auto import from //depot/cupcake/@135843
diff --git a/core/ b/core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10027b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+## Standard rules for building any target-side binaries
+## with dynamic linkage (dynamic libraries or executables
+## that link with dynamic libraries)
+## Files including this file must define a rule to build
+## the target $(linked_module).
+# This constraint means that we can hard-code any $(TARGET_*) variables.
+$(error This file should not be used to build host binaries.  Included by (or near) $(lastword $(filter-out config/%,$(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
+# The name of the target file, without any path prepended.
+# base_rules.make defines $(intermediates), but we need its value
+# before we include base_rules.  Make a guess, and verify that
+# it's correct once the real value is defined.
+guessed_intermediates := $(call local-intermediates-dir)
+# Define the target that is the unmodified output of the linker.
+# The basename of this target must be the same as the final output
+# binary name, because it's used to set the "soname" in the binary.
+# The includer of this file will define a rule to build this target.
+linked_module := $(guessed_intermediates)/LINKED/$(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE_STEM)
+# the linked_module rules won't necessarily inherit the PRIVATE_
+# variables from LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE.  This tells binary.make to explicitly
+# define the PRIVATE_ variables for linked_module as well as for
+include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/
+# Make sure that our guess at the value of intermediates was correct.
+ifneq ($(intermediates),$(guessed_intermediates))
+$(error Internal error: guessed path '$(guessed_intermediates)' doesn't match '$(intermediates))
+## Compress
+compress_input := $(linked_module)
+$(error Symbol compression not yet supported.)
+compress_output := $(intermediates)/COMPRESSED-$(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE_STEM)
+#TODO: write the real $(SOSLIM) rule.
+#TODO: define a rule to build TARGET_SYMBOL_FILTER_FILE, and
+#      make it depend on ALL_ORIGINAL_DYNAMIC_BINARIES.
+$(compress_output): $(compress_input) $(TARGET_SYMBOL_FILTER_FILE) | $(ACP)
+	@echo "target Compress Symbols: $(PRIVATE_MODULE) ($@)"
+	$(copy-file-to-target)
+# Skip this step.
+compress_output := $(compress_input)
+## Pre-link
+prelink_input := $(compress_output)
+# The output of the prelink step is the binary we want to use
+# for symbolic debugging;  the prelink step may move sections
+# around, so we have to use this version.
+ifeq ($(LOCAL_PRELINK_MODULE),true)
+$(prelink_output): $(prelink_input) $(TARGET_PRELINKER_MAP) $(APRIORI)
+	$(transform-to-prelinked)
+# Don't prelink the binary, just copy it.  We can't skip this step
+# because people always expect a copy of the binary to appear
+# in the UNSTRIPPED directory.
+# If the binary we're copying is acp or a prerequisite,
+# use cp(1) instead.
+ifneq ($(LOCAL_ACP_UNAVAILABLE),true)
+$(prelink_output): $(prelink_input) | $(ACP)
+	@echo "target Non-prelinked: $(PRIVATE_MODULE) ($@)"
+	$(copy-file-to-target)
+$(prelink_output): $(prelink_input)
+	@echo "target Non-prelinked: $(PRIVATE_MODULE) ($@)"
+	$(copy-file-to-target-with-cp)
+## Strip
+strip_input := $(prelink_output)
+strip_output := $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE)
+ifeq ($(strip $(LOCAL_STRIP_MODULE)),)
+ifeq ($(LOCAL_STRIP_MODULE),true)
+# Strip the binary
+$(strip_output): $(strip_input) | $(SOSLIM)
+	$(transform-to-stripped)
+# Don't strip the binary, just copy it.  We can't skip this step
+# because a copy of the binary must appear at LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE.
+# If the binary we're copying is acp or a prerequisite,
+# use cp(1) instead.
+ifneq ($(LOCAL_ACP_UNAVAILABLE),true)
+$(strip_output): $(strip_input) | $(ACP)
+	@echo "target Unstripped: $(PRIVATE_MODULE) ($@)"
+	$(copy-file-to-target)
+$(strip_output): $(strip_input)
+	@echo "target Unstripped: $(PRIVATE_MODULE) ($@)"
+	$(copy-file-to-target-with-cp)
+$(cleantarget): PRIVATE_CLEAN_FILES := \
+			$(linked_module) \
+			$(compress_output) \
+			$(prelink_output)