReviseStashSize(self):
+    print("Revising stash size...")
+    stashes = {}
+    # Create the map between a stash and its def/use points. For example, for a
+    # given stash of (idx, sr), stashes[idx] = (sr, def_cmd, use_cmd).
+    for xf in self.transfers:
+      # Command xf defines (stores) all the stashes in stash_before.
+      for idx, sr in xf.stash_before:
+        stashes[idx] = (sr, xf)
+      # Record all the stashes command xf uses.
+      for idx, _ in xf.use_stash:
+        stashes[idx] += (xf,)
+    # Compute the maximum blocks available for stash based on /cache size and
+    # the threshold.
+    cache_size = common.OPTIONS.cache_size
+    stash_threshold = common.OPTIONS.stash_threshold
+    max_allowed = cache_size * stash_threshold / self.tgt.blocksize
+    stashed_blocks = 0
+    # Now go through all the commands. Compute the required stash size on the
+    # fly. If a command requires excess stash than available, it deletes the
+    # stash by replacing the command that uses the stash with a "new" command
+    # instead.
+    for xf in self.transfers:
+      replaced_cmds = []
+      # xf.stash_before generates explicit stash commands.
+      for idx, sr in xf.stash_before:
+        if stashed_blocks + sr.size() > max_allowed:
+          # We cannot stash this one for a later command. Find out the command
+          # that will use this stash and replace the command with "new".
+          use_cmd = stashes[idx][2]
+          replaced_cmds.append(use_cmd)
+          print("  %s replaced due to an explicit stash of %d blocks." % (
+              use_cmd, sr.size()))
+        else:
+          stashed_blocks += sr.size()
+      # xf.use_stash generates free commands.
+      for _, sr in xf.use_stash:
+        stashed_blocks -= sr.size()
+      # "move" and "diff" may introduce implicit stashes in BBOTA v3. Prior to
+      # ComputePatches(), they both have the style of "diff".
+      if == "diff" and self.version >= 3:
+        assert xf.tgt_ranges and xf.src_ranges
+        if xf.src_ranges.overlaps(xf.tgt_ranges):
+          if stashed_blocks + xf.src_ranges.size() > max_allowed:
+            replaced_cmds.append(xf)
+            print("  %s replaced due to an implicit stash of %d blocks." % (
+                xf, xf.src_ranges.size()))
+      # Replace the commands in replaced_cmds with "new"s.
+      for cmd in replaced_cmds:
+        # It no longer uses any commands in "use_stash". Remove the def points
+        # for all those stashes.
+        for idx, sr in cmd.use_stash:
+          def_cmd = stashes[idx][1]
+          assert (idx, sr) in def_cmd.stash_before
+          def_cmd.stash_before.remove((idx, sr))
+        cmd.ConvertToNew()
   def ComputePatches(self, prefix):
     print("Reticulating splines...")
     diff_q = []