Add <option name="config-descriptor:metadata" key="parameter" value="all_foldable_states" />
to the CtsGraphicsTestCases

BUG: 197813196
Test: cts-tradefed run singleCommand cts -m CtsGraphicsTestCases

=============== Summary ===============
Total Run time: 28m 53s
3/3 modules completed
Total Tests       : 11140
PASSED            : 11131
FAILED            : 3
IGNORED           : 6
============== End of Results ==============

NOTE: The test fails with and without this flag, It's the failure to find the font

I don't have these fonts probably on my device and causes the failure.
these failures don't have anything to do with these changes.

Change-Id: I07a6d32d82d320574ffe5f28cc33008f88d280c5
1 file changed