Update to latest jacoco usage

Bug: 36792868

Change-Id: I419b543283b52be9a72f5c6b10e4cbea68782174
diff --git a/core/Makefile b/core/Makefile
index 566a0da..ce9f43b 100644
--- a/core/Makefile
+++ b/core/Makefile
@@ -2585,20 +2585,36 @@
 		zip -qjX $@ $$apps_to_zip; \
-# A zip of emma code coverage meta files. Generated for fully emma
-# instrumented build.
 ifeq (true,$(EMMA_INSTRUMENT))
-EMMA_META_ZIP := $(PRODUCT_OUT)/emma_meta.zip
-# the dependency will be set up later in build/core/main.mk.
+  #------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # An archive of classes for use in generating code-coverage reports
+  # These are the uninstrumented versions of any classes that were
+  # to be instrumented.
+  # Any dependencies are set up later in build/core/main.mk.
+  ifeq ($(ANDROID_COMPILE_WITH_JACK),false)
+    JACOCO_REPORT_CLASSES_ALL := $(PRODUCT_OUT)/jacoco-report-classes-all.jar
+	@echo "Collecting uninstrumented classes"
+	$(hide) find $(TARGET_COMMON_OUT_ROOT) $(HOST_COMMON_OUT_ROOT) -name "jacoco-report-classes.jar" | \
+		zip -@ -0 -q -X $@
+# Meaning of these options:
+# -@ scan stdin for file paths to add to the zip
+# -0 don't do any compression
+# -q supress most output
+# -X skip storing extended file attributes
+  else
+    EMMA_META_ZIP := $(PRODUCT_OUT)/emma_meta.zip
 	@echo "Collecting Emma coverage meta files."
 	$(hide) find $(TARGET_COMMON_OUT_ROOT) $(HOST_COMMON_OUT_ROOT) -name "coverage.em" | \
 		zip -@ -qX $@
 endif # EMMA_INSTRUMENT=true
 # A zip of Proguard obfuscation dictionary files.
 # Only for apps_only build.