auto import from //depot/cupcake/@135843
diff --git a/core/ b/core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90a40a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+# This is included by the top-level Makefile.
+# It sets up standard variables based on the
+# current configuration and platform, which
+# are not specific to what is being built.
+# Use bash, not whatever shell somebody has installed as /bin/sh
+# This is repeated from, since runs this file
+# directly.
+SHELL := /bin/bash
+# Standard source directories.
+# TODO: Enforce some kind of layering; only add include paths
+#       when a module links against a particular library.
+# TODO: See if we can remove most of these from the global list.
+	$(TOPDIR)system/core/include \
+	$(TOPDIR)hardware/libhardware/include \
+	$(TOPDIR)hardware/libhardware_legacy/include \
+	$(TOPDIR)hardware/ril/include \
+	$(TOPDIR)dalvik/libnativehelper/include \
+	$(TOPDIR)frameworks/base/include \
+	$(TOPDIR)frameworks/base/opengl/include \
+	$(TOPDIR)external/skia/include
+SRC_TARGET_DIR := $(TOPDIR)build/target
+SRC_API_DIR := $(TOPDIR)frameworks/base/api
+# Some specific paths to tools
+SRC_DROIDDOC_DIR := $(TOPDIR)build/tools/droiddoc
+# Various mappings to avoid hard-coding paths all over the place
+include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/
+# ###############################################################
+# Build system internal files
+# ###############################################################
+# ###############################################################
+# Parse out any modifier targets.
+# ###############################################################
+# The 'showcommands' goal says to show the full command
+# lines being executed, instead of a short message about
+# the kind of operation being done.
+SHOW_COMMANDS:= $(filter showcommands,$(MAKECMDGOALS))
+# ###############################################################
+# Set common values
+# ###############################################################
+# These can be changed to modify both host and device modules.
+COMMON_GLOBAL_CFLAGS:= -DANDROID -fmessage-length=0 -W -Wall -Wno-unused
+# Set the extensions used for various packages
+# list of flags to turn specific warnings in to errors
+TARGET_ERROR_FLAGS := -Werror=return-type
+# ###############################################################
+# Include sub-configuration files
+# ###############################################################
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------
+# Try to include, which will try to set stuff up.
+# If this file doesn't exist, the environemnt variables will
+# be used, and if that doesn't work, then the default is an
+# arm build
+-include $(TOPDIR)
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------
+# Define most of the global variables.  These are the ones that
+# are specific to the user's build configuration.
+include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/
+# $(1): os/arch
+define select-android-config-h
+combo_target := HOST_
+include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/combo/
+# on windows, the tools have .exe at the end, and we depend on the
+# host config stuff being done first
+combo_target := TARGET_
+include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/combo/
+# Pick a Java compiler.
+include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/combo/
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------
+# Check that the configuration is current.  We check that
+# BUILD_ENV_SEQUENCE_NUMBER is current against this value.
+# Don't fail if we're called from envsetup, so they have a
+# chance to update their environment.
+ifeq (,$(strip $(CALLED_FROM_SETUP)))
+ifneq (,$(strip $(BUILD_ENV_SEQUENCE_NUMBER)))
+$(warning BUILD_ENV_SEQUENCE_NUMBER is set incorrectly.)
+$(info *** If you use envsetup/lunch/choosecombo:)
+$(info ***   - Re-execute envsetup ("."))
+$(info ***   - Re-run lunch or choosecombo)
+$(info *** If you use
+$(info ***   - Look at to see what has changed)
+$(error bailing..)
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------
+# Generic tools.
+LEX:= flex
+YACC:= bison -d
+DOXYGEN:= doxygen
+MKEXT2BOOTIMG := external/genext2fs/
+MKTARBALL := build/tools/
+TUNE2FS := tune2fs
+E2FSCK := e2fsck
+JARJAR := java -jar $(HOST_OUT_JAVA_LIBRARIES)/jarjar.jar
+# dx is java behind a shell script; no .exe necessary.
+FINDBUGS := prebuilt/common/findbugs/bin/findbugs
+EMMA_JAR := external/emma/lib/emma$(COMMON_JAVA_PACKAGE_SUFFIX)
+# Binary prelinker/compressor tools
+# Deal with archaic version of bison on Mac OS X.
+ifeq ($(filter 1.28,$(shell $(YACC) -V)),)
+# Don't use column under Windows, cygwin or not
+ifeq ($(HOST_OS),windows)
+COLUMN:= cat
+COLUMN:= column
+dir := $(shell uname)
+ifeq ($(HOST_OS),windows)
+dir := $(HOST_OS)
+ifeq ($(HOST_OS),darwin)
+dir := $(HOST_OS)-$(HOST_ARCH)
+OLD_FLEX := prebuilt/$(HOST_PREBUILT_TAG)/flex/flex-2.5.4a$(HOST_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX)
+ifeq ($(HOST_OS),darwin)
+# Mac OS' screwy version of java uses a non-standard directory layout
+# and doesn't even seem to have tools.jar.  On the other hand, javac seems
+# to be able to magically find the classes in there, wherever they are, so
+# leave this blank
+# It's called md5 on Mac OS and md5sum on Linux
+ifeq ($(HOST_OS),darwin)
+MD5SUM:=md5 -q
+# ###############################################################
+# Set up final options.
+# ###############################################################
+# Many host compilers don't support these flags, so we have to make
+# sure to only specify them for the target compilers checked in to
+# the source tree. The simulator uses the target flags but the
+# host compiler, so only set them for the target when the target
+# is not the simulator.
+ifneq ($(TARGET_SIMULATOR),true)
+ifeq ($(HOST_BUILD_TYPE),release)
+ifeq ($(TARGET_BUILD_TYPE),release)
+# TODO: do symbol compression
+PREBUILT_IS_PRESENT := $(if $(wildcard prebuilt/,true)
+# ###############################################################
+# Collect a list of the SDK versions that we could compile against
+# For use with the LOCAL_SDK_VERSION variable for include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
+# ###############################################################
+# The files that we can convert into android.jars are are in config/api/*.xml
+# The 'current' version is whatever this source tree is.  Once the apicheck
+# tool can generate the stubs from the xml files, we'll use that to be
+# able to build back-versions.  In the meantime, 'current' is the only
+# one supported.  
+# sgrax     is the opposite of xargs.  It takes the list of args and puts them
+#           on each line for sort to process.
+# sort -g   is a numeric sort, so 1 2 3 10 instead of 1 10 2 3.
+        $(shell function sgrax() { \
+                while [ -n "$$1" ] ; do echo $$1 ; shift ; done \
+            } ; \
+            ( sgrax $(patsubst $(SRC_API_DIR)/%.xml,%, \
+                $(filter-out $(SRC_API_DIR)/current.xml, \
+                $(shell find $(SRC_API_DIR) -name "*.xml"))) | sort -g ) )