remove remaining amend support

Remove the remaining (unused and untested) support for generating
amend scripts.  This means that you won't be able to OTA directly from
cupcake to gingerbread.

Change-Id: Iaf5295db92a42b336960d05295f48b67cb729337
diff --git a/core/Makefile b/core/Makefile
index 02e72b8..3e7526c 100644
--- a/core/Makefile
+++ b/core/Makefile
@@ -1031,17 +1031,9 @@
-# default to "auto"
-$(INTERNAL_OTA_PACKAGE_TARGET): scriptmode := auto
 	@echo "Package OTA: $@"
 	$(hide) ./build/tools/releasetools/ota_from_target_files -v \
-	   -m $(scriptmode) \
 	   -p $(HOST_OUT) \
            -k $(KEY_CERT_PAIR) \
diff --git a/tools/releasetools/ b/tools/releasetools/
deleted file mode 100644
index b543bf7..0000000
--- a/tools/releasetools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import os
-import common
-class AmendGenerator(object):
-  """Class to generate scripts in the 'amend' recovery script language
-  used up through cupcake."""
-  def __init__(self):
-    self.script = ['assert compatible_with("0.2") == "true"']
-    self.included_files = set()
-  def MakeTemporary(self):
-    """Make a temporary script object whose commands can latter be
-    appended to the parent script with AppendScript().  Used when the
-    caller wants to generate script commands out-of-order."""
-    x = AmendGenerator()
-    x.script = []
-    x.included_files = self.included_files
-    return x
-  @staticmethod
-  def _FileRoot(fn):
-    """Convert a file path to the 'root' notation used by amend."""
-    if fn.startswith("/system/"):
-      return "SYSTEM:" + fn[8:]
-    elif fn == "/system":
-      return "SYSTEM:"
-    elif fn.startswith("/tmp/"):
-      return "CACHE:.." + fn
-    else:
-      raise ValueError("don't know root for \"%s\"" % (fn,))
-  @staticmethod
-  def _PartitionRoot(partition):
-    """Convert a partition name to the 'root' notation used by amend."""
-    if partition == "userdata":
-      return "DATA:"
-    else:
-      return partition.upper() + ":"
-  def AppendScript(self, other):
-    """Append the contents of another script (which should be created
-    with temporary=True) to this one."""
-    self.script.extend(other.script)
-    self.included_files.update(other.included_files)
-  def AssertSomeFingerprint(self, *fp):
-    """Assert that the current fingerprint is one of *fp."""
-    x = [('file_contains("SYSTEM:build.prop", '
-          '"") == "true"') % i for i in fp]
-    self.script.append("assert %s" % (" || ".join(x),))
-  def AssertOlderBuild(self, timestamp):
-    """Assert that the build on the device is older (or the same as)
-    the given timestamp."""
-    self.script.append("run_program PACKAGE:check_prereq %s" % (timestamp,))
-    self.included_files.add("check_prereq")
-  def AssertDevice(self, device):
-    """Assert that the device identifier is the given string."""
-    self.script.append('assert getprop("ro.product.device") == "%s" || '
-                       'getprop("") == "%s"' % (device, device))
-  def AssertSomeBootloader(self, *bootloaders):
-    """Asert that the bootloader version is one of *bootloaders."""
-    self.script.append("assert " +
-                  " || ".join(['getprop("ro.bootloader") == "%s"' % (b,)
-                               for b in bootloaders]))
-  def ShowProgress(self, frac, dur):
-    """Update the progress bar, advancing it over 'frac' over the next
-    'dur' seconds."""
-    self.script.append("show_progress %f %d" % (frac, int(dur)))
-  def SetProgress(self, frac):
-    """Not implemented in amend."""
-    pass
-  def PatchCheck(self, filename, *sha1):
-    """Check that the given file (or MTD reference) has one of the
-    given *sha1 hashes."""
-    out = ["run_program PACKAGE:applypatch -c %s" % (filename,)]
-    for i in sha1:
-      out.append(" " + i)
-    self.script.append("".join(out))
-    self.included_files.add(("applypatch_static", "applypatch"))
-  # Not quite right since we don't need to check /cache/saved.file on
-  # failure, but shouldn't hurt.
-  FileCheck = PatchCheck
-  def CacheFreeSpaceCheck(self, amount):
-    """Check that there's at least 'amount' space that can be made
-    available on /cache."""
-    self.script.append("run_program PACKAGE:applypatch -s %d" % (amount,))
-    self.included_files.add(("applypatch_static", "applypatch"))
-  def Mount(self, kind, what, path):
-    # no-op; amend uses it's 'roots' system to automatically mount
-    # things when they're referred to
-    pass
-  def UnpackPackageDir(self, src, dst):
-    """Unpack a given directory from the OTA package into the given
-    destination directory."""
-    dst = self._FileRoot(dst)
-    self.script.append("copy_dir PACKAGE:%s %s" % (src, dst))
-  def Comment(self, comment):
-    """Write a comment into the update script."""
-    self.script.append("")
-    for i in comment.split("\n"):
-      self.script.append("# " + i)
-    self.script.append("")
-  def Print(self, message):
-    """Log a message to the screen (if the logs are visible)."""
-    # no way to do this from amend; substitute a script comment instead
-    self.Comment(message)
-  def FormatPartition(self, partition):
-    """Format the given MTD partition."""
-    self.script.append("format %s" % (self._PartitionRoot(partition),))
-  def DeleteFiles(self, file_list):
-    """Delete all files in file_list."""
-    line = []
-    t = 0
-    for i in file_list:
-      i = self._FileRoot(i)
-      line.append(i)
-      t += len(i) + 1
-      if t > 80:
-        self.script.append("delete " + " ".join(line))
-        line = []
-        t = 0
-    if line:
-      self.script.append("delete " + " ".join(line))
-  def ApplyPatch(self, srcfile, tgtfile, tgtsize, tgtsha1, *patchpairs):
-    """Apply binary patches (in *patchpairs) to the given srcfile to
-    produce tgtfile (which may be "-" to indicate overwriting the
-    source file."""
-    if len(patchpairs) % 2 != 0:
-      raise ValueError("bad patches given to ApplyPatch")
-    self.script.append(
-        ("run_program PACKAGE:applypatch %s %s %s %d " %
-         (srcfile, tgtfile, tgtsha1, tgtsize)) +
-        " ".join(["%s:%s" % patchpairs[i:i+2]
-                  for i in range(0, len(patchpairs), 2)]))
-    self.included_files.add(("applypatch_static", "applypatch"))
-  def WriteFirmwareImage(self, kind, fn):
-    """Arrange to update the given firmware image (kind must be
-    "hboot" or "radio") when recovery finishes."""
-    self.script.append("write_%s_image PACKAGE:%s" % (kind, fn))
-  def WriteRawImage(self, partition, fn):
-    """Write the given file into the given MTD partition."""
-    self.script.append("write_raw_image PACKAGE:%s %s" %
-                       (fn, self._PartitionRoot(partition)))
-  def SetPermissions(self, fn, uid, gid, mode):
-    """Set file ownership and permissions."""
-    fn = self._FileRoot(fn)
-    self.script.append("set_perm %d %d 0%o %s" % (uid, gid, mode, fn))
-  def SetPermissionsRecursive(self, fn, uid, gid, dmode, fmode):
-    """Recursively set path ownership and permissions."""
-    fn = self._FileRoot(fn)
-    self.script.append("set_perm_recursive %d %d 0%o 0%o %s" %
-                       (uid, gid, dmode, fmode, fn))
-  def MakeSymlinks(self, symlink_list):
-    """Create symlinks, given a list of (dest, link) pairs."""
-    self.DeleteFiles([i[1] for i in symlink_list])
-    self.script.extend(["symlink %s %s" % (i[0], self._FileRoot(i[1]))
-                        for i in sorted(symlink_list)])
-  def AppendExtra(self, extra):
-    """Append text verbatim to the output script."""
-    self.script.append(extra)
-  def UnmountAll(self):
-    pass
-  def AddToZip(self, input_zip, output_zip, input_path=None):
-    """Write the accumulated script to the output_zip file.  input_zip
-    is used as the source for any ancillary binaries needed by the
-    script.  If input_path is not None, it will be used as a local
-    path for binaries instead of input_zip."""
-    common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, "META-INF/com/google/android/update-script",
-                       "\n".join(self.script) + "\n")
-    for i in self.included_files:
-      if isinstance(i, tuple):
-        sourcefn, targetfn = i
-      else:
-        sourcefn = i
-        targetfn = i
-      try:
-        if input_path is None:
-          data ="OTA/bin", sourcefn))
-        else:
-          data = open(os.path.join(input_path, sourcefn)).read()
-        common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, targetfn, data, perms=0755)
-      except (IOError, KeyError), e:
-        raise ExternalError("unable to include binary %s: %s" % (i, e))
diff --git a/tools/releasetools/ b/tools/releasetools/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ae8d50..0000000
--- a/tools/releasetools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import edify_generator
-import amend_generator
-class BothGenerator(object):
-  def __init__(self, version):
-    self.version = version
-    self.edify = edify_generator.EdifyGenerator(version)
-    self.amend = amend_generator.AmendGenerator()
-  def MakeTemporary(self):
-    x = BothGenerator(self.version)
-    x.edify = self.edify.MakeTemporary()
-    x.amend = self.amend.MakeTemporary()
-    return x
-  def AppendScript(self, other):
-    self.edify.AppendScript(other.edify)
-    self.amend.AppendScript(other.amend)
-  def _DoBoth(self, name, *args):
-    getattr(self.edify, name)(*args)
-    getattr(self.amend, name)(*args)
-  def AssertSomeFingerprint(self, *a): self._DoBoth("AssertSomeFingerprint", *a)
-  def AssertOlderBuild(self, *a): self._DoBoth("AssertOlderBuild", *a)
-  def AssertDevice(self, *a): self._DoBoth("AssertDevice", *a)
-  def AssertSomeBootloader(self, *a): self._DoBoth("AssertSomeBootloader", *a)
-  def ShowProgress(self, *a): self._DoBoth("ShowProgress", *a)
-  def PatchCheck(self, *a): self._DoBoth("PatchCheck", *a)
-  def FileCheck(self, filename, *sha1): self._DoBoth("FileCheck", *a)
-  def CacheFreeSpaceCheck(self, *a): self._DoBoth("CacheFreeSpaceCheck", *a)
-  def Mount(self, *a): self._DoBoth("Mount", *a)
-  def UnpackPackageDir(self, *a): self._DoBoth("UnpackPackageDir", *a)
-  def Comment(self, *a): self._DoBoth("Comment", *a)
-  def Print(self, *a): self._DoBoth("Print", *a)
-  def FormatPartition(self, *a): self._DoBoth("FormatPartition", *a)
-  def DeleteFiles(self, *a): self._DoBoth("DeleteFiles", *a)
-  def ApplyPatch(self, *a): self._DoBoth("ApplyPatch", *a)
-  def WriteFirmwareImage(self, *a): self._DoBoth("WriteFirmwareImage", *a)
-  def WriteRawImage(self, *a): self._DoBoth("WriteRawImage", *a)
-  def SetPermissions(self, *a): self._DoBoth("SetPermissions", *a)
-  def SetPermissionsRecursive(self, *a): self._DoBoth("SetPermissionsRecursive", *a)
-  def MakeSymlinks(self, *a): self._DoBoth("MakeSymlinks", *a)
-  def AppendExtra(self, *a): self._DoBoth("AppendExtra", *a)
-  def UnmountAll(self, *a): self._DoBoth("UnmountAll", *a)
-  def AddToZip(self, input_zip, output_zip, input_path=None):
-    self._DoBoth("AddToZip", input_zip, output_zip, input_path)
diff --git a/tools/releasetools/ota_from_target_files b/tools/releasetools/ota_from_target_files
index 932d5b0..29911bb 100755
--- a/tools/releasetools/ota_from_target_files
+++ b/tools/releasetools/ota_from_target_files
@@ -44,10 +44,6 @@
   -e  (--extra_script)  <file>
       Insert the contents of file at the end of the update script.
-  -m  (--script_mode)  <mode>
-      Specify 'amend' or 'edify' scripts, or 'auto' to pick
-      automatically (this is the default).
 import sys
@@ -68,9 +64,7 @@
 import zipfile
 import common
-import amend_generator
 import edify_generator
-import both_generator
 OPTIONS.package_key = "build/target/product/security/testkey"
@@ -81,7 +75,6 @@
 OPTIONS.wipe_user_data = False
 OPTIONS.omit_prereq = False
 OPTIONS.extra_script = None
-OPTIONS.script_mode = 'auto'
 OPTIONS.worker_threads = 3
 def MostPopularKey(d, default):
@@ -343,15 +336,10 @@
 def WriteFullOTAPackage(input_zip, output_zip):
-  if OPTIONS.script_mode == "auto":
-    script = both_generator.BothGenerator(2)
-  elif OPTIONS.script_mode == "amend":
-    script = amend_generator.AmendGenerator()
-  else:
-    # TODO: how to determine this?  We don't know what version it will
-    # be installed on top of.  For now, we expect the API just won't
-    # change very often.
-    script = edify_generator.EdifyGenerator(2)
+  # TODO: how to determine this?  We don't know what version it will
+  # be installed on top of.  For now, we expect the API just won't
+  # change very often.
+  script = edify_generator.EdifyGenerator(3)
   metadata = {"post-build": GetBuildProp("", input_zip),
               "pre-device": GetBuildProp("ro.product.device", input_zip),
@@ -587,20 +575,10 @@
   source_version = GetRecoveryAPIVersion(source_zip)
   target_version = GetRecoveryAPIVersion(target_zip)
-  if OPTIONS.script_mode == 'amend':
-    script = amend_generator.AmendGenerator()
-  elif OPTIONS.script_mode == 'edify':
-    if source_version == 0:
-      print ("WARNING: generating edify script for a source that "
-             "can't install it.")
-    script = edify_generator.EdifyGenerator(source_version)
-  elif OPTIONS.script_mode == 'auto':
-    if source_version > 0:
-      script = edify_generator.EdifyGenerator(source_version)
-    else:
-      script = amend_generator.AmendGenerator()
-  else:
-    raise ValueError('unknown script mode "%s"' % (OPTIONS.script_mode,))
+  if source_version == 0:
+    print ("WARNING: generating edify script for a source that "
+           "can't install it.")
+  script = edify_generator.EdifyGenerator(source_version)
   metadata = {"pre-device": GetBuildProp("ro.product.device", source_zip),
               "post-timestamp": GetBuildProp("", target_zip),
@@ -856,8 +834,6 @@
       OPTIONS.omit_prereq = True
     elif o in ("-e", "--extra_script"):
       OPTIONS.extra_script = a
-    elif o in ("-m", "--script_mode"):
-      OPTIONS.script_mode = a
     elif o in ("--worker_threads"):
       OPTIONS.worker_threads = int(a)
@@ -865,14 +841,13 @@
     return True
   args = common.ParseOptions(argv, __doc__,
-                             extra_opts="b:k:i:d:wne:m:",
+                             extra_opts="b:k:i:d:wne:",
-                                              "script_mode=",
@@ -880,9 +855,6 @@
-  if OPTIONS.script_mode not in ("amend", "edify", "auto"):
-    raise ValueError('unknown script mode "%s"' % (OPTIONS.script_mode,))
   if OPTIONS.extra_script is not None:
     OPTIONS.extra_script = open(OPTIONS.extra_script).read()