Optimize parseNinjaString

The closures in parseNinjaString seem to confuse go's escape
analysis, causing it to allocate a new stateFunc object on the
heap for every character in the string.  Convert the state
functions to normal functions, and pass a pointer to a state
object to provide access to the variables that were in the

The range iteration on the input string was iterating over
UTF-8 runes, when all of the rune comparisons for state
changes only look at ASCII bytes.  Switch to iterating
over bytes, stringState will pass through multi-byte
characters in strings untouched.

Together this reduces the time spent in parseNinjaString by
>50%, and the overall execution time by >20%.

Change-Id: I4c926b52b883d51e2f12a1673d03fcc2cfe83445
1 file changed
tree: 9fbe72de7fd071a0a12b8d6487f89c48c9c58e6e
  1. blueprint/
  2. Blueprints
  3. bootstrap.bash
  4. build.ninja.in