RRO for framework-res.apk is not force built against SystemSDK

When BOARD_SYSTEMSDK_VERSIONS is set, any apk in the vendor partition
is force built against SystemSDK (or Android SDK if LOCAL_SDK_VERSION is
set to current). However, there should be one exception to this: RRO for
framework-res.apk. This is because the RRO is currently overriding
resources that are not part of SystemSDK. Until SystemSDK is expanded to
cover resources that are eligible for overriding, let's allow the direct
dependency from RRO to framework-res.apk.

Bug: 35859726
Bug: 76398918
Test: m -j
Merged-In: Ib9981b107d78691eef21f4525ebdac9866d5c50e
Change-Id: Ib9981b107d78691eef21f4525ebdac9866d5c50e
(cherry picked from commit d8c4c30ba4c3941c9ab9bc6498b498c4c630dbbe)
1 file changed
tree: 3c72431c1e5aa1faadce979aa9d3bf6108cdcaf0
  1. core/
  2. target/
  3. tests/
  4. tools/
  5. .gitignore
  6. Android.mk
  7. buildspec.mk.default
  8. Changes.md
  9. CleanSpec.mk
  10. envsetup.sh
  11. help.sh
  12. navbar.md
  13. OWNERS
  14. README.md
  15. tapasHelp.sh
  16. Usage.txt

Android Make Build System

This is the Makefile-based portion of the Android Build System.

For documentation on how to run a build, see Usage.txt

For a list of behavioral changes useful for Android.mk writers see Changes.md

For an outdated reference on Android.mk files, see build-system.html. Our Android.mk files look similar, but are entirely different from the Android.mk files used by the NDK build system. When searching for documentation elsewhere, ensure that it is for the platform build system -- most are not.

This Makefile-based system is in the process of being replaced with Soong, a new build system written in Go. During the transition, all of these makefiles are read by Kati, and generate a ninja file instead of being executed directly. That's combined with a ninja file read by Soong so that the build graph of the two systems can be combined and run as one.