Fix CTS transition tests for Android Wear devices.

This fixes multiple broken tests:

1) ActivityTransitionTest#earlyExitStop
   - This was breaking because the Wear default activity theme includes
     windowSwipeToDismiss = true, which forces windowIsTranslucent to
     true, which means by default Activities pause, but don't stop when
     pushed down the stack, which means a long-running exit transition
     won't stop when its window is obscured. By forcing swipeToDismiss
     to false we can avoid this behavior.

2) ActivityTransitionTest#testAnimationQuery
   - Breaking because Wear devices are slow, and this test was
     vulnerable to having its initial activity window never show because
     we don't force a layout step at the beginning of the test,
     therefore no transition is run. Calling enterScene() initially
     (like the other tests in this suite) forces layout, so that we
     can be certain the exit transition will trigger.

3) ActivityTransitionTest#viewsStripped
   - Wear devices can have round screens - because this test places
     the "on screen" red square view at the top right corner, it's
     outside the clipping mask and gets removed from the transition.
     Tweaking the layout so that the "on screen" view is in the center
     (and thus guaranteed to be on screen) while the other views
     are placed offscreen relative to a dummy view (the black square)
     means things behave as expected.

4) TransitionTest#testDuration
   - This test is super flaky on Wear, again because our devices
     are slow. The start time for the expected duration is measured
     after the transition has been started. On faster devices this
     has no measurable effect - on Wear, there's enough of a lag
     between transition start and start time measurement that we
     actually undermeasure the animation duration. Switching the
     order of these lines seems to deflake the test.

Bug: 37645979
Fixes: 37645979
Test: CtsTransitionTestCases, swordfish|OWR1.170821 & marlin|OPR1.170623
Change-Id: I028a9656ea9c0b7800bb27ca85aef602d674b325
6 files changed